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Full text of "The first assembly of the World Council of churches, held at Amsterdam, August 22nd to September 4th, 1948, The Amsterdam Assembly series vol. 5"

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The Amsterdam Assembly Series 

(i) The Doctrine of the Church. (ii) Shame and Glory. (iii) Signs 
of His Appearing. (iv) The Ecumenical Movement. 

By G. AuLEN, Karu Bartu, C. T. Craic, P. DEVANANDAN, A. 
FyjeELLBu, G. FLorovsky, J. GreGG, RicHARD Nirspunr, E. 

Tue Cuurcn’s WITNESS To Gop’s DESIGN 
(i) The Church’s Commission. (ii) Our un-Christian World. 
(iii) Some Axioms of the Modern Man. (iv) ‘The Relevance of 
the Gospel. (v) The Gospel at Work. (vi) The Approach to 
Other Faiths. 

By Frank BENNETT, Emit BRuNNER, W. M. Horton, H. 
KRAEMER, PIERRE Maury, S. C. NEILL, L. NEwsicin, W. PAuck, 

(i) God’s Design and the Present Disorder. (ii) Technics and 
Civilization. (iii) The Situation in Europe, Asia and U.S.A. 
(iv) Personal Relations in a Technical Society. (v) The Involve- 
ment of the Church. (vi) New Beginnings in the relations of 
the Church with Society. (vii) A Responsible Society. (viii) The 
Strategy of the Church. 

J. EtLuL, ReinnoLp Niresunr, J. H. OrpHam, C. L. PAtijn, 
M. M. ‘THomas, E. C. URwIN. 

(i) The Churches’ Approach to International Affairs. (ii) The 
Disorder of International Society. (iii) Christian Responsibility 

_ in our Divided World. (iv) Freedom of Religion and Related 

Human Rights. (v) Christian Responsibility in a World of 

By R. P. Barnes, E. BRUNNER, JOHN FosTER DuLLEs, K. G. 
Gruss, J. L. Hromapxa, O. F. Nope, F. M. vAN ASBECK. 





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World Council of Churches 

17, route de Malagnou, 2 CIN he ¥ A 

First published March 1949 

Distributed in Canada by our exclusive agents 
The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited 
70 Bond Street, Toronto 

Printed in Great Britain by 
Northumberland Press Limited 
Gateshead on Tyne 



1 The Opening Plenary Sessions 
2 Worship at the Assembly 
3 The Concluding Plenary Sessions 

* Report of Section I: ‘‘ The Universal Church in God's 
Design ” 
Discussion on the Report of Section I 
» Report of Section II: “The Church’s Witness to God’s 
Design ” 
Discussion on the Report of Section II 
- Report of Section III: “The Church and the Disorder 
of Society ” 
Discussion on the Report of Section III 
Report of Section IV: “The Church and the Inter- 
national Disorder ” 
Discussion on the Report of Section IV 

Report of Committee I on Constitution and Rules and 
Discussion on the Report of Committee I 
» Report of Committee II-on Policy 
Discussion on the Report of Committee II 
+ Report of Committee III on Programme and 
Discussion on the Report of Committee III 
* Report of Committee IV: Concerns of the Churches 
1 The Life and Work of Women in the Church 
Discussion on the Report on the Life and Work of 
Women in the Church 
2 The Significance of the Laity in the Church 
Discussion on the Report on the Significance of the 
Laity in the Church 
3 Ihe Christian Approach to the Jews 
Discussion on the Report on the Christian Approach 
to the Jews 
4 Christian Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid. 
Discussion on the Report on Christian Reconstruction 
and Inter-Church Aid 


1 Special Events 17s 
2 Public Meetings 078 
1 Statement of the Youth Delegation 183 
2 Sectional Reports of the Youth Delegation | 4 388 




(a) Presidency 216 

(b) Central Committee 217 





(a2) Delegates 236 
(b) Alternates 247 
(c) Consultants 255 
(d) Fraternal Delegates 259 
(e) Observers 260 
(f) Accredited Visitors 260 
(g) Youth Delegates | 265 
(h) Summary of Statistics 267 

Index | 269 


the closing day of the Assembly that the total number of 

words spoken at the Assembly must be something like the 
numbers which indicate the distance between the earth and the 
farthest stars. It is clearly undesirable that a report which is 
meant to be read by many inside and outside the churches 
should attempt to reproduce all that wealth of speech. The 
Business Committee of the Assembly had therefore the difficult 
task of choosing what should be included and what should be 
excluded. It decided after reflection that the permanent record 
should contain the official documents of the Assembly together 
with a general description of its work and life. 

Consequently the addresses given in the plenary and public 
meetings have been recorded only in a summarised form. Again 
no account could be given of the very important discussions in 
the Sections and Committees, which represented within the 
Assembly the workshop, sometimes the battleground, more often 

TT Archbishop of Canterbury remarked in his address on 

_ the place of discovery and of méeting of minds. 

But while the Report does not pretend to portray the life of 
the Assembly in all its fulness, it seeks to convey as much as 

possible of its substance and spirit. A number of delegates from 

different countries have collaborated in the preparation of it so 
that the reader will see the Assembly in an ecumenical. perspec- 
tive. Special thanks are due to the Rev. Robert S. Bilheimer for 
collecting the material and preparing the first draft of the 
Report, to Professor Walter Horton, Dr. S$. McCrea Cavert, 
Mr. W. R. Hogg, Bishop Stephen Neill, Dr. D. T. Niles and 
Mr. Chandran Devanesan for writing parts of the story, and to 
the colleagues in the Geneva office who have worked on the 
technical problems involved. It is due to this fine co-operation 
that the manuscript has been finished within three weeks of 
the closing of the Assembly. 

For historical purposes it may be useful to report that nearly 
all the plenary meetings have been registered on a tape-recorder, 

so that the Geneva office of the World Council possesses a 

verbatim record of these sessions. : 
The first Assembly of the World Council of Churches has now 
become part of the history of the Church. The planting has 


been done. The time of watering the frail plant is before us. 
We must now count more than ever on God Who alone can give 

the increase. 

GENEVA, September 1948. 


sends this message of greeting to all who are in Christ, and 
to all who are willing to hear. 

We bless God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, Who 
gathers together in one the children of God that are scattered 
abroad. He has brought us here together at Amsterdam. We 
are one in acknowledging Him as our God and Saviour. We 
are divided from one another not only in matters of faith, order 
and tradition, but also by pride of nation, class and race. But 
Christ has made us His own, and He is not divided. In seeking 
Him we find one another. Here at Amsterdam we have com- 
mitted ourselves afresh to Him, and have covenanted with one 
another in constituting this World Council of Churches. We 
intend to stay together. We call upon Christian congregations 
everywhere to endorse and fulfil this covenant in their relations 
one with another. In thankfulness to God we commit the future 
to Him. 

When we look to Christ, we see the world as it is—His world, 
to which He came and for which He died. It is filled both with 
great hopes and also with disillusionment and despair. Some 
nations are rejoicing in new freedom and power, some are bitter 
because freedom is denied them, some are paralysed by division, 
and everywhere there is an undertone of fear. ‘here are millions 
who are hungry, millions who have no home, no country and 
no hope. Over all mankind hangs the peril of total war. We 
have to accept God’s judgment upon us for our share in the 
world’s guilt. Often we have tried to serve God and mammon, 
put other loyalties before loyalty to Christ, confused the Gospel 
with our own economic or national or racial interests, and feared 
war more than we have hated it. As we have talked with each 
other here, we have begun to understand how our separation has 
prevented us from receiving correction from one another in 
Christ. And because we lacked this correction, the world has 
often heard from us not the Word of God but the words of men. 

T= World Council of Churches, meeting at Amsterdam, 


But there is a word of God for our world. It is that the world 
is in the hands of the living God, Whose will for it is wholly 
good; that in Christ Jesus, His incarnate Word, Who lived and 
died and rose from the dead, God has broken the power of evil 
once for all, and opened for everyone the gate into freedom and 
joy in the Holy Spirit; that the final judgment on all human 
history and on every human deed is the judgment of the merci- 

ful Christ; and that the end of history will be the triumph of 
His Kingdom, where alone we shall understand how much God 
has loved the world. ‘This is God’s unchanging word to the 
world. Millions of our fellow-men have never heard it. As we 
are met here from many lands, we pray God to stir up His whole 
Church to make this Gospel known to the whole world, and to 
call on all men to believe in Christ, to live in His love and to 
hope for His coming. 

Our coming together to form a World Council will be vain 
unless Christians and Christian congregations everywhere com- 
mit themselves to the Lord of the Church in a new effort to 
seek together, where they live, to be His witnesses and servants 
among their neighbours. We have to remind ourselves and all 
men that God has put down the mighty from their seats and 
exalted the humble and meek. We have to learn afresh together 
to speak boldly in Christ’s name both to those in power and to | 
the people, to oppose terror, cruelty and race discrimination, to 
stand by the outcast, the prisoner and the refugee. We have 
to make of the Church in every place a voice for those who have 
no voice, and a home where every man will be at home. We 
have to learn afresh together what is the duty of the Christian 
man or woman in industry, in agriculture, in politics, in the 
professions and in the home. We have to ask God to teach us 
together to say ‘‘ No” and to say “ Yes” in truth. “No”, to all 
that flouts the love of Christ, to every system, every programme 
and every person that treats any man as though he were an 
irresponsible thing or a means of profit, to the defenders of 
injustice in the name of order, to those who sow the seeds of war 
or urge war as inevitable; “ Yes’’, to all that conforms to the 
love of Christ, to all who seek for justice, to the peacemakers, to 
all who hope, fight and suffer for the cause of man, to all who 
—even without knowing it—look for new heavens and a new 
earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. 

It is not in man’s power to banish sin and death from the 


earth, to create the unity of the Holy Catholic Church, to 
conquer the hosts of Satan. But it is within the power of God. 
He has given us at Easter the certainty that His purpose will 
be accomplished. But, by our acts of obedience and faith, we | 
can on earth set up signs which point to the coming victory. 

‘Till the day of that victory our lives are hid with Christ in God, 

and no earthly disillusion or distress or power of hell can separate 
us from Him. As those who wait in confidence and joy for their 
deliverance, let us give ourselves to those tasks which lie to our 
hands, and so set up signs that men may see. 

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above 
all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in | 
us, unto Him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout 
all ages, world without end. 



in Amsterdam, August 22nd-September 4th, was the 

climax of a long development. The historical influences 
which have brought it into being have been many, some of them 
reaching back for more than a century. . But the “ecumenical — 
movement” as we know it to-day is the fruition of the prayers 
and efforts of a single generation. More particularly, the World 
Council of Churches is the confluence of three streams which 
have poured their contributions into a central channel. These 
three are (1) the missionary movement, which has made the 
Church a world-wide community; (2) the “ Life and Work” 
movement, which has brought the churches together in their 
attempts to make Christianity more effective in its relation to 
society; and (3) the “‘ Faith and Order” movement, which has 
explored the differences in basic Christian conviction that must 
be reconciled if the unity of the Church as one visible Body of 
Christ is to be attained. 

If a single date were to be selected as the beginning of the 
organisational ancestry of the World Council of Churches it 
would doubtless be 1910. This was the year of the great mis- 
sionary conference in Edinburgh, which during the next decade 
led to the formation of a network of interdenominational 
councils in more than a score of countries. In these councils, 
soon to be knit together in the International Missionary Council, 
the Younger Churches and the missionary bodies of the Older 
Churches joined for consultation and cooperation in their 
common tasks. In two aspects, therefore, the ecumenical move- 
ment owes a basic debt to Christian missions; first, because it 
is the missionary outreach which has brought about a day in 
which the Church is world-wide; second, because the Inter- 
national Missionary Council was the first organisational embodi- 
ment of the ecumenical spirit in the Churches themselves. The 
meetings in Jerusalem in 1928 and in Madras in 1938 marked the 
successive stages after Edinburgh in this first line of development. 

Te First Assembly of the World Council of Churches held 


The second great tributary that flowed into the World 
Council, the “ Life and Work” movement, came to its most 
vivid organisational expression at the Stockholm Conference in 
1925. Here for the first time the new sense of responsibility 
in the churches for making Jesus Christ the Lord not only of 
the individual’s heart, but of every realm of social, economic and 
political life, came to a clear focus on an international scale. 
There had already been important united efforts along this line 
in some countries (notably in the Federal Council of the 
Churches of Christ in America, and in the C.O.P.E.C. Confer- 
ence in Britain (i.e. Conference on Politics, Economics and 
Citizenship), but Stockholm signalised the rise of a world-wide 
concern for a more united and therefore stronger impact of the 
churches on human life in its every-day affairs. “The Oxford 
Conference of 1937 on “ Church, Community and State”, which 
focussed attention on Christian strategy in relation to economics, 
international order and education, marked the next significant 
stage in this development. 

The third tributary of the World Council had its origin in 
1910, immediately following the Edinburgh Conference, when, 
on the initiative of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the 
United States, a plan for holding a World Conference on Faith 
-and Order was launched. After an interim of seventeen years, 
the Conference met in Lausanne. For the first time official 
representatives of most of the separated bodies of Christendom 
studied together the areas of agreement and of difference, in the 
hope that some day, under the leading of the Spirit, the ground 
of full unity might be found. ‘The second conference on “ Faith 
and Order” was held in Edinburgh in 1937. 

For some time prior to the Oxford and the Edinburgh con- 
ferences the conviction had been growing that “ Life and Work” 
and “Faith and Order’ had too much in common to justify 
their remaining apart. Both were manifestations of the same 
deep desire for a greater unity within the family of Christ. In 
“Life and Work” it was proving increasingly necessary to deal 
with theological issues that had at first been regarded as the 
province of “Faith and Order”. In “ Faith and Order”’ there 
was a heightened feeling that the ultimate problems of unity 
could not be solved unless the churches began to work together 
effectively in those areas in which a substantial measure of 
agreement is already found. Representatives of the two move- 


ments therefore met at Westfield College, London, on the eve 
of the Oxford and the Edinburgh conferences to consider how 
they could reinforce each other. From this conference came 
the proposal for combining the interests of the two movements 
in a new body, which should be directly representative of the 
churches. ‘The name proposed at Westfield for the inclusive 
organisation was “The World Council of Churches ”’ 

The Oxford and the Edinburgh conferences both approved 
the plan and joined in creating a “Committee of Fourteen ’”’— 
seven representing “‘ Life and Work” and seven representing 
“Faith and Order ’”—who.were authorised to convene the first 
meeting of the Council. In order to secure adequate consulta- 
tion with the churches on basic matters of policy and structure, 
a conference was held in Utrecht in 1938, at which a provisional 
constitution was drafted for submission to the churches. ‘The 
Utrecht Conference also created a “ Provisional Committee”’ 
(made up of the members of the Committee of Fourteen and 
their alternates, plus a few others) to whom was entrusted the 
responsibility of carrying on the work of “The World Council 
of Churches—in Process of Formation ”’. 

At Utrecht it was hoped that the first Assembly might be 
held in 1940 or 1941. The war which broke out in 1939 rendered 
such an outcome impossible. ‘Ten years after the Utrecht Con- 
ference the first Assembly met in the neighbouring city of 

The war years were a period of crucial testing. At first it 
appeared almost hopeless for the Council in its embryonic form 
to maintain contacts with and between the churches, but con- 
tacts were kept alive between the leaders, even on opposite sides 
of the battle line. A spiritual ministry to prisoners of war in | 
both camps was carried on which helped to make the Church 
more real to millions of men cut off from all ties with home. 
The older lines of service, such as the study programme of “ Life 
and Work” and the Ecumenical Press Service, were continued, 
i reduced in extent by the vicissitudes of war. 

“The three post-war years witnessed a remarkable expansion of 
service, notably in the Department of Reconstruction and Inter- 
Church Aid, which was initiated before the war was over. The 
work for refugees assumed substantial proportions.- The 
Ecumenical ‘Training Centre at Bossey, near Geneva, was 
opened. ‘The World Conference of Christian Youth was held 


in Oslo in the summer of 1947. The Commission of the 
Churches on International Affairs, created by joint action with 
the International Missionary Council, began its work. ‘The 
Study Department carried out the extensive preparatory studies 
for the first Assembly.* 

When, after ten years of ‘‘ provisional” life, the World Council 
came into official existence at Amsterdam under a constitutional 
framework, it had already exhibited a vitality that afforded high 
hopes for its future as the instrument of the churches for common 

1 See the report The Ten Formative Years, issued by the Provisional Committee 
in preparation for the Assembly. 

LL sciegs 


four conferences, each closely related but distinct. Of 
these, the first was the Assembly proper, composed of the 
_ Official delegates appointed by the churches and the duly 
appointed consultants. ‘The second was the parallel conference 
for alternates. ‘The third was the conference of the youth delega- 
tion. The fourth was the conference for accredited visitors, a 
large part of which was open to the public. It was around the 
Assembly proper that the other three conferences revolved, and 
with which they were all integrated. Worship was common 
to all. 

| Te total plan for the two weeks in Amsterdam called for 


Worship at the Assembly fell into two main types: worship 
arranged as part of the Assembly itself; worship arranged by the 
authorities of the churches represented at the conference. 

In the first category came the Opening and Closing Services, 
the service of preparation for the Holy Communion, and the 
daily worship at the beginning and the end of each day’s work. 
The daily services of worship in the morning—except on August 
goth, 31st and September 1st—were in the Koepelkerk, and pro- 
vided a representative range of liturgical expressions. It had 
been emphasised that they were periods for worship rather than 
for speaking, and in each case the interpretative talk by the 
leader was short, Bible reading and prayer forming the main 
substance of the service. 

In the evening there was a brief closing act of worship, con- 
ducted usually according to a suggested form printed in the 
Assembly Handbook. ‘These evening prayers took place in the 
plenary meetings or in the committee meetings, wherever the 
delegates happened to be. 

The services arranged by the churches themselves were prin- 
cipally the services of Holy Communion, developed according to 
the following principles: 


1. The Assembly as such did not hold services of Holy Com- 
munion, since it was a gathering of Christians representing 
diverse traditions and disciplines. 

2. The Committee on Arrangements for the Assembly, how- 
ever, provided facilities for services of Holy Communion on 
these two principles: 

— @) 


that each member of the Assembly should have the 
opportunity to participate as a communicant in a service 
of Holy Communion; 

that each member of the Assembly should have the 
Opportunity to attend, in the fellowship of prayer, the 
Eucharistic worship of other traditions even though, 
whether by reason of his own conscience or by reason of 
the tradition of the Church of which he was a member or 
which held the service, he could not participate as a com- 

3. In accordance with these principles Holy Communion 
services were arranged by the representatives at the Assembly 
of the following church traditions: 




Netherlands Reformed Church—a service of Celebration 
of the Lord’s Supper was held in the Nieuwe Kerk on 
Sunday, August g9th. ‘The authorities of the New 
Church announced that all members of the Assembly 
who were baptised communicant members of their own 
churches were invited to partake as communicants, and 
that ministers of other communions would assist in the 
celebration. | 

A service of Holy Communion according to the rite of 
the Church of England was held in the Lutheran Church 
on Monday, August goth. Only members of Anglican 
Churches, or of churches on terms of mutual admission 
to communion with them, received Communion at this 
service. [he presence of other members of the Con- 
ference was warmly welcomed. 

The Holy Liturgy of the Eastern Orthodox Church was 
celebrated in the Lutheran Church on Tuesday, August 
gist. Although only those who were members of the 
Holy Orthodox Churches received the Sacrament, mem- 
bers of all other Christian communions were cordially 



invited to be present and to participate in the fellow- 
ship of prayer. 

(iv) A service of Holy Communion according to the Lutheran 
rite was held in the Lutheran Church on Wednesday 
morning, September ist. All Christians who were bap- 
tised and communicant members of churches and who 
wished to receive the Body and Blood of our rare Jesus 
Christ at this service were welcome. 


The Assembly was composed of five main elements: 

(a) Worship, as described above. 

(b) Plenary Sessions.’ ‘The Assembly met as a whole in two 
types of Plenary Sessions. ‘The first came at the beginning of 
the Assembly, when the World Council of Churches was officially 
constituted and arrangements for the Assembly were accepted 
by vote, and in the meetings immediately following when the 
theme of the Assembly and those of the Sections were presented. 
The second type of Plenary Session came towards the end of the 
meeting, when the reports of the Sections and the Committees 
were presented for discussion, modification and adoption as a 

(c) Sections. The Assembly was divided into four Sections, 
each of which discussed a main aspect of the total theme of the 
Assembly. ‘The subjects of the four Sections were: 

I. The Universal Church in God’s Design; 11. The Church's 
Witness to God’s Design; II. The Church and the Disorder 
of Society; IV. The Church and the International Disorder. 

Fach of these Sections prepared a report for presentation to 
the Assembly in Plenary Meeting.” ‘The Sections met in the 

(d) Committees. For the afternoon meetings the Assembly 
was again divided into four Committees, the fourth Committee, 
in addition, being subdivided into four parts. This was the 
“business side”’ of the Assembly, it being the function of the 
Committees to prepare reports? on subjects which had to do 

1A chronological account of the Plenary Sessions follows on pp. 21ff. and 57ff. 

2 See pp. 57-105. 
*See pp. 108-72. 


with the continuing organisation and programme of the World 
Council of Churches. The subjects of the four Committees 

I. Constitution and Rules and Regulations; I. Policies; 
III. Programme and Administration; IV. Concerns of the 

The Life and Work of Women in the Church 

The Christian Approach to the Jews 

The Significance of the Laity in the Church 

Christian Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid. 

(¢) Addresses. ‘Iwo types of addresses appeared in the 
Assembly programme. ‘The first series set forth compre- 
hhensively the development of ecumenical history, the plans for 
the Assembly itself, the report of the Provisional Committee, 
and the subject matter of the theme of the Assembly and the 
four Sections.‘ Secondly, public meetings were arranged on 
three evenings at which there were addresses on subjects of wide 
current interest.? 


The first part of the Alternates’ parallel conference consisted 
lof attendance at all Worship Services, Plenary Meetings, Public 
Meetings and Receptions of the Assembly. ‘The second part of 
it consisted of special Section and Committee Meetings for 
Alternates. Four Sections, parallel to the Assembly Sections, 
were organised, each with the purpose of carrying on a full 
discussion of the subject on hand, in close touch with the dis- 
cussion of the Assembly Section, in order that the thinking in 
the Alternates’ Section might make its contribution to the 
Assembly Section. Liaison arrangements were made, centring 
first in a Liaison Officer of the Assembly Section who kept in 
‘contact with the corresponding Alternates’ Section, and second 
‘in the Chairman of the Alternates’ Section who met frequently 
with the officers of the Assembly Section. 

In the afternoon, Alternates met in two Committees of which 
the second was divided into four parts. ‘The Committees were: 

1See pp. 24-39. 2 See pp. 175-82. 


Programme and Administration (paralleling Assembly 
Committee III) | 
Concerns of the Churches (paralleling Assembly Com- 
mittee IV) 
The Life and Work of Women in the Church 
The Christian Approach to the Jews 
The Significance of the Laity in the Church 
Christian Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid 

Liaison arrangements were made similar to those for the Alter- 
nates’ Sections. 


The Youth Conference provided for attendance at the 
Assembly Worship Services, Plenary Meetings, Public Meetings 
and Receptions. In addition the Youth Delegation met in its 
own Section Meetings, and held its own Plenary Sessions for the 
purpose of discussing, modifying and adopting its own Section 
Reports.’ In a further series of Plenary Meetings, the Youth 
Delegation discussed the organisation, programme and relation- 
ships of the Youth Department of the World Council of 


All accredited visitors participated in the Worship Services of 
the Assembly, and all visitors attended the Plenary Meetings 
and Public Meetings of the Assembly. 

In addition, during the time when the Assembly met in the 
morning Sections and the afternoon Committees, there was a 
special series of lectures for all visitors. Most of these dealt with 
“The Condition and Task of the Church To-day” in different 
areas—Europe, East Asia, the United States and Canada, Latin 
America, Africa, and the Near and Middle East. Other addresses 
centred in the significance of the ecumenical movement and its 
future. The programme for the visitors proved to be an im- 
portant contribution to ecumenical education. 

1 See pp. 188-96. 



sisted of the plenary sessions in the Concertgebouw, and 

the services of worship. It is the purpose of this section of 
the report to give a running account of these meetings. The 
first series of plenary meetings was designed on the one hand to 
constitute the World Council of Churches and the Assembly, 
and on the other to provide background for the studies of the 
following days. During the second series of plenary meetings 
the reports of the four Sections and the seven Committees were 
discussed and finally received. We shall proceed to an account 
of the first series, following this by a brief report of the worship 
services, and ending with a description of the final series of 

plenary sessions. 

Ts official meetings of the whole Assembly together con- 



Opening Worship, Nieuwe Kerk, 3 p.m. 
The opening day of the Assembly dawned dull and drizzly, 
but by afternoon the clouds had thinned, and a considerable 
'crowd had gathered in and about the square in front of the 
| Royal Palace, to watch the delegates assemble for the opening 
act of worship in the stately Nieuwe Kerk. | 
The service began with a procession of delegates in national 
costume and official garb. Sober black was on the whole pre- 
dominant, but there were academic hoods of many colours and 
brilliant splashes of red, purple, orange and gleaming white, 
especially among the Eastern churchmen. ‘There were bare 
heads, turbaned heads, velvet caps and birettas; the faces of 
all the races of mankind; ruffled collars on Scandinavian 
ecclesiastics, making them look like Rembrandt portraits; full 
beards and high black headdresses distinguishing the Eastern 


Orthodox; round collars, Geneva bands, pectoral crosses, and 
many other insignia of office from different lands and different 

It took nearly twenty minutes for the procession to make its 
way around the church and for the delegates to be seated. “The 
organ then swelled to a climax, and modulated into the familiar 
strains of “’The Old Hundredth’’—“ All people that on earth 
do dwell’—sung by the whole congregation in the French of 
Theodore Beza and in many other tongues. Dr. K. H. E. 

Gravemeyer of the Dutch Reformed Church rose to give the - 
call to worship and penitence, taking his stand at a reading-desk | 

erected in front of the ornate gilded choir-screen. On top of the ~ 

screen the crown of royalty was surmounted by the Orb and 

Cross of Christ’s world-wide sovereignty, and behind the reading- | 
desk the Alpha and Omega reminded us that ‘‘ His kingdom is 

for ever’. Dr. Gravemeyer called us to penitence in the presence 
of the Most High God. In the words he quoted from Isaiah lix 
there was a grateful remembrance of help from on high in recent 
times of national tribulation: “When the enemy shall come in 
like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against 

After the hymn ‘‘ Oikoumenikos”, with its reference to “the 
kingdom of the Son wider than nation, deeper still than race” 
had been sung, the Archbishop of Canterbury prayed for the 
unity of the Church “throughout all the world” and for God’s 
gracious help in the “race that is set before us’’; whereupon all 
joined in singing, ‘‘O God our help in ages past”. Dr. Marc 
Boegner read Christ’s high priestly prayer, ‘‘ that they all may be 
one’’, in French, and Archbishop Eidem read Revelation vy, 1-14 
in Swedish. 

Then Dr. John R. Mott spoke. The familiar figure, as. up- 
standing as ever, whose hand could not restrain itself from con- 
ducting the music of the hymn (“A Toi la gloire”’) which was 
being sung as he reached the pulpit, recalled the days which 
were past and was hopeful for the future. He pointed to 
the great conferences that marked our way towards this first 
Assembly of the World Council of Churches; called the roll of 
the pioneers who have passed into the “land of larger dimen- 
sions”, and paid tribute to the various ecumenical movements, 
especially the missionary and student movements, which pre- 
pared the way for the World Council. It must have been a 


wonderful moment for this man of eighty-two who has been an 
international Christian leader since the end of the nineteenth 
century. “We have entered,” he said, ‘the most exacting 
period in the history of the Church. It will take all the states- 
manship, all the churchmanship, all the self-forgetfulness of all 
of us. But to those who believed in the adequacy of Christ no 
doors were closed and boundless opportunities were open, pre- 
cisely because we were facing, under Christ’s leadership, the 
greatest concentration of major unsolved problems that we have 
ever been called upon to confront.” 

_ There followed an Indian Thevaram sung as a solo by a 
young Telugu minister of the Church of South India, wearing 
a blue and white Indian costume, and then a young leader from 
one of the Younger Churches preached the sermon, Rev. D. T. 
Niles of the Methodist Church in Ceylon. His was a remark- 
able utterance, incisive, theological, hopeful, built on the text 
“Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh? ” (Ex. iii, 11). Bells 
could be heard chiming outside as the Christian from Ceylon, 
white-robed, climbed the steps to the reading-desk. Moses at the 
‘Burning Bush and Christians at the Cross were the two focal 
‘points about which his discourse revolved. Who are we that 
‘we should confront the Pharaohs of this modern world? Not 
‘great enough or good enough for the task. In the light of the 
Cross, our Burning Bush of “‘self-revelation”, we know we are 
bankrupt, that we are accomplices in Christ’s murder, that we 
are no less and no more than sinners for whom Christ died. 
Realising our own insufficiency, we shall not concern ourselves 
over much with Pharaoh’s hard heart—with which it is God’s 
business, not ours, to deal—but address ourselves to the people. 
But how do we know what to promise them? ‘“‘Is the fall of 
Pharaoh near?’’ Can deliverance be at hand in a time when 
progress has reversed itself, and “‘chaos remains” after two 
World Wars? Christ tells us it is not for us to “know times 
and seasons”, but sends us forth in the strength that springs 
from God’s continuation in us and through us of what He has 

He says to us, “The power you will show is the power of the 
leaven which I have already hid, the harvest you will reap is the 
harvest of the seed which I have already sown, the passions you 
will rouse are the passions of the fire which I have already 
kindled, the love you will share is the love of the deed which 


I have already done, and the end you will proclaim is the end 
of the end which I have already accomplished.” 

We are to be His witnesses—whether to a repentant Jeru- 
_ salem or to a doomed Nineveh we do not know; but “neither 
man, nor nations nor churches can organise an escape from the 
consequences of sin, except it be by way of repentance and 
amendment of life”. We are to be His witnesses “unto the 
uttermost part of the earth”; for “the Christian witness recog- 
nises no barrier and allows no partiality”, whether for Negro 
or White, western democracies or eastern republics. To all and 
over all, we proclaim “salvation and power, the kingdom of our 
God and the authority of His Christ ”’ 

After singing, ‘“‘ Holy God, Thy Name we bless”, and receiv- 
ing the benediction from Archbishop Germanos (according to 
the Greek rite) the delegates left the Nieuwe Kerk, while crowds 
of interested Amsterdammers again lined the streets. 

Opening Addresses, Concertgebouw, 8.30 p.m. 

The evening meeting took place in the Main Hall of the 
Concertgebouw, where the world conference of Christian Youth 
was held in 1939 on the eve of the Second World War, and 
where our plenary sessions were regularly held. Delegates were 
seated on the main floor; presiding officers and speakers on the 
high platform; press representatives, consultants and youth dele- 
gates in the still higher choir seats fanning out and up to the 
level of the balconies; visitors filled the balconies. 

Earphones similar to those used at sessions of the United 
Nations Organisation were given out to the audience as it filed 
in, and their use was briefly explained: a lever for switching 
on and off, a small wheel to regulate volume of sound, and a 
second small wheel with numbers corresponding to the desired 
language: French, English, German, or whatever language the 
speaker is using. In three booths at the top of the choir seats, 
interpreters listened to and simultaneously translated whatever 
was said on the rostrum. We are indebted to the International 
Business Machines Corporation for thus saving us an immense 
amount of time. 

The Chairman of the meeting was Archbishop Eidem of 
Upsala, Sweden, and the four speakers took up four phases in 
the historic development of the World Council to which Dr. 
Mott had alluded in the afternoon: 


1. The “Life and Work” Movement. The Bishop of 
Chichester, Dr. Bell, pointed out that this movement began 
“on Dutch soil”, at a meeting of the World Alliance for the 
Promotion of International Friendship through the Churches 
(Oud Wassenaar, October 1919), when Nathan Séderblom made 
his momentous proposal for “an Ecumenical Council represent- 
ing Christendom. in a spiritual way”. The Stockholm Con- 
ference of 1925, under his Chairmanship, attempted “to unite 
the different churches in common practical work, to furnish the 
Christian conscience with an organ of expression”’, and to apply 
the Gospel to “the solution of contemporary social and inter- 
national problems”. It was “the first Ecumenical Conference 
of the Churches of Christendom . . . since the Reformation.” 
The Stockholm Continuation Committee became in 1930 the 
“Universal Christian Council for Life and Work”. The most 
important meeting of the Council took place at Fano, Denmark, 
in 1934, when the plight of the German Evangelical Church 
under Hitler raised the issue of Church and State in an acute 
form, and it was decided to devote the next world conference 
(Oxford 1937) to the problem of “Church, Community and 

2. The “Faith and Order” Movement. Bishop Brilioth of 
Sweden described the World Council as “more than a mere 
union of these two movements”, but urged that the heritage 
from each should be carefully noted and preserved. ‘Faith and 
Order ”’, the older of the two, owes its development to two men: 
Bishop Charles Brent of the Philippines and the U.S.A., who 
initiated the. movement in 1910 and presided at its first world 
conference (Lausanne 1927) and Archbishop William Temple, 
who guided “ Stockholm” and “ Lausanne”’ into unity with one 
another. Owing to the events of the war years, the elder partner 
in this union now occupies a modest place in the total activities 
of the World Council, while the practical functions of ‘“ Life 
and Work ” have rapidly multiplied, but there are three peculiar 
gifts of “Faith and Order” which should be valued and 
preserved in the Council: (a) a “ personal tradition”’ from the 
“founders and fathers”’, beginning with Brent’s “ strange, lucid 
serenity’; (Db) a temperament of willingness to “ take differences 
seriously ” and respectfully, but to “ look for the hidden unity in 
the apparent diversity”; (c) a body of “agreements that have 
been reached”, expressed in such great documents as the 


Lausanne statement of “The Church’s Message to the World”’ 
and the Edinburgh ‘ Affirmation of Union”’ | 

3. The Missionary Heritage. Dr. John A. Mackay of Prince- 
ton Theological Seminary said that “the Ecumenical Church ts 
a child of the Missionary movement”’, in three distinct senses: 
(a) because it is modern missions that have made the Church. 
“co-extensive with the inhabited globe’’; (b) because Christian 
unity on the missionary frontier preceded unity at home, and 
led the way to it; (c) because the leadership of the ecumenical 
movement has been to a remarkable extent recruited from the 
missionary movement: Brent of the Philippines, Oldham of 
India, Mott and Paton of the I.M.C., Temple who got his first 
vision of Christian unity at the Edinburgh Missionary Con- 
ference in 1910. As the present chairman of the I.M.C., Dr. 
Mackay solemnly and impressively enjoined the World Council 
never to sell its missionary birthright, for “the Christtan Church, 
to be truly the Church, must be a missionary as well as a wor- 
shipping Church”. Against certain ‘“ powers, both secular and 
religious’, which would tend to confine the activity of our 
churches to “strictly localised worship”, statically self-centred, 
the universal right and obligation of Christian missions must be 
steadily upheld. ‘The Church’s own health requires that this 
duty be accepted by “all Church members, the laity as well 
as the clergy’’, and the Lordship of Christ requires the Church 
to “ bring all men everywhere to His living self for their spiritual 
redemption ’’—so showing to others the love He has shown to 
us, and fulfilling “that missionary task which He died to make 
possible and lives to make actual”. 

4. The Provisional Committee of the World Council, 1938- 
1948. Pastor Boegner concluded the symposium by reviewing 
the development of the Council in its ten “formative” years, 
from its tentative organisation at Utrecht to its consummation 
at the present Assembly. As significant developments in these 
years, he singled out these events: the transformation of the 
Committee of Fourteen (seven each from Faith and Order, Life 
and Work) into the Provisional Committee, with Temple as 
Chairman; the appointment of Visser ’t Hooft as General Secret- 
ary, with Paton as his London colleague and Leiper as his New 
York colleague; the postponement of the First Assembly on 
account of the war; the effect of the war upon the two component 
movements, ‘Faith and Order” being inevitably quiescent 


except in the U.S.A., while the Provisional Committee added 
to its Study Department all sorts of emergency activities: 
Refugees, War Prisoners, Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid, 
the Ecumenical Institute, and the Commission of the Churches 
for International Affairs. M. Boegner called attention to the 
World Council’s growing association with the I.M.C., expressed 
appreciation for the work of its secretaries and treasurers during 
the formative years, and concluded by stating three functions 
performed by it in these years: (a) witnessing to the Christian 
faith, in such a way as to create a “ psychological revolution in 
the Churches ’’—no longer only among individual enthusiasts 
—in favour of Christian unity; (b) education for unity, through 
the Study Department, the Ecumenical Press Service, the 
Youth Department and the Ecumenical Institute; and (c) a 
prophetic ministry pointing beyond the unity it provisionally 
embodied to a deeper unity for which it worked and prayed. 
At the end of the meeting, Archbishop Eidem commemorated 
the pioneers of the ecumenical movement, in the framework of 

Hebrews xi: “By faith Charles Brent. ... By faith Nathan 
Séderblom. . . . Therefore, let us also, seeing we are compassed 
about by so great a cloud of witnesses... .” The final hymn 

was, “ For all the saints who from their labours rest ”’. 


Plenary Session, Concertgebouw, ro a.m. 

The main theme which ran through both of Sunday’s opening 
meetings was the theme announced for the evening: “ How God 
Has Led Us”. After this backward glance, the Assembly got 
down to business promptly on Monday morning, with the Arch- 

bishop of Canterbury in the chair. Dr. Samuel McCrea Cavert 

of New York, Chairman of the Committee on Arrangements, 
| began by explaining the nature of this Assembly, and the three 
main parts of its programme: worship, work, study. ‘This is 
“not just another ecumenical conference’, he pointed out; it 
is the creation of a ‘permanent instrument of fellowship and 
co-operation on a world-wide scale”, through which appointed 
delegates of 145 member churches may perform “ whatever task 
they decide to undertake together”. 

Pastor Boegner then rose and submitted the following resolu- 
tion in the name of the Committee of Fourteen and the Provi- 


sional Committee: “That the first Assembly of the World 
Council of Churches be declared to be and is hereby constituted, 
in accordance with the Constitution drafted at Utrecht in 1938 
and approved by the churches; that the Assembly consists of 
those persons who have been appointed as the official delegates 
of the churches adhering to the Council; and that the formation 
of the World Council of Churches be declared to be and is 
hereby completed.” An Anglican delegate moved to delete the 
reference to the Utrecht Constitution, but when the Archbishop 
explained that the Constitution makes full provision for its own 
amendment, the motion was lost for want of a seconder, and M. 
Boegner’s resolution was adopted nemine contradicente. The 
Archbishop of Canterbury then declared the formation of the 
World Council to be completed. There was a wave of applause. 
But a deeper realisation of the significance of this moment came 
when the chairman asked all to stand in silent prayer, and then 
asked God’s blessing upon this solemn decision of the constituent 

Fifteen recommendations concerning rules, programme, com- 
mittees, etc., were submitted by Pastor Boegner, closing with the 
recommendation “ that the Provisional Committee, having com- 
pleted the work assigned to it, be now discharged”. Additional 
members for special committees were proposed from the floor, 
on the ground that several groups of churches were not 
adequately represented: Southern hemisphere, Nonconformists, 
American negroes. ‘These proposals were referred to the Busi- 
ness Committee which later took favourable action on all of 
them. When the Provisional Committee was declared “ dis- 
charged’’, the Archbishop thanked the Committee and its 
Chairman, Pastor Boegner, on behalf of the Assembly, which 
responded with applause. 

‘The General Secretary, Dr. W. A. Visser ’t Hooft, closed the 
session with a report on behalf of the Provisional Committee. 
Describing the present status of the Council as something un- 
precedented in Church history, he defined its functions as 
follows: ‘‘ What then is the true function of our Council? Our 
name gives us the clue to an answer. We are a Council of 
Churches, not the Council of the one undivided Church. Our 
name indicates our weakness and our shame before God, for 
there can be and there is finally only one Church of Christ on 
earth. Our plurality isa deep anomaly. But our name indicates 


also that we are aware of that situation, that we do not accept 
‘it passively, that we would move forward towards the manifesta- 
tion of the One Holy Church. Our Council represents there- 
fore an emergency solution—a stage on the road—a body living 
between the time of complete isolation of the churches from each 
other and the time—on earth or in heaven—when it will be 
visibly true that there is one Shepherd and one flock. 

“The functions of the Council follow from this situation. We 
are a fellowship in which the churches after a long period of 
ignoring each other come to know each other. We are a fellow- 
ship in which the churches enter into serious and dynamic | 
conversation with each other about their differences in faith, 
in message, in order. We are a fellowship in which Christian 
solidarity is practised, so that the churches aid their weak or 
needy sister-churches. We are a fellowship in which common 
witness is rendered to the Lordship of Christ in all matters in 
which a common word for the churches and for the world is given 
tous. We are above all a fellowship which seeks to express that 
unity in Christ already given to us and to prepare the way for 
a much fuller and much deeper expression of that unity.” 

Dr. Visser ’t Hooft then spoke of the membership of the 
Council: ‘“ With few exceptions the churches which have been 
invited to participate in the Constitution of the Council have 
accepted the invitation. If it is remembered that the ecumenical 
movement is still very young and that it is a new and unpre- 
cedented step for most churches to enter into a fellowship of a 
permanent character with churches of other confessions, the 
significance of the coming together of 150 churches from so many 
confessions and from all continents needs no further comment. 

“But precisely because we have gone so far towards the 
representation in one place of the ‘ oikumene ’, that is the world- 
wide Christian body, we feel all the more keenly that we do not 
represent Christendom as a whole. Some churches which desired 
to be represented in this Assembly have been unable to send 
their delegates for reasons independent of their own will. We 
will remember them especially in our prayers and rejoice in the 
knowledge that fellowship in Christ transcends such limitations 
and obstacles as the world sets up. 

“There are other churches which have declined the invitation 
to join in the setting up of this Council. We rejoice in the 
presence of official delegates of several historic Holy Orthodox 


and other Eastern Churches. But we are keenly aware of the ~ 
absence of several other great Eastern Orthodox Churches. The 
Provisional Committee had made it as clear as possible to the 
Orthodox Church of Russia that its full participation would be 
welcome. And certain communications received from that 
church made us hopeful that a favourable decision would be — 
taken. But the recent meeting in Moscow decided otherwise. A 
resolution was adopted which describes our movement as a body — 
which is not really concerned with the unity of the Church but — 
rather with the gaining of political and social influence. The 
Conference declared therefore that the Orthodox Churches — 
represented in it were not able to participate in the ecumenical 
movement in its present form. A communication from the 
Patriarchate of Moscow adds that this does not mean that the 
church is not interested in the activities of the ecumenical 
movement and expresses the hope that the Patriarchate will be 
kept informed about the work of the World Council. 

“"The one hopeful element in the situation is that the reasons 
given for the negative decision are based upon a complete mis- 
understanding of the true nature of our movement—a mis- 
understanding such as can easily arise in a church whose leaders — 
have no first-hand knowledge of ecumenical life. If we succeed, 
here at Amsterdam and in the coming years, in making it clear 
that so far from pursuing political purposes, we have no other 
concern than the concern for the Lordship of Christ everywhere 
—in East and West—and for His Church as the one Holy 
Church, it may yet be possible to remove the existing misunder- 
standings. In any case our course is clear. We should keep the 
door open for the Church of Russia and other Orthodox 
Churches not already represented among us. And we should 
feel responsible for them as we feel responsible for each other. 

‘Special reference should also be made to the Roman 
Catholic Church. Since the Provisional Committee was fully 
aware of the reasons why that church would not participate in 
the ecumenical movement, it was not invited to send official 
delegates to the first Assembly. But in the very early stage of 
preparations, in 1939, it was decided to inform the Holy See of 
the plans which were being made. In view of the many enquiries 
received from Roman Catholics, the Provisional Committee 
decided in 1947 to invite a limited number of unofficial Roman 
Catholic observers to attend the Assembly. But although many 


of the persons invited expressed the strong desire to be at 
Amsterdam and that with the knowledge of their immediate 
superiors, the Holy Office decided in June that permission to go 
to Amsterdam would not be granted to anybody. This decision 
is all the more regrettable since in recent years many Roman 
Catholic priests and laymen have shown a very deep under- 
standing of the purposes and character of our movement. In 
fact the interest which individual Roman Catholics have shown 
in this Assembly and which has expressed itself in requests for 
invitations, in articles and in personal visits, has been one of the 
most striking features of the period of preparation. It remains 
to be seen whether the ‘veto’ of the Holy Office means in fact 
that this new and more hopeful approach is implicitly con- 
demned or whether there is a possibility for continued con- 
versation. From the point of view of the World Council we 
must hope and pray that real opportunities for fruitful contact 
may remain in existence. 

“There are others which refuse to join us, or even attack 
us. And so toa world obsessed by the power-complex, the forma- 
tion of this Council may seem as the emergence of a new centre 
of ecclesiastical power which will enter in competition with 
those which exist already. Now this Assembly will surely have 
to make it abundantly clear that nothing is farther from its 
intentions. We are not forming this Council in a spirit of 
ambition and in order to join in any struggle for power. We 
form it in a spirit of repentance for our failure to be the Church 
together and in order to render clearer witness together to the 
Lord Who came to serve all.” 

Passing to problems of internal policy, he declared his con- 
viction that our basis of membership must remain “ Christo- 
centric” and the affirmation of our Lord’s deity must not be 
weakened, but the present wording of the basis might call for 
clarification and amplification. Maturity and autonomy were 
proper qualifications to ask of member churches, but they must 
not unduly delay the receiving of Younger Churches. Both con- 
fessional and geographical factors must be considered in assign- 
ing seats. Official representation of the meraber churches must 
be secured, but “ together with and under the auspices of’’ the 
official leaders, the prophetic vision often found outside official- 
dom, among clergy, laity and women members, must be enlisted 
in the service of the Council. 


Analysing the present activities of the Council, and its rela- 
tion to other ecumenical bodies, he concluded that all these 
activities sprang from definite needs arising out of the life of 
the churches; but the proportion of attention to be given to each 
had to be carefully weighed. Humanly speaking, our efforts are 
likely to fail, as other unity movements have; but if we put our 
trust in Christ—not in the Council! —and “ count the cost’’ the 
Council has a future. 

Plenary Session, Concertgebouw, 3 p.m. 

This session was honoured by the presence of Princess Juliana 
and Prince Bernhard at the speakers’ table. Pastor Boegner, the 
chairman, welcomed them in the name of the Assembly. , 

‘The main theme of the Assembly, ‘‘ Man’s Disorder and God’s 
Design’, was introduced by two speakers, Prof. Karl Barth of 
Basel and Prof. C. H. Dodd of Cambridge. 

Prof. Barth spoke in German, often raising his voice and shak- 
ing a prophetic finger of warning as he pointed out the danger 
of all our councils coming to naught unless we kept first things 
first: first God’s Design, which is His and not ours, and must 
never be confused with any sort of ‘“ Christian Marshall Plan”’ 
that we may concoct. “Should we not come to the clear under- 
standing,” he asked, “that by ‘God’s Design’ is really meant 
His plan; that is, His already-present, victorious, already-founded 
Kingdom in all its majesty—our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has 
already robbed sin and death, the devil and hell of their power, 
and already vindicated Divine and human justice in His own 
person? I do not wish to weaken the earnestness, the goodwill 
and the hopes that have brought us here, but only to base them 
on their proper foundation, when I now say: we ought to give 
up, even on this first day of our deliberations, every thought that 
the care of the Church, the care of the world, is our care. Bur- 
dened with this thought, we should straighten out nothing, we 
should only increase disorder in Church and world still more. 
For just this is the final root and ground of all human disorder; 
the dreadful, godless, ridiculous opinion that man is the Atlas 
who is destined to bear the dome of heaven on his shoulders.” 
In our debates on the Church, we must not start with our present 
divisions (symbolised by our divided communion services) nor 
complain about the absence of Rome and Moscow (which may 
be a providential interference with our human hopes and plans), 


but we must begin with our Lord’s will for His Church, and put 
all our conceptions into the “testing fire of His Word”. In 
our consideration of evangelism, we must not try to be God’s 
administrative technical experts, but simply His humble wit- 
nesses. In our wrestling with social and international problems, 
we must remember that “ we are not the ones to change this evil 
world into a good one”. We must get training in the concrete 
obedience to a living Lord. All we can do is to “ point to God’s 
Kingdom ”—not some earthly kingdom of our own. 

Prof. Dodd spoke very quietly, with no gestures at all. Ear- 
phones were eagerly adjusted to catch his words. He dealt with 
the “ Biblical Basis” to which all our preparatory studies have 
been closely related, through a series of theological conferences 
—London 1946, Bossey 1947, Zetten 1948. The leztmotif of the 
whole Bible is God’s Design, and man’s response to it, under 
the Old and New Covenants. If we are to speak a word here to 
the “desperate need of the nations”’, it must be “ God’s Word 
and not ours’’. ‘To hear this Word in the Bible we must do 
three things: (1) “let the biblical writers speak for themselves 
out of their own historical situation’’; (2) reinterpret their 
words in terms of their fulfilment in Christ’s life—relived by 
the Church in worship; (3) view our present situation in the 
light of the biblical history of our redemption, and from the 
centre of that history where God’s Design definitively appears 
in Christ. The word we speak, if it is God’s Word for our time, 
will be a word of judgment, in which we are all implicated, but 
it will also be a word of promise. Judgment and promise are 
the stuff of which the whole biblical colloquy between God and 
man is composed; they are addressed to God’s people, but meant 
for all the world to hear. 


Plenary Session, Concertgebouw, ro a.m. 

With Archbishop Germanos in the chair, five speakers intro- 
duced the themes of the first two Sections, on which commissions 
of scholars had been working for the past two years: ‘“‘ The 
Universal Church in God’s Design”, and ‘‘ ‘The Church’s huts 
ness to God’s Design”. 

Prof. C. T. Craig of Yale opened the discussion on Section I. 
He summarised the agreements and differences concerning the 

| Cc 


nature of the Church which appear in the volume produced by 

Commission I: seven “ far-reaching ”’ agreements concerning poe, : 

divine origin, the marks and the essential unity of the Church; 

five areas of disagreement concerning such matters as mene) : 
authority of tradition alongside of Scripture”, the autonomy of © 

the local congregation, and “horizontal relationship ” with © 
Christ through Apostolic Succession versus direct “ vertical re- 
lationship” with Him as living Lord. Such divisions among 

us, he urged, should neither be ignored nor combatively de-— 

fended, but examined frankly “in a common room where all 
are brothers ... with the assumption that we belong to- 
gether”. If families and individual denominations can deal 
thus with such problems, why not the World Council? “We 
who share in so much, know that we can be led past the barriers 
that divide, if we allow the Spirit of truth to lead us together.” 

Prof. Florovsky of the Academy of Orthodox Theology, Paris, 
next suggested an approach to “the ecumenical problem .. . 
the problem of schism and its healing’. He warned against 
easy “‘eirenical”’ solutions, since the problem is essentially a 
tragic problem, from which only repentance and faith can deliver 
us. Again he warned against unity based only on “ practical ”’ 
considerations, such as the need of meeting common external 
difficulties: “We face the challenge of the world instead of 
challenging the world ourselves. . . . What we miss here is the 
spirit of true Christian initiative.’ Rather than forming a 
limited front for strategic purposes, we must seek unity “be- 
cause unity is the Divine imperative, the Divine purpose and 
design”’. This deeper unity is no mere common denominator 
of all existing denominations; it can be reached only through 
the reformation and renewal of it, at the foot of Christ’s Cross. 
It must eventually include Rome—not “the present Rome”, 
but ‘that truth and heritage for which Rome stood and is still 
standing, in spite of all that shall be said against it”. Hard, 
clear theological thinking is required for such a reformation, 
for “all our practical disagreements bring us inevitably back to 
the diversity of our interpretations of the Divine solution of our 
human tragedy and fall”’. 

Prof. Regin Prenter of the University of Aarhus, Denmark, 
concluded this part of the discussion with an address on ‘the 
shame and glory of the Church, and the signs of His appearing” 
It is part of the shame of the Church that differences, instead of 


enriching the whole Body of Christ through mutual service, are 
feared and artificially suppressed. ‘‘ Unbelief always thinks that 
the exclusion of difference, namely uniformity, is the veritable 
strength of the community.’ Repentance for such lack of faith 
should be ‘“‘the atmosphere in which all deliberations and dis- 
cussions take place” in this Assembly. Nevertheless there are 
signs of glory, “signs of His appearing ”’, in the existing churches, 
which proves that Christ is still working in and through them; 
heroism under persecution, new activity of laymen and women, 
renewal of Bible Study and Christian worship, application of 
the Christian message to every sphere of life. May God “lead 
the Assembly in this direction.” 

The discussion of the subject-matter of the second Section was 
opened by its secretary, Bishop Stephen Neill. Departing freely 
from his manuscript and ranging widely over the whole field 
of Christian missions, he gave a gripping account of the task of 
Christian evangelism in our time. He noted real differences 
between areas where Christian witness has never penetrated, 
where it has been received with respect, and where it has been 
repudiated; but there is finally one world of men in need of 
Divine forgiveness, about half of whom have never heard the 
Gospel, while far more than half have never heard it effectively 
presented. There are three special areas of great difficulty: 
the Hindu and Buddhist area (impersonality of God), the 
traditionally hostile world of Islam, and urban areas everywhere, 
‘in which men are uprooted and spiritually stunted. Yet no 
‘nation or people has been discovered, from the Eskimos to the 

Balinese, in which the Gospel cannot take root, and there is no 

church which God has not been pleased to use to bring men to 
‘Himself, from sedate Anglicanism to fiery Fundamentalism. 

The world situation we face is menacing but pregnant with 

opportunity. Never before has the Christian Church been 
literally world-wide. If she preaches the Gospel of God’s love 
by showing such love within her own community, and identify- 
ing herself with men of every sort and vocation, and if she de- 
-velops the will to witness among all her members, she may 
‘become a spring of refreshment to a world that is perishing of 

Dean T. C. Chao of the Yenching School of Religion, Peiping, 
China, ended the morning symposium with an address on 
“Christian Witness in China”. (China was one of the great 


areas not treated in the second volume.) He drew a disturbing 
picture of the present situation, where a great culture is “ totter- 
ing to a complete collapse’, the lot of the people is “too heavy 
to bear’, Communism “ spreads rapidly’’, and a tiny minority 
church fears that it might be ‘‘ uprooted again as in the case of 
Nestorianism’. The Church has become at home in China, 
but too many of its members “‘are there to receive and not to 
give’, too many look upon Christianity as an ethical way of — 
living, like Confucian humanism. It is still too largely sup- | 
ported by missionaries and mission funds. Its native leadership 
and material resources are pitifully poor. If its witness is to 
become effective, three things are mainly needed: (1) individual 
initiative and experiment, that will make the younger members 
feel the Church is theirs, (2) genuine fellowship in the Church, 
such as the S.C.M. and I.V.F. have cultivated, (3) actual com- 
munity building, which will relate the Church constructively 
to the great social issues of the time, without identifying it with 
any political party. For these reforms there is needed, above 
all, “a spiritually and intellectually effective ministry” such as 
the Chinese churches have never yet had. 

Plenary Session, Concertgebouw, 3 p.m. 

This was in many respects the culminating session of the three — 
opening days. It brought us to a point where we had sooner 
or later to stand: directly and honestly facing the world’s present 
tragic disorder. Under the chairmanship of John R. Mott four 
frank analyses of this disorder were presented. Mrs. Kathleen 
Bliss of the Christian News-Letter and Prof. Jacques Ellul of 
the Faculty of Law at Bordeaux considered the general disorder 
of modern society (Section III), while John Foster Dulles of New 
York and Prof. Hromadka of Prague considered the present 
clash of East and West in international affairs (Section IV). 

Mrs. Bliss pleaded with the Church no longer to evade the 
task of understanding modern scientific-technical society (as it 
has been doing for three hundred years) nor to condemn it 
wholesale because it now stands under threat of total collapse. 
This is the only society there now is, throughout the world; and 
a Church which does not face its problems in their depth will 
have nothing to say to the world’s millions. The vice of this 
society does not lie in science or technology, to which the East 
still rightly looks to lift its masses above starvation, but in the 


unsolved problem of power and the control of power. Modern 
society has not solved this problem because it has thought that 
it would solve itself. Asking only the technical question, “Can 
it be done and how? ” it has lost all conception of the laws and 
values not made by man by which power must be controlled if 
it is not to make men into mere replaceable units—even as 
partners in marriage. 

The Church, if it does not succumb to the temptation to flee 
from such society, may become a new order of life within society, 
where the suffering souls of modern men may find a home and 
a faith. Little groups of Christians in all lands are beginning to 
constitute such an order, but the Church as a whole is suffering 
from a division far more disastrous than denominationalism: 
the division between clergy and laity, Church and world. Pro- 
fessional clerics simply cannot understand modern society with- 
out the aid of laymen who perceive its corrupting lawlessness 
“with the blinkers off”. Such a divided Church might become 
a united ‘people of God in the world”’, if the necessity of re- 
newal were deeply felt—a people ready to die to the sins of our 
present society, and quietly but courageously work in market- 
place and council-chamber for its deep transformation. 

Prof. Ellul’s paper was read for him in his absence by a French 
colleague. He urged that the Church should not stand off from 
the world’s disorder as judge or as physician, but acknowledge 
its own responsibility for it, and approach it as one who has need 
to be forgiven and healed of the same disorder. Commission III 
agreed that the specific disorder of modern society was most 
clearly to be seen in two symptoms: rupture of personal re- 
lations, tending to complete depersonalisation, and preoccupa- 
tion with technics divorced from values and purposes. 

What can the Church do about this? Testify and evangelise, 
not just in talk but in life. The Church can incarnate the 
Gospel in its own life; while it works for a new “ order of con- 
servation’ which will permit life to goon. This does not mean 
conservatism, which is only “established disorder”, nor con- 
formity to the world, but such participation in the world as will 
(1) make a bridge between the old and new orders, and (2) found 
the new civilisation on a small scale. “The Church must take up 
all that is valid in the present order into its own institutional 
life, as into an Ark, and from it develop new patterns. ‘This 
requires a deep transformation of the Church itself, which 


is powerless to change the world if compromised in its own 

Photographers’ bulbs flashed as Dr. Mott called on John Foster 
Dulles to open the debate on the East-West issue. He began 
by reminding us that the world is hopefully looking on this 
Assembly, whose unity-in-diversity is a combination that “‘is 
needed to save mankind from disaster’. We may respond to 
these hopes, first, by exposing the futility of war. War may be 
the lesser of two evils, but “there is no holy war”, and there 
is “no reason to think that a new war would accomplish any 
good”. The way to avoid war, according to the Oxford Con- 
ference, is to regulate social change by two great religious prin- 
ciples: the supremacy of moral law over man-made law, and 
the sanctity of every human individual. The Western demo- 
cracies have reverenced these principles and so preserved peace 
within their boundaries, however far their practice has fallen 
short of their profession. Marxian Communism denies them 
both in theory and practice, and necessarily concludes that 
violence is inevitable. When Communist Parties “rule nearly 
one-quarter of the earth’s population” it is exceedingly hard to 
organise the world for peace. It will not do to compromise the 
principles on which peace depends, nor “ to use violence in order 
to convince people that violence ought not to be used”. ‘The 
only possible solution is for those who believe in moral law and 
human dignity to prove their faith by more effective works. 
The West has been living too long on its spiritual capital 
(Toynbee); even our good practices no longer express a great 
faith. Christians have a special responsibility for restoring the 
faith of the West, and bringing political realities into harmony 
with it; but they need better world organisation, “remember- 
ing that God gave His Son because He loved the World, not 
merely the West”. 

Prof. Hromadka challenged Mr. Dulles’ outlook. On many 
specific points he agreed strikingly with his fellow-Christian 
from New York: the futility of a new war, which would leave 
the West (if victorious) “‘ unable to cope with the area now under 
the Soviet government ”’; the richness of the Christian heritage 
of the West, which he analysed quite as appreciatively as Mr. 
Dulles; the responsibility of the Church for turning this heritage 
once more into a revolutionary dynamic by which a new order 
can be created and sustained. But he expressed his settled con- 


viction that the West cannot now regain the supremacy in world 
affairs which it had for centuries. It lost its last chance after the 
first World War, when Western democracy was temporarily 
supreme and missed its great opportunity. Henceforth the West 
must share world responsibility with the East, and this means 
that the West must get over its “almost metaphysical horror” of 
the new world trends and their Eastern leader, Soviet Russia. 
Acknowledging the presence of Czaristic imperialism in the 
Soviet régime and the dangers implicit in dialectic materialism, 
Hromadka nevertheless insisted that Communism represents 
“much of the social impetus of the living Church, from the 
Apostolic age down through the days of the monastic orders to 
the Reformation and liberal humanism’”’; and he pointed out 
that “ many barbarians are, through the Communist movement, 
coming of age and aspiring to a place in the sun”. The Church 
must not only hope to rejuvenate the demoralised West, it must 
lend its sympathy to these new barbarians. It must not allow 
itself to become identified with any Western bloc. 

The Assembly was raised to a high point of interest by this 
debate, and many left the hall at once to talk it over; but Dr. 
Mott introduced two more speakers before adjournment: Mr. 
Arthur Sweetser of the United Nations Organisation, who de- 
clared his conviction that the United Nations and the World 
Council of Churches stood for two “ mutually interdependent ”’ 
concerns; and the Court Chaplain of Queen Wilhelmina, who 
expressed Her Majesty’s regret that the plans of the Jubilee 
made it impossible for her to give the Assembly the attention 
she would like to give it, but said that she was following its work 
“with very great interest ’’.* : 


Worship at the Assembly was first and foremost the approach 
of Christians to our God and Saviour, but in its human aspect 
it had three facets—the showing forth of our unity, the illustra- 
tion of our variety and the confession of our sin. 

Our unity was most clearly illustrated in the opening and 
closing services; our variety in the daily acts of worship, for those 

1See p. 221. 


who were asked to lead these acts of worship were asked to do 
so out of the fulness of the tradition which they inherited; and 
the confession of our sin in real poignancy at the different com- 
munion services. | 

‘The morning services of worship took place in the Koepelkerk. 
The setting was appropriate, for the stern architecture of the 
church suited the simplicity of the services. It was regrettable 
that the living arrangements in Amsterdam were of necessity 
such as to make it difficult for many people to get from distant 
parts of the city in time to attend the worship services; neverthe- 
less they were moving and helpful for the several hundreds who 
were able to be there. 

The mere list of the leaders indicates the diversity of tradi- 
tions which were represented in the services. ‘The first service, 
on Monday, August 23rd, was led by Rey. Michio Kozaki of the 
Kyodan in Japan, followed by Bishop Ivan Lee Holt, a Methodist 
from the United States, Rev. Vilmos Vajta of the Lutheran 
Church in Hungary, Rev. John A. Garrett of the Congregational 
Church in Australia, Rev. M. D. Ratefy of the Reformed 
Church of France in Madagascar, Dr. D. Elton Trueblood of the 
Religious Society of Friends in the United States, Mrs. John 
Karefa-Smart of the Methodist Church in West Africa, and the - 
Rev. M. E. Aubrey of the Baptist Church in the United’ King- 
dom. ‘The wisdom of the Committee on Worship in arranging 
services consisting largely of prayer and scripture reading, with 
only short comments by the leaders, was amply justified. The 
daily periods of quiet were deeply appreciated and helped to 
develop the unity among the delegates upon which the total 
Assembly rested in a real fashion. 

The short act of worship at the end of each conference day 
again stressed unity and quietness. For this a simple liturgical 
structure was used, largely based upon the Anglican service of 
Evening Prayer. 

Although in all our acts of worship we were called to 
repentance and reminded of the Divine forgiveness, we were 
brought face to face with the fact and sin of our divided 
Christendom by the need for four differing services of Holy Com- 
munion. ‘This was required in order that every single individual 
in the Assembly could be a communicant at some service without 
infringing the discipline of some Christian Church. The frank 
facing of this fact was an incentive to deeper thought and more 


thoroughgoing repentance by all communicants. ‘There were 
services of Holy Communion according to the church usage of 
the Anglicans, the Eastern Orthodox and the Lutherans. The 
largest service was that in which our host church, the Reformed 
Church of Holland, invited all baptised and communicant mem- 
bers of other churches to participate. ‘These services were pre- 
ceded by the Service of Preparation on Saturday evening in the 
Nieuwe Kerk. ‘The latter, a service simple and deeply moving, 
should be mentioned particularly. The liturgy expressed the 
sorrows and the hopes of this gathering which so earnestly desired 
unity but could not at this deepest level achieve its aspirations. 
The sermon, preached without manuscript and with deep feeling 
by Dr. Hendrik Kraemer, moved the congregation to real peni- 
tence while at the same time indicating that the unity so 
intensely desired was here in a measure foreshadowed. During 
this service those who must still be divided at the Lord’s ‘Table 
united in preparation to receive, though according to diverse 
forms, the Body and Blood of the One Lord in Whom lies the 
only hope of unity. 

At the Communion Service on the following day some twelve 
hundred of the Assembly members took part. ‘Ten ministers 
from different countries and different confessions sat in turn at 
the Communion Table and spoke the words of institution as 
each group of communicants came forward. It was an impres- 
sive service expressing the fellowship of the Church at its deepest 

_ For two and a half hours, the representatives of the churches 
and nations moved in groups of one hundred to find their places 
at the Lord’s Table. ‘There were men and women from all 
corners of the world, of all races. ‘There were archbishops and 
laymen, youth delegates and aged church leaders. They came 
and at the ‘Table each passed the bread and then the chalice to 
his neighbour. 

To the Anglican, Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox Com- 
munion services, the whole Assembly was invited, even though 
all could not partake of the elements: and this experience was 
deeply fruitful for all those who attended. Here was the pos- 
sibility for many Christians to share in the central act of worship 
of Communions other than their own. ‘The simple dignity of 
the Anglican service, the Confessional strength of the Lutheran 
service, during which many non-Lutherans also received com- 


munion, and the dramatic fulness of the Eastern Orthodox ser- 
vice—all contributed in no small measure to the worship of the 

In addition to these provisions for all delegates, in the sense — 
that all these acts of worship took place at times and places when 
all could be present if they wished, there were opportunities 
on many other occasions for private and corporate prayer and 
sacramental worship according to the traditions of the various 
Christians who were present. But these were not so much 
activities of the Assembly at worship as opportunities for the 
individuals who composed the Assembly to practise the life of 
devotion to which they were accustomed. 

The Assembly had much business to transact. It was a time 
of rush and strain. But the times of worship brought real 
refreshment when those who were met together on God's busi- 
ness together sought Him Who had called them. 


The Assembly met in plenary session on Monday afternoon, 
August 3oth, Tuesday evening, August 31st, and from Wednes- 
day morning, September 1st, till Saturday morning, September 
4th. The purpose of these meetings was to hear the reports of 
the Nominations Committee, of the Credentials Committee, of 
the four Sections, of the seven Committees and of the Com- 
mittee on the Message. The chairman for the session receiving 
the reports of the Nominations Committee and the Credentials 
Committee was the Archbishop of Canterbury; for those re- 
ceiving the reports of the four Sections, Dr. Henry P. Van 
Dusen; for those receiving the report of Committee I, the Arch-- 
bishop of Canterbury; for those receiving the reports of Com- 
mittees II and III, Pastor Marc Boegner; for those receiving 
the four reports of Committee IV, the Archbishop of Upsala; 
and for those receiving the Message, the Archbishop of Canter- 

With so large a volume of business to be done, and with the 
reports of the different Sections and Committees being com- 
pleted at different times, it was impossible to adhere to a strictly 
predetermined agenda for these plenary sessions. With the ex- 


ception of that for Section II, however, the different reports were 
distributed in the three languages as needed to each member of 
the Assembly twenty-four hours prior to the time of considera- 
tion, so that the Assembly was able to consider them after 
| previous study. 

Because of the unsystematic way in which the agendas for 
these plenary meetings had to be fixed, it has been thought best 
to present the account of the consideration of these matters in a 
logical rather than a chronological manner: that is, to record 
them not as they actually arose in the meetings, but in reference 
to the Section or Committee with which they are concerned. 
The account of the plenary discussions, therefore, is found 
appended to the final report of the Sections and Committees. 
There was no discussion on the Reports of the Credentials Com- 
mittee and of the Nominations Committee.’ 

Special reference should, however, be made to other important 
matters which were brought before the Assembly. 

During the morning session of Friday, September 3rd, Dr. 
Visser ’t Hooft read the English translation of a letter in Dutch 
which he had received from Cardinal de Jong, Archbishop of 

“By a regrettable misunderstanding you did not receive 
officially a copy of the pastoral letter which the episcopate of 
the Catholic Church in the Netherlands have issued on the 
occasion of the Ecumenical Conference in Amsterdam. We 
have the honour to send you a copy of this pastoral letter, 
accompanied by a very careful English translation which has 
possibly come to your notice. In the hope that this pastoral 
letter may contribute to a right understanding of the attitude 
of the Catholic Church in this so important matter, we sign 
with feelings of respect.” 

Dr. Visser ’t Hooft added that he had submitted this letter to 
the Business Committee, which had asked him to arrange for the 
mimeographing of sufficient copies of the pastoral letter so that 
all delegates could read it. ‘The Business Committee had also 
decided that the letter should be submitted to the Central Com- 
mittee. . ; 

In the same meeting Bishop Berggrav as chairman of the com- 

1See pp. 214ff. 


mittee on the Message reported on behalf of that committee. 
The Message which the committee desired to submit was not in 
the first place a message to the world but rather to the Christian 
churches. Compared with the message sent out in February — 
1946 by the Provisional Committee, the present Message might 
appear a very modest document. It was more like a pastoral 
letter to fellow-Christians and a symbol of the fellowship in 
Christ now felt all over the world. An opportunity for discussion 
would be given in the afternoon, but he urged members not to 
try to add new points to the Message. The Reports of Sections 
and Committees contained what the Assembly had to say to the 
world. ‘The Message had to be of a different character. 

Bishop Newbigin then read the Message in English, while 
Pastor Pierre Maury read it in French and Pastor Niemoller in 
German. The reading of the Message was followed by a period 
of silent prayer. ‘The completeness of that silence showed that — 
the Assembly said: “ Amen.” 

Coming together for the last time early on Saturday morning, 
members of the Assembly experienced mixed emotions. It was 
good to have finished the whole arduous task of the first 
Assembly. But even with weary joy it was difficult to think of 
this as the last session together. Only a few items remained on 
the agenda. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury was in the chair, and he called 
first on youth. Philip Potter of the West Indies read the Youth 
Delegations’ report to the Assembly and was heartily applauded 
when he finished.! Following him, Bishop Lesslie Newbigin 
read the final revision of the Assembly’s Message.? It was 
unanimously adopted, and there was a period of silence followed 
by a prayer thanking God that He had led His servants to this 
moment, and beseeching Him to accept these humble words and 
bless them, and to forgive their imperfections. Archbishop 
Germanos then read a statement on behalf of the Eastern 
Orthodox delegates.2 Minor amendments were voted for two 
other reports, and the Assembly’s business was completed. 

The Archbishop began to thank all those who had made the 
Assembly what it had been. He expressed the gratitude of the 
members to the Queen and to the Princess-Regent and to the 
Burgomaster of Amsterdam and to the Dutch people for their 
welcome. He then thanked those who had so ably served the 

1 See p. 183. 2 See p. 9. . 3 See p. 220. 


Conference: the Arrangements Committee, the Amsterdam . 
Committee, the Study Department, the accommodation service, 
the Press Committee and the Press itself, the Finance Com- 
mittee, the ushers, the typists, the interpreters, the translators, 
the duplicators (“they also serve who only duplicate’’) and the 
Assembly’s Secretaries. Fearful lest there be one serious 
omission, Dr. Visser ’t Hooft stood and expressed the 
Assembly’s gratitude to the Presidents of the World Council 
for their service. ‘hen, after the Nunc Dimittis had been said 
and a brief prayer offered, the Archbishop declared the business 
of the first Assembly of the World Council of Churches to be 
finished, and delegates filed quickly from the Concertgebouw. 

Within five minutes the great hall stood dark and strangely. 

empty. For one who had spent mornings, afternoons and even- 
ings there for two weeks, the long rows of upturned red plush 
seats brought a twinge of regret and at the same time a realisa- 
tion of the joy, the fellowship, the achievement and the mean- 
ing of the two weeks just past. 
- Outside in the sunshine delegates hurried to board waiting 
trams and travelled to the Wester Kerk across the city. Amster- 
dam, was festive and expectant in anticipation of the installation 
of the Princess Juliana as the new Queen of the Netherlands. 
World Council delegates, many of whose foreign costumes had 
attracted crowds of people two weeks earlier, seemed less im- 
portant now that the Dutch burghers were getting ready for 
their own celebration. 

When the congregation had gathered at the Wester Kerk, the 
ministers filed in and sat under the elevated pulpit directly 
across the nave from where sat the Council Presidents. ‘The 
Scripture lesson was read in French by Pastor Dominicé of 
Geneva; Bishop Jacob of the Church of South India then led 
the congregation in prayer and asked all to pray for a delegate 
who had not been able to leave his country and had just been 
arrested. It was a sharp reminder to those who for two weeks 
had lived in close Christian fellowship that they were returning 
to the “world”. When the choir of the Russian Orthodox 
Seminary had finished its anthem, the whole congregation rose 
_ to sing as with one voice Luther’s mighty hymn, “Ein feste 
Burg”. ‘The first preacher was Bishop Dibelius of Berlin who 
took as his text: ‘‘’The Holy Spirit which God has given to those 
who obey Him”’ (Acts v, 32). He urged the delegates not only 


to pray: “Veni Creator Spiritus”, but also to affirm joyously: 
“Venit Creator Spiritus.” We must dare to say: “Der Heilige 
Geist ist da.” | | 

Dr. Sockman emphasised that we can only stay together when 
we advance together. Like the Pilgrim Fathers who had left 
Holland many years ago believing that more light was to break 
forth from God’s Holy Word, we should enter together upon a 
pilgrimage of faith. 

Pastor Pierre Maury spoke on the text: ‘‘ What doth it profit 
a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” 
(Matthew xvi, 26). At this moment Jesus asks us this pene- 
trating question. We are tempted to think in terms of large 
plans, of publicity and propaganda. We must remember that 
the final question concerns our ministry to individual men. 
Those who are not truly concerned with persons are not truly 
Christian. All that we have done at Amsterdam belongs to 
Christ. We are thankful to know that He has redeemed it all. 

The Te Deum was read by Bishop Ambrosios of Greece and 
the Benediction was given by Prof. Berkelbach van der Sprenkel 
of the Netherlands Reformed Church. | 




HE work of the Sections at the Assembly was preceded by 
a long and thorough period of preparatory study. It was, 
indeed, this preparatory study which formed one of the 
chief activities of the Provisional Committee and its Study 
Department during the last two years. At its first post-war 
meeting the Provisional Committee determined the main sub- 
ject of the Assembly. In August 1946, the Study Department 
Commission met in Cambridge, England, to make detailed plans 
of preparation. It was a representative meeting of leading 
Christian thinkers, and there appeared a remarkable consensus 
among its members. ‘The central theme of the Assembly was 
chosen, later to be accepted by the Provisional Committee and 
divided into four sub-sections: 

The Universal Church in God’s Design 

‘The Church’s Witness to God’s Design 

The Church and the Disorder of Society 

The Church and the International Disorder 

The studies as outlined called for the production of four 
books, a symposium on each subject, to be produced and in the 
hands of the delegates to the Assembly not later than May 1948. 
It is a tribute to all who guided and participated in the project 
that this plan was actually carried through, and that delegates 
had two months and more in which to prepare themselves for 
the discussions in their Sections. 

Three stages were involved in this ecumenical study. First, 
between August 1946 and June 1947, four Commissions—each 
international and representative of the chief confessions in the 
World Council—were appointed, correspondence with the mem- 
bers individually maintained, and the first drafts of the various 
chapters produced and circulated for the first criticisms. A 


single year proved too short a time for the thorough completion 
of this initial stage, for when all four Commissions met in June 
1947 at the Ecumenical Institute (Bossey, Switzerland), only 
approximately half of the first drafts were actually in hand. 
Sufficient material had been written, however, to give a clear 
idea of the general character of each volume, and to provide a 
basis for criticism and recommendation for the future. Inten- 
sive work followed: the production of new drafts, the re-writing 
of first drafts, the criticism of all chapters. ‘Thus the head- 
quarters of the Study Department in Geneva became a clearing- 
house for one of the most extensive pieces of ecumenical study 
ever undertaken. At the close of the period, marked by the 
meeting of the Study Department Commission and the meetings 
of the officers of each of the Commissions in January 1948, the 
final volumes began to take shape. Only a few major criticisms 
were made; for the most part the volumes were ready for final 
editing. Remarkably rapid work on the part of the publishers 
made them all available in May and June, in bound page proof, 
for the delegates to the Assembly. 

The four volumes have three distinct functions. “They served 
as the focus-point of a valuable process of ecumenical thinking. 
People had been isolated from one another during the war; 
communications had been cut off, and energies directed towards 
other tasks. As a result, the plan for the Assembly series was 
hailed everywhere as meeting a deeply-felt need, and the 
response to it was immediate and widespread. ‘Two illustrations: 
bear out the point: in Germany, the mimeographed copies of 
the draft articles were eagerly translated, duplicated and sent 
out widely upon request to literally scores of critics and other 
readers. In the United States nearly three hundred critics were 
enlisted, and well over half sent in studied, written comments. 
Beyond this, the volumes served their immediate purpose, that 
of acquainting the delegates to the Assembly with the main 
issues with which their Sections were concerned. Reports varied 
from Section to Section as to the degree in which the discussion 
followed the volume, but it cannot be denied that the material 
formed an important background of general orientation and 
information. Thirdly, the volumes will have a long continuing 
use. . They are now offered to the public, together with the final 
Reports of the Sections and there is every indication that they 
will be carefully studied. 


In addition to the study volumes, the Sections at the Assembly 
had two other items of preparatory material designed to aid the 
discussion. Of these the first was a carefully-prepared agenda, 
designed to raise clearly the important issues for the Section to 
consider. ‘These agendas were supplemented by draft state- 
ments to be used as a starting point for the work of the Sections. 
Both draft statements and agenda were the result of careful 
ecumenical collaboration, having been prepared at the represen- 
tative meetings in the summer of 1947 and at the pre-Assembly 
meeting of the Commissions at Woudschoten, Holland. 

‘The meetings of the Sections themselves involved careful 
organisation to ensure that the short time at their disposal was 
used as profitably as possible. ‘This centred in the officers of 
the Section, the drafting committees, and the Sections Co-ordinat- 
ing Group. Each Section had a Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and 
Secretary, as well as two liaison officers. These formed a steering 
committee, which carefully guided the course of the section 
meetings, in order that on the one hand the diversity of opinion 
might find expression, and on the other that discussion might 
culminate in a concise report. ‘The liaison officers were respon- 
sible for keeping the officers of the Section in close touch first 
with the progress of thought in other Sections, and second with 
the developments in the corresponding Alternates’ Section. The 
drafting committees were responsible for the writing of the 
Section Reports. In each case four draft reports were produced, 
for it was soon realized that discussion proceeded more profitably 
in reference to a concrete document than in general terms. The 
third draft report was presented to the Assembly in plenary 
session, the fourth became the final Report as amended and 
received by the Assembly. ‘The Sections Co-ordinating Group 
met each night at dinner. It was composed of the Chairmen and 
Secretaries of the Sections. Its task was to achieve the correla- 
tion of the total development day by day of the work of all the 

The hardest but also the most rewarding work of the Assembly 
was done in these sectional meetings. It was there that deep 
convictions were expressed, that the clash of minds took place, 
that misunderstandings arose. But it was also there that finally 
minds met as they discovered “the agreement within the dis- 
agreement ’’. ‘There were times when it seemed quite impossible 
that any common and coherent word could come out of those dis- 



cussions. But in the later meetings of the Sections and especially 
in the drafting committees which worked at all times of the day — 
or night, the confusion of tongues was finally overcome and it 
proved possible to state what convictions the churches had in 
common and what disagreements remained to be discussed and 
studied. It is unfortunately impossible to describe in this Report 
just how the Sections were led to their conclusions. te Ta 

In the following pages the Report of each Section is followed 
by a record of the discussions which took place in plenary session 
after its presentation. In addition, the reports of the Youth 
Sections, which were circulated to the Assembly for its informa- 
tion, are included. 


Received by the Assembly and commended to the churches 
for their serious consideration and appropriate action 


God has given to His people in Jesus Christ a unity which is 
His creation and not our achievement. We praise and thank 
Him for a mighty work of His Holy Spirit, by which we have 
been drawn together to discover that, notwithstanding our 
divisions, we are one in Jesus Christ. 

We speak, as Christians from many lands and many traditions, 
first of all to thank God for His goodness. We come from Chris- 
tian churches which have for long misunderstood, ignored and 
misrepresented one another; we come from lands which have 
often been in strife; we are all sinful men and we are heirs to 
the sins of our fathers. We do not deserve the blessing which 
God has given us.. 

God’s redeeming activity in the world has been carried out 
through His calling a People to be His own chosen People. The 
Old Covenant was fulfilled in the New when Jesus Christ, the 
Son of God incarnate, died and was raised from the dead, 
ascended into heaven and gave the Holy Ghost to dwell in His 
Body, the Church. It is our common concern for that Church 
which draws us together, and in that concern we discover our 
unity in relation to her Lord and Head. 


It is in the light of that unity that we can face our deepest 
difference, still loving one another in Christ and walking by 
faith in Him alone. It has many forms and deep roots. It 
exists among many other differences of emphasis within Christen- 
dom. Some are Catholic or Orthodox in clearly-understood 
senses; some are Protestant after the great Reformation confes- 
sions; others stress the local congregation, the “gathered com- 
munity” and the idea of the “free church”. Some are deeply 
convinced that Catholic and Protestant (or Evangelical) can be 


held together within a single church. Yet, from among these 
shades of meaning, we would draw special attention to a differ- 
ence to which, by many paths, we are constantly brought back. 
Historically it has been loosely described as the difference 
between ‘Catholic’? and. ‘‘Protestant”,! though we have 
learned to mistrust any over-simple formula to describe it. 

The essence of our situation is that, from each side of the 
division, we see the Christian faith and life as a self-consistent 
whole, but our two conceptions of the whole are inconsistent 
with each other. 

It is impossible to describe either tendency or emphasis 
briefly without doing it an injustice. Each contains within it 
a wide variety of emphasis and many “schools of thought”’. But 
in each case we confront a whole corporate tradition of the 
understanding of Christian faith and life. We may illustrate 
this by saying that the emphasis usually called “ Catholic’? 
contains a primary insistence upon the visible continuity of the 
Church in the apostolic succession of the episcopate. The one 
usually called “ Protestant”! primarily emphasizes the initiative 
of the Word of God and the response of faith, focussed in the 
doctrine of justification sola fide. But the first group also stresses 
faith, and the second also stresses continuity of the visible church 
in some form. Moreover this difference of emphasis cuts across 
many of our confessional boundaries. Conversation and under- 
standing between these traditions are often made even more 
difficult by the presence in each of many who are accustomed 
only to their own forms of expression, are ignorant of others’ 
traditions and often hold beliefs about their separated fellow- 
Christians which are a travesty of the true situation. Yet even 
when the conversation is between those who deeply trust and 
understand each other, there remains a hard core of disagree- 
ment between different total ways of apprehending the Church 
of Christ. : 

Each of these views sees every part of the Church’s life in the 
setting of the whole, so that even where the parts seem to be 
similar they are set in a context which, as yet, we find irreconcil- 
able with the whole context of the other. As so often in the 
past, we have not been able to present to each other the whole- 
ness of our belief in ways that are mutually acceptable. 

* Clearly ‘‘ Catholic’? is not used here to mean Roman Catholic, and 
‘ Protestant ’’ in most of Europe is better rendered by ‘‘ Evangelical ’’. 



It is not possible to mention all the points which have been 
raised in our discussion together, still less to mention those 
which have been discovered in other fields of work on Christian 
unity, especially the work of the Commissions of “Faith and 
Order”. All that we do here is to indicate certain points to 
which we have given attention, and some of the ways in which 
we believe they can be pursued in the work for Christian unity. 
We consider that the book The Universal Church in God’s 
Design, which was written in preparation for our studies, con- 
tains much helpful material and we commend it to the serious 
attention of our churches as they face these problems. 

We group our agreements into those which concern the nature 
of the Church and those which concern its mission, each followed 
by some disagreements which are revealed by a closer examina- 
tion of the agreements. 

A. We all believe that the Church is God’s gift to men for the 
salvation of the world; that the saving acts of God in Jesus Christ 
brought the Church into being; that the Church persists in con- 
tinuity throughout history through the presence and the power 

of the Holy Spirit. 
_ Within this agreement, we should continue, in obedience to 
God, to try to come to a deeper understanding of our differences 
in order that they may be overcome. These concern: 

1. The relation between the old and new Israel and the re- 
lation of the visible church to “the new creation” in 
Christ. It appears from our discussion that some of our 
differences concerning the Church and the ministry have 
their roots here. | 

2. The relation, in the saving acts of God in Christ, between 
objective redemption and personal salvation, between scrip- 
ture and tradition, between the Church as once founded 
and the Church as Christ’s contemporary act. 

3. The place of the ministry in the Church and the nature of ; 
its authority and continuity, the number and interpreta- — 
tion af the sacraments, the relation of baptism to faith and 

confirmation, the relation of the universal to the local 

church; the nature of visible unity and the meaning of 


B. We believe that the Church has a vocation to worship God 
in His holiness, to proclaim the Gospel to every creature. She 
is equipped by God with the various gifts of the Spirit for the 
building up of the Body of Christ. She has been set apart in 
holiness to live for the service of all mankind, in faith and love, 
by the power of the crucified and risen Lord and according to 
His example. She is composed of forgiven sinners yet partaking 
already, by faith, in the eternity of the Kingdom of God and 
waiting for the consummation when Christ shall come again in 
the fulness of His glory and power. 

Within this agreement also, we should continue, in obedience 
‘to God, to try to come to a deeper understanding of our differ- 
ences in order that they may be overcome. ‘Uhese concern: 

1. The relation between the Godward vocation of the Church 
in worship and her manward vocation in witness and 

2. The degree to which the Kingdom of God can be said to 
be already realised within the Church. 

3. The nature of the Church’s responsibility for the common 
life of men and their temporal institutions. | 

We gratefully acknowledge these agreements and we seek the 
solution of these disagreements. God wills the unity of Hts 
Church and we must be obedient to Him. 

At many of these points, our problems cut across confessional 
boundaries, and we are grateful to God for the way in which 
we continually learn from our fellow-Christians and for the way 
in which He is making Himself more clearly known to us - 
through our fellowship with one another. In some parts of the 
world and to some of our members, issues which we have dis- 
cussed here do not seem important or even relevant. Yet, be- 
cause they are vital to some, they ultimately concern all. Among 
others whom we represent, many of our difficulties seem either 
to have been overcome or are on the way to solution. We thank 
God for all that lights the path to visible unity. | 


Although we cannot fully meet, our Lord will not allow us 


to turn away from one another. We cannot ignore one another, 
for the very intensity of our difference testifies to a common con- 
viction which we drew from Him. ‘The Body of Christ is a 
unity which makes it impossible for us either to forget each 
other or to be content with agreement upon isolated parts of our 
belief whilst we leave the other parts unreconciled. 

Yet we have found God, in His mercy, penetrating the barriers 
of our fundamental division and enabling us to speak, in the 
common language of the divine revelation witnessed to in the 
Scriptures, about the points at which we find we meet. Wherever 
we find ourselves thus speaking together of our unity, we also 
find ourselves faced by some stubborn problems. In dealing 
with them, we discover disagreements which are to be traced 
back into our different ways of understanding the whole and, 
beneath those disagreements, we find again an agreement in a 
unity which drew us together and will not let us go. 


The glory of the Church is wholly in her Lord. In His love, 
He stooped to redeem her and to crown her as His bride. We 
praise God for continually-renewed signs of His love for the 
Church. In recent years, it has been given to many of our fellow- 
Christians to rediscover what it is to be a “Church under the 
Cross’. There they discovered new life, found the Bible as a 
living, contemporary book, made a good confession of their faith 
and saw the Church come to life in the steadfastness of thou- 
sands of humble Christians. We praise God for many signs of 
awakened life in the churches in many lands. Christ is moving 
many to a more sacrificial identification with the homeless and 
desperate, to a more vigorous evangelism and to a deeper 
theological seriousness. In many parts of the world, He is draw- 
ing long-separate Christians towards a closer approach to unity. 
Some notable unions have been achieved. For the courage, 
enterprise and vision which inspired them, we give thanks to 
_ our one Shepherd. 

Although genuine convictions and loyalty to truth itself have 
their part in the making and perpetuating of divisions, we con- 
fess that pride, self-will and lovelessness have also played their 
part and still do so. 


Within our divided churches, there is much which we confess | 
with penitence before the Lord of the Church, for it is in our 
estrangement from Him that all our sin has its origin. It is 
because of this that the evils of the world have so deeply pene- 
trated our churches, so that amongst us too there are worldly 
standards of success, class division, economic rivalry, a secular 
mind. Even where there are no differences of theology, language 
or liturgy, there exist churches segregated by race and colour, 
a scandal within the Body of Christ. We are in danger of being 
salt that has lost its savour and is fit for nothing. 

Within our divided churches it is to our shame that we have 
so often lived in preoccupation with our internal affairs, look- 
ing inward upon our own concerns instead of forgetting our- 
selves in outgoing love and service. Our churches are too much 
dominated by ecclesiastic officialdom, clerical or lay, instead of 
giving vigorous expression to the full rights of the living con- 
gregation and the sharing of clergy and people in the common 
life in the Body of Christ. 

We pray for the churches’ renewal as we pray for their unity. © 
As Christ purifies us by His Spirit we shall find that we are 
drawn together and that there is no gain in unity unless it is 
unity in truth and holiness. 


We thank God for the ecumenical movement because we be- 
lieve it is a movement in the direction which He wills. It has 
helped us to recognise our unity in Christ. We acknowledge 
that He is powerfully at work amongst us to lead us further to 
goals which we but dimly discern. We do not fully understand 
some of the things He has already done amongst us or their im- 
plications for our familiar ways. It is not always easy to recon- 
cile our confessional and ecumenical loyalties. We also have 
much to gain from the encounter of the old-established Christian 
traditions with the vigorous, growing churches whose own 
traditions are still being formed. We bring these, and all other 
difficulties between us, into the World Council of Churches in 
order that we may steadily face them together. Because it is a 
Council of Churches, we must discuss them in a full sense of 
responsibility to those who send us, not pretending to agree- 
ments which our churches as a whole would repudiate. 


The World Council of Churches has come into existence be- 
cause we have already recognised a responsibility to one another’s 
churches in our Lord Jesus Christ. There is but one Lord and 
one Body. Therefore we cannot rest content with our present 
divisions. Before God, we are responsible for one another. We 
see already what some of our responsibilities are, and God will 
show us more. But we embark upon our work in the World 
Council of Churches in penitence for what we are, in hope for 
what we shall be. At this inaugural Assembly, we ask for the 
continual prayer of all participating churches that God may 
guide it in His wisdom, saving us both from false claims and 
from faithless timidity. — 


BISHOP LILJE, chairman of the Section, introduced the Report. He 
said that the Assembly would realise the difficulty of the task the 
Section faced. Throughout all its deliberations, however, the very 
fact of their being gathered together constituted a unity which no 
one had the right to deny. In spite of all disagreements or dissen- 
sions they felt unity on a deeper level than had been possible before, 
and they had tried to discover, within their disagreement, the agree- 
ment which still existed. He would always consider it a privilege to 
have been the chairman of this group, and thanked the members 
of the Section for the complete mutual confidence in which they had 
carried out the work. 

THE BISHOP OF ARMIDALE made the comment that the Report left the 
matter too much as it was before. The question of the sin of man 
had been relegated as an afterthought to the last part of the Report. 
The Report should surely have begun with a confession of man’s 
sin and failure. Our human prejudices were very real factors in 
keeping us apart. He would ask the Drafting Committee to consider 
the transference of these paragraphs to the beginning of the Report. 

THE CHAIRMAN said an amendment to this effect could be considered 
after the next speakers. 

DR. DEVADUTT (Consultant) said that Christian leaders in India who 
had been, and still were, labouring in the cause of church union, 
- would consider the document as falling far short of the stage which 
they had reached. The Church of South India was an accomplished 


fact and represented a union unique in character in that for the 
first time Presbyterian, Congregational and Episcopal traditions had 
come together. There were other schemes for church union in 
North India and Ceylon, and that in North India would comprise 
an even wider grouping of traditions. In Ceylon negotiations had 
reached a rather advanced stage, and he thought they would progress, 
as there was determination to come to an understanding and a con- 
' viction that it was the will of God they should do so. He asked the 
churches not to do anything, in word or deed, that would imperil 
these delicate negotiations. In that case the parent would cause the 
child to stumble. The Younger Churches had travelled with the 
Older Churches for many years and God had given new light on 
every step. They did not presume to teach, but hoped there might 
be something to be learned from the Spirit of God working in the 
Church of South India. He did not wish to give the impression 
that there was no value in the Report, nor that the Church of South 
India was perfect. It still had important defects. He thought that 
the Report drew attention to some stubborn difficulties, especially in 
the definition of some churches as Catholic and others as Protestant, 
but did not contribute to that visible unity which was the will 
of God. 

‘DR. DOUGLAS HORTON thanked the Drafting Committee for their 
work and said this was due in no small measure to the chairmanship 
of Bishop Lilje. He believed there was one lack in it, however. He 
referred to the paragraph stating that “the emphasis usually called 
‘Catholic’ contains a primary insistence upon the visible continuity 
of the Church in the apostolic succession of the episcopate. The one 
usually called ‘Protestant’ primarily emphasises the initiative of the 
Word of God and the response of faith, focussed in the doctrine of 
justification sola fide”. He did not believe the latter was a good 
definition. It was more a definition of a Christian rather than of a 
church. It did not speak of the community of believers. He sug- 
gested to the Drafting Committee that they include a reference to 
a further type of church, the “gathered” church, the church of the 
Covenant, the church of the community of the Holy Spirit. Millions 
of people would not recognise their church in either of these defini- 
tions. ‘They had a fierce and implacable belief in succession, not 
necessarily an episcopal succession, but one that could be carried 
on by the humblest person. This gathered community was not 
gathered because they were people who liked each other, but souls 
were brought closer together because they were brought close to Jesus 
Christ. | 

THE CHAIRMAN asked Dr. Horton to formulate an amendment which ~ 
would instruct the Drafting Committee to insert into the Report 
an adequate description of what he had outlined. The Assembly 
would have an opportunity of expressing their opinion on such an 


THE BISHOP OF LONDON wished to congratulate the Committee on 
their work. Its sincerity was obvious in the stress which it laid on 
our divisions. He thought, however, that this stress was far too 
great. We, and the world, knew they existed, but the world did 
not know of the tremendous progress which had been made towards 
a new unity, and this should be our message to the world. He also 
wished to speak of the definitions concerning “Catholic” and 
“Protestant ’’ types of churches. 

He thought that this was hard on the Anglican churches and the 
Church of Sweden, which claimed to be both Catholic and Protestant. 
To many the word “Protestant” means ‘‘anti-papal’’ and the 
opposite was not “Catholic” but “papal”. There was a difference 
between an “ Evangelical” and a “Catholic” theology, but we must 
remember that the difference was by no means irreconcilable. They 
were two aspects of the same truth. If this distinction of “ Catholic” 
and “‘ Protestant’”’ went out to the world, all Roman Catholic propa- 
gandists would say that we had two irreconcilable religions which 
could not possibly hold together. He believed that, as both Catholic 
and Evangelical, we had a fully comprehensive grasp of the whole 
Gospel, and if we could hold the two together we would have a real 
vision of the New Testament and the whole history of the Christian 

‘THE CHAIRMAN asked if the Bishop of London wished to make a 
recommendation to the Drafting Committee, and the Bishop agreed. 

ARCHBISHOP GERMANOS said that for many years he had worked for 
a better understanding between the churches, and knew the diffi- 
culties which arose from different conceptions of the nature of the 
Church. As they met there as brothers, he might be permitted to 
say that he missed in the Report the eschatological conception of the 
-invisible and the visible Church. One of the first duties of the 
Church in this world was to prepare its members to be citizens of 
‘a new Church, the new Jerusalem. He wished to propose to the 
drafting Committee to take into consideration this point of view, 
especially because such a vision would contribute very much to the 
reconciliation of different conceptions of the Church. 

THE CHAIRMAN said they would now consider the two amendments 
proposed. ‘The first was that of the Bishop of Armidale, that 
Section V be transferred to the beginning of the Report. No 
-seconder being forthcoming the motion was dropped. ‘The second 
was that of Dr. Horton, who had moved that a third view of the 
Church widely held within the membership of the World Council 
be included, together with the two described as “Catholic” and 
“Protestant”. ‘This amendment was seconded. The Chairman said 
he had one or two names of people wishing to speak to this motion. 

BISHOP DUN said he wished to support Dr. Horton’s amendment. 


This point had been wrestled with in other ecumenical conferences, 
and while he did not think they had advanced much in the actual 
formulation of agreement, it was his genuine impression that in this 
Section they had faced it rather more realistically and profoundly. 
While there was a substantial amount of agreement on important 
points, the integral position from which different people approached 
the whole matter altered the context in which specific items were 
understood. He agreed that there were three ways of apprehending 
the Church. One might be called the Catholic approach, which 
stressed the corporateness of the Church as a dominant conception; 
the second stressed the Word on which the Church for ever stood 
and by which it was constantly renewed through faith; and the 
third could be characterised as the fellowship of experience, or the 
community of the perfect way. 

PASTOR NIEMOLLER’S concern was that by bringing in a third concep- 
tion of the Church, they raised the issue why there should not be 
four or five types of churches mentioned. He would like to have 
the Drafting Committee reconsider the paragraphs concerned in 
order to avoid adding a third form of church. 

CANON HODGSON wanted to take up the point raised by the Bishop 
of London with regard to Dr. Horton’s amendment. He thought 
that there were two distinct points of view which it was impossible 
to reconcile. The one was that the Church was meant to be a body 
in space and time, continuing down history as an earthly body, the 
continuity being that of an actual historical body. The opposite 
view was one which maintained that the only continuity necessary 
was not in this sphere of space and time at all but was in the 
invisible sphere of our risen Lord Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, 
to-day and for ever, Who embodies Himself as and when He will 
in this or that group of human beings whom He calls and who make 
the response of faith. Perhaps the Section, helped by Dr. Horton, 
could find some form of words which was more inclusive than the 
present form. 

DR. CRAIG spoke in opposition to Dr. Horton’s amendment. He 
said it was unfortunate that Dr. Horton was not able to participate 
in all the discussions of the Section. If he had he would have 
realised that the proposal he made would in effect take out the 
king-pin which underlay the entire Report. ‘There had been a 
time when it seemed that no report could be written at all. The 
difficulty had been that there was a group which was unwilling to 
assent unless there was a preliminary statement such as there was 
in the second section of the Report, which set forth with great sharp- 
ness the underlying difference between two entirely separate units. 
This section was called ‘“‘our deepest differences”. Dr. Craig felt 
that it was absolutely essential, if any report was to receive the assent 
of the differing groups participating, that the sharpness of the 


cleavage between them should be recognised before attempting to 
deal with agreements. 

FATHER FLOROVSKY pointed out that the task before the Assembly 
was not to produce a new “Confession of Amsterdam”. ‘The first 
and immediate purpose was to work towards the restoration of the 
unity of the Church, and one found many difficulties and handicaps. 
It was necessary to face those difficulties exactly and frankly. Father 
Florovsky’s suggestion made to the Section and rejected by the Draft- 
ing Committee had been to describe these differences as the concep- 
tion of apostolic succession and the conception of the gathered 
Church. These two are radically opposite. This was rejected 
because the doctrine of the gathered Church did not cover the whole 
Protestant field. He thought that if a description not of two main 
points of view, but of many, were introduced, the paragraph would 
be completely overburdened and one’s attention confused, and the 
point at which the difficulty really lay would be obscured. He was 
hesitant with regard to accepting’ the amendment made by Dr. 
Horton although he was in sympathy with the special emphasis 
made by the churches he represented. On the other hand he was 
doubtful about the proposal of the Bishop of London, because there 
certainly was a tension between Catholic and Protestant. But 
between Catholic and Evangelical there was more than a dialectic 
—they were two completely different blocs of belief, which could 
be reconciled only by a compromise. 

THE CHAIRMAN asked for an intimation from the Assembly, before 
putting Dr. Horton’s amendment to them, as to how many felt 
strongly in support of Dr. Horton’s proposal. The motion for 
amendment was then put to the vote by show of hands and was lost. 

MR. TAFT Said he could not accept two of the suggestions made by the 
Bishop of London... In the first place from his own experience in the 
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S. he was certain that a clear 
definition of differences would help very greatly in further thinking 
and discussion. He had participated in the debate between the 
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and his own Church on the ques- 
tion of possible union, and between prayer-book Christians and 
those who stood by the thirty-nine articles. He felt there should 
be opportunity for further discussion. 

Neither could he agree that “ Protestant” meant anti-papal. The 
_word “Protestant” in its proper interpretation means quite clearly 
“confession of faith” and not negation. For American Protestants, 
who had been emphasising just that point, the word stood for an 
affirmative faith, which started with the conviction that the private, 
conscientious judgment of the individual in loyalty to Christ was 
the right of every individual member, that the basis of salvation is 
justification by faith, and that all Christians are called to the priest- 

ood of all believers. 



REV. H. G. APKARIAN said that, on reading the Report, he felt there 
was too much stress on our differences. When the idea to be 
expressed was that of the “Universal Church in God’s Design”, it 
really sounded like man’s disorder in the Church of God. He felt 
it would be better to point out positively the agreements reached. 

pR. MAYS felt that at certain points in the Report it would be difficult 
for people not trained in theology and church history to under- 
stand it. Dr. Mays pleaded that a report on this subject should not 
be released without devoting a paragraph to the tension in the 
Church due to racial discrimination. Dr. Mays read his proposed 
amendment, which was seconded 

REV. D. T. NILES spoke with regard to Section V. He did not intend 
to propose any set form of words, but would like to see one or two 
points brought out in that section. 7 

First of all, one or two instances had been given of new life in 
the churches. That governed all the clauses which followed. But 
it gave him some concern, when it spoke of the discovery of new life 
in the Younger Churches in regard to Christian unity, that the state- 
ments were almost all negative. He referred specially to the sentence, 
“some notable schemes of union have come about”. No schemes 
of union had come about: the churches had united. In the state- 
ment about evangelisation it should be said that all the Faith and 
Order discussions should take place in terms of evangelisation. 

In the whole Report, the question of disagreements was very im- 
portant. But Mr. Niles felt that the Older Churches were discussing 
the reasons and circumstances which had led to their earlier divorce: 
the Younger Churches were only just getting married and did not 
wish to be asked their opinion on the subjects which had led to the 
quarrels between the Older Churches. 

THE CHAIRMAN Of Section I agreed to re-write the paragraph to which 
Mr. Niles had referred and also accepted Dr. Mays’ proposal. 

DR. VON THADDEN pleaded for Christian unity in everyday life. He 
prayed that the difficulties might be resolved in . brotherhood, 
through getting to know each other, in order to make the community 
stronger in love, in confidence and in sacrifice, and thus make one 

Church of Christ. 

DR. VAN DUSEN said there were two possible ways open to the 
Assembly, one being the motion before the members to receive the 
Report of Section I and commend it to the churches for their serious 
consideration and appropriate action. If the Report were adopted 
it would be understood that the Drafting Committee would have 
power to make emendations along the lines of the suggestions 
accepted by the chairman of the Section. 

The second course was that the Report should be referred back 


to the Section Drafting Committee for re-submission to the Assembly 
for formal action at a subsequent meeting. If the second motion 
prevailed, as he hoped it would, Dr. Van Dusen said the members 
of Assembly would then feel that they were able to vote on the 
document in its final form. On its second presentation, Dr. Van 
Dusen hoped the Report would be accepted without debate. 

BISHOP LILJE said that, though the result of the vote on Dr. Horton’s 
amendment had been quite clear, he felt a word was owed to the 
people who had voted for it. He assured Dr. Horton and those 
who voted for his amendment that not only did he personally under- 
stand what Dr. Horton wanted to emphasise, but that the Drafting 
Committee had carefully considered the matter. There were two 
reasons for the rejection of the amendment. One was that it would 
have broken up the logical structure of the whole document. The 
second was that this was a first attempt to speak as churches, and 
it would be handed over to the churches for their further considera- 
tion. Bishop Lilje felt that the document was one of the strongest 
affirmations of unity there had been. The committee had abstained 
from emotional terminology and tried to speak quite simply about 
what united us with each other. The Younger Churches looked at 
the problems in a different way. If one thought of the actual 
situation, the Report seemed to be an adequate description of our 
present situation, and it gave a clear picture of what was aimed at. 

THE CHAIRMAN moved an amendment referring the Report back to 
the Drafting Committee of Section I, for re-submission to a later 
session of the Assembly. ‘The amendment was carried. 

Note: At a subsequent meeting, the revised and final edition of 
the Report was received unanimously without debate. 


Received unanimously by the Assembly and commended to the 
churches for their serious consideration and appropriate action 


The purpose of God is to reconcile all men to Himself and to 
one another in Jesus Christ His Son. ‘That purpose was made 
manifest in Jesus Christ—His incarnation, His ministry of 
service, His death on the Cross, His resurrection and ascension. 
It continues in the gift of the Holy Spirit, in the command to 
make disciples of all nations, and in the abiding presence of 
Christ with His Church. It looks forward to its consummation 
in the gathering together of all things in Christ. Much in that 
purpose is still hidden from us. ‘Three things are perfectly 
All that we need to know concerning God’s purpose is 
already revealed in Christ. 
It is God’s will that the Gospel should be proclaimed to 
all men everywhere. . 
God is pleased to use human obedience in the fulfilment 
of His purpose. . 

To the Church, then, is given the privilege of so making 
Christ known to men that each is confronted with the necessity 
of a personal decision, Yes or No. The Gospel is the expression 
both of God’s love to man, and of His claim to man’s obedience. 
In this lies the solemnity of the decision. Those who obey are 
delivered from the power of the world in which sin reigns, and 
already, in the fellowship of the children of God, have the ex- 
perience of eternal life. ‘Those who reject the love of God 
remain under His judgment and are in danger of sharing in the 
impending doom of the world that is passing away. 


Two world wars have shaken the structure of the world. 
Social and political convulsions rage everywhere. The mood of 


many swings between despair, frustration and blind indiffer- 
ence. The millions of Asia and Africa, filled with new hope, 
are determined to seize now the opportunity of shaping their 
own destiny. Mankind, so clearly called even by its own 
interests to live at peace, seems still rent by a fanaticism of 
mutual destruction. 

The word faith has acquired a new context. For most men, 
it is now faith in the new society, now to be founded once for 
all, in which the “good life’’ will be realised. Even in the 
present-day confusion, there are still many who believe that 
man, by wise planning, can master his own situation. Such men 
are interested not in absolute truth, but in achievement. In face 
of many religions and philosophies, it is held that all truth is re- 
lative, and so the necessity of a costly personal decision is evaded. 

A formidable obstacle to Christian faith is the conviction that 
it ‘belongs definitely to a historical phase now past. To those 
who know little of it, it seems merely irrelevant. More thought- 
ful men, who hold that it enshrines some spiritual and cultural 
values, regard it as no longer honestly tenable as a system of 
belief. And yet there is an earnest desire for clearly formulated 
truth. The religions of Asia and Africa are being challenged 
and profoundly modified. In the period of transition, the 
minds of millions are more than usual open to the Gospel. But 
the tendency in these countries to press an ancient religion into 
service as one foundation for a politically homogeneous state 
already threatens the liberty of Christian action. 

So the Church sees the world. What does the world see, or 
think it sees, when it looks at the Church? 

‘It is a Church divided, and in its separated parts are often 
found hesitancy, complacency or the desire to domineer. 

It is a Church that has largely lost touch with the dominant 
| realities of modern life, and still tries to meet the modern world 
with a language and technique that may have been appropriate 
two hundred years ago. 

It is a Church that, by its failure to speak effectively on the 
subject of war, has appeared impotent to deal with the realities 
of the human situation. 

It is a Church accused by many of having ai blind to the 
movement of God in history, of having sided with the vested 
interests of society and state, and of having failed to kindle the 
vision and to purify the wills of men in a changing world. 



“It is a Church under suspicion in many quarters of having 
used its missionary enterprise to further the foreign policies of 
states and the imperialistic designs of the powers of the West. 

Much in this indictment may be untrue; but the Church is 
called to deep shame and penitence for its failure to manifest 
Jesus Christ to men as He really is. Yet the Church is still the 
Church of God, in which, and in which alone He is pleased to 
reveal Himself and His redemptive purpose in Jesus Christ, 
in Whom and in Whom alone the renewal of man’s life is 

It is a Church to which, through the upheavals of the modern 
world, God cries aloud and says, “ Come let us reason together” 
(Isaiah i, 18). 

It is a Church that is, to millions of faithful people, the place 
where they receive the grace of Christ and are given strength 
to live by the power of His victory. 

It is a Church awaking to its great opportunity to enter as the 
minister of the redemption wrought by Christ into that world 
with which God has confronted us. | | 

It is a Church that to-day desires to treat evangelism as the 
common task of all the churches, and transcends the traditional 
distinction between the so-called Christian and so-called non- 
Christian lands. 

The present day is the beginning of a new epoch of missionary 
enterprise, calling for the pioneering spirit, and for the dedica- 
tion of many lives to the service of the Gospel of God. 


The duty of the Church at such a time can be expressed 
simply in one sentence—it is required to be faithful to the 
Gospel and to realise more fully its own nature as the Church. 
But fulfilment of this duty involves a revolution in thought and 

A. Worship and Witness 
Worship and witness have sometimes been held in separation, 
but they belong inseparably together, as the fulfilment of the 
great command that men should love God and should love their 
neighbour as themselves. 
When the ordinary man speaks of the Church, he thinks of 


a group of people worshipping in a building. By what that 
group is, the Church is judged. Effective witness becomes 
possible only as each worshipping group is so filled with the joy 
of the risen and living Lord that even the outsider becomes 
aware that, when the Church speaks, it speaks of real things. 
But a worshipping group of individuals is not necessarily a 
community. It is essential that each group becomes a real 
fellowship, through acceptance by all of full Christian respon- 
sibility for mutual service, and by breaking down the barriers 
of race and class. It is intolerable that anyone should be ex- 
cluded, because of his race or colour, from any Christian place 
_ of worship. ) | 
The world to-day is hungry for community. But to many it 
‘seems that the fellowship of the churches is much less satisfying 
than that which they find in their own secular or religious 
organisations and brotherhood. ‘This cannot be put right until 
the churches more recognisably bear the marks of the Lord 
Jesus, and cease to hinder others, by the poverty of the fellow- 
ship they offer, from coming to Him. 

_B. A People of God in the World 

The Church must find its way to the places where men really 
live. It must penetrate the alienated world from within, and 
make the minds of men familiar with the elementary realities 
of God, of sin and of purpose in life. ‘This can be done partly 
| through new ventures of self-identification by Christians with 
the life of that world, partly through Christians making the word 
of the Gospel heard in the places where decisions are made that 
affect the lives of men. It can be done fully only if, by the in- 
| spiration of the Holy Spirit, the Church recovers the spirit of 
prophecy to discern the signs of the times, to see the purpose of 
God working in the immense movements and revolutions of the 
present age, and again to speak to the nations the word of God | 

with authority. 

C. The Ecumenical Sense ) 

Each Christian group must be conscious of the world-wide 
fellowship of which it isa part. Each Sunday as it comes is a 
| reminder of the innumerable company throughout the world, 
who on that day are worshipping the same Lord Jesus Christ as 
God and Saviour. It can attain to fulness of Christian life only 

} { 


as it accepts its place in the great purpose of God that all men 
shall be saved, and takes up the responsibility for prayer, service 
and sacrificial missionary enterprise involved in that acceptance. 


The evident demand of God in this situation is that the whole 
Church should set itself to the total task of winning the whole 
world for Christ. 

A. Lay Work and Witness | 

This is the day of opportunity for the lay membership of the 
Church. The work of God requires that every member of the 
Church, ordained and lay, be an active witness. The layman 
has his duties in the Church in worship and stewardship. He is 
charged also with a task in the world outside. The most obvious 
sphere of witness is the home, the place in which the Church of 
the coming generation is to be built up. Some are called to 
special ministries of preaching or intercession. For most people 
the field of witness lies in the place where they do their daily 
work. ‘The way in which they do their job or exercise their 
profession must be unmistakably Christian. But also they are 
called to bear courageously, as God gives the opportunity, that 
witness in word through which others are confronted with the 
challenge of the living Christ. Christian service is to be con- 
ceived in the widest possible terms. The variety of forms of 
witness is just the means by which God can make known the ful- 
ness of the Gospel as His answer to all the needs of mankind. 

B. Co-operation in Evangelism 

The churches may find a denominational framework too 
narrow for its work to-day. Most evangelistic work is carried 
out by denominational agencies in separation. In many situa- 
tions this is the natural way. But there are places where the 
work can best be done through co-operation in evangelism. 
Many difficulties may have to be faced. It is important that the 
constituent churches of the World Council of Churches seek 
comity among themselves in all matters relating to evangelistic 
effort and to their respective spheres of responsibility. But it 
is God Himself who is showing us the inadequacy of those things 
to which we have been accustomed. The churches are called 


to-day to be much more flexible in organisation than in the past. 
They must deal with every situation in the light of the total 
task. YY 

There are parts of the world where the Church is holding on 
under great difficulties, and where its liberty of action is re- 
stricted or denied. Its witness is carried out more by suffering 
than by preaching. Such churches rightly claim that within the 
fellowship of faith they shall be supported by the prayers and 
succour of every member of the world-wide Church. 

In other areas, God has set new opportunities before the 
Church. Millions of people are ready to listen to the Gospel, 
and are already considering whether it is their only hope. Such 
areas should be considered the responsibility of the whole 

Church, and not only of those at present engaged in work in 

- them; adequate resources in personnel and money should be 

made immediately available to the local churches, so that what 
needs to be done can be done effectively and without delay. ‘he 
younger churches are crying out for the help of Christian col- 
leagues from the West. Churches older and younger alike call 
urgently for the dedication of lives to the ordained ministry, 
and other full-time vocations of service to Christ in His Church. 

C. The Problem of our Divisions 
If we take seriously our world-wide task, we are certain to be 

driven to think again of our divisions. Can we remain divided? 

St. Paul told his Corinthian converts that he could not give them 
solid food, because their divisions showed that they were still 
carnal. God gives the gift of His grace to churches even in their 
separation. We are persuaded that He has yet additional gifts 
to give to a Church united in accordance with His will. The 
pressure for corporate unity comes most strongly from the 

younger churches; the older manifest greater caution. The path 
- to unity is always beset by many difficulties. But the ecumenical 

movement loses significance, unless all its constituent churches 

- bear ceaselessly in mind the prayer of Christ, “That they all 

may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they 

| also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast 

sent me” (John xvii, 21), and are prepared to move forward, as 

- God guides them, to further unity in Faith, in fellowship, at the 

table of the Lord, and in united proclamation of the word of 





As we have studied evangelism in its ecumenical setting we 
have been burdened by a sense of urgency. We have recaptured 
something of the spirit of the apostolic age, when the believers 
“went everywhere preaching the word”. If the Gospel really 
is a matter of life and death, it seems intolerable that any human 
being now in the world should live out his life without ever 
having the chance to hear and receive it. 

It is not within the power of man alone to create a new evan- 
gelistic movement. But the Holy Spirit is at work in men with 
men. In the past He has from time to time quickened the 
Church with power from on high. It is our earnest hope and 
prayer that He will do a mighty work in our day, giving the 
Church again wisdom and power rightly to proclaim the good 
news of Jesus Christ tomen. We rejoice that the World Council 
of Churches has included evangelism in its programme of de- 
velopment. Already we are seeing signs of renewal and fresh life. 

Now, not to-morrow, is the time to act. God does not wait 
for us to be perfect; He is willing to use very imperfect instru- 
ments. What matters is that the instrument should be ayvail- 
able for His use. The results of our efforts are not in our hands 
but in His. But He has given us the assurance that “it is re- 
quired in stewards that a man be found faithful”, and that 
where that faithfulness is found, He is able “to do exceeding 
abundantly, above all that we ask or think”. 


Note: In this short statement, it has not been possible to 
indicate in any detail the new problems in evangelism that have 
to be solved, and the new methods of work that are available to 
the Church to-day. There is a great field of research open in 
such matters as the use of radio and television, and in the appli- 
cation to local conditions of principles generally agreed upon. 
We venture to refer readers to the preparatory volume of our — 
section The Church’s Witness to God’s Design, and to the Re- 
port of the Whitby Conference of the International Missionary 
Council, The Witness of a Revolutionary Church, and to the 
printed volume of the speeches delivered at that Conference 
Renewal and Advance, in which will be found much fuller dis- 
cussion both of principles and of applications, and evidence of 
the power of God at work in the world to-day. 



PRESIDENT MACKAY, chairman of Section II, presented the Report 
and gave a brief explanation. The chairman of the meeting, Dr. 
Van Dusen, stated that the Report would be taken section by section. 

MISS HARKNESS called for three changes in section I of the Report. 

1. Criticising the wording “God condescends to use human 
obedience . . .” she felt that some such words as “is pleased to” 
would be more suitable. | 

2. In regard to the last sentence on page 1—‘‘ Those who despise 
the love of God”—Miss Harkness thought that people did not 
despise the love of God, they rejected it actively or passively, and she 
suggested the substitution of the word “reject” for “ despise es 

3. In the same sentence—“ sharers in the impending doom ”’—she 
-felt that go per cent of the readers would interpret this historically, 
and that it would be thought to relate to social destruction. She 
suggested avoiding ambiguity and putting more emphasis on the 
love of God and obedience to Him. She suggested that the last 
sentence should read: “Those who reject the love of God remain 
under His judgment and are sharers in. . .” 

These proposals were accepted. 

MR. ALAN WALKER spoke to the Report as a whole and wanted greater 
emphasis on two points: 

a) The evangelistic task of the local Christian congregation. 
b) The priority of making men Christians—the trouble is that 
there are too few Christians in the world. 

DR. WALTER HORTON stated that the Report did not include sufficient 
reference to what he felt was the greatest factor, namely human sin 
and selfishness, and cited such instances as the black market, the 
craving for cheap money, the breakdown of moral standards in the 
home as evidenced by the divorce rate, etc., and he suggested an 
addition along this line. | 7 

MR. TAFT commented on the second section and thought that the first 
two paragraphs represented an emotional description which was not 

THE BISHOP OF NYASALAND called the attention of the Drafting 
Committee to the sentence: “It is a Church that, in this Assembly, 
for the first time treats evangelism as the common task of all the 
Churches...” This he felt might suggest to some readers a super- 
church. Moreover to say that “for the first time” the churches were 
evangelising in a common task was inaccurate in view of the work of 
the International Missionary Council, and of the many missionary 


councils throughout the world. He moved the deletion of the words 
“in this Assembly, for the first time” 

THE BISHOP OF CENTRAL TANGANYIKA suggested a redrafting of the 
words “the religions of Asia and Africa are changing”. He thought 
it would be more correct to say “the religions of Asia and Africa 
are being challenged”’. 

REV. R. S. BILHEIMER spoke to the statement concerning the indict- 
ment of the Church. He felt that there was in these words a lack 
of a sense of shame and repentance. ? 

MR. LE QUESNE asked for the alteration of a paragraph in the second 
section of the Report as follows: 

“Whatever in this indictment be true or untrue, the Church is 
still the Church of God, in which, and in which alone, He is 
pleased to reveal Himself and His redemptive purpose in Jesus 
Christ Who is the truth, in Whom and in Whom alone the renewal 
of man’s life is possible.”’ 

Mr. Le Quesne was invited to submit his motion in writing, and 
it was accepted in principle. 

PRESIDENT MACKAY then referred to Dr. Horton’s suggested addition: 

“Finally there is the continuing sense of human sin and sus- 
picion to which the conditions of this post-war world give added 
and perilous facilities ’’, 

and pointed out that because of the limited space other, and even 
more important things, had to be left out of the Report. Accord- 
ingly, with the approval of Dr. Horton, the motion fell. 

PRESIDENT MACKAY drew attention to a sentence in the second section 
and the suggestion made that this should read: “It is a Church 
divided, and in its separated parts are often found hesitancy and 
complacency”. ‘This matter, with others of a drafting character, 
was submitted to the Drafting Committee. 

A suggestion had also been made that the paragraph reading: 
“It is a Church awaking to its great opportunity . . .” was too 
strong a statement, in attributing specifically a redemptive character 
to the Church, and when translated (e.g. into German) it would give 
a wrong impression. In lieu thereof it was suggested that the follow- 
ing wording be used: 

“It is a Church awaking to its great opportunity to become all 
things to all men, and to enter as the minister of the redemption 

wrought by Jesus Christ into that world with which God has 
confronted us.” 

With regard to the suggestion of the Bishop of Nyasaland, 
President Mackay pointed out that while it was true that churches 
had been widely and ecumenically represented on the International 


Missionary Council, the Section had also felt that this Council 
represented rather the missionary societies and the Younger 
Churches, and that only now, for the first time, were all the churches 
represented ecclesiastically pledged to make evangelism a great sub- 
ject of common concern and devotion. ‘Therefore he felt the Com- 
mitte would find it difficult to alter the wording. 

THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY supported the contention of the 
Bishop of Nyasaland and referred to the paragraph reading: “So 
the Church sees the world. What does the world see, or think it 
sees, when it looks at the Church?”’ ‘There were parts of the Church 
which would not admit to being divided or hesitant, and statements 
such as this should only be made when they were true of the whole 

Church. There were also churches outside the World Council and 

not united with it in any evangelistic way. It was important to keep 

the statement true of the Church as the world saw it in its wider 

sense and not to make the Church mean only that portion of it which 
was represented in this Assembly. 

THE ASSEMBLY CHAIRMAN then asked His Grace the Archbishop of 
Canterbury to draft his motion and submit it to the Drafting Com- 

THE BISHOP OF EDINBURGH, while warmly welcoming the sentence in 
C: “Each Sunday as it comes”, etc., suggested that, in order to 
make clear the specific character of Christian worship, the words of 
the basis of the World Council, “ Jesus Christ as God and Saviour”’, 

_ be included. 

This was accepted. 

ARCHIMANDRITE KOKKINAKIS, supported by other members of the 
Orthodox Churches, urged the difficulty caused by proselytism 
between churches which are members of the World Council, and 
asked that a specific declaration against such rivalry be included. 

PRESIDENT MACKAY pointed out that the subject of proselytism raised 
many difficult issues, but agreed to frame for inclusion in the Report 
a sentence indicating the necessity for member churches to arrive 
at rules of comity in regard to evangelistic action and spheres of 

The Report was referred to the Drafting Committee. At a later 
session the revised Report was received without further discussion. 


Received unanimously by the Assembly and commended to the 
churches for their serious consideration and appropriate action 


The world to-day is experiencing a social crisis of unparalleled — 
proportions. ‘The deepest root of that disorder is the refusal of 
men to see and admit that their responsibility to God stands 
over and above their loyalty to any earthly community and their 
obedience to any worldly power. Our modern society, in which 
religious tradition and family life have been weakened, and 
which is for the most part secular in its outlook, underestimates 
both the depth of evil in human nature and the full height of 
freedom and dignity in the children of God. 

The Christian Church approaches the disorder of our society 
with faith in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In Him God has — 
established His Kingdom and its gates stand open for all who 
will enter. Their lives belong to God with a certainty that no 
disorder of society can destroy, and on them is laid the duty to 
seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. 

In the light of that Kingdom, with its judgment and mercy, 
Christians are conscious of the sins which corrupt human com- 
munities and institutions in every age, but they are also assured — 
of the final victory over all sin and death through Christ. It is 
He who has bidden us pray that God’s Kingdom may come and 
that His will may be done on earth as it is in heaven; and our 
obedience to that command requires that we seek in every age 
to overcome the specific disorders which aggravate the perennial . 
evil in human society, and that we search out the means of secur- 
ing their elimination or control. 

Men are often disillusioned by finding that changes of par- 
ticular systems do not bring unqualified good, but fresh evils. 
New temptations to greed and power arise even in systems more 
just than those they have replaced because sin is ever present 
in the human heart. Many, therefore, lapse into apathy, 
irresponsibility and despair. The Christian faith leaves no room — 
for such despair, being based on the fact that the Kingdom of 


God is firmly established in Christ and will come by God’s act 
despite all human failure. | 

‘Two chief factors contribute to the crisis of our age. One of 
these is the vast concentrations of power—which are under 
capitalism mainly economic and under Communism both 
economic and political. In such conditions, social evil is mani- 
fest on the largest scale not only in the greed, pride and cruelty 
of persons and groups; but also in the momentum or inertia of 
huge organisations of men, which diminish. their ability to act 
as moral and accountable beings. To find ways of realising 
personal responsibility for collective action in the large aggrega- 
tions of power in modern society is a task which has not yet been 
undertaken seriously. ) 

‘The second factor is that society, as a whole dominated as it 
is by technics, is likewise more controlled by a momentum of its 
own than in previous periods. While it enables men the better 
to use nature, it has the possibilities of destruction, both through 
war and through the undermining of the natural foundations of 
society in family, neighbourhood and craft. It has collected 
men into great industrial cities and has deprived many societies 
of those forms of association in which men can grow most fully 
as persons. It has accentuated the tendency in men to waste 
God’s gift to them in the soil and in other natural resources. 

On the other hand, technical developments have relieved men 
and women of much drudgery and poverty, and are still capable 
of doing more. | There is a limit to what they can do in this 
direction. Large parts of the world, however, are far from that 
limit. Justice demands that the inhabitants of Asia and Africa, 
for instance, should have benefits of more machine production. 
They may learn to avoid the mechanisation of life and the other 
dangers of an unbalanced economy which impair the social 
health of the older industrial peoples. “Technical progress also 
provides channels of communication and interdependence which 
can be aids to fellowship, though closer contact may also produce 

There is no inescapable necessity for society to succumb to 
undirected developments of technology, and the Christian 
Church has an urgent responsibility to-day to help men to 
achieve fuller personal life within the technical society. 

In doing so, the churches should not forget to what extent 
they themselves have contributed to the very evils which they 



are tempted to blame wholly on the secularisation of society. 
While they have raised up many Christians who have taken the 
lead in movements of reform, and while many of them have come 
to see in a fresh way the relevance of their faith to the problems 
of society, and the resid obligations thus laid upon them, 
they share responsibility for the contemporary disorder. Our 
churches have often given religious sanction to the special 
privileges of dominant classes, races and political groups, and so 
they have been obstacles to changes necessary in the interests of 
social justice and political freedom. They have often concen- 
trated on a purely spiritual or other-worldly or individualistic 
interpretation of their message and their responsibility. “They 
have often failed to understand the forces which have shaped 
society around them, and so they have been unprepared to deal 
creatively with new problems as they have arisen in technical 
civilisation; they have often neglected the effects of industrialisa- 
tion on agricultural communities. 


In the industrial revolution economic activity was freed from 
previous social controls and outgrew its modest place in human 
life. It created the vast network of financial, commercial and 
industrial relations which we know as the capitalist order. In 
all parts of the world new controls have in various degrees ~ 
been put upon the free play of economic forces, but there are 
economic necessities which no political system can afford to defy. 
In our days, for instance, the need for stability in the value of 
money, for creation of capital and for incentives in production, 
is inescapable and world-wide. Justice, however, demands that 
economic activities be subordinated to social ends. It is intoler- 
able that vast millions of people be exposed to insecurity, hunger 
and frustration by periodic inflation or depression. 

The Church cannot resolve the debate between those who 
feel that the primary solution is to socialise the means of produc- © 
tion, and those who fear that such a course will merely lead to 
new and inordinate combinations of political and economic 
power, culminating finally in an omnicompetent State. In the 
light of the Christian understanding of man we must, however, 
say to the advocates of socialisation that the institution of 
property is not the root of the corruption of human nature. We 


must equally say to the defenders of existing property relations 
that ownership is not an unconditional right; it must, therefore, 
be preserved, curtailed or distributed in accordance with the 
requirements of justice. 

On the one hand, we must vindicate the supremacy of per- 
sons over purely technical considerations by subordinating all 
economic processes and cherished rights to the needs of the com- 
munity as a whole. On the other hand, we must preserve the 
possibility of a satisfying life for “little men in big societies”. 
We must prevent abuse of authority and keep open as wide a 
_ sphere as possible in which men can have direct and responsible 
relations with each other as persons. 

Coherent and purposeful ordering of society has now become 
a major necessity. Here governments have responsibilities which 
they must not shirk. But centres of initiative in economic lite 
must be so encouraged as to avoid placing too great a burden 
upon centralised judgment and decision. To achieve religious, 
cultural, economic, social and other ends it is of vital importance 
that society should have a rich variety of smaller forms of com- 
munity, in local government, within industrial organisations, 
including trade unions, through the development of public 
corporations and through voluntary associations. By such means 
it is possible to prevent an undue centralisation of power in 
modern technically organised communities, and thus escape the 
perils of tyranny while avoiding the dangers of anarchy. 


Man is created and called to be a free being, responsible to 
God and his neighbour. Any tendencies in State and society 
depriving man of the possibility of acting responsibly are a denial 
of God’s intention for man and His work of salvation. A respon- 
sible society is one where freedom is the freedom of men who 
acknowledge responsibility to justice and public order, and 
where those who hold political authority or economic power are 
responsible for its exercise to God and the people whose welfare 
is affected by it. 

Men must never be made a mere means for political or 
economic ends. Man is not made for the State but the State 
for man. Man is not made for production, but production for 

‘man. For a society to be responsible under modern conditions 


it is required that the people have freedom to control, to criticise 
and to change their governments, that power be made respon- 
sible by law and tradition, and be distributed as widely as 
possible through the whole community. It is required that 
economic justice and provision of equality of opportunity be 
established for all the members of society. 

We therefore condemn: 

1. Any attempt to limit the freedom of the Church to witness 
to its Lord and His design for mankind and any attempt to im- 
pair the freedom of men to obey God and to act according to 
conscience, for those freedoms are implied in man’s respon- 
sibility before God; , 

g. Any denial to man of an opportunity to participate in the 
shaping of society, for this is a duty implied in man’s respon- 
sibility towards his neighbour; ) ; 

3. Any attempt to prevent men from learning and spreading 
the truth. 


Christians should ask why Communism in its modern 
totalitarian form makes so strong an appeal to great masses 
of people in many parts of the world. They should recognise 
the hand of God in the revolt of multitudes against injustice 
that gives Communism much of its strength. They should seek 
to recapture for the Church the original Christian solidarity 
with the world’s distressed people, not to curb their aspirations — 
towards justice, but, on the contrary, to go beyond them and 
direct them towards the only road which does not lead to a 
blank wall, obedience to God’s will and His justice. Christians 
should realise that for many, especially for many young men and 
women, Communism seems to stand for a vision of human 
equality and universal brotherhood for which they were pre- 
pared by Christian influences. Christians who are beneficiaries 
of capitalism should try to see the world as it appears to many 
who know themselves excluded from its privileges and who see 
in Communism a means of deliverance from poverty and in- 
security. All should understand that the proclamation of racial 
equality by Communists and their support of the cause of 
colonial peoples makes a strong appeal to the populations of Asia 
and Africa and to racial minorities elsewhere. It is a great 


human tragedy that so much that is good in the motives and 
aspirations of many Communists and of those whose sympathies 
they win has been transformed into a force that engenders new 
forms of injustice and oppression, and that what is true in Com- 
munist criticism should be used to give convincing power to 
untrustworthy propaganda. 

Christians should recognise with contrition that many 
churches are involved in the forms of economic injustice and 
racial discrimination which have created the conditions favour- 
able to the growth of Communism, and that the atheism and the 
anti-religious teaching of Communism are in part a reaction to 
the chequered record of a professedly Christian society. It is 
one of the most fateful facts in modern history that often the 
working classes, including tenant farmers, came to believe that 
the churches were against them or indifferent to their plight. 
Christians should realise that the Church has often failed to 
offer to its youth the appeal that can evoke a disciplined, pur- 
poseful and sacrificial response, and that in this respect Com- 
munism has for many filled a moral and psychological vacuum. 

The points of conflict between Christianity and the atheistic 
Marxian Communism of our day are as follows: (1) the Com- 
munist promise of what amounts to a complete redemption of 
man in history; (2) the belief that a particular class by virtue of 
its rdle as the bearer of a new order is free from the sins and 
ambiguities that Christians believe to be characteristic of all 
human existence; (3) the materialistic and deterministic teach- 
ings, however they may be qualified, that are incompatible with 
belief in God and with the Christian view of man as a person, 
made in God’s image and responsible to Him; (4) the ruthless 
methods of Communists in dealing with their opponents; (5) the 
demand of the party on its members for an exclusive and un- 
qualified loyalty which belongs only to God, and the coercive 
policies of Communist dictatorship in controlling every aspect 
of life. 

The Church should seek to resist the extension of any system 
that not only includes oppressive elements but fails to provide 
any means by which the victims of oppression may criticise or 
act to correct it. It is a part of the mission of the Church to 
raise its voice of protest wherever men are the victims of terror, 
wherever they are denied such fundamental human rights as the 
right to be secure against arbitrary arrest, and wherever govern- 


ments use torture and cruel punishments to intimidate the con- 
sciences of men. | 

The Church should make clear that there are conflicts 
between Christianity and capitalism. ‘The developments of 
capitalism vary from country to country and often the ex- 
ploitation of the workers that. was characteristic of early 
capitalism has been corrected in considerable measure by the 
influence of trade unions, social legislation and responsible 
management. But (1) capitalism tends to subordinate what 
should be the primary task of any economy—the meeting of 
human needs—to the economic advantages of those who have 
most power over its institutions. (2) It tends to produce serious 
inequalities. (3) It has developed a practical form of materialism 
in western nations in spite of their Christian background, for it 
has placed the greatest emphasis upon success in making money. 
(4) It has also kept the people of capitalist countries subject to 
a kind of fate which has taken the form of such social catas- 
trophes as mass unemployment. 

The Christian churches should reject the ideologies of both 
Communism and laissez-faire capitalism, and should seek to 
draw men away from the false assumption that these extremes 
are the only alternatives. Each has made promises which it 
could not redeem. Communist ideology puts the emphasis 
upon economic justice, and promises that freedom will come — 
automatically after the completion of the revolution. Capitalism — 
puts the emphasis upon freedom, and promises that justice will 
follow as a by-product of free enterprise; that, too, is an ideology — 
which has been proved false. It is the responsibility of Chris- — 
tians to seek new, creative solutions which never allow either — 
justice or freedom to destroy the other. 


The greatest contribution that the Church can make to the 
renewal of society is for it to be renewed in its own life in faith 
and obedience to its Lord. Such inner renewal includes a clearer 
grasp of the meaning of the Gospel for the whole life of men. 
This renewal must take place both in the larger units of the 
Church and in the local congregations. ‘The influence of wor- 
shipping congregations upon the problems of society is very 
ereat when those congregations include people from many social 


groups. If the Church can overcome the national and social 
barriers which now divide it, it can help society to overcome | 
those barriers. 

This is especially clear in the case of racial distinction. It is 
here that the Church has failed most lamentably, where it has 
reflected and then by its example sanctified the racial prejudice 
that is rampant in the world: And yet it is here that to-day its 
guidance concerning what God wills for it is especially clear. It 
knows that it must call society away from prejudice based upon 
race or colour and from the practices of discrimination and 
segregation as denials of justice and human dignity, but it 
cannot say a convincing word to society unless it takes steps to 
eliminate these practices from the Christian community, because 
they contradict all that it believes about God’s love for all His 

There are occasions on which the churches, through their 
councils or through such persons as they may commission to 
speak on their behalf, should declare directly what they see to 
‘be the will of God for the public decisions of the hour. Such 
guidance will often take the form of warnings against concrete 
forms of injustice or oppression or social idolatry. ‘They should 
also point to the main objectives towards which a particular 
society should move. 

One problem is raised by the existence in several countries 
of Christian political parties. The Church as such should not be 
identified with any political party, and it must not act as though 
it were itself a political party. In general, the formation of such 
parties is hazardous because they easily confuse Christianity 
with the inherent compromises of politics. “They may cut Chris- 
tians off from the other parties which need the leaven of 
‘Christianity, and they may consolidate all who do not share the 
political principles of the Christian party not only against that 
party, but against Christianity itself. Nevertheless, it may still 
be desirable in some situations for Christians to organise them- 
selves into a political party for specific objectives, so long as they 
do not claim that it is the only possible expression of Christian 
loyalty in the situation. 

But the social influence of the Church must come primarily 
from its influence upon its members through constant teaching 
and preaching of Christian truth in ways that illuminate the 
historical conditions in which men live and the problems which 




they face. The Church can be most effective in society as it in- 
spires its members to ask in a new way what their Christian 
responsibility is whenever they vote or discharge the duties of 
public office, whenever they influence public opinion, whenever 
they make decisions as employers or as workers or in any other 
vocation to which they may be called. One of the most creative 
developments in the contemporary Church is the practice of 
groups of Christians facing much the same problems in their 
occupations to pray and take counsel together in order to find 
out what they should do as Christians. . 

In discussing the social function of the Church, Christians 
should always remember the great variety of situations in which 
the Church lives. Nations in which professing Christians are in 
the majority, nations in which the Church represents only a few 
per cent. of the population, nations in which the Church lives 
under a hostile and oppressive Government offer very different 
problems for the Church. It is one of the contributions of the 
ecumenical experience of recent years that churches under these 
contrasting conditions have come not only to appreciate one 
another’s practices, but to learn from one another’s failures and 
achievements and sufferings. 


There is a great discrepancy between all that has been said 
here and the possibility of action in many parts of the world. 
Obedience to God will be possible under all external circum- 
stances, and no one need despair when conditions restrict greatly 
the area of responsible action. ‘The responsible society of which 
we have spoken represents, however, the goal for which the 
churches in all lands must work, to the glory of the one God 
and Father of all, and looking for the day of God and a new 
earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. 

DR. PATIJN presented the Draft Report of Section III. | 

DR. MAYS, commenting on it, expressed regret that the Report said 
almost nothing about the challenge to the individual Christian | 


and what he could do about the disorder. He suggested that the 
Report should end on a note of greater individual responsibility. 


PASTOR LAURIOL wished an amendment to be inserted. After some 
discussion this was put to the vote and rejected. 

REV. E. R. WICKHAM Made a general criticism: that the Report did 
not offer any positive Christian solution as an alternative to com- 
munism. It was difficult to be concrete, but they must avoid being 
merely platitudinous. They ought to show how the renewal of 
the Church would help in solving racial and other issues. 

PROFESSOR SOE made three criticisms: 

1. He deplored that the Report did not contain a short statement 
on the concept of race and on religious minorities, especially in 

2. In what was said about the roots of the evil in society, one of 
the main factors was not mentioned at all: namely the breakdown 
of traditional religious belief, Nala in the complete breakdown 
of moral obligations. 

3. Many people objected to the phrase: “It is He Who has bidden 
us pray for the coming of His Kingdom on earth”. He suggested 
substituting the biblical phrase “Thy will be done”’ in order to 
avoid theological discussion as to the nature of the Kingdom. 

THE CHAIRMAN asked Dr. Patijn to comment on the suggestions 

DR. PATIJN thought it would be possible to include a statement about 
family life; also Dr. Mays’ point about the challenge to the in- 
dividual. With regard to Mr. Wickham’s objection that the Report 
‘was not concrete enough, he pointed out that under II it said more 
than had ever been said by the churches before. He did not see how 
they could meet Dr. Sée’s desire to discuss religious liberty, especially 
in regard to the church in Spain. If they began to list cases of 
intolerance, the catalogue would be a very long one. Something 
might be inserted, however, about the breakdown of traditional 

The Report was then considered section by section. 

An AUSTRALIAN delegate, speaking on,section I, objected to the 
phrase “it enables men the better to master nature”. Men needed 
to understand and co-operate with nature. 

DR. KARRENBERG Said there was not enough in the Report about the 
maldistribution of capital under the capitalist system, and its con- 
centration in the hands of the few. The churches should emphasise 


the :responsibility of the individual Christian for seeing that 
economic wealth was distributed more equitably. 

MRS ROHDE welcomed what was said about “a satisfying life for 
‘little men in big societies’’’, but pointed out that there was nothing 
specifically Christian about this concern for the little man. Chris- 
tians might learn something in this.respect from psychology. The 
breakdown of moral standards was partly due to man being regarded 
as an irresponsible being, the mere product of his environment. She 
proposed that something be said about individual responsibility, and 
that the psychological aspect be investigated by the World Council, 
perhaps by the Study Department. . 

REV. C. E. DOUGLAS, in regard to the section on Communism and 
capitalism, proposed that this clause be omitted or changed, as it 
might prove detrimental to the relations of the Wou1id Council and 
of individual Christians with the Russian people and the Russian 
Church. It was wrong to think that Russian Communism was anti- 

FATHER FLOROVSKY said that materialism was anti-religious. “The 
Church must accept its responsibilities and not simply say that it 
was “not of this world”. The Church was responsible for social 
justice and for the protection of personality. | 

DR. BERSELL objected to a sentence in section IV as an overstate- 
ment: “Communism has met a spiritual need that the Church has 
not satisfied.” He welcomed the serious attempt to give corporate. 
expression to the Church’s responsibility. But much of the Report 
smacked of sermonising and philosophical deductions. He proposed 
quoting biblical authority for these statements, which in themselves 
were very good. 

REV. J. JONSSON proposed adding the words: “It is the responsibility 
of Christians to seek new Christian solutions which are based on 
the co-operation and help of free people.” 

BISHOP NICHOLS proposed some changes in the wording of section V. 

REV. E. P. MURCHISON thought that the second paragraph in section V 
might be strengthened by inserting: ‘We recommend that the 
churches take steps to eliminate these from the Christian community, 
because they contradict all that they believe about God’s love for 
all His children.” ‘This amendment was accepted. 

DR. PATIJN mentioned a paragraph relating to Christian political 
parties which had been omitted from the Report. He asked for a 
vote as to whether it be included or not. Several delegates spoke 
in favour of retaining the paragraph under V; it read as follows:. 


“One problem raised by the Christians in several countries is 
that of Christian political parties. The Church as such should 
not be identified with any political party and must not act as 
though it were itself a political party. In general the formation 
of such parties is hazardous, because they so easily confuse Chris- 
tianity with the inherent compromises of politics. ‘They may cut 
Christians off from the other parties which need the leaven of 
Christianity. They tend to consolidate all who do not share the 
political principles of the Christian Church, not only against that 
party, but against Christianity itself. But when all these warnings 
have been given, it may still be desirable in some situations for 
Christians to organise themselves in a political party for specific 
objectives, so long as they do not claim that it is the only possible 
expression of Christian loyalty in the situation, and so long as 
such a party will guard against the temptation to continue after 
any valid reason for it has ceased to exist.” : 

A vote was taken and it was decided to accept the inclusion of this 

PROFESSOR PITT WATSON, dealing with the question of pronounce- 
ments by the churches themselves or by persons speaking on their 
behalf, said he found this passage ambiguous and without any indica- 
tion of the positive content which he thought such pronouncements 
should have. He thought that more important than the judgment 
which the churches could offer concerning the main objectives 
towards which a particular society should move, was the positive 
statement of the Christian values at stake in the political conflicts 
of our time. Here surely, and not as regards any specific programme, 
was where people were entitled to look to the churches for concrete- 
ness of thought and speech. We were apt to forget that the language 
of our common intercourse here was largely unfamiliar to the 
ordinary man. What men needed was a Christian criterion by 
which to judge the issues with which they find themselves faced. He 
would have been satisfied with this paragraph if the last sentence 
were amended to include a positive declaration on human rights 
as rooted in the Christian faith and deriving from the Christian 


DR. JERNAGIN said he spoke as a leader of many young people, and 
knew of what they were thinking. He did not wish to take any- 
thing away from this Report. There was just one phrase which he 
wished to add to the words: “. . . will often take the form of warn- 
ings against concrete forms of injustice or oppression or social 
idolatry ”, namely the words “ based on race or colour”. ‘This would 
mean much to young Negro Christians all over the world, as every- 
one would realize if they were to be Negroes just for one month. He 
had every sympathy with the Jews, but we must remember that there 
were black Christians who must also receive fair treatment. 


THE CHAIRMAN said the secretary of the Section was willing to make 
this amendment, which was accepted by the chairman unless there 
was any objection from the floor. None was forthcoming. 

BISHOP RUNESTAM said that the Report spoke too little of real belief 
in God and His power to remain in our society, and contained too 
little inspiration and Christian challenge. He thought the disorder 
of our time was essentially due to the new technics and to the con- 
centration of power. The disorder of society was the disorder of 
man. The old moral principles by which we lived in the past and 
by which the secular world lived—truth, honesty, justice and honour 
—had gone or were going. Although men had sinned against them, 
they had nevertheless acknowledged them; but even this was passing. 
The first question of Christianity is how to restore man, how to 

recreate the right mind in man, and he found very little room for — 

this thinking in the Amsterdam papers. 

DR. SCHONFELD said he was glad that the Report had worked out the 

difference between the situation at Oxford and that at Amsterdam. 
It went beyond the discussion of the fundamental Christian prin- 
ciples and their restatement, and called for concrete action of the 
churches in manfully facing the tremendous problems of to-day. 

BISHOP DUN commented on the sentence speaking of confidence that 
“the Kingdom of God is firmly established in Christ and will come 
by God’s act despite all human failure”. He said representatives 
from the U.S. and Great Britain felt there might be some ambiguity 

and misunderstanding in this statement. The Kingdom of God was 

widely identified in those countries with the millennium on this 
earth, and he thought the Committee should make it clear this was 
not their meaning. é 

THE CHAIRMAN asked the chairman of Section III, Dr. Patijn, to- 

comment on some of the suggestions. 

DR. PATIJN said many helpful suggestions had been made but it was 
not necessary for him to mention them all. Dr. Karrenberg of 
Germany had stressed the point of inequality in the capitalist system. 
‘He thought this was stated quite clearly already. Some of Father 
Florovsky’s amendments were very helpful and had been gladly 
accepted. It had been suggested that the sentence concerning the 
spiritual need which Communism had met should be changed. He 
could not accept this, since it was a fact which the Church must 
recognise. It had also been suggested that more biblical language 
be used. This might make the Report rather heavy. hey would 
be using the Bible dangerously if they attempted to discuss Com- 
munism in biblical language. Most of the other points the Drafting 
Committee would gladly accept. He had more difficulty with what 
Bishop Runestam had said. ‘The disorder of society was of course 


a disorder of man. For this reason the very first paragraph of the 
Report stated “The deepest root of that disorder...” etc. If 
they adopted the amendment it would disturb the balance of the ' 
Report. Our point here was the disorder of society and they were 
therefore dealing with the institutional disorder. ‘They did not 
want to encroach on Section II. He reminded the Assembly that 
they had not been able to include a number of other points, which 
in themselves were important. ‘They had to stick to the main items. 

THE CHAIRMAN said they were now ready for action on the Report, 
that the Report be received by the Assembly and commended to the 
churches for their serious consideration and action. 

DR. FRY raised a point of order. He asked if the resolution meant 
“received”’ or “accepted” by the Assembly. ‘Though amendments 
had been accepted from the floor, it remained a Report of the 
Section. He referred to the last paragraph in section IV beginning 
with: “The Christian Church”. ‘This was probably a generalisa- 
tion, but there was a danger that this might be taken to mean that 
the World Council considered itself to be the Christian Church. It 
might seem that those Christian churches which did not reject the 
ideologies of capitalism and Communism were not Christian. It 
might appear that our ways of rejecting the two ideologies were 
exactly equated. 

THE CHAIRMAN Said that the sentence in question would be rephrased 
as “The Christian churches”. He said the resolution of reception 
meant precisely what it said, namely that the Assembly receives this 
Report and commends it to the churches for their serious considera- 
tion and appropriate action. The Assembly committed itself only 
to resolutions. The resolution was one of reception, and that was 
what the Assembly committed itself to. The Assembly might now 
decide on its action. Would they indicate whether they wished for 
a further opportunity to see this Report after the Drafting Com- 
mittee had made the necessary changes? ‘The Chairman put the 
motion for the reception of the Report. ‘There was, however, a 
substitute motion asking that the matter be referred to the Drafting 
Committee and then resubmitted to the Assembly. A vote was taken 
on a show of hands and the substitute motion was defeated by 8 
votes (76 for, 84 against). 
The motion to receive the Report was adopted. 

At a later session the changes proposed by the Drafting Committee 
were submitted to the Assembly. Attention was called especially to 
the new formulation concerning the Church’s attitude to capitalism 
and Communism as follows: 

“The Christian churches should reject the ideologies of both 

Communism and laissez-faire capitalism.” | 

These changes were accepted without further discussion. 



Received unanimously by the Assembly and commended to the 
churches for their serious consideration and appropriate action 

The World Council of Churches is met in its first Assembly at 
a time of critical international strain. The hopes of the recent 
war years and the apparent dawn of peace have been dashed. 
No adequate system for effecting peaceful change has been 
established, despite the earnest desire of millions. In numerous 
countries, human rights are being trampled under foot and 
liberty denied by political or economic systems. Exhaustion 
and disillusionment have combined with spiritual apathy to 
produce a moral vacuum which will be filled, either by Christian 
faith or by despair or even hatred. Men are asking in fear and 
dismay what the future holds. 

The churches bear witness to all mankind that ie world is 
in God’s hands. His purpose may be thwarted and delayed, but 
it cannot be finally frustrated. This is the meaning of history 
which forbids despair or surrender to the fascinating belief in 
power as a solvent of human trouble. 

War, being a consequence of the disregard of God, is not 
inevitable if man will turn to Him in repentance and obey His 
law. There is, then, no irresistible tide that is carrying man to 
destruction. Nothing is impossible with God. 

While we know that wars sometimes arise from space 
causes which Christians seem unable to influence, we need not 
work blindly or alone. We are labourers together with God, 
Who in Christ has given us the way of overcoming demonic 
forces in history. ‘Through the churches, working together 
under His power, a fellowship is being developed which rises 
above those barriers of race, colour, class and nation that now 
set men against each other in conflict. 

Every person has a place in the Divine purpose. Created by 
God in His image, the object of His redeeming love in Christ, he 
must be free to respond to God’s calling. God is not indifferent 



to misery or deaf to human prayer and aspiration. By accepting 
His Gospel, men will find forgiveness for all their sins and 
receive power to transform their relations with their fellow men. 

Herein lies our hope and the ground of all our striving. It 
is required of us that we be faithful and obedient. ‘The event 
is with God. ‘Thus every man may serve the cause of peace, 
confident that—no matter what happens—he is neither lost nor 
futile, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. 

In this confidence we are one in proclaiming to all mankind: 


War as a method of settling disputes is incompatible with the 
teaching and example of our Lord Jesus Christ. The part which 
war plays in our present international life is a sin against God 
and a degradation of man. We recognise that the problem of 
war raises especially acute issues for Christians to-day. Warfare 
has greatly changed. War is now total and every man and 
woman is called for mobilisation in war service. Moreover, the 
immense use of air forces and the discovery of atomic and other 
new weapons render widespread and indiscrimate destruction 
inherent in the whole conduct of modern war in a sense never 
experienced in past conflicts. In these circumstances the 
tradition of agjust war, requiring a just cause and the use of 
just means, is now challenged. Law may require the sanction 
of force, but when war breaks out, force is used on a scale which 
tends to destroy the basis on which law exists. 

Therefore the inescapable question arises: Can war now be 
an act of justice? We cannot answer this question eR aa 
but three broad positions are maintained: 

(1) There are those who hold that, even though entering a 
war may be a Christian’s duty in particular circumstances, 
modern warfare, with its mass destruction, can never be an act 
of justice. 

(2) In the absence of impartial supra-national institutions, 
there are those who hold that military action is the ulti- 
mate sanction of the rule of law, and that citizens must be 
distinctly taught that it is their duty to defend the law by force 
if necessary. 

(3) Others, again, refuse military service of all kinds, con- 
vinced that an absolute witness against war and for peace is for 


them the will of God and they desire that the Church should — 
speak to the same effect. 

We must fraitkly acknowledge our deep sense of perplexity 
in face of these conflicting opinions, and urge upon all Chris- 
tians the duty of wrestling continuously with the difficulties they 
raise and of praying humbly for God’s guidance. We believe 
that there is a special call to theologians to consider the 
theological problems involved. In the meantime, the churches 
must continue to hold within their full fellowship all who sin- 
cerely profess such viewpoints as those set out above and are 
prepared to submit themselves to the will of God in the light 
of such guidance as may be vouchsafed to them. 

On certain points of principle all are agreed. In the absence 
of any impartial agency for upholding justice, nations have gone 
to war in the belief that they were doing so. We hold that in 
international as in national life justice must be upheld. Nations 
must suppress their desire to save “face”. ‘This derives from 
pride, as unworthy as it is dangerous. ‘The churches, for their . 
part, have the duty of declaring those moral principles which 
obedience to God requires in war as in peace. ‘They must not 
allow their spiritual and moral resources to be used by the state 
in war or in peace as a means of propagating an ideology or sup- 
porting a cause in which they cannot wholeheartedly concur. 
They must teach the duty of love and prayer for the enemy in 
time of war and of reconciliation between victor and vanquished 
after the war. 

The churches must also attack the causes of war by promoting 
peaceful change and the pursuit of justice. ‘They must stand 
for the maintenance of good faith and the honouring of the 
pledged word, resist the pretensions of imperialist power, pro- 
mote the multilateral reduction of armaments, and combat in- 
difference and despair in the face of the futility of war; they 
must point Christians to that spiritual resistance which grows 
from settled convictions widely held, themselves a powerful de- 
terrent to war. A moral vacuum inevitably invites an aggressor. 

We call upon the governments of those countries which were 
victors in the second world war to hasten the/making of just 
peace treaties with defeated nations, allowing them to rebuild 
their political and economic systems for peaceful purposes; 
promptly to return prisoners of war to their homes; and to bring 
purges and trials for war crimes to a rapid end. 



The greatest threat to peace to-day comes from the division of 
the world into mutually suspicious and antagonistic blocs. This 
threat is all the greater because national tensions are confused 
by the clash of economic and political systems. Christianity 
cannot be equated with any of these. There are elements in all 
systems which we must condemn when they contravene the First 
Commandment, infringe basic human rights, and contain a 
potential threat to peace. We denounce all forms of tyranny, 
economic, political or religious, which deny liberty tomen. We 
utterly oppose totalitarianism, wherever found, in which a state 
_arrogates to itself the right of determining men’s thoughts and 
actions instead of recognising the right of each individual to do 
God's will according to his conscience. In the same way we 
oppose any church which seeks to use the power of the state to 
enforce réligious conformity. We resist all endeavours to spread 
a system of thought or of economics by unscrupulous intolerance, 
suppression or persecution. 

Similarly, we oppose aggressive imperialism — political, 
economic or cultural—whereby a nation seeks to use other 
Nations or peoples for its own ends. We therefore protest 
against the exploitation of non-self-governing peoples for selfish 
purposes, the retarding of their progress towards self-govern- 
ment, and discrimination or segregation on the ground of race 
or colour. — 

OA positive attempt must be made-to ensure that competing 
economic systems such as Communism, Socialism, or free enter- 
prise may co-exist without leading to war. No nation has the 
moral right to determine its own economic policy without con- 
sideration for the economic needs of other nations and without 
recourse to international consultation. ‘The churches have a 
responsibility to educate men to rise above the limitations 
of their national outlook and to view economic and _ political 
differences in the light of the Christian objective of ensur- 
ing to every man freedom from all economic or political 
bondage. Such systems exist to serve men, not men to serve 
them. | 
Christians must examine critically all actions of governments 
which increase tension or arouse misunderstanding, even un- 


intentionally. Above all, they should withstand everything in 
the press, radio or school which inflames hatred or hostility be- 
tween nations. 



Our Lord Jesus Christ taught that God, the Father of all, is 
Sovereign. We affirm, therefore, that no state may claim absolute 
sovereignty, or make laws without regard to the commandments 
of God and the welfare of mankind. It must accept its respon- 
sibility under the governance of God, and its subordination to 
law, within the society of nations. 

As within the nations, so in their relations with one another, 
the authority of law must be recognised and established. Inter- 
national law clearly requires international institutions for its 
effectiveness. These institutions, if they are to command re- 
spect and obedience of nations, must come to grips with inter- 
national problems on their own merits and not primarily in the 
light of national interests. 

Such institutions are urgently needed to-day. History never 
stands still. New forces constantly emerge. Sporadic conflicts 
east and west, the attainment of independence by large masses 
of people, the apparent decline of European predominance, the 
clash of competing systems in Asia, all point to the inevitability 
of change. ‘The United Nations was designed to assist in the 
settlement of difficulties and to promote friendly relations 
among the nations. Its purposes in these respects deserve the 
support of Christians. But unless the nations surrender a 
greater measure of national sovereignty in the interest of the 
common good, they will be tempted to have recourse to war in 
order to enforce their claims. 

The churches have an important part in laying that common 
foundation of moral conviction without which any system of law 
will break down. While pressing for more comprehensive and 
authoritative world organisation, they should at present sup- 
port immediate practical steps for fostering mutual understand- 
ing and goodwill among the nations, for promoting respect for. 
international law and the establishment of the international 
institutions which are now possible. ‘They should also support 
every effort to deal on a universal basis with the many specific 


questions of international concern which face mankind to-day, 
such as the use of atomic power, the multilateral reduction of 
armaments, and the provision of health services and food for all 
men. ‘They should endeavour to secure that the United Nations 
be further developed to serve such purposes. They should insist © 
that the domestic laws of each country conform to the principles 
of progressive international law, and they gratefully recognise 
that recent demands to formulate principles of human rights 
reflect a new sense of international responsibility for the rights 
and freedoms of all men. 


‘The Church has always demanded freedom to obey God rather 
than men.. We affirm that all men are equal in the sight of Ged 
and that the rights of men derive directly from their status as the 
children of God / It is presumptuous for the state to assume 
that it can grant’ or deny fundamental rights. It is for the state 
to embody these rights in its own legal system and to ensure 
their observance in practice. /We believe, however, that there 
are no rights without dutie Man’s freedom has its counter- 
part in man’s responsibility, and each person has a responsibility 
towards his fellows in community. 

We are profoundly concerned by evidence from many parts 

-of the world of flagrant violations of human rights. Both in- 
dividuals and groups are subjected to persecution and dis- 
crimination on grounds of race, colour, religion, culture or 
political conviction. Against such actions, whether of govern- 
ments, officials, or the general public, the churches must take 
a firm and vigorous stand, through local action, in co-operation 
with churches in other lands, and through international institu-. 
tions of legal order. ‘They must work for an ever wider and 
deeper understanding of what are the essential human rights if 
men are to be free to do the will of God. 

At the present time, churches should support every endeavour 
to secure within an international bill of rights adequate safe- 
guards for freedom of religion and conscience, including rights 
of all men to hold and change their faith, to express it in worship 
and practice, to teach and persuade others, and to decide on the 


religious education of their children. They should press for 
freedom of speech and expression, of association and assembly, 
the rights of the family, of freedom from arbitrary arrest, as well 
as all those other rights which the true freedom of man requires. 
In the domestic and in the international sphere, they should 
support a fuller realisation of human freedom through social 
legislation. They should protest against the expulsion of 
minorities. With all the resources at their disposal they should 
oppose enforced segregation on grounds of race or colour, work- 
ing for the progressive recognition and application of this prin- 
ciple in every country. Above all it is essential that the churches 
observe these fundamental rights in their own membership and 
life, thus giving to others an example of what freedom means in 
practice. ; 


The churches are guilty both of indifference and of failure. 
While they desire more open honesty and less self-righteousness 
among governments and all concerned with international re- 
lations, they cannot cast a first stone or excuse themselves for 

Therefore, it is the duty of the Christian to pray for all men, 
especially for those in authority; to combat both hatred and 
resignation in regard to war; to support negotiation rather than 
primary reliance upon arms as an instrument of policy; and to 
‘sustain such national policies as in his judgment best reflect 
Christian principles. He should respond to the demand of the 
Christian vocation upon his life as a citizen, make sacrifices for 
the hungry and homeless, and, above all, win men for Christ, and 
thus enlarge the bounds of the supra-national fellowship. 

Within this fellowship, each church must eliminate dis- 
crimination among its members on unworthy grounds. It must 
educate them to view international policies in the light of their 
faith. Its witness to the moral law must be a warning to the 
state against unnecessary concession to expediency, and it must 
support leaders and those in authority in their endeavour to 
build the sure foundations of just world order. 

The establishment of the World Council of Churches can be: 
made of great moment for the life of the nations. It is a living 


expression of this fellowship, transcending race and nation, class 
and culture, knit together in faith, service and understanding. 
Its aim will be to hasten international reconciliation through its 
own members and through the co-operation of all Christian 
churches and of all men of goodwill. It will strive to see inter- 
national differences in the light of God’s design, remembering 
that normally there are Christians on both sides of every frontier. 
It should not weary in the effort to state the Christian under- 
standing of the will of God and to promote its application to 
national and international policy. 
_ For these purposes special agencies are needed. To this end 
the World Council of Churches and the International Missionary 
Council have formed the Commission of the Churches on Inter- 
national Affairs. The Assembly commends it to the interest and 
prayers of all Christian people. 

Great are the tasks and fateful the responsibilities laid on 
Christians to- day. In our own strength we can do nothing, 
but our hope is in Christ and in the coming of His Kingdom. 
With Him is the victory and in Him we trust. We pray that 
we may be strengthened by the power of His might and used by 
Him for accomplishing His design among the nations. For He 
is the Printe of Peace and the Risen and Living Head of the 


WHEREAS the uprooted peoples of Europe and Asia are far more 
numerous than at the close of the war, and whereas this problem 
constitutes a challenge to the Christian conscience 


I. That the World Council of Churches give high priority 
to work for the material and spiritual welfare of refugees, and 
appeal to its member churches in countries capable of receiving 
any settlers, both to influence public opinion towards a liberal 
immigration policy and to welcome and care for those who arrive 
in their countries. 

This priority in work for the material and spiritual welfare 
of refugees includes not only those within the care of the Inter- 
national Refugee Organisation and refugees of German ethnic 
origin, but all refugees and expellés of whatever nationality. 


Especial attention should be given to the needs of children, 
particularly in countries where children have been severed from 
family care. 

II. That the International Refugee Organisation, in pur- 
suance of its task of re-settling refugees, be requested to continue 
to urge governments which recruit able-bodied persons from 
among these displaced persons, to receive and settle their de- 
pendent relatives also, and thus respect the unity and integrity 
of family life. 

Ill. That the Council authorise the World Council of 
Churches’ Refugee Commission to take such steps as may be 
appropriate to bring persons of German ethnic origin within 
the protection of the United Nations International Refugee 
Organisation. Further, the Assembly directs the Ecumenical 
Refugee Commission to work for inclusion of all refugees 
and expellés within the mandate of the International Refugee 
Organisation. : 3 | 

IV. wHeEREAS the World Council of Churches notes with satis- 
faction that the United Nations has accepted as one of its major 
purposes the promotion of respect for and observance of human 
rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as 
to race, sex, language or religion, : 

AND WHEREAS the Assembly, conscious of the magnitude and 
complexity of the task of placing the protection of human 
rights under the aegis of an international authority, regards 
a Declaration of Human Rights, which is neither binding nor 
enforceable, although valuable as setting a common standard 
of achievement for all peoples and all nations, as in itself 
inadequate, | . 


That the Assembly calls upon its constituent members to press 
for the adoption of an International Bill of Human Rights 
making provision for the recognition, and national and inter- 
national enforcement, of all the essential freedoms of man, 
whether personal, political or social. 

That the Assembly calls upon its constituent members to 
support the adoption of other conventions on human rights, 
such as those on Genocide and Freedom of Information and 
the Press, as a step towards the promotion of respect for and 
observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms through- 
out the world. 


V. WHEREAS the churches are seeking to promote the ob- 
servance of religious liberty throughout the world 


That the World Council of Churches adopt the following 
Declaration on Religious Liberty, and urge the application of 
its provisions through domestic and international action. 


An essential element in a good international order is freedom 
of religion. This is an implication of the Christian faith and 
of the world-wide nature of Christianity. Christians, therefore, 
view the question of religious freedom as an international 
problem. ‘They are concerned that religious freedom be every- 
where secured. In pleading for this freedom, they do not ask 
for any privilege to be granted to Christians that is denied to 
others. While the liberty with which Christ has set men free 
can neither be given nor destroyed by any government, Chris- 
tians, because of that inner freedom, are both jealous for its out- 
ward expression and solicitous that all men should have freedom 
in religious life. The nature and destiny of man by virtue of 
his creation, redemption and calling, and man’s activities in 
family, state and culture establish limits beyond which the 
government cannot with impunity go. The rights which Chris- 
tian discipleship demands are such as are good for all men, and 
no nation has ever suffered by reason of granting such liberties. 
Accordingly : 
_ The rights of religious freedom herein declared shall be recog- 
nised and observed for all persons without distinction as to— 
Yace, colour, sex, language or religion, and without imposition 
of disabilities by virtue of legal provisions or administrative 

1. Every person has the right to determine his own faith and 

The right to determine faith and creed involves both the pro- 
cess whereby a person adheres to a belief and the process 
whereby he changes his belief. It includes the right to receive 
instruction and education. | 

This right becomes meaningful when man has the oppor 



tunity of access to information. Religious, social and political 
institutions have the obligation to permit the mature individual 
to relate himself to sources of information in such a way as to 
allow personal religious decision and belief. | 
The right to determine one’s belief is limited by the right of 
parents to decide sources of information to which their children 
shall have access. In the process of reaching decisions, everyone 
ought to take into account his higher self-interests and the im- 
plications of his beliefs for the well-being of his fellow men. 

2. Every person has the right to express his religious beliefs in 
worship, teaching and practice, and to proclaim the implications 
of his beliefs for relationships in a social or political community. 
The right of religious expression includes freedom of worship, 
both public and private; freedom to place information at the 
disposal of others by processes of teaching, preaching and per- 
suasion; and freedom to pursue such activities as are dictated by 
conscience. It also includes freedom to express implications of — 
belief for society and its government. : 
This right requires freedom from arbitrary limitation of re-_ 
ligious expression in all means of communication, including 
speech, Press, radio, motion pictures and art. Social and 
political institutions should grant immunity from discrimina- 
tion and from legal disability on grounds of expressed religious 
conviction, at least to the point where recognised community 
interests are adversely affected. | 
Freedom of religious expression is limited by the rights o 
parents to determine the religious point of view to which their 
children shall be exposed. It is further subject to such limita- 
tions, prescribed by law, as are necessary to protect order and 
welfare, morals and the rights and freedoms of others. Each 
person must recognise the right of others to express their beliefs 
and must have respect for authority at all times, even when con- — 
science forces him to take issue with the people who are in 
authority or with the position they advocate. 

3. Every person has the right to associate with others and to 
organise with them for religious purposes. ' 

This right includes freedom to form religious organisations, 
to seek membership in religious organisations, and to sever re- 
lationship with religious organisations. 


It requires that the rights of association and organisation 
guaranteed by a community to its members include the right 
of forming associations for religious purposes. 

It is subject to the same limits imposed on all associations by 
non-discriminatory laws. 

4. Every religious organisation, formed or maintained by action 
in accordance with the rights of individual persons, has the right 

to determine its policies and practices for the accomplishment 

of its chosen purposes. 

The rights which are claimed for the individual in his exercise 
of religious liberty become the rights of the religious organisa- 
tion, including the right to determine its faith and creed; to 
engage in religious worship, both public and private; to teach, 
educate, preach and persuade; to express implications of belief 
for society and government. To these will be added certain 
corporate rights which derive from the rights of individual 
persons, such as the right: to determine the form of organisa- 
tion, its government and conditions of membership; to select and 
train its own officers, leaders and workers; to publish and cir- 
culate religious literature; to carry on service and missionary 
activities at home and abroad; to hold property and to collect 
funds; to co-operate and to unite with other religious bodies at 

home and in other lands, including freedom to invite or to send 

personnel beyond national frontiers and to give or to receive 
financial assistance; to use such facilities, open to all citizens or 
associations, as will make possible the accomplishment of re- 
ligious ends. 
In order that these rights may be realised in social experi- 

ence, the state must grant to religious organisations and their 

members the same rights which it grants to other organisations, 
including the right of self-government, of public meeting, of 
speech, of Press and publication, of holding property, of collect- 
ing funds, of travel, of ingress and egress, and ahridigs of 

_ administering their own affairs. 

The community has the right to require obedience to non- 
discriminatory laws passed in the interest of public order and 
well-being. In the exercise of its rights, a religious organisation 

must respect the rights of other religious organisations and must 
_ safeguard the corporate and individual rights of the entire com- 




THE CHAIRMAN said they would now turn to a consideration of the 
Report on Section IV on International Affairs, which would be 
introduced by Mr. Kenneth Grubb. 

MR GRUBB said he proposed to speak first on the first seven pages of 
the document. The remainder was of a different nature and he 
would refer to it at a later stage. He said the Section had been 
greatly assisted by the work of the Alternates and the Youth Con- 
ference. He would ask permission to draw their attention to three 
major matters: (1) the general tone of the document; (2) certain 
omissions of what they might have expected to find; (3) the matter 
of peace and war. 

On 1 they had been asked to produce a statement which was forth- 
right and challenging, hence the tone of some of the paragraphs. 
Certain matters were considered to be of such importance that they 
were deliberately repeated in more than one place. 

On 2 some people would no doubt ask why there was no mention 
of Palestine, for example. They had come to the conclusion that, 
if such mention had been made, it would have been necessary also 
to mention Korea, the Baltic States, or the racial situation in the 
United States or in South Africa. ‘The Section had, therefore, 
decided to take its stand on the general ground of those principles to 
which they desired to direct the Assembly’s attention. The question 
of the conflict between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. had been dealt . 
with, at the specific desire of the Section, in broad general terms. 

On 3, the matter of the Christian attitude in peace and war, they 
had tried to put together a statement which they hoped might com- 
mand support from the various sections of opinion represented. 
That attempt failed, and as at Oxford they had had to fall back on 
stating the different attitudes held by Christians. The ‘Report con- 
tained, therefore, a statement of what he might call a “ trilemma ”— 
three positions which were represented in Section IV on this issue. 

On all points, the Section met with a deep consciousness of the 
international situation, but with an equally deep conviction that 
the ecumenical movement had come for just such a day as this— 
perhaps just in time to enable the churches to face their task. 

MR. HOGG thought the Report should have said more about the 
need for supra-national institutions to establish a rule of law, and 
especially about the spiritual conditions necessary to establish such 
an institution. The Report should also have been more specific on 
the question of the rule of law as applied to the tension between 
East and West. He was glad that differences had been stated where 
they occurred, and that no attempt had been made to give preference 
to any one of the three attitudes of Christians in time of war. He 


hoped the Assembly would not divide numerically on these three 
opinions; mere numbers could have little significance. It would be 
wrong to do more than place on record the different positions, while 
all humbly prayed for light to be granted for the future. God 
granted to each of us only to see clearly a small particle of truth. He 
commended the Report for acceptance in its entirety. 

DR. BEDNAR said that at the Assembly, at every step, he encountered 
misconceptions concerning the international situation. ‘This was 
due to lack of reliable information. The World Council ought to 
form a Christian public opinion, and not depend on information 
in the secular press. The present tension between East and West 
was not due only to the clash of ideologies, but also to the problem 
of power. Many people were looking to Amsterdam for spiritual 
guidance, and the only way was to examine the roots of the problems 
from the Christian standpoint. Politically the Report might appear 
to be a compromise; but it was a Christian compromise. Much more 
could be said about the war hysteria of to-day, and the danger of 
totalitarian ideas in both East and West. ‘These problems should 
be studied by the separate churches. Modern materialism was the 
child of the so-called “ Christian”’ civilisation, and we must discover 
the roots of its origin. He recommended that the Report be accepted. 

DR. EHLERS questioned whether the Report was sufficiently relevant, 
and whether it would give comfort and encouragement to the people 
who were being victimised by present economic and social conditions. 
The Report should be more relevant on at least two points: 

1. “Christians . . . should withstand everything in the press .. . 
which inflames hatred or hostility between nations.” 

2. Christ’s command to love our enemies should be stated more 
emphatically, and all war should be condemned, whatever its 

_THE CHAIRMAN said that this proposal Madi was contained in the 
Report of Alternates, Section IV) could not be introduced as an 
amendment in the final Report, as the delegates had already 
examined it and decided against its inclusion. He asked if any 
delegate would move its adoption. 

PASTOR MENN Said that Dr. Ehlers did not propose adding the whole 
paragraph to the Report, but extracting from it some message to the 
world. , 

THE CHAIRMAN suggested that Dr. Ehlers hold this over for possible 
inclusion in the Message which would be read on Friday afternoon. 

The Report was then examined section by section. 

ONE DELEGATE objected to the phrase “that the world is in God's 


hands”, and suggested instead “that this is God’s world”. He 
also objected to “man’s worst sins can find a place of forgiveness”; 
the New Testament told us that there was one sin which could not 
be forgiven. 

THE CHAIRMAN asked the Assembly to discuss Part I of the Report. 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER said that the crucial issue was the Chris- 
tian’s attitude to war. Modern war was a violation of order and 
justice in a supreme degree. Between savage peoples war was 
unrestrained. One of the great tasks of the Christian Church was 
to mitigate such barbarism and to distinguish between just and 
unjust wars. A just war was fought for just causes with just means, 
and terminated with a just peace. But a great change occurred in 
the twentieth century. In the first World War, the whole popula- 
tion was mobilised for war, which had become total. In the second 
World War, total war became unrestricted war and means were em- 
ployed that no one could call human—obliteration bombing and 
the indiscriminate use of atomic force. The distinction between 
just and unjust war had disappeared. We had returned to barbarism. 
Even if we had a just cause, the means by which we defended it 
were not just. It was time for the Christian Church to urge the 
world to recognise that harsh fact: that modern war brings 
barbarism and cannot be an act of justice. 

BISHOP JACOB expressed some disappointment, because the Report 
by-passed some of the greatest controversies of the present inter- 
national situation. He was afraid there were two reasons for this 
caution: 1. The fear that the churches were powerless to eliminate 
war. ‘They had ceased to expect great things from God and to 
attempt great things for Him. 2. The desire to leave the different 
churches free to support their own Governments in the event of war. 
He was, therefore, very dissatisfied with the paragraphs on war and 
peace and proposed that the whole paragraph on this subject be 
deleted. It was no use concealing the fact that the problem put the 
Christian in a position of agonising perplexity. # : 

No one was prepared to second this amendment which was there- 
fore rejected. 

BARON VAN ASBECK agreed with the Bishop of Chichester that there 
was no such thing to-day as a just war. But as long as there was no 
supra-national way of preventing aggression, people felt compelled 
to wage war. After the experience of the war, many people felt they 
must oppose violence with violence. 

DR. HEERING suggested the following amendment or addition: 
“The churches and the Commission of the Churches on Inter- 
national Affairs should make special study of the ways and means 
of Christian strategy and responsibility, both as churches and in 
individual cases.” 


It was agreed that this matter be referred to the Commission of 
the Churches on International Affairs (without inclusion in the 
Report). ) 

MR. LE QUESNE suggested the inclusion of the following words: 
“"There are those who hold that modern warfare with its mass 
destruction can never be an act of justice, but of those some hold, 
while others would deny, that to enter into a war may be a Chris- 
tian’s duty in particular circumstances.’ 

BISHOP RUPPELDT said the human race should have a legal right to 
claim international order and there should be machinery to imple- 
ment this, and stressed the need for emphasising this more potently 
in the Report. 

PROFESSOR TRUEBLOOD (Alternate for Dr. A. Newlin) moved a 
change: | ? 
“We utterly oppose totalitarianism wherever found, in which 

either Church or State arrogates to itself the right of determining 
men’s thoughts.” 

This was accepted for later voting. 

MR. JOB desired to press the Assembly to include in the Report a 
statement that all atomic weapons now in existence should be 
destroyed. ‘There was no seconder and the motion fell. | 

THE CHAIRMAN then considered the amendments so far presented: 

(a) Mr. Le Quesne’s proposal. 

On the request from the Chair Mr. Le Quesne agreed to leave this 
matter to the Drafting Committee for reconsideration. 

(b) Professor Trueblood’s amendment. 

_ Bishop Berggrav spoke in opposition. 
The amendment was put to the vote but lost by 56 votes to 51. 

DR. FLETCHER spoke to Section IV of the Report and urged the 
acceptance of this part of the Report. 

BISHOP WALLS suggested after the words “membership and life” 
the following: 

“and since we find no justification for the practice of segregation 
in the Bible or in the social principles of justice or in the early 
Church, we urge that this practice be abandoned in thought, 
word and deed throughout the Christian Church, thus giving to 
others an example of what freedom means in practice.” 

MR. GRUBB could not, for drafting reasons, accept this amendment, 
and THE CHAIRMAN thereupon put it to the vote when it was lost by 
50 votes to 34. 


DR. MAYS urged the redrafting of section V for the purpose of 
strengthening, and the chairman accepted the suggestion. 

THE CHAIRMAN then passed to the resolutions. 
An amendment to Resolution IV was moved by DR. ERIC FLETCHER 
as follows: 

6é sae 393 / 
Insert after “language or religion”’: 

‘““AND WHEREAS the Assembly, conscious of the magnitude and 

complexity of the task of placing the protection of human rights 
under the aegis of an international authority, regards a Declara- 
tion of Human Rights, which is neither binding nor enforceable, 
although valuable as setting a common standard of achievement 
for all peoples and all nations, as in itself inadequate, 


That the Assembly calls upon its constituent members to press 
for the adoption of an International Bill of Human Rights making 
provision for the recognition, and national and international 
enforcement, of all the essential freedoms of man, whether 
personal, political or social.” 

This amendment was accepted. 
The Chairman submitted the amendment to the Assembly and it 
was adopted unanimously. 

MR. GRUBB spoke to Resolution V and the declaration on religious 

Gis suggestion from the floor he accepted the inclusion of the 
word “colour” after “race” in the second paragraph of the 

The resolution and declaration were put to the Assembly and 

THE CHAIRMAN then referred back to Resolution III, which was 
spoken to by the Bishop of Chichester, who wished to enlarge the 
scope of it thus: 

“ All other persons in a similar condition who are now outside 
the scope of the International Refugee Organisation, including 
Germans and so-called Volksdeutsche and people of German 
ethnic origin within its scope.’ 

REV. HENRY CARTER spoke in favour of allowing the resolution to 
stand as drafted. 

The amendment of the ASHP of Chichester was put to the vote 
but was lost. 

The original Resolution III on being put to the vote was adopted. 

THE ASSEMBLY CHAIRMAN then submitted Resolution IV [now deleted 
from the Section Report] upon which BISHOP ANGUS DUN spoke. He 


stated that so far as he knew this was the only resolution in which 

it was proposed that the Assembly should appeal to a non-Christian 
organisation, and outlined other reasons for the rejection of the 
resolution. | 

His motion that the resolution be laid on the table was put to 
the vote and carried without opposition. 

MR. GRUBB expressed appreciation for the courtesy with which the 
draft had been received and promised on behalf of the Drafting 
Committee to try to discharge the obligations put upon them by 
the Assembly. ~ 

The Report was received. Ata later session the revisions proposed 
by the Drafting Committee were submitted to the Assembly. It was 
explained that account had been taken of Professor Trueblood’s 
motion and that Bishop Berggrav had agreed to the formulation 
proposed by the Drafting Committee. 

The revisions were accepted without further discussion. 




HE afternoon Committees formed the “business side” of 

the Assembly, for it was their duty to deal with the 

organisation of the World Council of Churches as well as 

with certain concerns which the churches had registered with . 

the Provisional Committee for treatment at Amsterdam. | 

The plan for the Committees had been determined by the 

Committee on Arrangements and the Provisional Committee as 

I. Constitution and Rules and Regulations. 
II. Policy. 
lil. Programme and Administration. 
IV. Concerns of the Churches. 

The development of the preparatory material for the first 
three Committees was undertaken directly by the Provisional 
Committee. At the meeting in Buck Hill Falls (1947) a number 
of important amendments to the provisional constitution were 
formulated. ‘These were sent to the churches in the autumn of 
1947. The draft rules and regulations were adopted by the 
Administrative Committee in January 1948. “This material was 
included in the book Documents of the World Council, and 
placed in the hands of the delegates in the early spring of 1948. 

For Committees IJ and III, the General Secretary was 
instructed to prepare a Policy Report for submission to the 
January 1948 meeting of the Administrative Committee. After 
amendment, it was also included in the Documents of the World 
Council and placed in the hands of delegates in the spring of 

The Provisional Committee had given notice that any Church 
which desired to register a ‘‘concern”’ for treatment at Amster- 
dam should notify the General Secretary prior to January 1948. 
At the meeting of the Administrative Committee at that time, 


a number of such concerns had been placed on file; and of these 

the Committee selected four as being of general import and 
worthy of consideration by the Assembly. These four, which 
in fact became the subjects of four additional committees, were: 

The Life and Work of Women in the Church 
The Christian Approach to the Jews 

The Significance of the Laity in the Church 
Christian Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid. 

Preparatory material for each of these was also prepared, 
although it appeared only just in time for the Assembly. For 
the past two years, a special Commission of the Study Depart- 

_ment had been undertaking a wide enquiry as to the status of 

women in the Church, and during the late spring of 1948 the 
results of this enquiry were brought together in an interim 
report, which formed the preparatory booklet for the Assembly 
Committee on this subject. An additional booklet, containing 
monographs on the other three concerns, was also in hand. 

It was seen early that the work of these Committees would 
overlap considerably. Since policy should determine the con- 
stitution and rules on the one hand and programme and 
administration on the other, agendas for these Committees were 
constructed in such a way as to allow for the consideration of a 
subject by Committee II before it needed to arise in Committee I 
or III or vice versa. 

This suggested the need for close co-ordination of the work of 

Committees I, II and III during the Assembly. To meet this 

need, a system of liaison was developed, similar to that which 

operated for the Sections. It centred in the liaison officers who 

kept in touch with the work of the other Committees, and in 
the chairman and secretary of each Committee who had daily 

conferences with those of other Committees. The Committees 

Co-ordinating Group met each night in order to provide an 
overall co-ordination of the whole. It is a tribute to the officers 
of the Committees, as well as to the co-operation of their mem- 
bers, that the immense amount of work confronting them was 

‘The Reports were presented to the Assembly in plenary 
session, and such modifications as appeared desirable were 
included at once. The final Reports, together with the discus- 
sion in plenary session, follow. 


| (as adopted by the Assembly) 

The Report was presented and adopted in conjunction with the 
Constitution and Rules and Regulations as appearing in the 
book Documents of the World Council of Churches. We there- 
fore reproduce the appropriate parts of this book as indicated 


There follows in italic type the text of the original articles to 
be amended, and the amendments proposed by the Provisional 
Committee. Following this in Roman type appear the actions 
recommended to the Assembly by Committee I. 7 

It appears that, in its resolution of August 23rd adopting the 
Constitution, the Assembly made it plain that it reserved the 
right to adopt all or any of the amendments proposed on pages 
19-22 of the volume Documents of the World Council as it might 
think fit, upon receiving the report of this Committee thereon. 
The Committee therefore RECOMMENDS 

That the amendments to the Constitution proposed by the 
Provisional Committee be adopted, subject to the following 
additions or variations: 

A. Article II 
Original article: i 7 
II. MEMBERSHIP. All churches shall be eligible for mem- 
bership in the World Council which express their agreement 
with the basis upon which the Council is founded. 

After the Council has been organised the application of 
churches to become members shall be considered by the 
Assembly or its Central Committee as it may be advised by 
national or confessional associations of churches. 

Note: Under the word churches are included such 
denominations as are composed of local autonomous churches. 


Proposed amendment: 
The Provisional Committee gives notice of a proposed 
amendment to Article II such that the article should read as 

Those churches shall be eligible for membership in the 
World Council of Churches which express their agreement 
with the basis upon which the Council is founded and satisfy 
such criteria as the Assembly or the Central Committee may 
prescribe. Election to membership shall be by a two-thirds 
vote of the Assembly, each member church having one vote. 
Any application for membership between meetings of the 
Assembly may be considered by the Central Committee; if 

the application is supported by a two-thirds majority of the 
Committee, this action shall be communicated to the churches 
that are members of the World Council of Churches, and 
unless objection is received from more than one-third of the 
member churches within six months the applicant shall be 
declared elected. 

(i) Lines 9 to 10 shall read: 

“Election to membership shall be by a two-thirds vote of 
the member churches represented at the Assembly, each 
~“member church having one vote.’ 

(ii) In lines 13 to 14 for “a two-thirds majority of the Com- 
mittee’ substitute “a two-thirds majority of the members 
of the Committee present and voting.” 

(iii) The substance of the note which disappears with the amend- 
ment shall reappear among the Rules. (See below.) 

B. Article III 

Original article: 
III, FUNCTIONS. The functions of the World Council 
shall be 
(:) To carry on the work of the two world movements for 
Faith and Order and for Life and Work. 
(12) To facilitate common action by the churches. 
(112) To promote co-operation in study. 
(iv) To promote the growth of ecumenical consciousness in 
the members of all churches. 
(v) To establish relations with denominational federations 


of world-wide scope and with other ecumenical move- 

(vi) To call world conferences on specific subjects as occasion 
may require, such conferences being empowered to 
publish their own findings. 

Note: In matters of common interest to all the churches and 
pertaining to Faith and Order, the Council shall always pro- 
ceed in accordance with the basis on which the Lausanne 
(1927) and Edinburgh (1937) Conferences were called and 

Proposed amendment: 
(vii) To support the churches in their task of evangelisation. 

The note at the end of the Article on page 11 shall be reprinted 
as a final paragraph of the Article, the word “Note” being 

Article V 

(Since the next four amendments in the Committee's report 
deal with Article V, that part of it to which changes are relevant 
is produced here.) 

V. ORGANISATION. The World Council shall rea ch 
its functions through the following bodies: 

(i) An Assembly which shall be the principal authority in 
the Council, and shall ordinarily meet every five years. 
The Assembly shall be composed of official representa- 
tives of the churches or groups of churches adhering to 
it and directly appointed by them. It shall consist of not 
more than 450 members who shall be apportioned as ts 
provided hereafter. They shall serve for five years, their 
term of service beginning in the year before the Assembly 

The membership shall be allocated provisionally as follows: 
85, representing the Orthodox Churches throughout the 
world, allocated in such manner as they may decide; 

110, representing the churches of the Continent of Europe, 
allocated in such manner as they may decide; 

60, representing the churches of Great Britain and Eire, 
allocated in such manner as they may decide; 


90, representing the churches of the United States of America 
and Canada, allocated in such manner as they may decide; 
50, representing the churches of Asia, Africa, Latin America 
and the Pacific Islands, to be appointed by them in such 
manner as they may decide; 

25, representing the churches of South Africa, Australasia and 
areas not otherwise represented, to be appointed by them, such 
places to be allocated by the Central Committee; 

and, not more than 30 members representing minority 
churches, which in the judgment of the Central Committee 
are not granted adequate representation by the above 
provisions of this section, such churches to be designated by 
the world confessional organisations. 

The Assembly shall have power to appoint Officers of the 
World Council and of the Assembly at its discretion. 

The members of the Assembly shall be both clerical and lay 
persons—men and women. In order to secure that approxi- 
mately one-third of the Assembly shall consist of lay persons 
the Central Committee, in consultation with the different 
areas and groups, shall suggest plans to achieve this end. 

(it) A Central Committee which shall consist of not more 
than 90 members designated by the churches, or groups 
of churches, from among persons whom these churches 
have elected as members of the Assembly. They shall 
serve from the beginning of the Assembly meeting until 
the next Assembly, unless the Assembly otherwise deter- 
mine. Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the 
Central Committee shall be filled by the churches or 
group of churches concerned. This Commitiee shall be 
a Committee of the Assembly. The Assembly shall have 
authority to modify the allocation of members of the 
Central Committee as herein provided, both as to the 
manner and as to the ratio of the allocation. 

C. Article V, Section I 

Proposed amendment: | 
to delete in the first paragraph of Article V, Section (1) the 
sentence “it shall consist of not more than 450 members who 


shall be apportioned as is provided hereafter”, and to sub- 
stitute therefor this sentence: b 

“Tt shall consist of members whose number shall be deter- 
mined by each Assembly for the subsequent Assembly; and 
they shall be apportioned as is provided hereafter.” 

The proposed amendment shall read as follows: 

“Tt shall consist of members whose number shall be deter- 
mined by each Assembly for the subsequent Assembly, subject 
to the right of the Assembly to empower the Central Committee, 
if it thinks fit, to increase or to diminish the said number by not 
more than twenty per cent. The number shall be finally deter- 
mined not less than two years before the meeting of the Assembly 
to which it refers, and shall be apportioned as is provided here- 

D. Article V, Section I 

The following proposed amendment to Article V, Section I 
was adopted without change: 

to change the last sentence of the first paragraph of Article V, 
Section (i) above, so that it shall read: | 

T heir term of service shall begin within the year before the 
Assembly meets, and they shall serve until their successors are 

E. Article V, Section I 

Proposed amendment: 
to change the last sentence of the last paragraph of Article V, 
Section (i) so that it shall read: 

In order to secure that approximately one-third of the 
Assembly shall consist of lay persons, the Central Committee, 
in allocating to the member churches their places in the 
Assembly, shall strongly urge each church to observe this 

In the last line insert the words “if possible” after “ each 
church ”’. 

F. Article V 


Proposed amendment: 
(a) Omit the entire portion which allocates seats in the 


Assembly to the various areas, beginning: “ The membership 
shall be allocated provisionally as follows” and ending “ such 
churches to be designated by the world confessional organisa- 
tions”, and substitute therefor the following paragraph: 
Seats in the Assembly shall be allocated to the member 
churches by the Central Committee, due regard being given 
» to such factors as numerical size, adequate confessional 
representation and adequate geographical distribution. Sug- 
gestions for readjustment in the allocation of seats may be 
made to the Central Committee by member churches or by 
groups of member churches, confessional, regional or national, 
and these readjustments shall become effective if approved by 
the Central Committee and the member churches concerned. 

(b) Substitute in section (ii) for the first paragraph and for the 
section dealing with allocation of seats in the Central Com- 
mittee, ending with the words “ such churches to be designated 
by the world confessional organisations’’, the following para- 
(it) A Central Committee, which shall be a committee of the 
Assembly and which shall consist of not more than 90 mem- 
bers chosen by the Assembly from among persons whom the 
_ churches have appointed as members of the Assembly. They 
shall serve until the next Assembly, unless the Assembly other- 
- wise determine. Membership in the Central Committee shall 
be distributed among the member churches by the Assembly, 
due regard being given to such factors as numerical size. 
adequate confessional representation and adequate geo- 
graphical distribution. Any vacancy occurring in the mem- 
bership of the Central Committee between meetings of the 
Assembly shall be filled by the Central Committee. upon 
nomination of the church or churches concerned. 

(a) Substitute for the last line “after consultation with the 
churches concerned”. 

(b) Section (ii) shall begin as follows: 

“ (ii) A Central Committee which shall be a Committee of 
the Assembly and which shall consist of the President or 
Presidents of the World Council, together with not more 
than ninety members .. .” 



Article VI 
Original article: | 

Council shall discharge part of its functions by the appoint- 
ment of Commissions. These shall be established under the 
authority of the Assembly, whether they be actually nominated 
by the Assembly or by the Central Committee acting under its 
instructions. The Commissions shall, between meetings of 
the Assembly, report annually to the Central Committee which 
shall exercise general supervision over them. The Commis- 
sions may add to their membership clerical and lay persons 
approved for the purpose by the Central Committee. 

In particular, the Assembly shall make provision by means 
of appropriate Commissions for carrying on the activities of 
Faith and Order and Life and Work. There shall be a Faith 
and Order Commission which shall conform to the require- 
ments of the Second World Conference on Faith and Order, 
held at Edinburgh in 1937. (See below.) 

Note: The requirements of the Second World Conference 
on Faith and Order held at Edinburgh in 1937, referred to 
above, are the following: 

(a) That the World Council’s Commission on Faith and Order 
shall, in the first instance, be the Continuation Committee 
appointed by this Conference. 

(b) In any further appointments made by the Council to mem- 
bership of the Commission on Faith and Order, the persons 
appointed shall always be members of the churches which fall 
within the terms of the Faith and Order invitation as 
addressed to “ all Christian bodies throughout the world which 
accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour”. 

(c) The work of the Commission on Faith and Order shall be 
carried on under the general care of a Theological Secretariat 
appointed by the Commission, in consultation with the 
Council and acting in close co-operation with other secretariats 
of the Council. The Council shall make adequate financial 
provision for the work of the Commission after consultation 
with the Commission. 

(d) In matters of common interest to all the churches and per- 
taining to Faith and Order, the Council shall always proceed 


in accordance with the basis on which this Conference on 
Faith and Order was called and is being conducted. 

(e) The World Council shall consist of official representatives 
of the churches participating. 

(f) Any Council formed before the first meeting of the Central 
Assembly shall be called Provisional, and the Assembly, 
representing all the churches, shall have complete freedom to 
determine the constitution of the Central Council. 

The note appended to Article VI shall be brought up and 
printed as part of the Article itself, with the words “ (see below) ” 
and the first three lines of the note deleted. The Article shall 
then read as follows: | 

“There shall be a Faith and Order Commission which shall 

conform to the requirements of the Second World Conference 

on Faith and Order, held at Edinburgh in 1937, as follows: 
_ (a) That the World Council’s Commission on Faith and Order 
Cur) Sata 


1 Article I 

Whereas several delegates in the Assembly have expressed, 
either for themselves or for their churches, the desire for clarifica- 
tion or amplification of the affirmation of the Christian faith set 
forth in the basis of the Council (Article I), therefore it is 
RESOLVED that this Committee recommend to the Assembly: 

(a) that this Assembly of the World Council of Churches 
affirm its conviction that the basis set forth in the Con- 
stitution is adequate for the present purposes of the World 
Council of Churches; 

(b) that any churches that may desire change in the basis be 
instructed to present their desires in writing to the Central 
Committee for study and report to the next Assembly; 

(c) that the Central Committee be instructed to keep its study 
of possible changes within the Christological principle set 
forth in the present basis. 

2 | Article II 

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Assembly direct the 


Central Committee to consider whether a clause should be 
inserted in the Constitution giving to any Ghurch which might ~ 
feel aggrieved by a decision taken by the Central Committee ~ 
under Article II as amended a right of appeal to the Assembly. — 


The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Assembly authorise the 
Central Committee to take such steps as are necessary to provide 
for the registration and/or incorporation of the World Council — 

of Churches, as governed by its Constitution, in Switzerland and 
other countries. 


Note: The “ Rules and Regulations” had been drawn up by 
a special committee on the subject and had been approved by © 
the Provisional Committee for submission to the Assembly. — 

They were printed in Documents of the World Council of | 

The Committee makes the following recommendations: 
1. That the heading ‘‘ RuLEs” be substituted for “ RULES AND 
REGULATIONS ”, and that the words “and Regulations” be © 
deleted wherever they appear. 

Rule I. Membership ay 

g. That Rule I.1 shall read as follows: E 
“Churches which desire to become members of the World 
Council of Churches shall apply to the General Secretary 
in writing. Under the word churches are included > 
such denominations as are composed of local autonomous — 
churches.” | 

3. That Rule I. 2 shall read as follows: 

“The General Secretary shall submit such applications to. 

the Central Committee (see Article II of the Constitution) : 
together with such information as will be sufficient to enable j 
the Assembly or the Central Committee to make a decision 
on the application.” : 

4. That in Rule I.3(d) the words “especially to churches of 
the same confession and to churches in the same area”’ shall 
be deleted. 

5. That Rule I.5 shall be deleted and that Clause 6 be re- 
numbered 5 






Rule IIT. The Assembly 

. That Rule II. 1(a) shall read as follows: 

“(a) At the first business session of the Assembly the 
Executive Committee shall present its proposals for the 
Chairmanship of the Assembly and for the membership of 
the Business Committee of the Assembly.” 

. That Rule II. 1(d) shall read as follows: 

“(b) Additional names may also be proposed at the first or 
second business session by any group of six members of the 
Assembly. Such proposals must be made in writing.” 

. That Rule II. 1(c) shall read as follows: 

“(c) Election shall be by ballot unless the Assembly shall 
otherwise determine.” 

- In Rule II. 2(a) for “membership in the Assembly ” substi- 

tute “ membership of the Assembly ”’. 

‘That Rule II. 2(b) be deleted and the following substituted 


“ (b) The Central Committee shall make regulations for the 
appointment of alternates and for their duties and functions 
if and when appointed.” 

Rule III. Nominations Committee 

In Rule III. 1 for “the Chairman shall invite the Assembly 
to appoint ” read “ the Assembly shall appoint ”. iy 
Rule III. 2 shall read as follows: 

“2. The Nominations Committee in consultation with the 
officers of the World Council and the Executive Committee 
shall draft proposals concerning (a) the President or Presi- 
dents of the World Council of Churches, and (b) a list of 
persons proposed for membership of the Central Com- 

Rule III. 6 shall read as follows: 

“6. Election shall be by ballot unless the Assembly shall 
otherwise determine.” 

Rule IV. Central Committee 

- Rule IV. 1(a) shall read as follows: 

“ (a) The Central Committee shall consist of the President 













or Presidents of the World Council together with not more 
than ninety members elected by the Assembly. (See 
Constitution par. V(il).) 

Rule IV. 1(f) shall read as follows: 

“(f) Members of the staff of the World Council appointed 
by the Central Committee as specified under Rule VUI.1 
shall have the right to attend the sessions of the Central 
Committee unless on any occasion the Central Committee 
shall otherwise determine. "When they do so attend it shall 
be as consultants and without the right to vote.” 

Rule IV. 2(a) shall read as follows: 

“The Central Committee shall elect its own Chairman and 
Vice-Chairman to serve for such periods as it shall deter- 

Rule IV. 2(c) shall read as follows: 

“(¢) Election shall be by ballot unless the Committee shall 
otherwise determine.” 

The following clause shall be added to Rule IV. 4(a): 

“Tt shall have authority to make decisions and take action 
in all matters where decision or action is required before 
the Assembly can meet again, provided that it shall not 
make any decision or take any action inconsistent with any 
previous decision or action of the Assembly.” 

Rule IV. 4(b) shall be placed at the end and re-lettered (f), 
and sub-clauses (c), (d), (e) and (g) shall be re-lettered (b), 
(c), (d) and (e). | ; | 
In sub-Clause IV. 4(e) re-lettered (d) the words “and issue 
invitations to membership” shall be deleted. 

The existing sub-Clause (f) shall be deleted. 

Rule V. Executive Committee 

Rule V. 1(b) shall read as follows: 

“(b) The Executive Committee shall consist of the Presi- 
dent or Presidents of the World Council ex officio and the 
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee 
ex officio and of twelve other members of the Central Com- 

In Rule V. 1(c) for “ will”’ substitute “shall”. 

In Rule V. 2—Functions, the words “ be an ad-interim com- 
mittee to”’ shall be deleted. 


Rule VI. Departmental Committees 
25. Rule VI. 5 shall be deleted. 

Rule VII. Financial Provisions 

26. ‘This Rule shall be deleted and the following substituted: 
“1. The Central Committee shall appoint a Finance Com- | 
mittee which shall have the following duties: 

(a) To present annually to the Central Committee an 
account of income and expenditure for the previous 12 
months, and a balance sheet, in respect of operations of 
all departments of the World Council of Churches. 

(0) To present annually to the Central Committee in 
advance of the commencement of each year, a budget 
covering the operations of all the departments of the 
World Council of Churches. | 

(c) ‘To consider and make recommendations to the Central 
Committee on all financial questions concerning the 
affairs of the World Council of Churches, such as: 

Approval of budgets or increases in budgets. 

Approval and granting of discharge for the accounts 
in respect of completed periods. 

Accounting procedures. 

Investment policy. 

Principles governing scale of salaries, travel expenses 
and other such expenses. 

Basis of calculation of contributions of member 

Methods of raising funds. 

Appointment of auditors, who shall be appointed 
annually by the Central Committee and shall be 
eligible for re-election. 


The foregoing list is illustrative but not exclusive; the 
Committee shall have power to consider all matters concern- 
ing the World Council of Churches in so far as they bear 
upon its financial position. : 

2. The Finance Committee shall appoint a. Headquarters 
Finance Committee to which it may delegate, within the 
lines of policy laid down by the full Committee: 









(a) the supervision of current financial operations between 
meetings of the full committee; 

(b) the consideration of urgent problems and the submis- 
sion when urgency so requires of recommendations 
thereon to the Central Committee, the Executive Com- 
mittee or the General Secretary; 

(c) the preparatory consideration of all problems for con- 
sideration by the full committee.” 

Rule IX. Public Statements 

Rule IX. 1 shall read as follows: | 
“1, In the performance of its functions, the Council through © 
its Assembly or through its Central Committee may publish 
statements upon any situation or issue with which the 
Council or its constituent churches may be confronted.” 
Rule IX. 2 last three lines shall read: 

“|. and the publishing of such statements shall not be 
held to imply that the World Council as such has, or can 
have, any constitutional authority over the constituent 
churches or right to speak for them.” 

Rule IX. 4 shall read as follows: 

“No committee or commission of the Council other than the 
Central Committee shall publish any statement until it has 
been approved by the Assembly, except that in circumstances 
of immediate urgency statements may be published by any 
commission of the Council on matters within its own field 
of concern and action, if approved by the Chairman of the 
Central Committee and the General Secretary, and in these 
cases the committee or commission shall make it clear that 
the World Council of Churches is not committed by any 
statement set forth in this manner.” 

In Rule IX.s, line 2, insert the words “on his own 
authority” after the words “the Chairman of the Central 
Committee.” | 

Rule XI. Legal Provisions 

Clauses 3 and 4 shall be deleted and those following re- 
numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6. 


Rule XII 

32. I'he Rules of Debate printed on pages 212-19 shall become 
Rule XII, and the present Rule XII shall be re-numbered 

Rule XII (renumbered XIII). Revision of Rules 

33- Delete the Rule as printed and substitute the following: 

~ Amendments to these Rules may be moved at any meeting 
of the Assembly or, until the Second Assembly, at any meet- 
ing of the Central Committee by any member and may be 
adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, 
except that no alteration in Rules I, IV, IX and XIII shall 
come into effect until it has been confirmed by the Assembly. 
Notice of a proposal to make any such amendment shall be 
given in writing at least twenty-four hours before the meet- 
Ang of the Assembly or Central Committee at which it is to 
be moved.” 


DR. KOECHLIN said that the Committee had had a double task, that 
of dealing first with the constitution of the World Council of 
Churches, and secondly with the proposed rules and regulations. 
Amendments to the constitution could only be presented if they 
had been proposed and submitted for the consideration of the 
churches six months in advance. For this reason the Committee 
would only propose the amendments printed in the Documents of 
| the World Council. They would, however, make suggestions con- 
cerning the study of problems which might lead in the future to 
further changes in the constitution. These would have to be sub- 
mitted to the churches by the Central Committee. 

DR. KOECHLIN moved that the amendments to the constitution be 

THE CHAIRMAN asked for a two-thirds majority vote, and the motion 
was carried unanimously. 

_ In regard to section II of the Report, pR. KOECHLIN said that the 
most important question concerned Article I (the Basis of the World 
Council of Churches). Some member churches desired that that 


basis should be amplified or clarified; some had also the feeling 
that the basis, as drafted at Utrecht, was in fact meant to be pro- 
visional and that the World Council once constituted had the duty, 
in view of the great importance of the question, to make a thorough 
study of its basis. ‘The Committee had voted unanimously for the 
resolution which was now before the Assembly. Dr. Koechlin then 
read the resolution as proposed by the Committee, and it was 
adopted by the Assembly. 

The resolution concerning Article Il was also adopted. 

In regard to Article III, pk. KOECHLIN explained that it had not 
been possible to incorporate the World Council as an association 
or otherwise, because it was in process of formation. In Switzerland 
a small association had been created and this association owned the 
World Council property and was the holder of all the funds, both 
of the General Secretariat and of the other departments. A legal 
document had to be drawn up in accordance with the constitution, 
and it was proposed that the Assembly should give power to the 
Central Committee to take steps necessary for the incorporation of 
the World Council in Switzerland and in other countries. 

The resolution was adopted. 

In regard to Article IV, Rules, it was agreed that the heading 
should be “ Rules” instead of “Rules and Regulations”. 

In regard to Rule IX, public pronouncements, MR. GRUBB asked 
whether there was anything in the rules concerning public state- 
ments which would prevent the Presidents of the Council from 
speaking jointly on an urgent occasion in a matter which did not 
touch upon the doctrinal basis. 

DR. KOECHLIN said that nothing in the rules prevented the Presidents 
from speaking on behalf of the World Council. 

THE CHAIRMAN said that the Committee had decided that it was 
better not to mention the Presidents in this rule. | 

MR. GRUBB said he did not want to press the matter, but suggested 
the addition to the rules of the following: “The Presidents of the | 
World Council of Churches may, on urgent occasions, issue a state- 
ment in their own names jointly and in that of the Council, provided 
that they do not speak on the doctrinal basis of the Council.” 

THE CHAIRMAN felt that it would be a pity to confine the Presidents to 
matters of urgency only. They might wish to speak at other times 
when there was no emergency. He felt it was better not to mention 
the Presidents by name at all. 

MR. GRUBB withdrew his amendment, agreeing that it was better to _ 
leave the matter as it stood. 

MAJOR ROBINSON was not satisfied with the wording of Rule IX (1). 


He felt that the words “in the Assembly or its Central Committee” 
were ambiguous. 

CANON HODGSON said that the Council as a Council was without any 
organ of self-expression except when it was in Assembly, or was 
acting through its Central Committee. He thought that using the 
word “through” instead of “in” might meet the point. 

It was agreed to amend the wording to read: 
“the Council, through its Assembly or through its Central 
Committee ”’. 

MR. TAFT said that a literal interpretation of Rule IX (4) would 
prevent any press releases from being issued by the office of the 
World Council. He assumed that this was not intended. 

THE CHAIRMAN said that the Committee was not thinking at all of 
press releases, but of formal statements to the world expressing the 
Opinion of the Council. 

The remainder of the Report was adopted unanimously. 

THE CHAIRMAN Closed the session with a special word of thanks to 
Dr. Koechlin for his labours, and those of the Comunittee. 


(as adopted by the Assembly) 

The Committee was asked to consider certain questions in re- 
gard to the policy of the World Council of Churches, and kept 
in close touch with Committee I on “ Constitution and Rules” 
and Committee III on ‘‘ Programme and Administration” on 
points of common interest. The material with which the Com- 
mittee dealt was considered under the following headings. 


The Committee considered the criteria with regard to 
membership as set forth in the Rules of the World Council 
of Churches, and approved the criteria as satisfactory. ‘They 
had every confidence that the informed Christian judgment of 
the Central Committee would ensure that these criteria were 
justly applied. 

They called the attention of Committee I to the fact that the 
proposed amendment of Article II of the Constitution would 
lead to the omission of the note concerning the meaning of the 
word “Churches”, and were glad to learn that, as a result, the 
note was being recommended for inclusion in Rule I (1). 

The Committee further considered the question which had 
been raised concerning groups of churches that had participated 
in the formation of the World Council of Churches. After care- 
ful consideration the Committee RECOMMENDS to the Assembly 
_ the following resolution: 

RESOLVED that this Assembly instruct its Central Committee 
to review within the next year the list of groups of churches 
that have participated in the formation of the World Council 
of Churches, to confer with representatives of the groups of 
churches which come under consideration, and to take such 
action in accordance with the Constitution as it may deem 
appropriate in each case for revision of the list where neces- 
sary; but any member in respect of whom the Central Com- 


mittee may take action under this Resolution shall have a 
right of appeal to the Assembly. 

This Assembly instructs the Central Committee to consider 
what procedure should be laid down in the Constitution or 
in the Rules for the revision of the list of members and to 

report thereon to the next Assembly. 


The Committee heard the General Secretary speak on the 
question of centralisation and decentralisation in general 
administration, with particular reference to the functions of 
the offices of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, London, 
New York, and the proposed office in East Asia. 

The Committee passed on certain suggestions to Committee 
III for its consideration in making a budget and in arranging 
for administration and for the support of the Council. The 
Committee observed that in the geographical decentralisation of 
Operations, all staff and offices, wherever located, should be 
responsible to the Central Committee through the General 

Particular attention was given to the following: 

(a) Study Department 

The Committee heard a detailed report on the recommenda- 
tions with reference to a study programme to be carried on 
under the auspices of the World Council of Churches, which 
came from a recent meeting of the Study Department Com- 
mission at Woudschoten. The Committee would emphasise the 
importance of the work of the Study Department being carried 
from Geneva to different countries and churches, and reports of 
study procedure being made available to all churches. The 
Committee express their sense of the importance of the close 
linking-up of ethics with doctrine. They also agreed that much 
of the work of the Study Department must be done by delega- 
tion and in co-operation with other bodies engaged in study and 
research, and that there ought certainly to be full consultation 
with Faith and Order and with the Research Department of the 
International Missionary Council. It was the opinion of the 
Committee that this Assembly should encourage the Study De- 
partment to continue along the lines suggested by the Study 



Department Commission, and it was recommended to Com- 
mittee III that adequate budgetary provision be made for such 
a programme. 
(b) Evangelisation 

The Committee noted the amendment proposed to the Con- 
stitution, adding a seventh function, viz., “To support the 
churches in their task of evangelisation.” It was in agreement 
with this proposal, and RECOMMENDS | 

That one member of the staff be responsible for this work in 
the offices of the Council. The Assembly notes that the first 
subject suggested by the Study Department is “ The Bible and 
the Church’s Message to the World”. ‘The Assembly wel- 
comes this proposal for setting in the forefront of its work the 
task of Evangelism in the modern world, and also approves 
the suggestion to make known to the constituent churches the 
effective new approaches towards the problem of communi- 
cating with the unchurched. 

(c) Press and Publicity 

The Committee heard with interest a number of opinions 
upon the recommendation of the Provisional Committee con- — 
cerning the policy to be followed with regard to press and pub- 
licity, and RECOMMENDS to the Assembly 

That a press and publicity department be established to serve 
the interests of the World Council, with the hope that it may 
be expanded after an initial period. 

The Committee were of the opinion that such a department 
would considerably help in the carrying out of function (iv) of 
the Constitution, “To promote the growth of ecumenical con- 
sciousness in the members of all churches.” 

(d) Ecumenical Review 

The Committee heard with warm interest the news of the 
publication of the first issue of the Ecumenical Review and ex- 
pressed their appreciation of that issue. It RECOMMENDS 

That the Ecumenical Review be continued and that steps be 
taken, as soon as the financing can be assured, to provide for 
its publication in French and German, as well as in English. - 


The Committee express the hope that all delegates and others 
participating in this Assembly, as well as all member churches 
of the World Council, will do everything possible to assure the 
success of this most important publication. ° 


(a) Nature of the Council 
The Committee considered the statement adopted by the 

Provisional Committee of the World Council of Churches at its 

meeting at Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania, on April 25th, 1947. 
It suggests the following revision and RECOMMENDS its adoption 
by the Assembly. 


The World Council of Churches is composed of churches 
which acknowledge Jesus Christ as God and Saviour. ‘They 
find their unity in Him. They have not to create their unity; 
it is the gift of God. But they know that it is their duty to 
make common cause in the search for the expression of that 
unity in work and in life. The Council desires to serve the. 
churches, which are its constituent members, as an instru- 
ment whereby they may bear witness together to their common 
allegiance to Jesus Christ, and co-operate in matters requiring 
united action. But the Council is far from desiring to usurp 
any of the functions which already belong to its constituent 
churches, or to control them, or to legislate for them, and 
indeed is prevented by its constitution from doing so. More- 
over, while earnestly seeking fellowship in thought and action 
for all its members, the Council disavows any thought of 
becoming a single unified church structure independent of 
the churches which have joined in constituting the Council, 
or a structure dominated by a centralised administrative 

The purpose of the Council is to express its unity in another 
way. Unity arises out of the love of God in Jesus Christ, 
which, binding the constituent churches to Him, binds them 
to one another. It is the earnest desire of the Council that 
the churches may be bound closer to Christ and therefore 
closer to one another. In the bond of His love, they will desire 
continually to pray for one another and to strengthen one 


another, in worship and in witness, bearing one another's 
burdens and so fulfilling the law of Christ. 


With respect to public pronouncements, the Council regards 
it as an essential part of its responsibility to address its own 
constituent members as occasion may arise, on matters which 
might require united attention in the realm of thought or 
action. Further, important issues may arise which radically 
affect the Church and society. While it is certainly un- 
desirable that the Council should issue such pronouncements 
often, and on many subjects, there will certainly be a clear 
obligation for the Council to speak out when vital issues con- 
cerning all churches and the whole world are at stake. But 
such statements will have no authority save that which they 
carry by their own truth and wisdom. ‘They will not be bind- 
ing on any church unless that church has confirmed them, and 
made them its own. But the Council will only issue such 
statements in the light of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ, the 
Lord, and the living Head of the Church; and in depend- 
ence on the power of the Holy Spirit, and in penitence and 
faith. | 
(b) Public Pronouncements 
The Committee noted with interest the recommendation of 
the Provisional Committee with respect to public pronounce- 
ments and reviewed the suggested rules with reference to this 
subject. It found the recommendations of the Provisional 
Committee satisfactory, and voted to recommend to Committee I 
their incorporation in the Rules of the World Council of 


(a) Number of Delegates 

The Committee considered the question of the number of 
the official representatives of the churches composing future 
Assemblies. It was informed that Committee I was recommend- 
ing a provision by which the number of delegates could be 
reduced or increased by 20 per cent. according to the discretion 


of the Central Committee two years prior to the next Assembly. 

That the normative number of delegates to the next Assembly 
be fixed at 500. 

The Committee also thoroughly considered the question of 
Alternates, and is of opinion that there should be a substantial 
reduction in the number, and that Alternates attending the 
Assembly should be enabled to take as full a participation as 
possible in the Assembly’s work. It RECOMMENDS 
_ That the arrangements with regard to Alternates should be 
determined by the Central Committee. 

(0) Travelling Expenses 
The Committee considered the question of the travelling 
expenses of members of the Central Committee and RECOMMENDS 
That the expenses of members from churches unable to pro- 
vide the full amount might be partly covered by a sum set 
aside for the purpose in the budget. 

(c) Lay Members 

The importance of having a substantial representation of the 
laity on the Assembly and Central Committee and all Com- 
mittees or Commissions of the Assembly was emphasised. The 
Committee warmly supports the provision of Article V “that 
approximately one-third of the Assembly should consist of lay 
persons ’’, and earnestly hopes that the member churches will do 
their best to ensure the observance of this provision. It also 
trusts the Central Committee, in appointing Committees and 
Commissions, to make full provision for proper representation 
of the laity, giving special consideration to the importance of 
representation of lay persons from various vocations. 

(a) Next Assembly 

(i) Date. 

With regard to the date of the next Assembly, it was under- 
stood that dates had not been finally fixed for the meeting of 
the next Faith and Order Conference or of the International 
Missionary Council. In these circumstances, the Committee 

That the fixing of the date and place should be left to the 
| I 


decision of the Central Committee, having regard to possible 
world-wide conventions of various religious bodies. i 

(ii) General Character. 

The Committee expressed gratitude for all the work done for 
the present Assembly, through which a great deal of experience 
had been gained. In the light of this experience it RECOMMENDS 

That more time should be given to such work as has been 
done on this occasion by Sections and Committees and that 
the Plenary Sessions in the first days of the Assembly should 
be reduced to a minimum. 

They also recommend that the programme be more limited 
in character and include more points of a practical nature, 
and further, that the churches should be again encouraged to 
indicate their own practical needs to the World Council for 
consideration at the next Assembly. 


The Committee dealt at length with the question of the 
relationship of the World Council of Churches to the following: 

(a) International Missionary Council 

(i) The Committee RECOMMENDS 

that this Assembly approve the recommendation of the Joint 
Committee of the World Council of Churches and the 
International Missionary Council, held at Buck Hill Falls, 
Pennsylvania, on April 16th, 17th and 18th, 1947, under the 
Chairmanship of Dr. John R. Mott, which provides that the 
words “in association with the International Missionary 
Council” shall be part of the general description of the 
World Council of Churches. 


that this Assembly approve the continuation of a Joint Com- 
mittee with the International Missionary Council, to be com- 
posed of five representatives of each organisation, with power 
given to said Committee to appoint its own Chairman and to 
arrange its own work, and suggest that all questions with 
regard to collaboration between the two bodies in joint pro- 
jects be referred to said Committee. 


(iii) In view of the forthcoming East Asia Conference, the 

that the question of the establishment of a Joint Office with 

the International Missionary Council in East Asia be re- 
mitted to the Central Committee with power to act, after 
consideration of the recommendations of that Conference. 

(0) National and Regional Councils 

(i) The Committee felt that the process of working out the 
World Council of Churches’ relationships with the various 
national or regional Christian Councils or Councils of Churches 
should proceed slowly and carefully, and RECOMMENDS 

That the Central Committee be asked to give particular 
attention to this matter. 

(11) Ihe Committee RECOMMENDS 

That these Councils be encouraged to undertake a large re- 
sponsibility for promotion of ecumenical interest in their own 
territory. | 

(c) World Confessional Organisations 
The Committee RECOMMENDS approval of paragraph (a) on 
page 64 of the Documents of the World Council of Churches: 

“The Constitution of the Council authorises the Council to 
establish consultative relationships with denominational 

_ federations (world confessional associations) and to invite 
such federations to send representatives to the Assembly and 
the Central Committee in a consultative capacity. The Pro- 
visional Committee recommends that these bodies should be 
especially consulted with regard to membership of churches 
of their confession. In so far as they enter into the field of 
inter-church aid and reconstruction they should, furthermore, 
be invited to relate their activities as closely as possible to the 
Council’s Reconstruction Department. It is inevitable that 
in their manifold approaches to the churches the activities of 
the Council and of the confessional federations overlap to 
some extent. It is, therefore, most desirable that regular per- 
sonal contacts be maintained between the executive officers 
concerned. And the most appropriate solution would be that 
as many of the federations as possible should follow the ex- 
ample of those which have set up offices in Geneya or sent 
special ‘ representatives’ to Geneva.” 


(4) World Goaicsl of Christian Education 
The Committee expressed admiration for the work of the 
World Council of Christian Education and RECOMMENDS 

That the World Council of Churches welcome co-operation 
with the World Council of Christian Education in the field 
of Christian education, and further recommend that the 
World Council of Christian Education be included among 
the organisations invited to send representatives in a con- 
sultative capacity to the Assembly and the Central Committee. 

(e) World’s Young Men’s Christian Association, World’s Young 
Women’s Christian Association, and World’s Student Chris- 
tian Federation 

The Committee RECOMMENDS approval of paragraph (c) on 
page 65 of the Documents: 

“Relations with these bodies have also been mentioned in — 
connection with the youth work. But co-operation with these — 
bodies transcends the realm of youth activities. In matters of 
reconstruction, of work for refugees, of ecumenical training, 
of theological scholarships and in fact in the whole realm of 
ecumenical policy there are points of contact, common con- 
cerns and opportunities for co-operation and consultation. 
The General Secretaries have, therefore, met together 
regularly, especially in time of war in the Emergency Com- 
mittee of Christian Organisations. It is proposed that this 
form of co-operation be maintained and that these three bodies 
be invited to send each one representative in a consultative 
capacity to the meeting of the Assembly and the Central 

(f) United Bible Societies 
The Committee RECOMMENDS approval of paragraph (d) on 
page 65 of the Documents: 

“Now that the Bible Societies have formed their inter- 
national federation the close collaboration which began in 
time of war with the A.B.S. and the B.F.B.S. should take the | 
form of relationships between the Council and the U.B.S. 
The fact that the European Continental office of the U.B.S. 
has been set up in a building which is the joint property of 
the U.B.S. and the World Council, and the many oppor- 


tunities for collaboration in reconstruction work and the 
prisoners of war service bring the two bodies in close contact 
with each other. It is recommended that the U.B.S. be invited 
to send a representative in a consultative capacity to the meet- 
ings of the Assembly and the Central Committee and that the 
European representative of the U.B.S. be given the privileges 
of a staff member of the World Council.” 

(g) International Governmental Bodies 

It. was noted with satisfaction that the Commission of the 
Churches on International Affairs had been given consultative 
status under Category B in relation to the Economic and Social 
Council of the United Nations, and the Committee RECOMMENDS 

That the Assembly approve the establishment of this relation- 
ship and instruct the C.C.I.A. to make representations to the 
United Nations whenever a major issue arises which is of 
vital importance to the churches and on which the member 
churches in the Council can speak with a common mind. 

The Committee was also glad to learn of the relations with 
U.N.E.S.C.O., the International Refugee Organisation, and the 
International Labour Organisation. 

This Report has been on many points rather general and has 
assigned much responsibility to the Central Committee. The 
Committee regards this as desirable in view of the fact that the 
World Council has just come into being, but expects that the 
full review and consideration of matters of policy should 
normally form an important part of meetings of the Assembly. 


THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER presented the Report and said that he 
would like to thank the members of the Committee for their whole- 
hearted support. The Committee had had referred to it a certain 
number of general questions of policy as well as the following points: 
criteria of membership, relations to other ecumenical bodies, rela- 
tions with inter-governmental bodies, public pronouncements and 
the Ecumenical Review. As decisions upon them affected the policy 
of Committees I or III, they had passed on their judgment. 



The recommendations are often general in character and much — 
is left to the Central Committee which is thus entrusted with large 
responsibilities. This course is right as well as inevitable at the 
initial stage of the World Council. But the Report expresses the 
opinion that matters of policy in the larger sense of the word are 
bound to form an important part of the Assembly’s business. 

The Bishop of Chichester then referred to the section on Member- 
ship of the Council. The criteria proposed by the Provisional Com- 
mittee were accepted by Committee II as well as by Committee I, and 
had already been adopted by the Assembly. It was pointed out in 
the Committee that in the list of member churches there were certain 
federations which were composed of individual churches. One 
illustration is the Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in 
India. The Committee felt that this question of the status of 
federations or churches in federations should be studied by the 
Central Committee. No general rule can be prescribed in such 
situations, but each case has to be looked at on its own merits. 

MR. LE QUESNE Said that he wished to make the point that any group 
of churches which the Central Committee might propose to remove 
from the list of members, ought to have a right of appeal to the 
Assembly itself. He understood that the resolution was strictly con- 
fined to groups of churches, and said that the Assembly would 
remember that the Constitution, where it dealt with members, dis- 
tinguished between churches and groups of churches, and that dis- 
tinction was emphasised further on page 17 of the Documents. ‘The 
Assembly was concerned in this resolution only with groups of 
churches, but nevertheless this was so serious—the removal of a name 
from the list of members—that he submitted that any body, whether 
church or group of churches, which had been subject to such action 
should have the right of appeal. He moved the addition of the 
following to the Report: 

“That any group of churches in respect of whom the Central 
Committee may take action under this resolution shall have a 
right of appeal to the Assembly and further, that this Assembly 
instructs the Central Committee to consider what procedure 
should be laid down in the Constitution or in the Rules for the 
revision of the list of members, and to report thereon at the next ~ 

pR. FRY said that he was glad to accede to the amendment which 
had been proposed. He merely wished to clarify what was behind 
the original motion. It was not the intention of the motion to refer 
at all to those groups of congregations which could be considered 
churches under the Constitution of the World Council. It was not 
the intention of the motion to remove permanently and completely 
from the roll of the members of the World Council any churches of 
any character. If there were groups of churches including bona 
fide churches, the purpose would be to seek to have the churches 


brought into the Council. It affected the constitution at one of its 
most vital points. Member churches had adopted the constitution in 
good faith that the World Council was composed. of churches. If 
that proposition were to be stretched beyond recognition or 
explained away, grave misunderstandings would arise in some of the 
churches represented at the Assembly. There was no intention to 
exclude anyone. | 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER said that he could speak on behalf of the 
Committee in saying that he, at any rate, was prepared to accept the 
amendment in the interests of giving a sense of security and stability 
to all churches and groups represented on the World Council. 

The amendment was carried and the whole of paragraph 1, as 
amended, was then approved. 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER said that under II there was no recom- 
mendation attached to the first two clauses; (a) was an essential part 
of the World Council. A detailed report had been given to the 
Committee, which had been impressed with the importance of the 
Study Department and wished to encourage them to continue along 
the lines suggested by the Study Commission, and recommended to 
_ Committee III the provision of an adequate budget. 

(0) ‘The Committee did not think this was the moment to form a 
Department of Evangelism, but thought it would be adequate at this 
‘juncture to recommend that one member of the staff give full time 
to this work. 

(c) Every member of the Assembly would agree as to the value of 
the Press for the work of the World Council and the ecumenical 
_movement. Everyone was grateful to the Press for the way they had 

discharged their functions at the Assembly. The presentation of | 

the World Council could not be done without special energetic and 

intelligent work by the staff of the World Council. Hitherto there 

had been very limited resources at the disposal of the Provisional 

Committee. ‘The Ecumenical Press Service, under the most capable 
_ direction of M. de Weymarn, started in 1933 and had steadily grown, 
_and met the needs of a highly varied constituency. Dr. Reissig, with 
the aid of an excellent staff, had been doing first-class work. What 
Was required was the provision of factual information to the Press. 
_E.P.S. would doubtless be asked to continue, but the Committee 
recommended that a special service should be made for the secular 
Press with a more journalistic type of information. Therefore the 
Committee proposed a motion for a special Press and Publicity 

_THE BISHOP OF LONDON supported the recommendation regarding the 
Ecumenical Review and pointed out that if a circulation of 2,000 of 
the English edition could be guaranteed, the cost. of production 
would be covered. He stated he was prepared to use all his influence 
with the S.P.C.K. and other agencies in England to secure a wider 



distribution, and urged others to do the same. Having secured such 
a circulation, steps could be taken for French and German editions. 
He expressed appreciation of the excellence of the first Number. 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER then drew attention to paragraph 2(b) on 
Evangelisation and moved the resolution contained therein in its 
revised form. } | 

DR. FLEW, speaking to this recommendation, desired to add to it, and 
referred to pages 47 and 62 of The Documents of the World Council. 
He suggested the following: 

“The Assembly notes that the first subject suggested by the Study 
Department on page 47 of The Documents of the World Council 
is “The Bible and the Church’s message to the World”. ‘The 
Assembly recommends this proposal for setting in the forefront 
of its work the task of evangelism in the modern world, and also 
approves the suggestion to make known to the constituent 
churches the effective new approaches towards the problem of 
communicating with the unchurched.” 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER accepted the above addition. 

THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ASSEMBLY then put the whole of paragraph 2, 
Functions of the Council, to the Assembly, and it was adopted. 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER recommended the adoption of the revised 
Statement on the Nature of the Council, contained in the Report. — 

‘THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY supported the Statement, but 
desired to suggest the following variation of wording: 

1, That in lieu of the words “the Council disavows any thought 
of becoming a single unified church structure dominated by a 
centralised administrative authority ” the following be substituted: 
“The Council disavows any thought of becoming a single unified 
church structure or indeed a church structure of any kind.” 
2. That in the last sentence of paragraph 3: “But the Council 
will only issue such statements in the name of Jesus Christie i" 
some such phrase as “in obedience to” or “in loyalty to Jesus 

Christ” would be more appropriate. 3 

PRESIDENT MACKAY stated that what had been in the minds of the 
drafters was to repudiate any suggestion that, whatever ultimate 
form the World Council should take, it would be a centralised 
administrative control or bureaucracy. We were bound to recognise 
that there might emerge, under the guidance of God's Spirit, a form 
of church structure which would make provision for a great variety 
of ecclesiastical forms. As to the second point, Dr. Mackay stated 
that when any pronouncement went forth it should go in some 
name or in terms of some authority. If these words were eliminated 


he asked the privilege of suggesting an alternative which would | 
make it clear that the pronouncements were issued on the highest 
possible ground. 

It was finally agreed that the above two matters be referred to the 
Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Chichester, President John 
Mackay and Bishop Lilje for redrafting. 

Subject to the above redrafting, paragraph 3 was adopted by the 

The Report as a whole was adopted without further discussion. 


(as adopied by the Assembly) 

The questions of (1) Programme, (2) Organisation, Administra- 
tion and Staffing, and (3) Budget were referred to Com- 
mittee III. 


The Committee has considered the relevant sections of the 
Report of the General Secretary on Programme. It is our judg- 
ment that the programme of service established by the Pro- 
visional Committee has been developed in response to actual 
need and is in accord with the purposes and functions of the © 
World Council of Churches. 

The Committee recommends that the Assembly approve and 
authorise the following Departments or Agencies: (1) The 
General Secretariat, (2) Faith and Order, (3) Study, (4) Recon- 
struction and Inter-Church Aid, including the Refugee Division, 
(5) Youth, (6) Ecumenical Institute, (7) International Affairs, in 
conjunction with the International Missionary Council, (8) _ 
Finance and Business, (9) Prisoners of War. 

The Committee recommends that the Assembly authorise the 
establishment of (10) A Department of Promotion and Pub- 
licity, to include our interest in the Ecumenical Press Service, 
(11) A Commission on Women’s Work in the Church, and (12) 
the appointment of a secretary for Evangelism. 

The Committee believes that the programme of the World 
Council of Churches must be not only service in the name of 
the churches, but also service to the churches. The purpose of 
the Council will come alive on a world scale only as the creative 
contribution of the Council, in a decentralised plan of service, 
is carried by the churches themselves to their own members, con- 
stituents and areas of responsibility. = : 

The Committee, through Sub-Committees, has examined the 
proposed charter of the Youth Department, the proposed regula- 
tions or bye-laws for the Commission of the Churches on Inter- 
national Affairs, and the proposed constitution of the Depart- 


ment of Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid, and recommends 
that they be approved in principle, and referred to the Central 
Committee for further consideration and final approval. 


The Committee has heard the detailed plans of organisation 
proposed by the General Secretary and recommends that they 
be approved in principle and referred to the Central Committee 

for further consideration and final approval. ‘The Committee 
believes it is impractical to present organisational plans in detail 
toa body as large as the Assembly. The plans proposed evidence 
careful thought and are designed to ensure effective administra- 

The Committee, in considering the budget, has studied the 

question of staff in terms of the number of persons required, not 
in terms of individuals who may be nominated, and is of the 
opinion that the number of secretaries and other staff members 
necessary for the efficient handling of the work of the Council 
has been provided. The Committee recommends that the ques- 
tion of personnel nominated by the General Secretary to fill 
these positions be referred to the Central Committee. 
f On page 69 of Documents of the World Council of Churches, 
anh the title “ The Staff of the Council’, it is stated: ‘“ One of 
our most experienced leaders has written: ‘The crux of the suc- 
‘cessful functioning of ecumenical organisation lies here. If you 
have a large enough staff and if they are people possessing the 
right qualities, and only if both these conditions are fulfilled, 
‘So that the staff are in fact in effective touch with the leaders of 
the churches or at least of a large proportion of them—you can 
have action taken which you can be fairly confident will com- 
mend itself to the churches concerned.’ But how can we secure 
an adequate and competent secretariat without building up a 
bureaucratic machinery which instead of serving churches might 
become an aim in itself?” The Committee regards this ques- 
tion as a matter of fundamental importance and recommends: 

A. That the Central Committee meet at least once a year 
and for a long enough period to maintain adequate super- 
vision of the work of the Council, and to assure that decisions 
of policy shall be taken by the Central Committee, which as 


a policy-forming body is representative of the churches them- 

B. That in accordance with the recommendation on page 
39 of Documents of the World Council of Churches, the 
Executive Committee (of the Central Committee) meet two 
or three times each year in order to deal with current business, 
because ‘‘ unless a responsible governing body of the Council 
meets once every four or six months, the departmental com- 
mittees and the General Secretariat are practically forced to 
take decisions which ought normally to be taken by one of the 
governing bodies of the Council”; | 

C. That the proposal on page 39 of Documents of the World 
Council of Churches, namely “Some persons who as ‘ Church 
representatives’, secretaries or in other capacities are working 
in or near the World Council Headquarters and who have the 
full confidence of their churches could be authorised by 
members of the Executive Committee to act for them in cases 
of emergency” be disapproved, and that the Central Com- — 
mittee consider the question of the proper handling of emer- 
gency situations in the light of the general principle that 
policy decisions shall be taken by the representatives of the 
churches on the Central and the Executive Committees. 

‘The Committee further recommends that the General 
Secretariat should include an administrative officer who 
would relieve the General Secretary of detailed administra- 
tion. It is of the opinion that an enterprise as large as that 
at Geneva necessitates an administrative officer resident in 
Geneva and able to give all his time to administrative matters. 

The Committee further recommends that the closest co- 
operation be maintained between the Study Department and 
the Department of Faith and Order. 

The Committee further recommends that the Central Com- 
mittee consider the advisability of inviting certain groups to 
visit Geneva in an advisory capacity to make available at the 
inauguration of the work of the Council the experience of 
leaders in the field of press, public relations and publicity and 
in the field of business management and office procedures. It 
is believed that some of the Christian laymen who are pub- 
lishers of great newspapers and magazines, or who are leaders 
of large business enterprises, might serve upon or arrange for 
experts to serve upon such advisory committees, thus making 


their experience available for such action as the Central Com- 
mittee might deem wise. These committees would make 
their report and be discharged. 


The Committee, first through a technical committee of six- 

teen persons and then in full session, has examined the proposed 
budget and recommends that it be adopted as amended. 

The Committee further recommends: 

1. That in view of changing economic and exchange con- 
ditions, the impossibility of knowing the amounts that will be 
contributed by the churches, and the shortage of time avail- 
able for the consideration of the budget at Amsterdam, and 
in order that there may be sufficient flexibility for effective 
administration of the budget, the Central Committee shall be 
given power to make necessary changes within the budget as 
experience dictates, and to make such reductions in the 
budget as in its judgment may be necessary to keep the 
operating expenses of the Council within its income. 

2. That, if the World Council is to be a real Council of 
Churches, it is desirable that responsibility for its maintenance 
should be shared in due proportions by all the member- 
churches, and that the budget of the Council:should be within 
the capacity of the member-churches to bear in common. 

‘The Assembly recognises that present economic conditions 
are abnormal, and that while at present it is difficult for the 
churches in many countries to assume the share of the budget 
they would like to assume, and under normal conditions 
would assume, it is hoped that this situation is temporary and 
the disproportionate share now borne by the churches of the 
United States may be regarded as necessary in the present 
emergency but of brief duration. The Committee believes 
that all the churches associated in the Council must work to 
achieve a progressive improvement of apportionment in each 
of the next five years. It recommends that, as a first. objective, 
the Central Committee be asked to ensure that in 19 50, Or as 
soon thereafter as possible, the estimated expenditure (apart 
from special projects for a limited*number of years) shall be 
such that the contributions which may reasonably be expected 


from the churches outside the United States shall constitute 
not less than one fourth of the whole. 

The Committee, therefore, recommends that each church 
be requested to make a contribution for the support of the 
World Council; that, as soon as possible, steps be taken to 
assure an equitable distribution of responsibility for the sup- 
port of the Council by all the churches; and that the Central _ 
Committee be requested to refer this matter to its Finance — 
Committee for special study. The Committee further recom- 
mends that the published accounts of the Council show the 
contribution of each church. 

3. The Committee requests the Geneva Office to prepare 
as soon as possible a statement of the data essential for deter-. 
mining a method of equitable apportionment to the churches. 

4. It is also recommended that, in view of the special nature 
of the World Council of Churches, each church be requested 
to arrange that the story of the World Council and its needs 
be presented to all its congregations on some appropriate 
Sunday and that an offering for the support of the World 
Council be received. 

5. That the Central Committee be requested to study the 
salary schedule of its officers and staff and to review the titles 
used to describe various officers, with a view to greater equity 
and uniformity. ' . : 

6. That the full financial statements of all agencies to 
which the World Council may make substantial grants be 
published as an appendix to the Council’s Financial Reports. 


Revenue Dollars Sterling Swiss francs 
at £=$4 at $=4.28 
From Rockefeller Fund for Ecumenical 
Institute 60,000 15,000 256,800 
From special gifts for completion of 
study of “The Life and Work of | 
Women in the Church” 3,000 750 12,840 
Revenue needed from churches asso- 
ciated in the Council and from private 
gifts for General Budget 300,000 75,000 1,284,000 

363,000 90,750 1,553,040 

A a i —— en ire! 


From Reconstruction Committees of 
giving countries for administrative 
budgets of Department of Reconstruc- 
tion and Inter-Church aid © and 
Prisoners of War Commission 

Carried forward 363,000 



90,750 1,553,640 


FOR 1949 

Sterling Swiss francs 
at f=$4 at $=4.28 



General Secretariat 4 
Study Department 44 
Youth Department ‘i 4 
Evangelism 1 
Commission on the Work of 
Women in the Church 1 
Publicity Department (also $8,000 
contributed from budget of Dept. 
of Reconstruction and __Inter- 
Church Aid) 3 
Ecumenical Review 
Ecumenical Institute 4 
Finance and Business Department 
(Expenses charged to other depart- 
ments) 2 
Faith and Order i* 
Reserve Fund for Second World 
General Reserve Fund 
Grants to: 
Churches Commission on Inter- 
national Affairs 4 

Ecumenical Press Service : 

No. of Dollars 








3 3,000 

283* 363,000 

Department of Reconstruc- 
tion and Inter-Church Aid 

(incl. Refugee Division) 145,460 
Prisoners of War Com- 
‘Mission 1,200 74 








Total: 539,660 134,915 2,309,740 







90,750 1,553,640 



36" 539,660. 134,915 2,309,740 
Et tb ik <b sae ihe ARO 

*+4.2 part time. 




BISHOP OXNAM said he thought the Assembly would wish to know the 
methods pursued in reaching the figures presented. A small technical — 
group had been appointed to examine the proposed budget. This 
group consisted of sixteen persons selected because of competency 
in the field of finance, with due regard to church and regional — 
representation. They had before them the financial report of 1947, 
the figures for 1948, and the proposed budget for 1949. ‘They 
devoted many hours to going over every item, before presenting their 
proposals to Committee II. In the meantime, the General Secretary 
had informed Committee III about the present organisation of the 
World Council and its separate Departments, so that the members 
of the Committee were in a position to ask questions concerning the 
organisation planned. The report of the technical group was con- 
sidered, revised and finally approved: it was that report which was 
now submitted to the Assembly. 

A few matters were of fundamental importance in considering the 
difficult question of budget. While it was still “in process of forma- 
tion” the World Council had established certain departments and 
services in response to need. Consequently the Committee began 
with a “going concern”. A cut in the budget of any Department 
would have entailed real hardship. Two important factors had 
therefore to be balanced: (a) the ability of the churches to give; 
(b) the maintenance of the work now being done and of work that 
must be done. The Committee did not know how much the 
churches would be able to give in the future. However, it used its 
best judgment and brought in a budget to the Committee which 
called for the churches to give $356,350 for the support of the World 
Council. Some of us felt that sum was too large, and it was decided 
to reduce it to $300,000. 

The Committee then went over the budget and reduced it by 

In addition to the contributions from the churches, the following 
amounts would be received: 

From the Rockefeller gift $60,000 © 
From certain special gifts 3,000 
Support of the Reconstruction and Inter-Church 

Aid Department (including Refugees) 176,660 

thus bringing up the budget to $539,660. Part of this money would 
' come, not from the churches as churches, but from the great agencies 
in the giving countries, such as Church World Service. 

Bishop Oxnam suggested that the Assembly examine the Report 
section by section. For the Department of Reconstruction and Inter- 
Church Aid it had been found possible to cut down the administra- 



tive expenses by $10,800 per annum. He moved the adoption of 
the section of the Report on Programme. 

DR. FRY drew attention to the fourth paragraph, and hoped the 
formulation would not be left as it stood. There were two things 
which were not clear. It might appear that the World Council 
intended to attach the Youth Department to regional youth organisa- 
tions, rather than to the churches. The divisions and agencies of the 
Council should observe the same principles which were embodied 
in the Constitution of the Council itself. So in the case of youth, 
the approach should be to the churches themselves. He asked for 
an assurance that, if this Report were adopted in principle, the 
churches would not be by-passed. 

REV. D. T. NILES asked to qualify the questions raised by Dr. Fry, 

saying that the Youth Department regarded itself as just a depart- 
ment of the World Council, functioning in the same way as the 
other departments. The Constitution made it abundantly clear that 
all the Youth Department sought to do was to serve the young 
people in the churches. ‘There was no provision in the Constitution 
for dealing direct with the young people themselves. Matters of 
lesser importance were sometimes sent to the young people direct, 
but on the assumption that they would consult the authorities in 
their churches wherever necessary. 

DR. BERSELL supported what Dr. Fry had said. The Youth Depart- 
ment was one of the explosive things in the World Council, while 
at the same time one of the most dynamic. Secondly, he wished 
to suggest an amendment under (10): that the Department of 
Publicity be made a Department of Public Relations. 

MR. GRUBB drew attention to the last three words on page 1, pointing 
out that the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs 
was a joint Commission of the World Council of Churches and the 
International Missionary Council, and that the consent of both 
parent bodies was needed for the final approval of its point of view. 

BISHOP OXNAM Said the I.M.C. must also give its approval, of course. 

The Report was adopted. 




The Report was received by the Assembly and commended to 
the churches for their serious consideration and appropriate 

The Present Situation : 

The Church as the Body of Christ consists of men and women, 
created, as responsible persons, together to glorify God and to do 
His will. This truth, accepted in theory, is too often ignored in 
practice. In many countries and churches it is evident that the 
full co-operation of men and women in the service of Christ 
through the Church has not been achieved. Yet the Church 
as a whole, particularly at the present time of change and 
tension, needs the contribution of all its members in order to 
fulfil its task. : 

In many spheres the witness of the Church can be effectively 
made only by men and women in co-operation: for example, in 
the Christian home, in the duties of Christian citizenship, in 
secular occupations, in social and community life. Lack of space 
prevents discussion of these important matters. Certain prob- 
lems, however, relating to the life and work of women in the 
Church call for special attention. 

1. Voluntary Organisations. Organisations of women within 
the churches afford rich opportunities for service and self- 
expression, and a valuable training-ground in Christian leader- 
ship. They doa great work in teaching, in social and missionary 
service, and in the deepening of the spiritual life. In order that 
these organisations may not become independent movements or 
substitutes for a wider participation in the life of the Church, 
they must be integrated into its total structure. 

2. Governing Boards. We urge that the experience of women 
should be further utilised for the central, life of the Church 
through their inclusion in Church courts, committees, and 
boards, where policy is framed and decisions affecting Church — 


life as a whole are made. We look to the World Council of 
Churches and the national Christian councils to give a lead in 
this direction, by the appointment of qualified women as 
members of their committees and as staff members in responsible 
posts. : 

3. Professional Church Workers. In order to secure the 
services of educated and well-qualified women, with a sense of 
vocation, for professional work in the Church, e.g. as deaconesses, 
directors of religious education, parish workers, missionaries, 
youth leaders, attention must be given to improvement in 
standards of training, remuneration, status and security of em- 
ployment. The study and teaching of the Bible, theology and 
kindred subjects would be enriched by the co-operation of 

4. Ordination of Women. The churches are not agreed on 
the important question of admission of women to the full 
ministry. Some churches for theological reasons are not pre- 
pared to consider the question of such ordination; some find no 
objection in principle but see administrative or social. diff- 
culties; some permit partial but not full participation in the 
work of the ministry; in others women are eligible for all offices 
of the Church. Even in the last group, social custom and public 
opinion still create obstacles. In some countries a shortage of 
clergy raises urgent practical and spiritual problems. Those 
who desire the admission of women to the full ministry believe 
that until this is achieved the Church will not come to full 
health and power. We are agreed that this whole subject re- 
quires further careful and objective study. 

Information and guidance in connection with these and other 
problems might usefully be provided by the World Council 
of Churches, and it is therefore urged that the Life and 
Work of Women in the Church remain one of its particular 


1. ‘That the Interim Report on The Life and Work of Women 
in the Church be,republished with necessary corrections and 
additions. 7 

2. That a Longer Report on the Life and Work of Women 
in the Church be prepared. 


3. That an adequate supply of information about women’s 
activities be provided through the Ecumenical Press Service and 
other channels. 

4. That a greater number of women be chosen to serve on the 
Commissions, the major Committees and the Secretariat of the 
World Council of Churches. 

5. That a Commission composed of men and women be 
appointed, with adequate budget and executive leadership, to 
give further consideration to the Life and Work of Women in 
the Church and to give guidance on important issues. 


MISS CHAKKO presented the Report. She said that, before reading 
the Report, she wished to give a word of explanation. The Com- 
mittee which had considered the Report consisted of both men 
and women. ‘There seemed to have been some misunderstanding 
on this point. The Report was being presented on the basic assump- 
tion that this subject was the concern of the Church as a whole and 
not the problem of women alone. Miss Chakko then read the 
Report, followed by the five recommendations. 

In regard to recommendation 1, Miss Chakko said she did not 
know whether the members of the Assembly had had a chance to 
look at the Interim Report. It did not contain all that one would 
wish, and the reason for the request for a reprint was the great 
interest that women all over the world had shown in this particular 
subject. It was important to capture their imagination now when 
they were seeking information, and the time element was an im- 
portant consideration. Women were also greatly interested in the 
ecumenical programme, and if this Report were given to them it 
would aid in their ecumenical education. The Committee realised 
that it would be necessary to make certain corrections in the first 
edition and to add further information to make the Report much 
more complete. 

THE BISHOP OF CHICHESTER Said he was sure the Assembly would wish 
to express their appreciation of Miss Chakko’s presentation of the 
Report and the work which had been put into it. He was now, how- 
ever, speaking as the Chairman of Committee II, whose Report 
would be before the Assembly in a few hours’ time. Actually there 
was a divergence between the recommendations of this committee 
and those which Committee II would recommend the next day. In 
the ordinary course of connection between the four committees, the 



matter had been referred by Committee IV to Committee II. The 
proposal for the publication of the Interim Report was considered 
to be satisfied by the fifth recommendation, that a commission com- 
posed of men and women be appointed. Committee II, having 
given very careful attention to the Interim Report, were reluctant 
to recommend the publication of the Interim Report without refer- 
ence to the Commission to be appointed. There were one or two 
criticisms of the Report. The facts contained in the Report were 
generally agreed to be of great value, but there was not the same 
unanimity about the arguments and analysis of a subject which 
always caused controversy. There was no indication in the Report 
itself as to the composition of the Commission, how many and what 
theologians had attended it. Committee II therefore decided to 
recommend to the Assembly the appointment of a Commission to 
go very carefully into the whole question, but in the meantime to 
let the consideration of the publication of this interim Report be 
taken care of by, or on behalf of, that Commission. Committee IT 
were made aware that Committee III was in touch with the other 
committees, and prepared to make a recommendation with regard 
to budget. The amendment he wished to move was as follows: 

“That the question of the republication of the Interim Report 
on the Life and Work of Women in the Church with necessary 
corrections and additions be referred to the Commission on the 
Life and Work of Women in the Church when appointed.” 

This would take the place of recommendations 1 and 2. 

REV. K. RICHES said he did not wish to criticise the Report as a 
_ whole, but there was one point which he would like to see included 
_and which he considered important for the work of the ecumenical 
Movement. In the Church of England no small part of the work 
of women, both in educational work and in the work of parishes 

_and in special forms of nursing, was done by religious communities 
and historically the work of women in religious communities had 

played a large part in the life of the Church. Mr. Riches felt that 
paragraph 1 on voluntary organisations should be extended to 
include such work. | 

DR. WHITEHORN said that he spoke as a member of the Bishop of 
Chichester’s Committee who voted against the motion adopted by 
the Committee on this point. It seemed to him that the arguments 
against the republication of the Report were not sufficient. The 
fact that some people had doubts about the Report was not an 
adequate reason. ‘The members of the churches should be allowed to 
form their own opinions. 

MAJOR ROBINSON asked whether any good purpose was served by 
embarking upon the discussion of one particular aspect of this 
enquiry, namely, the full ordination of women, when it was fully 
known that there was no hope whatever of anything like agreement. 


He was anxious that the Report should not go out to the public 
without very substantial corrections because it would give a wrong — 
impression to people and lead them to think that there would be 
more general consent to the ordination of women than was actually 
possible. , 

DR. MAYS said he wished to support recommendation 1. The Com- 
mittee gave careful consideration to that recommendation and felt 
there was an urgency and a need for the Interim Report to be pub- 
lished. If numbers 2-5 were considered, it was felt by the Com- 
mittee that it would take a year or two before there would be a longer 
report, and possibly even longer time would elapse, if the matter were 
turned over to the Commission. The type of the Report had been 
kept up and it would be a simple matter to reissue the Report. 

MR. TAFT said he wished to endorse recommendation 1 of the Report. 
The suggestion had been made that the Report should not be re- 
published on the theory that it had not already been published. He 
assured the Assembly that, from the standpoint of the press, the — 
Report was a part of their material which was available for comment 
already, and that it had therefore already gone out to the world. 

The resolution of the Bishop of Chichester amending the recom- 
mendation was then put to the meeting, and miss cHaKkko replied to 
it. She said that the corrections proposed in the Report would be 
mostly factual ones—some statements in the Report had been felt 
to suggest some meaning quite contrary to their real one. The addi- 
tions contemplated would contain something of the discussion at the 
Assembly. With regard to the points raised concerning the ordina- 
tion of women, Miss Chakko felt that the question of the ordination 
of women was only a minor part of the whole problem. ‘here were 
many other matters relating to the service of women which it would 
be good to discuss, and it surely could not be so very dangerous to 
discuss the ordination of women. 

She pointed out that in her own Committee there were some mem- 
bers who questioned the wisdom of publishing the Report, but there 
were many more who felt that it was very urgent to have the material 
in that form now because people were waiting for the information 
contained in it to give them a total picture. The Assembly was not 
committed to the ideas in the Report. | 

Miss Chakko asked when the Commission would be appointed, 
how soon it would function and how soon it would be able to make 
decisions. The point was that the Committee did not want to be 
told that the Commission would meet within the next six months 
and would take another year before it was ready to act. Something 
must be done at once. | 

The amendment of the Bishop of Chichester was put to the vote 
and the amendment was lost. 

Recommendation 1 of the Report was agreed. 


On recommendation 2, Miss Chakko said that it was not sufficient 
to have the Report which had been already published, but a fuller 
one was badly needed. It was hoped that the Commission, if set 
up, would deal with recommendation 2g. Recommendation 2 was 

Miss Chakko said that recommendation 3 would help to develop 
the ecumenical interest of both men and women, and would not 
appeal merely to a rather peculiar species of woman. Recommenda- 
tion 3 was agreed. — 

Miss Chakko went on to say, with regard to recommendation 4, 
that many had been disappointed to find only two women in the 
Central Committee, but it was realised that there were particular cir- 
cumstances which had made that decision necessary. It was hoped, 
however, that by the time of the next Assembly, this recommendation 
would be considered. Recommendation 4 was agreed. 

THE CHAIRMAN pointed out that recommendation 5 would have to 
be left for discussion under the budget, in a later session. 

THE BISHOP OF BRISTOL said he spoke in favour of recommendation x 
and wished to make one recommendation which might increase the 
value of such a commission. His only criticism of the Report was 
that it seemed to have confined itself almost too closely to the 
wording of its terms of reference. He thought, indeed, that the Com- 
mittee had even come short of its terms of reference in dealing with 
“the work of. the women in the Church ”, and had confined itself 
entirely to the work of women within the church. In Great Britain 
there was—as also in other countries—a steadily increasing oppor- 
tunity for the work of women in all kinds of posts in public service, 
health, social work, care of children, factory welfare and so on, and 
_ it was absolutely necessary that those posts should be staffed by Chris- 
tians. ‘The state was willing and even eager in some cases that Chris- 
tian women should make their full contribution through these 
agencies. It was the responsibility of the Church to see that a 
supply of the best type of women we could provide was drafted into 
these posts which would have increasing importance for the whole 
moral health and welfare of the community. He put forward the 
suggestion that the Commission, when it started work as he hoped 
it would, would give attention not only to the essential and valuable 
service which women could give inside the life of the Church itself, 
but also to the equally valuable and important function which they 
could discharge in the ever-widening sphere of Christian service in 
the life of the community. 

DR. MOTT said that recommendation 5 should, of course, be kept for 
the discussion of the budget, but he felt that the Assembly should 
strongly endorse the proposal with the qualification that the means 
could be provided. It was high time that the churches dealt with 
the matter. He said that the lack of women among the voting 


delegates was symptomatic of what is usual in the churches and 
communions. He hoped that at the right time the recommendation 
could be adopted that the Commission be appointed to study this 
question. | ’ 

THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY raised one small point of some im- 
portance. The Report listed different kinds of professional church 
workers, and in the middle of the list appeared the word 
“ deaconesses”. He explained that in the Church of England, at 
any rate, deaconesses were actually ordained by the laying on of 
hands for their particular duties. ‘The order of deaconesses was, 
therefore, an ordained ministry of women and should really appear 
under paragraph 4. However, he did suggest that deaconesses should 
head the list of proposed church-workers. Miss Chakko accepted the 

The Report was received by the Assembly. 




The Report was received by the Assembly and commended to 
the churches for their serious consideration and appropriate 

The Urgency of the Present Situation | 

The Committee was appointed to meet the widespread need 
expressed by churches in many parts of the world for a considera- 
tion of the urgent question of the right use and training of the 
Jaity in the service of the Church. The evidence which has 
come before us makes it abundantly clear that while in some 
churches the laity are being used to a considerable extent, and 
some training provided, every church ought to be deeply dis- | 
satisfied with the present situation. The laity are there, and 
they are waiting to become effective as members of the Church. 
It is at present incumbent upon the churches to make it clear 
to the laity that they have an essential place in the life and tasks 
of the Church. The lay members of the Church, however, are 
conscious of the fact that they are largely ill-equipped and that, 
so far, too little has been asked of them. At the same time, it 
is becoming apparent that the significance of the laity for the 
Church has new aspects which are being explored in experi- 
ments in various countries in Europe and in the United States. 
Many of these are described in one of the publications of the 
Ecumenical Institute. 

Laity in the Church 

There are obvious reasons why the churches should awaken 
to the importance of their lay members, both men and women, 
for every aspect of their life and work, in a way which they have 
not done hitherto. | 

The laity constitutes more than 99 per cent of the Church. 

In the customary work of the Church (preaching, evangelising, 
teaching and social work) the latent spiritual resources of the 



rank and file are urgently needed. It is commonly assumed that 
this need is widely and sufficiently recognised, but in fact it is 
not. | 

There is, however, another aspect of this problem of the laity 
of even greater import for the Church in its relation to the world. 
Lay men and women spend the greater part of their lives in their 
homes, their occupations, and the public life of the community. 
It is essential that the churches should take note of this. For it 
is through the laity that the Church has the greatest and most 
natural opportunity to show in and to the world that the message 
of the Bible, and all that the Church is committed to by obedi- 
ence to its Lord, are relevant to the real problems and needs ot 
man in every age, and not least in our own. Only by the witness 
of a spiritually intelligent and active laity can the Church meet 
the modern world in its actual perplexities and life situations. 
Since one of the hard facts of the present time is that millions 
of people think of the Church as floatmg above the modern 
world and entirely out of real touch with it, the importance of 
this simple pronouncement cannot easily be overestimated. 

Basic Needs 

The laity requires strengthening through biblical and 
theological study and discussion with special reference to the 
bearing of Christian faith upon daily life. This will include 
the study of “ Christian stewardship ”, which means nothing less 
than faith in action. Without such a theological understand- 
ing of stewardship it may easily degenerate into a well-meant 

We need to rethink what it means to speak of the Church as 
“a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people” (1 Peter 
ii, 9), and as the ‘‘ Body of Christ’ (Ephesians iv, 16) to which 
every member contributes in his measure. _ 

Laymen’s retreats have proved of especial benefit, for it is not 
simply a question of more adequate training, or even of a new 
approach. It implies the age-old necessity of a complete per- 
sonal commitment on the part of every member to Christ and 
His Church. 

The Laity in the World 
We have already indicated the great importance of this aspect 
of the problem as it presents itself to the Church to-day. We 


are thinking of the lay member of the Church not as a worker 
in the congregation, but as one living and working in the wider 
community. ‘The question to be faced here is this: how can 
members of the Church be enabled to see the bearing of their 
Christian faith on their life in their occupation? How can men 
_and women who stand in the stress and problems of life be 
helped to see how they can obey just there the will of God? The 
fact is that in their occupations, whether they are doctors, 
lawyers, industrialists, farmers, steel workers, etc., they live in 
an increasingly secularised world. How to live and work there 
as Christians, as members of the Church; how to give witness to 
their faith, how to think about the bearing of the Christian faith 
on the economic, social, political and cultural realities and back- 
_ grounds, is for most of them a mystery. ‘They are left to their 
_ own wits, which means that they largely live a life divided into 
_ two separate compartments, resulting in frustration and the 
_ weakening of spiritual vitality. The Church is for them not 
their source of strength and light, but a place for the satisfaction 
of a religious need isolated from the everyday realities of a 
modern world moulded by the effects of industrialism, technics 
and standardisation. ‘This is the more disquieting from the 
Christian point of view because it is ‘in flat contradiction of the 
fact that the Lord Jesus Christ claims the whole of life and, 
therefore, the Christian faith necessarily demands expression in 
all realms of life. 
It is a cause for thankfulness that through the work of the 
World Council of Churches, the churches have been summoned 
to realise and express their responsibility in social and inter- 
national life and to recognise the need for a new kind of evan- 
| elistic approach. In the laity the Church has a body of men 
~and women in which the real daily meeting of the Church and 
_ the world on its own ground takes place. This implies that the 
Church must see the great significance of giving guidance to her 
laity, trying to understand where exactly the intellectual, moral 
and religious issues lie which they have to face, and so giving 
them by these efforts the certainty that they are not isolated in- 
dividuals, but are sustained by the experience of living and 
working as members of the living Body. | 

A vast field of new work opens up for the Church which will 
give a new direction to the expression of its evangelistic, cultural, 
social and political responsibility in the world. Especially in 


the field of missions, unparalleled opportunities are open for the 
participation of the laity. The Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, 
and the movements in various countries which have begun to 
take to heart this new endeavour to relate the Christian faith to 
the realities of life, are hopeful beginnings. It would be of great 
importance if this vision of the laity as part of the militant and 
living Church could receive adequate attention in the churches 
and World Council. 

In furtherance of this, this Committee looks with favour upon 
the proposal that has come from a conference of lay leaders at 
the Ecumenical Institute for not less than three area meetings, 
largely of laymen, for the purpose of further study of efforts for 
enlisting the full lay power of the Church, and the Committee 
RECOMMENDS that the Central Committee of the World Council 
of Churches be asked to study this proposal and, if approved, to 
lay the plans for such meetings, including the designation of the 
areas (e.g. America, Asia, Africa, Europe), to draw up a skeleton 
outline for a programme for all such meetings, and to indicate 
how such gatherings shall be financed. 


DR. C. C. STOUGHTON presented the Report of Committee IV on “ The 
Significance of the Laity in the Church”. He said they were thinking 
of the lay members as living and working in the wider community. 
The question was how members of the Church could be enabled. to 
see the bearing of their faith on their daily occupation. Whatever 
their occupation, they lived in a secularised world, and how to be 
witnesses of their faith and see its bearing on their social, political 
and cultural backgrounds was, to most of them, a mystery. ‘They 
lived in two compartments, and to them the Church was not a source 
of strength but the satisfaction of their religious needs separated from 
the modern world. This was in contradiction to the fact that Jesus 
Christ came to the whole world. The churches were summoned to 
realise their responsibility in socjal and international life and the 
need for a new evangelistic approach. 

REV. E. BENSON PERKINS said there was a statement in the first para- 
graph which was not correct: “The evidence which comes before us 
makes it abundantly clear that every church ought to be deeply 
dissatisfied with the present situation”. This did not take into 
account the fact that in some churches laymen were being used to 


a considerable extent. There were 30,000 lay preachers in the 
Methodist Church of Great Britain, all of whom had received some 
training. This was true in other ways of other free churches. He 
would like to propose an amendment which would recognise this 
fact. A feeling of disappointment and unreality would otherwise 
be created among the many thousands of laymen who were recog- 
nised officially and engaged in evangelistic work in the churches. 
The sentence he proposed would read as follows: 

“The evidence which has come before us makes it abundantly 
clear that while in some churches the laity are being used to a con- 
siderable extent and training provided, every church ought to 
be deeply dissatisfied with the present situation.” 

This was seconded on behalf of the Salvation Army by a speaker 
who said every Salvationist was trained to be an evangelist. 

DR. MARSH said he thought that one of the testimonies that his 
own church was bearing to the whole Church was that the laity had 
a part in the government of the church, in considering its spiritual 
welfare, in thinking together, in prayer meetings. He did not wish 
to move an amendment, but asked if the Drafting Committee could 
_make some reference to the fact that to give each church member 
4 part in the government of and some responsibility for interpret- 
ng the church’s life and witness, was a way of encouraging the 
aity.. 3 

THE CHAIRMAN Called on Dr. Stoughton to comment on the proposed 
amendment to the first paragraph. 

_ DR. STOUGHTON said he saw no difficulty in accepting the amendment, 
though the Committee thought it weakened the statement, which 
was true, regardless of the fact that 30,000 laymen were working in 
the Methodist Church. In every church in the world, compared 
with the potential, the number was shamefully small. The Church 
would not fulfil her mission in the world until the number of laymen 
who were in the Church and who practised their profession in the 
world, was increased. 

THE CHAIRMAN said that as Dr. Stoughton had accepted the amend- 
ment for the Committee, it would be referred to the Drafting Com- 

THE BISHOP OF EDINBURGH said he wished to speak on something that 
would come under the heading of “‘ Basic Needs”. He thought the 
Report should contain some mention of the need for helping lay 
people to deepen their spiritual lives by special methods such as 
those of retreats. In this busy and hurrying world nothing was more 
vital if men and women were to be used as the channel of the Holy 
Spirit. People should be encouraged to go aside from time to time 


and wait upon God in silence in order that they might be renewed 
and refreshed. Under the heading of “The Laity in the World” 
the question was asked how men and women could be helped to see 
how they could obey just there the will of God. We must teach 
people to work together. In Great Britain men and women formed 
“ cells ”—little companies of people who prayed and studied together 
and then went out in their particular vocation to witness to God in 
the world. 

DR. STOUGHTON said they were quite willing to mention retreats. 
They had discussed “cells”, and if the Bishop would present the 
wording they would consider it. 

DR. MOTT said that in the Y.M.C.A. we had an organisation with 
two million members all over the world, ready to be related to our 
larger plans, and he thought it would be a great sin of omission if 
we failed to integrate a body like that with our plans and our visions. 
This referred also to women. He was glad that had received special 
emphasis in the Sectional meetings as well. He presented this in 
the light of his long experience as the largest unworked field of 
resource that we had to call into action. | 

MR. GILPIN said the Church of England was suffering from a lack 
of men in the ordained ministry owing to the war, and that they 
owed much to the lay readers who took services and performed 
other work for the Church. When our Lord gave His message to 
the whole world it was not only to the ordained ministers, the 
Apostles, but to all men and women. He thought that if the Church 
of God were filled anew with the Spirit of the Living God, it would 
go forward with the assistance of the laity, spreading the Gospel at 
home and abroad. He hoped some reference would be made to the 
gift of the Holy Spirit to the whole Church, to the laity as well as to 
the ministry. 

MR. JUSTICE FORD said that as a member of the International Council 
of the Y.M.C.A he appreciated Dr. Mott’s remarks. He wished to 
draw attention to a phrase in the paragraph “The Laity in the 
World ’—‘ whether they are doctors, lawyers, industrialists .. .” 
“they live in an entirely secularised world”. This was especially 
true of judges, and he asked that the word “judges” be inserted 
after “lawyers”. Judges had an opportunity in their specialised 
class of work to administer justice with mercy, as Christians. 

DR. STOUGHTON said there would be no objection to adding the word 
“judges”, but if they did so they would have to include other protes- 
sions. These had been mentioned just as examples. 

MISS WALTON said she thought that there was some guidance to 
be gained from the use of the laity in the mission field, with the 


Younger Churches. In 1938 it was estimated that in the non-Roman 
churches throughout the world there were 20,000 missionaries, of 
whom 7,500 were ordained, but 12,500 were doctors, nurses, teachers 
and other workers. They were under the discipline of the Church. 
We thanked God that nationals were now following the example of 
the missionaries and had the same status in the Church. Conditions 
in the older churches were different, but there was something to be 
learnt from the Younger Churches. She wondered if some such sen- 
tence as this could be included in the Report: — 

“In our further thinking there is some guidance for us in the use 
of the laity, both missionaries and nationals, in the life and work 
of the Younger Churches.” 

DR. STOUGHTON thought this could be worked into the Report, 
though they had tried to cover it already. 

THE BISHOP OF NYASALAND wished to add a word in support of the last 
speaker. He wished, however, to ask for room to be made in the 
Report for the need of the Church for men who work with their 
hands as technicians, to the glory of God, in the mission field. In 
this respect the Roman Catholic Church, with its lay brothers, was 
ahead of us. They had a body of master-craftsmen who gave their 
whole lives in the service of their Lord. He worked side by side 
with a community of Benedictines, who had sixty lay workers, while 
he had one. We needed to consecrate the skill of our hands to the 
glory of God, because the layman working as a technician revealed 
the Carpenter of Nazareth. © 

MR. W. ROBINSON objected to the phrase “an entirely secularised 
world”. He could not accept this absolute definition, and suggested 
that the word he changed to “an increasingly secularised world”. 

THE CHAIRMAN accepted this amendment. 

DR. VON THADDEN said that it had been the experience of the Con- 
fessing Church in Germany in this secularised world that the whole 
congregation had been called upon to confess its faith in the struggle 
of the Christian Church for its existence. Though there was a 
difference between the clergy and the laity, they must stand together. 
He would ask his brethren in the ministry to think of laymen as 
brothers and members of the Church, as those who wish to serve the 
Lord of the Church with them. 

DR. STOUGHTON said he moved the reception of this Report by the 
Assembly and that it be commended to the churches for serious 
_ consideration and appropriate action. 

The resolution was carried. 




The Report was received by the Assembly and commended to 
the churches for their serious consideration and appropriate 


A concern for the Christian approach to the Jewish people 
confronts us inescapably, as we meet together to look with open 
and penitent eyes on man’s disorder and to rediscover together 
God’s eternal purpose for His Church. ‘This concern is OUTS 
because it is first a concern of God made known to us in Christ. 
No people in His one world have suffered more bitterly from the 
disorder of man than the Jewish people. We cannot forget that 
we meet in a land from which 110,000 Jews were taken to be 
murdered, Nor can we forget that we meet only five years after 
the extermination of 6 million Jews. To the Jews our God 
has bound us in a special solidarity linking our destinies together 
in His design. We call upon all our churches to make this con- 
cern their own as we share with them the results of our too brief 
wrestling with it. 

1. The Church’s commission to preach the Gospel to all men 

All of our churches stand under the commission of our 
common Lord, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel 
to every creature.” ‘The fulfilment of this commission requires 
that we include the Jewish people in our evangelistic task. 

2. The special meaning of the Jewish people for Christian faith 
In the design of God, Israel has a unique position. It 
was Israel with whom God made His covenant by the call of 
Abraham. It was Israel to whom God revealed His name and 
gave His law. It was to Israel that He sent His Prophets with 
their message of judgment and of grace. It was Israel to whom 
He promised the coming of His Messiah. By the history of Israel 
God prepared the manger in which in the fulness of time He 


put the Redeemer of all mankind, Jesus Christ. The Church 
has received this spiritual heritage from Israel and is therefore 
in honour bound to render it back in the light of the Cross. We 
have, therefore, in humble conviction to proclaim to the Jews, 
“The Messiah for Whom you wait has come.” The promise has 
been fulfilled by the coming of Jesus Christ. 

For many the continued existence of a Jewish people which 
does not acknowledge Christ is a divine mystery which finds its 
only sufficient explanation in the purpose of God’s unchanging 
faithfulness and mercy (Romans xi, 25-29). 

3. Barriers to be overcome 

Before our churches can hope to fulfil the commission laid 
upon us by our Lord there are high barriers to be overcome. 
We speak here particularly of the barriers which we have too 
often helped to build and which we alone can remove. 

We must acknowledge in all humility that too often we have 
failed to manifest Christian love towards our Jewish neighbours, 
or even a resolute will for common social justice. We have 
failed to fight with all our strength the age-old disorder of man 
which anti-semitism represents. The churches in the past have 
helped to foster an image of the Jews as the sole enemies of 
Christ, which has contributed to anti-semitism in the secular 
world. In many lands virulent anti-semitism still threatens and 
in other lands the Jews are subjected to many indignities. 

We call upon all the churches we represent to denounce anti- 
semitism, no matter what its origin, as absolutely irreconcilable 
with the profession and practice of the Christian faith. Anti- 
semitism is sin against God and man. 

Only as we give convincing evidence to our Jewish neighbours 
that we seek for them the common rights and dignities which 
God wills for His children, can we come to such a meeting with 
them as would make it possible to share with them the best 
which God has given us in Christ. 

4. The Christian witness to the Jewish people 

In spite of the universality of our Lord’s commission and of 
the fact that the first mission of the Church was to the Jewish 
people, our churches have with rare exceptions failed to main- 
tain that mission. This responsibility should not be left largely 
to independent agencies. The carrying on of this mission by 



special agencies has often meant the singling out of the Jews for 
special missionary attention, even in situations where they might 
well have been included in the normal ministry of the Church. 
It has also meant in many cases that the converts are forced into 
segregated spiritual fellowship rather than being included and 
welcomed in the regular membership of the Church. 

Owing to this failure our churches must consider the respon- 
sibility for missions to the Jews as a normal part of parish work, 
especially in those countries where Jews are members of the 
general community. Where there is no indigenous church or 
where the indigenous church is insufficient for this task it may 
be necessary to arrange for a special missionary ministry from 
abroad. / , 

Because of the unique inheritance of the Jewish people, the 
churches should make provision for the education of ministers 
specially fitted for this task. Provision should also be made for 
Christian literature to interpret the Gospel to Jewish people. 

Equally, it should be made clear to church members that the 
strongest argument in winning others for Christ is the radiance 
and contagion of victorious living and the outgoing of God’s 
love expressed in personal human contacts. As this is expressed 
and experienced in a genuine Christian fellowship and com- 
munity the impact of the Gospel will be felt. For such a fellow- 
ship there will be no difference between a converted Jew and 
other church members, all belonging to the same church and 
fellowship through Jesus Christ. But the converted Jew calls 
for particular tenderness and full acceptance just because his 
coming into the Church carries with it often a deeply wounding 
break with family and friends. 

In reconstruction and relief activities the churches must not 
lose sight of the plight of Christians of Jewish origin, in view 
of their special suffering. Such provision must be made for their 
aid as will help them to know that they are not forgotten in the 
Christian fellowship... | 

5. The emergence of Israel as a state 
The establishment of the state “Israel” adds a political 
dimension to the Christian approach to the Jews and threatens 
to complicate anti-semitism with political fears and enmities. 
On the political aspects of the Palestine problem and the com- 
plex conflict of “rights” involved we do not undertake to express 


a judgment. Nevertheless, we appeal to the nations to deal with 
the problem not as one of expediency—political, strategic or 
economic—but as a moral and spiritual question that touches a 
nerve centre of the world’s religious life. 

Whatever position may be taken towards the establishment 
of a Jewish state and towards the “rights” and “wrongs”’ of 
Jews and Arabs, of Hebrew Christians and Arab Christians in- 
volved, the churches are in duty bound to pray and work for an 
order in Palestine as just as may be in the midst of our human 
disorder; to provide within their power for the relief of the 
victims of this warfare without discrimination; and to seek to 
influence the nations to provide a refuge for “ Displaced 
Persons” far more generously than has yet been done. 


We conclude this report with the recommendations which 
arise out of our first exploratory consideration of this “con- 
cern’ of the churches. 

1. Lo the member churches of the World Council we 


_ that they seek to recover the universality of our Lord’s com- 
mission by including the Jewish people in their evangelistic 
work; | 

_ that they encourage their people to seek for brotherly contact 

_ with and understanding of their Jewish neighbours, and co- 

operation in agencies combating misunderstanding and pre- 


that in mission work among the Jews they scrupulously avoid 

all unworthy pressures or inducements; 

that they give thought to the preparation of ministers well 

fitted to interpret the Gospel to Jewish people and to the pro- 

vision of literature which will aid in such a ministry. 

. To the World Council of Churches we recommend: 
that it should give careful thought as to how it can best stimu- 
late and assist the member churches in the carrying out of this 
aspect of their mission; | | 
that it give careful consideration to the suggestion made by 
the International Missionary Council that the World Council 


of Churches share with it a joint responsibility for the Chris- 

tian approach to the Jews; : 

that it be RESOLVED 

That, in receiving the report of this Committee, the Assembly 

recognise the need for more detailed study by the World 

Council of Churches of the many complex problems which 

exist in the field of relations between Christians and Jews, and 

in particular of the following: 

(a) the historical and present factors which have contributed 
to the growth and persistence of anti-semitism, and the 
most effective means of combating this evil; 

(b) the need and opportunity in this present historical situa- 
tion for the development of co-operation between Chris- 
tians and Jews in civic and social affairs; | 

(c) the many and varied problems created by establishment 
of a State of Israel in Palestine. 

The Assembly therefore asks that these and related questions 
be referred to the Central Committee for further examination. 


The Report was presented by BISHOP ANGUS DUN. 

DR. PERKINS said there were many factors of this great issue which 
had not been dealt with adequately in the Report: (1) it did not 
sufficiently emphasise the need for co-operative action between the 
Christians and Jews; it should be much more emphatic; (2) it was 
not enough to condemn anti-semitism; the causes—religious, social 
and economic—of that attitude must be considered; (3) the emer- 
gence of a State of Israel raised cultural and social issues far wider 
than political issues. In accepting this Report, he recognised the 
need for more detailed study by the World Council of the many 
complex problems in the field of Jewish-Christian relations. 

REV. A. A. DE VERE suggested adding to the recommendations words to 
this effect: 
“That this Assembly send to the Jewish community in Amsterdam 
a message of sympathy with them over the sufferings of their 
people in this city during the recent war.” 
In Amsterdam no less than 100,000 Jews were taken away and mur- 
dered only five years ago. 


BISHOP DUN said this resolution would not fit in as part of the Report 
itself. The Committee were of the opinion that once they began 
expressing sympathy with special groups, they would not know where 
to stop. 

BISHOP OXNAM said they would come back to this question after 
dealing with the Report. 

Yr. MAYS praised the Report, which would make a deep impression, 
he thought, on the Jewish people. It made it clear that we wanted 
to bring the Jews into full Christian fellowship here and now. 

OR. GOLTERMAN thought the Report should state more definitely the 
right of the Jews to live in their own country, which God gave to 
Abraham and to his children. Unless this was stated more clearly, 
the Report was unacceptable, in his opinion. 

Ke ' Y 

‘ DR. BAINES thanked the Chairman and the Assembly for allowing him, 

as an alternate, to speak in this matter. He was the more glad that 
this had been the case, as he wished to make a point agreed upon 
by the Alternates’ Committee IV, dealing with the Jewish question. 
It was stated in the Report that the Assembly had no wish to inter- 
fere with such questions at the Government level, and with this the 
Alternates’ Committee had been in entire agreement. But it was, 
within the province of the Assembly, indeed it was the duty of the > 
Assembly, to affirm to the responsible authorities of the nations con- 
cerned that this problem was more than a political one, it was 

Spiritual. If the Assembly failed to say anything to that effect, the 

Alternates’ Committee had held that it would be failing in its 

bounden duty, and missing an opportunity never likely to recur. 

He wished to move an amendment to section V, to read as follows; 

beginning at the word “judgment”: \ . ; 

_“. . . we appeal to the nations to deal with the problem not as 
one of expediency, political, strategic or economic, but as a moral 
and spiritual question that touches a nerve-centre of the world’s 
religious life.” 

The motion was seconded. 

THE RT. HON. ERNEST BROWN said that the paragraph was an im- 
portant one, beginning with the definite words “ we recognise ’’, and 
the things officially recognised by the Assembly must be very carefully 
examined in advance. 

DR. HEERING said that to himself and to his Church, the Remon- 
strant Brotherhood, the draft was quite unacceptable. It contained 
many telling statements, but to all who had at heart the sufferings 
of the Jews it must seem impossible to preach to a people which had 
gone through so much. They must first be given an opportunity of 


living at all. The statement seemed to him hypocritical, and he 
moved that it be dropped. This motion was not adopted. 

BISHOP OXNAM asked BISHOP DUN, chairman of the Drafting Com- 
mittee, whether he agreed to the proposed amendment to section V. 

BISHOP DUN accepted the amendment. 

MR. BROWN asked that the word “recognise” be changed, in view 
of its official implications. 

BISHOP DUN agreed. The motion was adopted. 

BISHOP OXNAM recalled the motion by Rev. A. Vere that a 
special letter be sent on behalf of the Assembly to the Jews of 
_ Amsterdam. 

BISHOP DUN expressed doubts as to the wisdom of such a step, par- 
ticularly as the trials of the Jews had already been mentioned in the 
body of the Report. He left the decision, however, to the delegates, 
who did not adopt the motion. 

The Report as a whole was received by the Assembly. 




The Report was received by the Assembly and commended to 
the churches for their serious consideration and appropriate 
action. . 

‘The Committee met on five occasions, and at each of the 
meetings the Liaison Officer reported on the proceedings of the 
Alternates’ Committee on the same subject, and, at its final 
Meeting, the Committee recorded its appreciation of the valu- 
able help it had derived from the deliberations and reports of 
the Alternates’ Committee. 

Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid 

The Committee commenced its work by a review of recon- 
struction achievements and continuing needs. After a com- 
prehensive statement by Dr. J. Hutchison Cockburn, Director 
of the Department of Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid, the 
Committee received oral reports from Spain, France, Germany, 
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Hungary, Holland, Norway 
and Greece. The burden of all these reports was a grateful 
recognition of the remarkable contributions towards church re- 
construction that have been made since 194% by the churches of 
various countries, acting either directly or through such inter- 
church bodies as Church World Service (U.S.A.), Christian Re- 
construction in Europe (U.K.). The Committee had to take 
into account that while much had been achieved, very much 
remained to be done. It considered that in view of the amount 
of reconstruction work already achieved, and the improvement 
in the general economic situation in Europe, some revision in the 
balance of future reconstruction programmes might be neces- 
sary. It believed that the Department might well consider 
whether the listed number of countries still needing help, and 
the number of projects to be assisted, should not be reduced. 
It was generally felt that there is an urgent continuing need for 


assistance in the maintenance of pastors, in the provision of ) 
theological training, and in the equipment of Christian in- 

The Committee felt that while the need for material aid still 
continues, the emphasis of the future work of the Department 
should more and more take into account the basic and con- 
tinuing necessity of inter-church aid. On details of policy that 
had been discussed under the Agenda, the Committee decided 
to take no definitive action, but to refer such matters to the De- 
partment. It did, however, take into consideration the area of 
operation of reconstruction as a World Council of Churches pro- 
ject. The Anglican Bishop in Egypt made a special appeal for 
those churches, particularly in the Middle East, which benefited 
neither from the present European operations of the Recon- 
struction Department, nor from the channels of aid operated in 
the Far East through liaison with the International Missionary 
Council. He emphasised that by the withdrawal of numbers of 
Europeans from the Middle East, many of the churches outside 
Europe would lose the support that they had hitherto relied 
upon, and that some extension of the area of concern of the De- 
partment was essential if they were to be kept in the circle of © 
fellowship and aid. The Committee agreed to refer to the 
proper committee of the World Council the consideration of the — 
future areas of operation of the Reconstruction Department. _ 

It also agreed that while material reconstruction in certain 
areas and in certain projects continues to. be essential it should 
not be allowed to obscure the developing need for spiritual re- 
generation and inter-church aid. 

Prisoners of War | 

The Committee received a report from Professor Courvoisier, 
Chairman of the World Council of Churches Prisoners of War 
Commission, and RESOLVED: 

1. That the Council records its gratitude for the remarkable 
work of the Commission during the last eight years. 

2. That, with the release and repatriation of P.O.W.s, the 
decision of the Commission to wind up its activities be 
approved, provided that the Refugee Commission assumes 
operational responsibility for any continuing problems of 
the rehabilitation and resettlement of those who return to 
their homes. 


3- That a nucleus Commission should remain in being to 
meet as required, and consider the needs of those not yet 
released, maintain liaison with the churches of those who 

_ voluntarily remain in their countries of captivity, and to 
hold a watching brief for P.O.W. legislation and provision, 
particularly in regard to the Geneva Convention and 
kindred matters affecting legislation and agreements. 

Refugees and Uprooted Peoples 

The Committee then proceeded to a consideration of the 
problem of refugees. 

Resolutions were received from the Methodist Conference of 
Great Britain and from the World’s Y.W.C.A., emphasising the 
need to give urgent priority to the refugee problem. It was 
agreed that these resolutions should be sent to Section IV with 
the request that this Section should draft a resolution in the 
general terms remitted to them. 

The Committee then considered appeals which had been sub- 
mitted to it from the Bishop in Jerusalem, and the United 
Nations’ Mediator in Palestine, on behalf of refugees in the 
Middle East, and RECOMMENDED the following resolution to the 
Assembly : 

The World Council of Churches, recalling that the origin 
of its Refugee Division was the concern of the churches for 
Jewish refugees, notes with especially deep concern the recent 
extension of the refugee problem to the Middle East by the 
flight from their homes in the Holy Land of not less than 
350,000 Arab and other refugees. 

It receives, with an urgent sense of its Christian duty, the 
appeal which originally came from Christian leaders in Pales- 

tine. It records appreciation of the prompt co-operation 
offered by the U.N. Mediator in Palestine with the projects of 
relief initiated by the churches and inter-church bodies, and 
in commending the actions in this field already taken 
to urge the churches to include in their provision for refugees 
additional emergency help for the urgent situation in the 
Middle East, and to channel this help in such a way as both 
to achieve a distinctive and maximum Christian effort in 
this field, and to ensure its co-ordination with the measures 


to recommend that, through its Refugee Commission, the 

World Council of Churches should: , 

1. appeal for money, food, medical supplies, and blankets; 

2. in conjunction with the International Missionary Council, 
appoint a special Field Representative to co-ordinate Chris- 
tian action with the Mediator’s programme; 

3. urge and assist all Christians in Palestine and neighbour- 
ing countries to co-operate in this work in every way 

The Committee expressed the view that Christian considera- 
tion of the refugee problem should not be confined to Europe 
and the Middle East. While recognising that the operations 
of the Council’s Refugee Commission were restricted to this 
area, it urged that the desperate plight of millions of uprooted 
peoples in the Far East should also be acknowledged as the con- 
cern and in the giving of the churches. 

It studied with concern the working document “ The Refugee 
Problem To-day” and with the view of making as widely known 
as possible the alarming facts presented therein, resolved to ask 
the Council to publish this document with any current amend- 
ments, for wide circulation. It records the startling fact that, 
despite the repatriation of seven million displaced persons since 
the end of the war, the refugee problem is substantially larger 
to-day than it was in 1945. It especially deplores the fact that 
this increase has been mainly brought about by the expulsion 
of more than ten million persons from their homes by post-war 
Allied action. It would express to the Assembly its view that 
in terms of human misery and of deprivation of human rights, 
this problem is one of the most serious in post-war Europe, and 
that a failure to solve it not only involves untold misery for the 
victims, but seriously adds to the causes of international friction 
and war. | 

In view of the facts that only one million out of at least twelve 
million uprooted persons are at present eligible for United 
Nations’ care under the constitution of the International 
Refugee Organisation, and that the vast majority excluded from 
I.R.O. care are exiled and homeless as the direct consequence 
of action by one or more member governments of United 
Nations, the Committee urges that strong representations be 
made to the United Nations, calling upon them to take effective 



steps to care for all these exiles, either by amendment of the 
constitution of I.R.O., and a consequent increase in its budget, 

or in some other effective way. 

The Chairman invited Miss Marjorie Bradford, who was 

_ present as an official Observer for the I.R.O., to speak to the 

Committee. Miss Bradford referred to the regression of public 
support for refugee work, pointing out that the resources and 
operations of some of the War Relief agencies'had declined. She 
felt that the only enduring hope of continuing support for what 
is clearly a long-term need was through the churches and similar 
agencies. Miss Bradford u ged the Committee to think of the 
refugee not only as the object of compassion, but as a desirable 
and useful citizen in any country, and expressed the view that 
a better appreciation of the quality and character of the average 
refugee was essential if resettlement was to develop as it should. 
She also emphasised the religious and social importance of re- 
specting the family unit. ‘The Committee expressed its apprecia- 

_tion of the cordial working relationships which exist between 
_I-R.O. and Christian agencies operating in the field of refugee 

The Committee decided that the refugee situation is so alarm- 
ing in its size and implications, and so direct a challenge to 

Christian action, that the most urgent attention of the Assembly 

be sought in this matter. Accordingly it submits the following 


On Support to the Department of Reconstruction and Inter- 
Church Aid 
The Assembly of the World Council of Churches, having 
studied the continuing needs of reconstruction work, calls 
upon the member churches to support even more adequately 
the projects of the Department of Reconstruction and Inter- 
church Aid of the World Council. 


On Budgetary Provision | 
) Sub-Committee (d) of Committee IV, having reviewed 

* Two resolutions on the question of refugees, originally included in this 
Report, were transferred, in amended form, to the Report of Section IV, where 
they now appear. 



the refugee situation, and being deeply concerned at itS size 
and implications, and conscious of the need for urgent | 
Christian action in this field, particularly in view of de- 
veloping opportunities for resettlement, urges that, for the 
time being, the highest priority be given to the Refugee 
Division in the budgetary provision of the World Council. 


THE CHAIRMAN invited Bishop Fjellbu to introduce the Report. 

BISHOP FJELLBU spoke and drew attention to the resolutions. With 
regard to resolutions II and III he asked leave to withdraw these and 
in lieu thereof to substitute two resolutions contained in the Report 
of Section IV—The Church and the International Disorder. » 

These resolutions read as follows: 
“TI. That the World Council of Churches give high priority to 
work for the material and spiritual welfare of refugees; and appeal 
to its member churches in countries capable of receiving any 
settlers, both to influence public opinion towards a liberal immi- 
gration policy and to welcome and care for those who arrive in 
their countries. ; 

II. That the International Refugee Organisation, in pursuance 
of its task of re-settling refugees, be requested to continue to urge 
governments which recruit able-bodied persons from among these 
displaced persons to receive and settle their dependent relatives 
also, and thus respect the unity and integrity of family life.” 

PROFESSOR ALIVISATOS made a plea for the inclusion somewhere in 
the recommendations of a reference to children who had been severed 
from their families and the Committee agreed to embody this in a 
new draft of these resolutions. 

The resolutions in support of the Department of Reconstruction 
and on budgetary provision were accepted. 

The Report as a whole was received by the Assembly. 





Mere of the Assembly were guests at two receptions, 

one at the Rijksmuseum given by the Government of the 
Netherlands, and the other at the Royal Palace, given by 
the Council of the City of Amsterdam. At the former, the 
Minister of Justice, Mr. Th. R. J. Wijers, welcomed the 
Assembly in the name of the Government, and expressed the 
conviction that its work was helping to restore the spiritual and 
moral bases of society, without which governments cannot hope 
to maintain good international relations. On behalf of the 
Assembly Pastor Boegner expressed gratitude for the fine hos- 
pitality offered by the Dutch nation. F ollowing this, the dele- 
gates had the opportunity of viewing the Museum’s famous 
collection of paintings, including Rembrandt’s “ Night Watch”’, 
_and a special exhibit of 150 pictures from the Munich Pina- 
kothek. At the Municipal Reception, the Burgomaster wel- 
comed the visitors on behalf of the Council of the City of 
Amsterdam. ‘There was an opportunity not only to see the 
Palace itself, but to admire the decorations in the “Dam” out- 
side, in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee and her daughter’s in- 
vestiture. | 
On two occasions, the Assembly benefited in a special way 
from the great preparations for the celebration of the Jubilee. 
The first of these came early in the meeting, when the total 
Assembly went on a splendidly arranged excursion through the 
Amsterdam canals and harbours. For the first time since the 
war, the canals and the public buildings were illuminated, in 
honour of the Queen. As the comfortable canal boats moved 
slowly along, a vivid experience came to all—first of Amster- 
dam’s beauty when bridges and quays were lighted above and 
below, and church spires gleamed high in the clear night; still 
more of the joy of Amsterdam people in seeing their city herself 
again, after long years of tribulation and hardship. 


The second occasion was that of the Jubilee Play in the 
Stadium, for which members of the Assembly had reserved seats. _ 
This was the occasion when Queen Wilhelmina took leave of 
her people. After her farewell message a great pageant 
was unfolded, depicting the stages of the fifty years of Queen 
Wilhelmina’s reign in the symbolism of the four seasons. Few 
will forget the colourful scenes: the costumes of the eleven pro- 
vinces, the workers and children, the reminiscences of the years 
of hardship, the gay procession on horseback. 

Mention should also be made of the fine Oratorio presented 
by the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands on Sunday after- 
noon in the Oude Kerk. The score of the Oratorio was written 
by Bishop Lagerwey of the Old Catholic Church, and the music 
by Alexander de Jong, who directed the choir. ‘The event was 
impressive not only for the beauty of the music, but also because 
the Oratorio was written with the high aims of the ecumenical 
movement in mind and dedicated to the World Council of 
Churches. ! The concert was followed by a reception given by 
the Ecumenical Council of the Churches of the Netherlands. 

An event in which all youth delegates, but few of the older 
delegates, could participate, was the Youth Rally. It would be 
difficult to say for whom this Rally held on the 28th August was 
the greater experience—the 6,000 happy, smiling young Dutch 
men and women who crowded into the spacious Apollohal or 
the members of the Youth Delegation, many of them in colour- 
ful national costumes, who occupied the platform as their 
honoured guests. “There was never a dull moment from the 
time the Youth Delegation entered in procession till the lusty 
singing of the closing hymn three hours later. It was an occasion 
remarkable both for spontaneous humour and moments of deep 
Christian feeling. 

The deepest moment in the whole Rally was undoubtedly the 
great ovation given to Dr. Martin Nieméller. ‘The Dutch chair- 
man introduced him by saying, “ We are now to hear a message 
in a language which we learnt to hate from a man whom we've 
learnt to love.’”’ The vast audience spontaneously rose to its 
feet, a tribute not only to the beloved German Church leader 
but also to the power of the Christian faith to express itself in 
acts of charity and forgiveness. 

After Pieter Fagel had welcomed the Youth Delegation, Dr. 
Visser ’t Hooft brought greetings from the Assembly. Then 


several youth delegates came forward to read a verse of Holy 
Scripture, each in his own tongue, to illustrate how the 
Word of God has been made available to the peoples of the 
world. This was followed by brief messages from five youth 
delegates who spoke on various aspects of Church Youth work, 
drawing upon their own experiences and backgrounds to make 
vivid what they were saying. The speakers were Alexandre 
Schmemann from France, Dr. John Karefa-Smart from West 
Africa, Philip Potter from Jamaica, K. H. ‘Ting from China and 
Barbara Deitz from the United States. Then Dutch youth con- 
tributed something that was new and striking to many of the 
youth delegates through the graphic ecumenical messages spoken 
by a well-trained speaking choir. There was another deeply 
moving moment when Dr. Siregar, a young Indonesian, came 
forward to close the meeting of Dutch youth with prayer in the 
Dutch language. 

Another important ‘‘special event” was the meeting on Re- 
construction held on Sunday, August g9th. Dr. Hutchison 
Cockburn led a team of speakers from the Netherlands, China, 
Germany, Greece, and Czechoslovakia. Each of them gave a 
brief word-picture of the needs and what the churches (with the 
help of their sister-churches) wére doing to meet these needs— 
a sad story of destruction and misery but also a hopeful story of 
inter-church solidarity. The appeal made by Mr. Elfan Rees of 
the World Council’s Refugee Division that we should accept our 
spiritual and material responsibility for the refugees made a 
particularly deep impression. 


The Public Meetings were designed to throw light upon three 
great aspects of the Christian task: ‘‘’ The Christian Witness in 
the World”; “The Christian Witness in the social and national 
order”; “The Christian Witness in the international order.” 
On each occasion the main hall of the Concertgebouw was filled 
to capacity with an overflow crowd seated in the small hall and 
hearing the addresses through the public address system. 

The speakers at the first public meeting were Professor John 
Baillie of Scotland, M. Philippe Maury of France and of the 
World’s Student Christian Federation, Pastor Martin Nieméller 


of the Evangelical Church in Germany, and Miss Sarah Chakko 
of India. 

‘Tt is as men have observed the characteristic response of 
Christians to the totality of our human situation,’ Dr. Baillie 
pointed out, ‘‘ how they disciplined their private lives, how they 
conducted their households, how they behaved towards their 
neighbours, how they faced the blows of fortune and met the 
last enemy, and the relation in which they stood to the Great 
Power that rules over all . . . that they come under conviction 
of the truth of the Christian faith.” ‘The trouble is that not 
enough Christians live their faith. “They have been content 
to protest their belief when they ought to have exemplified it. 
They have argued for the truth of their faith when they ought 
to have been living witnesses to it,” Dr. Baillie said. 

M. Maury also maintained that too few Christians are wit- 
nesses of the Christian Gospel. ‘‘ Witnessing is just what we 
have not done and what we are not doing. We have only to look 
at the world to realise the vastness of our field of action and the 
ridiculous incompetence of our efforts; we have only to look at 
ourselves to be assured that, far from having announced to the 
world that Jesus Christ is its Lord, we have not been able to con- 
vince ourselves of that fact.’”’ But in Christ we have a trium- 
phant Saviour Who overcomes our fear of witnessing. When 
the Church asks God for this power, He gives it. “A refusal to 
believe in the inevitability of war, to resign ourselves to in- 
justice, to be content with an easy scepticism, those are some 
ways of telling of our hope as well as in preaching Jesus Christ 
in so many words. Only one thing matters: to remember. that 
He alone is our hope and that apart from Him there is only 
failure, despair and.death,’’ M. Maury concluded. : 

Pastor Niemdller, after reviewing the disorder of the world 
and the “bankruptcy” which has overtaken the Christian 
Church, declared that “it is beyond our power to restore order 
to this chaotic world. We Christians cannot and must not dis- 
sociate ourselves from this universal confusion and thus awaken 
false hopes. We are called to reflection, nay, torepentance. We 
have indeed a message for the world. But it is not our message. 
It is God’s message which we are to speak, the witness of Christ, 
the message of the Cross. This message comprehends the dignity 
of human life, but not a dignity which we have and possess, 
which we claim as a right. ‘The message entrusted to us says 


that God in His incomprehensible mercy, as revealed in Christ, 
has bestowed on us a dignity to which we are not in any way 
entitled—which enables us in the midst of a chaotic world that 
is clearly rushing to disaster, to live as men and women, yet as 
children of God, wherever and whenever we rely in faith on His 
promise. While we do not have a programme of salvation for 
the world, this does not mean that Christians should not render, 
in so far as possible, deeds of mercy. ’ 

“It is true, we cannot realise the right order of society, be- 
cause such a thing does not exist in this decaying world,” Dr. 
Niemoller maintained: “Neither can we establish permanent 
peace and abolish war, just as we cannot get rid of conflict and 
murder in individual human life. But it is still our duty to 
work for better social orders and conditions, and to work 
seriously for the abolition of war. For Christ’s sake we have to 
bear witness that God is the God of justice and peace, that He 
does not want chaos and war, that the Church therefore cannot 
tolerate the conditions of this world, especially because it looks 
for help to God alone, and not to itself.” Dr. Niemdéller closed 
with the words: “We are weary. of our own ways; we all have 
reason to doubt our own powers and to despair. But for that 
very reason we are called afresh to proclaim the great deeds of 
God and to make the Christian message heard and seen in the 
world.” | 

Miss Sarah Chakko said that the biggest function of those who 
bear Christian witness in India is to bring home to the people 
the uniqueness of Christ. India asks two questions: In what 
way has-the Christian message recreated society? What differ- 
ence does the Holy Spirit make in the daily life of a Christian? 
Until the people of India can see a Church of which they can 
say: “‘ Behold how these Christians love each other and all men,” © 
and until they see in those who bear the name of Christ the new 
life that is God’s gift to us, people will come to God not because 
of us, but in spite of us. 

We need therefore a United Church which will bear a 
common witness to the redemptive power of the Gospel in the 
life of society and of the individual. And we need help for this 
Church which should cut across denominational and national 
barriers. It should be the enterprise of the Church of God in 
this world—not only for oriental nations, but for the whole 
world which stands to-day in tragic need. 

| M 


The speakers at the second public meeting on the Christian 
Witness in the social and national order were Professor Emil 
Brunner of Switzerland, Professor Reinhold Niebuhr of the 
U.S.A., the Rt. Hon. Ernest Brown of the Baptist Union of 
Britain, and the Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Greece. 

“The depersonalisation of man in the present-day society is 
something which has the most immediate bearing on the task 
of the Church,” declared Dr. Emil Brunner. He placed the 
blame for this process of depersonalisation upon “ individual- 
istic liberalism known in the sphere of economics as capitalism, 
and deterministic collectivism which we usually call totalitarian 
Communism”. Professor Brunner regarded both as destructive 
of personality as well as of community, and he pointed to a third 
way: the creation of a “brotherly community”, a community 
in which every individual is valued as a person, and in which 
mutual personal encounter takes place continually. This, he 
maintained, is the duty of the Church. / Brotherly community 
is the very essence of the Church. “In order to create such 
Church community, it is not enough to preach; and without 
such community life even the sacraments remain unintelligible. 
. . . Even the best preaching seems untrustworthy and remains 
inefficient if it is not accompanied by serious exertions to create 
real centres and cells of communal life. . . . A church which 
does show the world what personal community is, is the great 
miracle in the world which does not cease to make man ask for 
its “secret ’.” 

“In the day of judgment and catastrophe, the Christian 
Gospel has a message of hope for those who truly repent,” Pro- 
fessor Niebuhr said. “A new life is possible for those who die 
to the old self, whether nations or individuals. . . . The new 
life which we require collectively in our own age is a community 
wide enough to make the world-wide interdependence of nations 
in a technical age sufferable; and a justice carefully enough 
balanced to make the dynamic forces of a technical society yield 
a tolerable justice rather than an alteration of intolerable 
anarchy and intolerable tyranny. ‘To accomplish this purpose 
some of our own preconceptions must go and the same law of 
love which is no simple possibility for man or society must be 
enthroned as yet the final standard of every institution, structure 
and system of justice.’ Dr. Niebuhr stressed the need of win- 
ning “ proximate victories” in the world. “The final victory 


over man’s disorder is God’s and not ours; but we do have re- 
sponsibility for the health of our communities, our nations and 
our cultures. 

“ However small the saving remnant which God requires for 
the reconstruction of our communities, it was not forthcoming 
in Sodom and Gomorrah. One has the uneasy feeling that we 
are in that position. There is so little health in the whole of 

our modern civilisation that one cannot find the island of order 

from which to proceed against disorder. Our choices have be- 

come terribly circumscribed. Must we finally choose between 
atomic annihilation or subjection to universal tyranny? How- 
ever, God does not desire men’s perdition but rather that they 
turn from their evil ways and live. From us He demands that 
we work while it is day, since the night cometh when no man 
can work.” 

Mr. ‘Brown, speaking from a layman’s point of view, con- 
tinued to develop the need for Christian individual participa- 
tion on a community level. “Christians,” he said, “will best 
Make their witness in the world that passes if their fellows in 
the multitude see that they do their duty, whether it calls for 
dirty hands or clean, with competence, faithfulness, cheerful- 
‘hess and with all their might. ” He emphasised the fact that 
young Christians, serving in all phases of secular life, will have 
to pay a great price in order to maintain their Christian prin- 
Piples and practice in an evil world. Yet, he said, “this is 
necessary to spread virtue and to spread truth”. Mr. Brown 
concluded on a note of concern for the great mass of people 
‘outside the Church. “A new concern for the man outside the 
Church is now moving within the Church. We must make it 
‘effective in the social and national life. We must be concerned 
s his destiny. He is more than a sheep; he is a living soul. 
‘For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was 
Jost’. ie 

‘The Metropolitan Chrysostomos called for prophets, like 
Paul, who through the power of their Christian lives will “have 
a redeeming influence on society”. While the mission of the 
hurch in the world is primarily spiritual, its purpose also is ‘‘ to 
unite man with God through Jesus Christ and to sanctify 
cultural, social and national life so that all may be turned to- 
wards God. Religion is not a special sphere of human life, nor 
a standard of values which exists side by side with other values 


of civilisation. It concerns the whole of human life and touches 
the very roots of our nature and our existence.’ 

The social problem, he maintained, is also a religious prob- 
lem. This is why it is now so dynamic. “‘It is the duty of the 
Christian Church to remind people forcibly that it exists to 
deliver man from pain, evil and self-interest. It is only in the — 
Church that Christians will find the weapons required to face 
social reality. And all who suffer, to-day, who sigh for justice 
aud truth, will be able to discover in the Christian faith the 
very principles of the solutions they desire. It is on these prin- 
ciples alone that it will be possible to construct an ideal society, 
guided by love and brotherhood.” Making it plain that the 
Church should remain above present social and economic. 
systems, being free to judge them all, it should lend its support 
to all that is inspired by the Christian spirit, and “condemn 
courageously all social and political methods which stifle man’s 
essential liberties and prevent his free development in accord- 
ance with the Christian message ”’ 

The speakers at the third public meeting on Christian Wit- 
ness in the international order were Pastor C. K. Dovlo of the 
Gold Coast, Mrs. Douglas Horton of the U.S.A., and Bestel 
Eiwind Berggrav of Norway. 

Pastor Dovlo spoke of the uniqueness of each person and chal 
uniqueness of each nation. Paradoxically, human society does 
not appreciate the variety of races, colours, tongues and nations. 
There are still so-called Christians in this twentieth century of 
our Lord who think that the mere colour of the skin is a definite 
and permanent sign of inferiority or superiority. This is a com- 
plete denial of the teachings of the New Testament. 

‘What then is the Christian witness in a situation like this? 
It is the Christian’s immovable faith in the possibilities of all 
races and the power of God to use them. Our Lord Jesus Christ 
Himself was the greatest pioneer and author of this faith in 
humanity and God, in that He founded His Church upon dis- 
ciples whom He chose from different walks of life; upon fisher- 
men, upon tax-collectors, upon lawyers, or upon others of 
diverse interests, both men and women. He knows that the 
sinner can be restored, even if it means a horrible death upon | 
the Cross. There is no particular human being who is beyond 
the saving power of Christ, not even the chief of sinners 


(Paul, the murderer), nor you and me. We must, therefore, 
never despair of any individual or race or colour or nation. 
Christ never does. f . 

“It is the same witness of Christian faith that we need so 
much to-day in all our international affairs: faith in the younger 
Churches with all their failures and disappointments, faith in 
the so-called backward races of the world, faith in the ageressive 
nations, yea, faith in all humanity, that, like David, we can 
overcome the Goliaths of evil and sin in the power of God.” 

Mrs. Douglas Horton spoke as a representative of an educa- 
tional institution which is deeply concerned with international 
disorder and with the disorder of society. 

“One tragedy of contemporary America is that its vast 
resource of practical idealism is not channelled to create effec- 
tive power. Educators introduce young people by the million to 
the factual materials for an understanding of modern man’s basic 
problems, they train the minds of young scholars to solve prob- 
lems, they motivate students to put their talents at the disposal of 
society. And then they have to watch the resulting potentiality 
for service peter out into ineffectiveness, not total ineffectiveness 
of course, but accomplishment far less than might have been 
expected. modern American practice to divorce moral law 
from any consideration of its origin and to rely upon so-called 
self-evident ideals as a motivation for conduct. I believe this to 
be a major cause for the impotence of much of our idealism. 

“ A secularised Christendom is permeated with vast resources 
of idealism which could change the destiny of nations if it were 
implemented, set into constructive action with dynamic power. 
Without that dynamic power geared to everlasting values, the 
very idealism may be more weakness than strength to a dis- 
ordered world. It is for this reason that the secular institutions 
need to be supplemented by a virile church, alert to its unique 
mission to keep man conscious of his relation to the loving, judg- 
ing, living God. 

‘‘ Whatever else the Church can do and be, it will fail a needy 
world unless it keeps vivid before men the awareness of the God 
whom Christ has revealed. In doing that it performs its unique 
service and makes its unique contribution to the solution of the 
problems of the international disorder and the disorder of society 
in general. 

“On behalf of a vast array of secular institutions dedicated to 


good works, I therefore say with the enquirers of old to every 
churchman among you. ‘Sir, we would see Jesus ’.” 

Bishop Berggrav developed four Christian affirmations: There 
is a living God. The living God has proclaimed His Will. ‘There 
isafoe. ‘There is a victory. 

There is a living God. When God is left out, nature becomes 
master. If the only stronghold of human rights is that they have 
been endowed by nature, then the human rights are at the mercy 
of human instincts. 

The living God has proclaimed His Will. God is law and 
love in one. No real peace is possible without the respect of a 
ruler above man. Only he who obeys the Master of life can 
create peace. God's writing is on the wall of the buildings at 
Lake Success to-day: The axe is laid unto the root of the tree— 
repent and bow before the majestic law of your Creator. But 
law and love cannot be separated. Law demands sacrifice. ‘There 
will have to be sacrificed parts of national sovereignty, of instinc- 
tive emotions. 

There is a foe. One of his best hunting-grounds is the inter- ~ 
national arena. This enemy hates unity. He loves to divide. — 
He loves it if an iron curtain is lowered between Christian 
Churches. He is to-day gaining bridgeheads in all political 
camps. Where the means of the devil are used, there is the foe. 

There is a Victory. The contrary of victory is not defeat but 
vacuum, emptiness. When God speaks, there is no longer a 
vacuum. God has spoken. There can be no de-Christianised 
world, because even if God is never mentioned, the affair is 
His. He has declared His solidarity with men at their lowest. 

Solidarity is the principle of God for men to live together. 
One or two states unduly dominating others is contrary to 
solidarity. The future of international order depends on how , 
far mutuality becomes organised in the world. God’s order is 
realised by the recognition of mutual respect, mutual rights and 
mutual responsibilities. This is the solidarity which fills the — 
vacuum, revealing the coming victory. 




by Philip Potter (West Indies) 

E, the Youth Delegation, welcome warmly this oppor- 
| tunity of expressing our deep gratitude for the privilege 
given us of taking an active part in the First Assembly 
of the World Council of Churches. We represent many thou- 
sands of young people who are seeking in loyalty to Christ to 
serve the Church in the world, and who, during the last year or 
two, have been giving much prayer and thought to the Assembly. 
Indeed, we can claim to be a really representative group. There 
are a hundred of us who come from forty-eight different countries 
and who belong to a very wide variety of confessions. Further 
there is a fair balance of sexes and callings among us which 
indicates more nearly the actual situation in the churches from 
Which we come. We have lived and eaten together in the same 
place during these days and have realised the depth of our 
fellowship in Christ and with each other. | 

The Youth Delegation has been in session since August goth, 

_and has spent much time, under the guidance of our chairmen 
and secretaries, in discussing the place of the Youth Department 
within the World Council of Churches. But, in the main, the 
work of the Assembly has engaged our keen attention. 

One of our first acts, on assembling together, was to read 
again the story of the first Pentecost. There, we were reminded 
of the prophecy of Joel: “In the last days, saith the Lord, I 
‘shall pour forth my Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters 
shall prophesy; your young men shall see visions and your old 
men dream dreams.” In these words we read the promise of 
God to us all even as we waited upon Him in prayer and listened 
to His challenge to proclaim salvation to mankind. God has 
called us to another Pentecost here, not as spectacular perhaps 


as the first outpouring of His Spirit, but no less real and power- 
ful. We young people have, throughout this Assembly, been 
waiting upon God and have not ceased to make intercession on 
your behalf that God may use both you and us in His great de- 
sign for His Church in His world. 

We want, therefore, to assure you that even though we have. 
been aware of the rather considerable difference in years and 
experience between you, the fathers, and ourselves, we have 
nevertheless felt our oneness with you in the same Lord and 
in the same task. Your dreams and our visions find their source 
and centre in the one Holy Spirit who unites us in our diversities 
and who gives to us that humble love and obedience, which was 
the very character of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour. 

But besides the refreshing experience of living with each 
other, we have found a new vision of thought and understand- 
ing. Like you, we have had some sessions on the main theme 
of the Assembly, ‘“‘ Man’s Disorder and God’s Design”. During 
the last few months the Study Department has furnished us, not 
only with the preparatory volumes, but also with summaries of 
these volumes and brief statements on the four principal sub- 
jects—for all of which we are very thankful. Certain significant 
emphases emerged from our discussions. 

_ Throughout we kept before our minds the centrality of God's 
Design, already mightily accomplished in Jesus Christ and 
appropriated by faith in Him and through the fellowship of the 
Holy Spirit. So that, although we were brought face to face 
with the grim disorder of mankind and the immense difficulty 
of making Christ known to men and accepted by them, we were 
all the time aware that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God 
the Father. Just because, too, Jesus Christ was the centre of 
our thought, we were able to hear His insistent call to be His 
witnesses in all the world. This sense of assurance in the ulti- 
mate victory of God’s purposes and of urgency to make them 
known by life and witness, took far away from us the prevailing 
despair and apathy of men, whose faith is dim or who are with- 
out Christ. / 

But along with the emphasis on Jesus Christ as Lord and 
Saviour went our conviction that the Church, which is the 
agent of His redemptive purpose in the world, was in very 
urgent need of renewal both in life and thought. We cannot 
express too strongly how pained we are by the divisions of the | 


churches. At every point in our discussions, whether on the 
Universal Church, the Church’s Witness to God’s Design, the 
Church and the Disorder of Society or International Affairs, we 
were brought up against the inability of the churches to be clear 
and authoritative in these matters because of their disunity on 
the basic issue of the nature of the Church. This was par- 
ticularly so because we have, in these days, realised together 
as never before our oneness in Christ. The involvement of the 

churches in the disorder of society has come to us with a more 

sharpened sense of penitence than hitherto. We are convinced 
that the time has come when the churches must speak to each 
other in love of the stumbling-blocks which mar our fellowship 
and which drive men and women, and especially youth, away 
from us. 

We are also concerned about the general lack of biblical 
preaching and teaching in the churches. There was never a 
time when people were in greater need of God’s Word than now, 
and yet to-day few people read, let alone listen to God’s message. 
Nothing but a rediscovery of the biblical view of life will enable 
a disordered world to learn and follow God’s Design. 

However, we are sure that men cannot be persuaded to obey 
God’s will unless they see in the churches that that will is for 

them in their condition and is being gloriously worked out there. 

The churches must be the centre of the living community of 
persons. This imperative task involves the continued loving 
witness of Christians in their daily work and intercourse with 
people. It is here that we young people feel that our vocation 
lies, and we urge the churches to a far more determined effort 
to encourage every Christian man and woman to pursue his and 
her evangelistic task. 

We feel strongly that the way to find new means of coming 
together as churches is not only through Faith and Order con. 
versations, but most emphatically through corporate evangelistic 

endeavours. We need, not so much ecumenical understanding 

as ecumenical obedience. It is not without significance that 
when some of our Lord’s disciples would argue about their place 

in the Kingdom, He said, ‘‘ The Son of man has not come to be 
“Ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom 

for many.’ As we, too, give ourselves utterly to the impelling 
task of proclaiming the Saviour to men, we shall be drawn to- 
gether by a new unity which will not be of our making, but the 


gift of our pardoning God. In this respect, as in others, we fear 
that the Assembly has laid too little stress on the constructive 
experiences of what are called the “ Younger Churches”, and 
we hope that in any future Assembly both the representation 
and contribution of these churches will be larger and more 
effectively recognised. 

We gave particular attention to the plight of youth in the 
present disorder of the world. We were forced to lay far more 
emphasis than the Assembly Commissions thought fit on the 
breakdown of family life. For we believe that the family is the 
first training ground in mutual responsibility and understand- 
ing, and for the transcendant values of life. Anyhow, the com- 
munists in Russia are at present recognising the primary place 
of proper family life for the stability of the classless society. A 
generation of youth is growing up to-day with a scanty sense of — 
loyalty and responsibility. Moreover, we are persuaded that the 
present educational method with its preoccupation with ob- 
jective research and efficiency has failed to teach standards of 
values and to encourage responsible thought.. ‘The group which 
discussed “The Church’s Witness to God’s Design” was very 
deeply concerned that the evangelisation of youth was being 
made extremely difficult because the spiritual demands of life 
are treated as merely optional. The churches must display even 
greater vigilance and seek the co-operation of all Christian pro- 
fessors and teachers in this matter. We note, in this connection, 
the excellent work being done by the World’s Student Christian 

There can be no doubt that the task of the churches in the 
evangelisation of the young people of this generation is an im- 
mense one. We are sure, therefore, that it cannot be attempted 
by the senior members of the churches without the young 
people, or vice versa. The times demand a forward movement 
of the whole Church, knowing that the vanguard of the attack 
must be Christian youth, who, at any rate, are in closest contact 
with other young people. The vanguard indeed, for we know 
that behind us are the prayers and guidance of our elders. 

When the constitution of the Youth Department was in pro- 
cess of debate here someone stated that youth could be the 
explosive element in the Church. Very true. But we are re- 
minded of the words of a sage Bishop who, when called a “‘ back 
number ”’, retorted, “ Yes, lama back number. But, remember, 


‘ you take back numbers to light the fire.” In the wintry cold | 
_of the present day unfaith, the Pentecostal fire for which the 
Church is expectant can only come when we actively recognise 
_ each other as fellow-witnesses in God’s design. 
| What, then, is the place of youth in the ecumenical move- 
/ment? Of course, we have already taken an active part in the 
“movement in one form or another, whether in the W.S.CF., 
Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. or other inter-denominational societies. 
| The contribution of such leaders as Dr. John R. Mott and Dr. 
Visser ’t Hooft in the formation of this Council is well known, 
and we are humbly proud to be inheritors of such a crusading 
tradition. It is this same spirit of crusade that we are endeavour- 
‘ing to bring to the ecumenical movement. Many of us were 
delegates to the Second World Conference of Christian Youth 
at Oslo last year. Some of us have been among the more than 
three hundred young people from many lands who have been in 
the first eight work camps to be organised by the World Council 
of Churches through the Youth Department. We value very 
highly this vital experience of living and working with so many 
others in common projects of service in distressed areas of various 
countries, and are making plans for more widespread work of 
this kind in the coming years. 
_ We are looking forward to planning and holding national, 
regional and local conferences at which we can convey the 
Teality and the challenge of the Universal Church to ordinary 
young people in the churches and in other Christian organisa- 
tions. Then already, we are beginning to organise, along with 
the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., W.S.C.F., and others, the Third World 
Conference of Christian Youth in 1952 somewhere, perhaps, in 
Asia. We sincerely hope that every facility will be afforded the 
Youth Department to help young Christians throughout the 
world to a clearer and more moving understanding of the World 
Church. In this respect, we cannot resist the hope that at the 
next Assembly not only will there be a larger representation of 
laymen and laywomen, but that young people will be included 
as delegates as well as guests. | 

But, in the end, we are brought back to the fact that Pentecost 
Was not only a'time of vision. It also brought power to those 
who had seen God’s design. Power—its nature, its use, its mani- 
festation in peace and war—has forced itself upon our thoughts 
during these days. And if we realised our own impotence, we 


knew also in penitence that this was caused by our imperfect 
obedience to the will of God. With you, therefore, we resolve 
to go forth from here with the vision of the compelling and con- 
suming task before us, and yet with the firm assurance that our 
sufficiency is of God. 


Note: the following reports were received by the full meeting of 
the Youth Delegation and circulated to the Assembly for informa- 
tion. In reading these reports it must be remembered that the Youth 
Delegation had only four sessions for their discussions. 




This Report does not attempt to be exhaustive or adequate in iis 
treatment of this subject, but reflects the concerns of young people 
on particular aspects of it. 

1. Concerning the Nature of the Church 

(a) Among many considerations involving the nature of the 
Church the group gave priority to the question of the relation 
between Christ and the Church. ‘The Church attains its true nature 
only in so far as it is in true relation with Christ as its Head. 

The discussions were chiefly concerned with the question of 
whether a definition of the Church should begin with a considera- 
tion from the point of view of Faith and Order or of Life and Work; 
and the question of whether authority in the life of the Church was 
centred in Holy Scriptures or in the Church itself. The group con- 
stantly returned in its discussion to the importance of the centrality 
of Christ in any consideration of the nature of the Church. 

(b) The question of inter-Communion was presented as a burning 
problem for many young Christians, although in a few countries 
this is not yet a live issue. ‘The group did not feel qualified to discuss 
the theological implications of this problem, but urged the Assembly 
realistically to face up to these implications. Young people want 
the meaning of the Holy Communion clarified and see this as an 
urgent need in relation to the problem of inter-Communion. 

(c) It was agreed that the World Council of Churches should pro- 
ceed from expositions of confessional positions and a simple state- 


ment of agreement to a larger doctrinal agreement as the basis for 
further co-operation among the churches. 

2. The Church as We Know It 

(a) The unity of the Church comes only after the renewal of the 
Church and renewal comes when the centrality of Christ is affirmed 
in all its implications. 

The following points should be borne in mind in this connection: 

(1) The idea of the Una Sancta should be kept before the mem- 
bers of the individual churches through regional conferences, 
by bringing old and young churches into closer fellowship 
directly; through programmes of Bible study on a world basis; 
through corporate prayer at a special time during the year and 
through setting up national conference centres like the 
Ecumenical Institute at Bossey. It was especially recom- 
mended that the development of small group meetings be 
encouraged as an opportunity for nurturing the Christian 
life, and as a means of evangelisation. 

(ii) The group affirmed the necessity for a renewal in theology, 
especially by the churches learning from each other and 
acknowledging that no theology is infallible. 

(0) The following failures of the churches should be recognised 
and remedied: 

(1) failure to understand people and failure to fit our approach 
to people rather than to try to fit people to our approach; 
failure really to convert and change people; 
failure at the point of clarification of the Gospel, especially 
in effective preaching; 
failure of the churches to put their own house in Christian 
order in administration and practical affairs; 
failure to stress the training of the laity so that they may 
witness more effectively. 

(ii) The group decried the cleavage between clergy and laity, 

often caused by the attitude of the clergy in their forgetting 
that the Church is not the clergy but the clergy and the laity. 

(ili) ‘The group felt a real need for the Church to be more con- 
cerned with the less privileged classes of society. 

(c) The group affirmed the basic principle that the Church must 
not identify social systems with the Gospel, nor accommodate the 
Gospel to social systems, but must preach the full Gospel which 
transcends nationality and race. 

For Younger Churches the Gospel must transcend the viewpoints 
of traditional confessions which have no meaning for them in their 
environment. For example, it was stated that the churches in India 
would prefer being known as the Church of India rather than 
churches of this or that particular confession. 


The group felt keenly the paradoxes and the tensions existing in 
the Church’s relationship to the world and stressed finally the im- 
portance of our basic allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord. 


The Gospel is the good news of God’s saving activity in Jesus Christ. 
Through Him, God wills to achieve His purpose of community, 
in which men and women, redeemed from sin and broken 
relationships, are restored to fellowship with God, and with each 
other, on the basis of the divine forgiveness offered to men on the 
Cross. | | 

The authority and obligation of the Church to preach the Gospel 
derives from Jesus Christ Himself. It is in the claim He makes as 
Incarnate Lord and in obedience to His command, that the Christian 
community finds itself committed by its very constitution to the task 
of evangelism. 

In its effort to fulfil its mission in the contemporary world, we 
believe that the Christian community is called to repentance in the 
following specific issues, namely: 

(a) Its failure to realise adequately its responsibility for the 
evangelisation of the world. 

(b) Its failure to witness unambiguously to the fact that all men 
of all races and colour are equal in Jesus Christ. 

(c) Its failure to justify its claim to the right proclaiming of the 
Gospel to all men because of its identification with and its 
control by certain classes and age-groups in society. 

(d) Its tendency to allow the Gospel to be exploited for political 
purposes, or to further western interests. 

In order to ensure a sympathetic hearing, the Church must seek 
to identify itself with, and to take a vital interest in, the whole life 
and environment of the people to whom it proclaims the Gospel 
message. Among other things, this would involve: | 

1. A study of the Christian Faith. 

g. A study of non-Christian religions. 

3. A study of the presuppositions of contemporary social, political 
and economic systems (communism, capitalism, nationalism, 
etc.), especially those which have now a semi-religious, and 
hence idolatrous, manifestation. 7 

4. An attempt to express the eternal truths of the Gospel in 

language relevant and meaningful to the hearer. 

The task of evangelism in each area is the rightful responsibility 


of each worshipping congregation. In order that. this responsibility 
be more effectively discharged the following factors are suggested 
for consideration: 

1. A radical re-orientation of congregational life, in order that it 
becomes an effective agent in evangelism. 

3. The need for a vital spirit of fellowship and love within the 
congregation, and extended to all within its reach. 

3- The use of the family as a cell for evangelism and the offer of 
friendship and hospitality by individual Christian families to 
young workers and strangers. 

4. The use of laymen and women as bearers of the Evangel 
especially into the places where they work. 

The value and importance of Christian influence and the need for 
active work among youth should be stressed. In this connection it 
is suggested: 

1. That serious attention be paid to the problem of Christian 
education and the need for teachers of genuine Christian con- 

Bio bhat.a fair percentage of the trained leaders of the Church, 
including ministers, be released for work among the young 

An urgent problem confronting the Church is that of taking the 
Gospel to workers in industrial and business centres. One way of 
achieving this end is for young Christians to join the ranks of 
industrial workers, so that they may work among them from within. 
This calls for special qualifications, training, and perhaps sacrifice, 
but it is clearly one of the most vital challenges of to-day. The 
valuable services rendered in this connection by associations such as 
the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. is recognised. These associations should 
be used by the Christian community in the service of evangelism, par- 
ticularly in those non-Christian lands, where other means of com- 
Munication may be difficult to establish. 

As regards the problem of evangelisation in general, it was sug- 
gested that the possibilities be’ increasingly explored of using the 
radio, press and films as providing valuable avenues through which 
the Gospel message may be spread. Special mention was made of the 
need for good Christian drama, and literature in the form of novels 
and light articles in the papers and popular magazines. In this con- 
nection, prime importance should be given to the task of providing 

eople with suitable literature in those areas, where, in recent years, 
iteracy campaigns have been undertaken. 

To a world of men and women, perplexed and frustrated, with fear 
in their hearts, the Church is summoned, perhaps more clearly than 
ever before, to proclaim by deed and word a message of hope and 
peace made available by the love of God in Christ Jesus. 




The group was rather bewildered by the magnitude of the subject 
for discussion in just four hurried sessions, and therefore concen- 

trated its attention more particularly on the place of youth in God's 
design and the disorder of society. | 

1. Disorder of Societ 

We believe that the disorder of society is primarily the disorder of 
man. However, most members of the group agreed that the new fact 
of the present time is not only man’s rebellion against God, but the 
merely physical fact of the too vast advances of technics with which 
man cannot cope. | 

The effects of this disorder are plainly visible around us; but, in 
regard to youth, we particularly feel that the family, as the training 
ground for youth in mutual responsibility and understanding and 
for the spiritual values of life, has largely broken down in western 
society. In places like India and West Africa, education of youth 
away from their home environment and in alien modes, has the effect 
of causing cleavage in family and communal life. rh 

Further, we feel that modern education, with its emphasis on 
objective research and the utilitarian training for a job, has failed 
to give standards of values and to encourage responsibility. ‘This 
failure has the effect of increasing the casualness of youth about 
moral issues. 

2. The Failure of the Church 

It is clear to us that the Church is involved in this disorder to an 
extent not often realised by the Christian community itself. We, as 
members of the Church, know that we are guilty of passing judg- 
ments on social and economic systems without understanding the 
nature of the changes that are rapidly taking place. We have not 
made our message relevant to those who are influenced by “ scientific 
humanism” and other ideologies, and to those who are caught in 
the work-a-day industrial world. | 

Specifically, the Church has often identified itself with parties and 
systems, or has acquiesced in un-Christian attitudes, such as racial 
segregation or discrimination and in class distinctions, etc. Some 
of the group felt that, by lending support to international warfare, 
some, at least, of the churches have involved themselves deeply in the 
disorder of society. : } 

The group feel strongly that young people, with their distinctive 
needs, do not find a satisfactory answer in the Church, either in its 
preaching and teaching, or in its fellowship. 

3. The Task of the Church 
We are agreed that the urgent need of to-day is the recovery of 

personal living, and that the source of such life is in our relationship 
to Jesus Christ, both individually and corporately. 
_ First, worship and preaching must have more direct relationship 
with the common life of men and women. Only in that way can 
young people find in worship a clearer view of the true ends of life, 
_and the fount of constant renewal and power for facing joyously their 
tasks in the world. ‘The group especially stressed in this connection 
the need for recovering a sense of joy and certainty in the victory 
already accomplished in Christ Jesus. That is the only answer to 
the prevailing despair. 

Secondly, the Church as a worshipping body, is the community 
of people who have found oneness in Jesus Christ. We strongly 
affirm our conviction that the Body of Christ cannot be divided 
by racial, class and other discriminations, and that any church or 
Christian group which upholds them in the name of Christ, is 
denying the very meaning of the Christian Faith. It is all-important 
also that members of the Church show forth their life in Christ by 
right relations one with another. 

We are reminded, from the Orthodox point of view, that full 
community is not possible while there are divisions within the 
Church, and the consequent inability to share with each other in 
the Lord’s Supper, which is the central act of the Christian com- 
munity. | | 
_ Thirdly, we feel that there is an increasing necessity for a deeper 
sense of Christian Vocation—i.e. the Christian witness in the profes- 
‘sion or job to which one is called or finds oneself. We recognise, 
however, the extreme difficulty of making such a witness in very 
Monotonous jobs; but we believe that, in all circumstances, there is 

a fellowship and co-operation in love which the Christian can mani- 
fest to his fellow-worker, and a recognition of his part in the well- 
being of the whole community. 

We believe, too, that a sense of group vocation is necessary in order 
to strengthen the vocation of each individual, and that associations 
of Christian people following the old pattern of guilds are valuable. 

Fourthly, we urge the need for a Christian view of leisure. The 
tragedy to-day is that people regard these hours as opportunities 
for diversion, and spend them in mass entertainments of one form 
or another which give little scope for really personal living. We 
-believe that the constant drink habit, gambling and sexual im- 
morality have played a large part in the de-personalisation of our. 
time. Evidence was given of the development of youth clubs and 
community centres where the aim is not only entertainment, but 
the opportunity for re-creation of mind and heart in healthy cor- 

orate activities and in friendship. We recognise also the value of 
hobbies as a creative activity, especially for those whose normal work 
is uninteresting. Lastly, we would emphasise the value of quiet and 
prayer as an essential part of our leisure hours. 

Finally, we could not feel that the Church can make any simple 
pronouncement on Christians taking part in particular political and 





economic systems. But we are convinced that the Church must at 
all times present such standards of social justice and community life 
which will help men and women to make their own decisions in the 
presence of God. 


1. The Theological Basis | . 
We believe that Christ was made man to redeem the world by 
reconciling the world to God. The Church which is His body is in 
the world to proclaim the redemption of the world by Jesus Christ. 
This task is a total task touching life at every point and the Church 
has to deal with men and women, not simply as individuals but as 
individuals involved in the natural order. The sinfulness in the 
natural order is reflected in the disordered conditions under which 
man lives. Nowhere is this disorder more apparent than in the 
realm of international affairs. The Church has to proclaim that 
disorder and chaos will be inevitable until the nations learn to 
discern God’s design in the salvation which is freely offered in Jesus 
Christ. Freedom for nations as for individuals consists in seeking 
after God’s will and living in obedience to it. The Church has to 
proclaim that international problems cannot be solved, except by 
the nations acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord. ‘This is not to 
claim a Christian programme since there is no end in the. political 
order, but to state an eschatological hope. 

This lays the responsibility on the churches for international 
order. ‘The churches are involved in the natural order and reflect 
the facts of nation, race and culture in their life and organisation. 
They must, however, constantly subject the “truth” contained in 
these natural factors to the supreme Truth that is found in Jesus 
Christ. The Word of God must be proclaimed and not a “truth” 
that is national, racial or ideological. If the Church herself is unable 
clearly to discern God’s design she cannot adequately proclaim a 
message that meets the need of man in his disorder. For the 
churches to see clearly the divinely ordained design which they must 
proclaim, real acts of repentance are-called for; both on their part 
and on the part of their membership. This involves the frank con- 
fession that there are wide areas in national and international life in 
which the Church has failed to witness effectively to the sovereignty 
of her Lord and Master. ) 

2. The Need for Repentance 

This section, in looking at the task of the Commission of the 
~ Churches on International Affairs, wishes to make the following 
points: We feel that the emphasis of the material provided by the 
C.C.I.A. is directed too much to human rights and ideals and to the 
passing on of those rights to U.N.O. Unrelated ideals lead to both 
platitudes and pious aspiration and more dangerously to a disbelief 


that those ideals will ever be realised. Unrelated ideals may there- 
fore lead to pious nihilism. We feel, for instance, that the stress 
on the ideal of liberty is dangerous unless it is linked more strongly 
to justice, since liberty may be true for the West but has only been 
enjoyed by the East as poverty. In order to relate these principles 
it was felt that the work of the C.C.1.A. should be directed inwards 

towards repentance and to that end that a “dialogue” be continued 

between churches in one part of the world and churches in other 
parts of the world through the C.C.1.A. The Section feels that the 
colour and race problems have been treated too generally and that 
in all these matters more contributions could have been made by 
Asian and African church leaders. 

The Section feels that the authority of the Bible and the theo- 

logical approach is not sufficiently apparent in the study material. 

3. Areas of Repentance 

(a) The weakness of the churches is seen in the division and dis- 
unity which has vitiated so often the effectiveness of her virtues, 
especially in non-Christian lands. Her own divided condition makes 
it difficult for her to witness to the significance of the unity that is 
found in Jesus Christ. If the Church does not demonstrate the fruits, 
of unity she finds it difficult to preach a call to co-operation to the 

(b) In many places the churches have been unconscious of their 
involvement in social and economic injustices with the result that 
they have been viewed with suspicion as the weapons in the hands 
of an economic class or an imperialist power. At other times the 
churches have not been careful enough in distinguishing between 
the things that are Caesar’s and the things that are God’s by com- 
promising with the unjust political and ideological necessities of 
the State. In some countries the voice of the Church has been some- 
times so identified with the voice of the nation that the truth of the 

Gospel has been denied. | 

(c) The churches have accepted too easily the inevitability of war 

_ by talking in general terms about sin and judgment instead of going 
on to reveal how sin breaks out in the political, economic and social 

factors leading to war. 
(d) In the body of Christ, where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, 

bond nor free, there exists the corruption of racial discrimination 

dividing the Christian family and creating doubts as to the sincerity 
of the claims of the Church to universality. 

4. Personal Responsibility 

While it is all too easy to enumerate our failures, there can be 
neither true worship nor repentance until the concerns studied by 
the C.C.I.A. are taken up by each member as a personal responsibility 
within his own nation. The unity of theory and practice must be 
reflected in the endeavour of the World Council of Churches to 
present these issues as a personal concern to the membership of the 
churches. We stress that it is not looking outwards to judge the 


world only but that these problems are present within the Church 
and that its membership must accept action in realms of political and 
social responsibility. 

5. A Return to the Bible 

Our approach to international affairs must be based on a return 
to the authority of the Bible and, it must be emphasised, this ought 
to be true not only for the international commission but for each 
member of the churches. 

Thus, a core of international problems is the contradiction 
between the biblical concept of the nation and the concept which 
the modern nation holds about itself. According to the Bible the 
nation fulfils its function only when it is obedient to God and accepts 
His moral law and authority. The national modern state, however, 
is a law unto itself acknowledging no authority outside itself. Chris- 
tians need to be made more aware of the tension created between 
the moral claims of a sovereign God and the political claims of a 
sovereign state. Thus, they must be prepared to criticise those claims 
of the state to be the absolute guardian of law, the sole defender 
of freedom, the final dispenser of justice and the only institution 
justified in the use of power, both nationally and internationally. 
Through frank ecumenical discussions the Christian should be 
helped to distinguish between the claims of his nation which can 
be considered as just and those claims which conflict with the 
sovereignty of God. ; 

These unjustifiable claims of the state prevent the establishment 
of just relations between nations. The claim to self-sufficiency made 
by the state contradicts the fact of inter-dependence brought about 
in a technical civilisation. ‘The result is that the relations between 
the nations are based on the anarchical and cynical use of power 
unregulated by international law. Whilst power is essential to the 
life of nations, Christians must proclaim its corrupting influence 
when it is not controlled. ‘The C.C.1.A. should be supported in 
its attempt to evaluate a law for regulating international power- 
anarchy. | 

In the course of the discussions it was felt that the following 
problems should be stressed in the Study Commission and appro- 
priate “dialogues” instituted: 


(i) The problem of the world-wide struggle between liberalism 
and communism (although full agreement was not reached 
on the term liberalism it was felt that the term expressed 
the essence of the various elements opposed to communism). 

(ii) ‘The colonial problem. — 

(iii) ‘Che rights of minorities. 
(iv) The problem of racial theory and colour discrimination. 
(v) Atomic power. ny 
(vi) Human rights. ; 
(vii) The question whether the Church as such can directly inter- 
vene in political affairs. : 



As amended and. finally adopted by the 
Assembly, August 30th, 1948, in Amsterdam. 


HE World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches 
which accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour. 
It is constituted for the discharge of the functions set out | 
_ below. * 

Those churches shall be eligible for membership in the World 
Council of Churches which express their agreement with the 
basis upon which the Council is founded and satisfy such criteria 
as the Assembly or the Central Committee may prescribe. 
Election to membership shall be by a two-thirds vote of the 
member churches represented at the Assembly, each member 
church having one vote. Any application for membership be- 
tween meetings of the Assembly may be considered by the 

Central Committee; if the application is supported by a two- 

thirds majority of the members of the Committee present and 

voting, this action shall be communicated to the churches that 
are members of the World Council of Churches, and unless ob- 
jection is received from more than one-third of the member 
churches within six months the applicant shall be declared 


The functions of the World Council shall be: 

(i) To carry on the work of the two world movements for 
Faith and Order and for Life and Work. 
(ii) To facilitate common action by the churches. 
(iii) To promote co-operation in study. __ ) 
_ (iv) To promote the growth of ecumenical consciousness in the 
| members of all churches. 


(v) ‘To establish relations with denominational federations of 
_ world-wide scope and with other ecumenical movements. 
(vi) To call world conferences on specific subjects as occasion 

may require, such conferences being empowered to pub- 
lish their own findings. 
(vii) To support the churches in their task of evangelism. 

In matters of common interest to all the churches and per- 
taining to Faith and Order, the Council shall always proceed 
in accordance with the basis on which the Lausanne (19247) and 
Edinburgh (1937) Conferences were called and conducted. 


The World Council shall offer counsel and provide oppor- 
tunity of united action in matters of common interest. 

It may take action on behalf of constituent churches in such 
matters as one or more of them may commit to it, 

It shall have authority to call regional and sities conferences 
on specific subjects as occasion may require. 

The World Council shall not legislate for the churches; nor 
shall it act for them in any manner except as indicated above or 
as may hereafter be specified by the constitutent churches. 


The World Council shall discharge its functions through the 
following bodies: 

(i) An Assembly which shall be the principal authority in the 
Council, and shall ordinarily meet every five years. The 
Assembly shall be composed of official representatives of 
the churches or groups of churches adhering to it and 
directly appointed by them. ‘Their term of office shall 
begin in the year before the Assembly meets, and they shall 
serve until their successors are appointed. It shall consist 
of members whose number shall be determined by each 
Assembly for the subsequent Assembly, subject to the right 
of the Assembly to empower the Central Committee, if it 
thinks fit, to increase or to diminish the said number by 
not more than twenty per cent. The number shall be 
finally determined not less than two years before the meet- 
ing of the Assembly to which it refers and shall be appor- 
tioned as is provided hereafter. 

Seats in the Assembly shall be allocated to the member 



churches by the eehean Committee, due regard being 
given to such factors as numerical size, adequate confes- 
sional representation and adequate geographical distribu- 
tion. Suggestions for readjustment in the allocation of 
seats may be made to the Central Committee by member 
churches or by groups of member churches, confessional, 
regional or national, and these readjustments shall become 
effective if approved by the Central Committee after con- 
sultation with the churches concerned. 

‘The Assembly shall have power to appoint officers of the 
World Council and of the Assembly at its discretion. 

‘The members of the Assembly shall be both clerical and 
lay persons—men and women. In order to secure that 
approximately one-third of the Assembly shall consist of 
lay persons, the Central Committee, in allocating to the 
member churches their places in the Assembly, shall 
strongly urge each chur¢h, if possible, to observe this 

A Central Committee which shall be a Committee of the 
Assembly and which shall consist of the President or 
Presidents of the World Council, together with not more 
than ninety members chosen by the Assembly from among 
persons whom the churches have appointed as members of 
the Assembly. They shall serve until the next Assembly, 

_ unless the Assembly otherwise determines. Membership 

in the Central Committee shall be distributed among the 
member churches by the Assembly, due regard being given 
to such factors as numerical size, adequate confessional 
representation and adequate geographical distribution. 
Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Central 
Committee between meetings of the Assembly shall be 
filled by the Central Committee upon nomination of the 
church or churches concerned. 

The Central Committee shall have the following powers: 
(a) It shall, between meetings of the Assembly, carry out 
the Assembly’s instruction and exercise its functions, except 
that of amending the Constitution, or modifying the alloca- 
tion of its own members; (b) It shall be the finance 

“committee of the Assembly formulating its budget. and 

securing its financial support; (c) It shall name and elect its 
own Officers from among its members and appoint its own 


secretarial staff; (d) The Central Committee shall meet nor- 
mally once every calendar year, and shall have power to 
appoint its own Executive Committee. Quorum: No busi- 
ness, except what is required for carrying forward the cur- 
rent activities of the Council, shall be transacted in either 
the Assembly or the Central Committee unless one-half of 
the total membership is present. 


The World Council shall discharge part of its functions by 
the appointment of Commissions. ‘These shall be established 
under the authority of the Assembly, whether they be actually 
nominated by the Assembly or by the Central Committee acting 
under its instructions. The Commissions shall, between meet- 
ings of the Assembly, report annually to the Central Committee 
which shall exercise general supervision over them. The Com- 
missions may add to their membership clerical and lay persons 
approved for the purpose by the Central Committee. 

In particular, the Assembly shall make provision by means of 
appropriate Commissions for carrying on the activities of Faith 
and Order and of Life and Work. 

There shall be a Faith and Order Commission which shall 
conform to the requirements of the Second World Conference 
on Faith and Order, held at Edinburgh in 1937, as follows: 

(i) That the World Council’s Commission on Faith and Order 
shall, in the first instance, be the Continuation Committee 
appointed by this Conference. 

(ii) In any further appointments made by the Council to mem- 
bership of the Commission on Faith and Order, the persons 
appointed shall always be members of the churches which 
fall within the terms of the Faith and Order invitation 
as addressed to “all Christian bodies throughout the 
world which accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and 
Saviour ”’. 

(iii) The work of the Commission on Faith and Order shall 
be carried on under the general care of a Theological 
Secretariat appointed by the Commission, in consultation 
with the Council and acting in close co-operation with other 
secretariats of the Council. The Council: shall make 
adequate financial provision for the work of the Com- 
mission after consultation with the Commission. 


(iv) In matters of common interest to all the churches and 
pertaining to Faith and Order, the Council shall always 
proceed in accordance with the basis on which this Con- 
ference on Faith and Order was called and is being con- 

(v) ‘he World Council shall consist of official representatives 
of the churches participating. 

(vi) Any Council formed before the first meeting of the Central 
Assembly shall be called Provisional, and the Assembly, 
representing all the churches, shall have complete freedom 
to determine the constitution of the Central Council. 


(i) Such World Confessional Associations and such Ecumenical 
Organisations as may be designated by the Central Com- 
mittee may be invited to send representatives to the 
sessions of the Assembly and of the Central Committee in 
a consultative capacity, in such numbers as the Central 
‘Committee shall determine. 

(ii) Such constituent bodies of the International Missionary 
Council and such nation-wide councils of churches as may 
be designated by the Central Committee may be invited to 

~ send representatives to the sessions of the Assembly and 
of the Central Committee in a consultative capacity, in 
such numbers as the Central Committee shall determine. 


_ The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority 
vote of the Assembly, provided that the proposed amendment 
shall have been reviewed by the Central Committee, and notice 
of it sent to the constituent churches not less than six months 
before the meeting of the Assembly. The Central Committee 
itself, as well as the individual churches, shall have the right to 
propose such amendment. 


The Assembly or the Central Committee may make and 
amend Rules and Regulations concerning the conduct of the 
Council’s business, of its Committees and Departments, and 
generally all matters within the discharge of its task. | 


following rules which are to be interpreted in the light of 

TT World Council of Churches shall be governed by the 
its Constitution: 


. \ 

Members of the Council are those churches which have agreed 
together to constitute the World Council of Churches and those 
’ churches which are admitted to membership in accordance with 
the following rules: 

1. Churches which desire to become members of the World 
Council of Churches shall apply to the General Secretary in 
writing. Under the word churches are included such denomina- 
tions as are composed of local autonomous churches. 

g. The General Secretary shall submit such applications to 
the Central Committee (see Article II of the Constitution) to- 
gether with such information as will be sufficient to enable the 
Assembly or the Central Committee to make a decision on the 

3. The following criteria, among others, shall be applied, in 
addition to the primary requirement of the Constitution that 
churches eligible for consideration for membership shall be 
those “ which express their agreement with the basis upon which 
the Council j is formed”’ 

(a) Autonomy. A church which is to be admitted must give 
evidence of autonomy. An autonomous church is one 
which, while recognising the essential interdependence of 
the churches, particularly those of the same confession, 1s 
responsible to no other church for the conduct of its own | 
life, including the training, ordination and maintenance 
of its ministry, the enlisting, development and activity of 
the lay forces, the ach het of the Christian message, 


the determination of relationship with other churches 
and the use of funds at its disposal from whatever 

(b) Stability. A church should not be admitted unless it has 
given sufficient evidence of stability in life and organisa- 
tion to become recognised as a church by its sister churches, 
and should have an established programme of Christian 

_ nurture and evangelism. 

(c) Size. The question of size must also be taken into con- 

(d) Relationship with other churches. Regard must also be 
given to the relationship of the church to other churches. 

4. Before churches which are recognised as full members of 
one of the confessional or denominational world alliances with 
which the Council co-operates are admitted, the advice of these 
world alliances shall be sought. 

5. A church which desires to resign its membership in the 
Council can do so at any time. A church which has once re- 
signed, but desires again to join the Council, must again apply 
for membership. 


1. Officers and Business Committee. 

(a) At the first business session of the Assembly the Executive 
Committee shall present its proposals for the chairmanship 
of the Assembly and for the membership of the Business 
Committee of the Assembly. 

(b) Additional names may also be proposed at the first or 
second business session by any group of six members of 

: the Assembly. Such proposals must be made in writing. 

(c) Election shall be by ballot unless the Assembly shall other- 

wise determine. 

2. Composition of the Assembly. 

(a) Members. Full membership of the Assembly is confined 
to delegates appointed by the constituent churches to 
represent them. 

(b) Alternates. The Central Committee shall make regula- 
tions for the appointment of alternates and for their duties 
and functions if and when appointed. 


(c) Consultants. The Executive Committee is authorised to 
invite persons who have a special contribution to make to 
the deliberations of the Assembly or who have participated 
in the activities of the World Council. Such consultants 
will be appointed after consultation with the churches to 
which they belong. They shall be entitled to speak on the 
invitation of the chairman but not to vote. 

(d) Observers. The Executive Committee is authorised to 
invite a limited number of observers from churches which 
have not joined the World Council of Churches. Ob- 
servers will not be entitled to speak or to vote. | 

(e) Fraternal Delegates. ‘The Executive Committee is author- 
ised to invite fraternal delegates from organisations with 
which the World Council of Churches entertains relation- 
ship. ‘They shall be entitled to speak on invitation of the 
chairman but not to vote. 

(f) Youth Delegates. The Executive Committee is authorised 
to invite youth delegates who will be entitled to attend the © 
full sessions. hey shall be entitled to speak on invitation 
of the Chairman but not to vote. . 

3. Agenda. ‘The Agenda of the Assembly shall be determined 
by the Executive Committee and presented by it for approval 
to the first business session of the Assembly. Any member may 
move to have included in the Agenda such items of business as 
he may have previously notified to the Executive Committee. 



1. At an early session of the Assembly, the Assembly shall 
appoint a Nominations Committee, which shall consist of at least 
one person from each of the main confessions and one person 
from each of the main geographical areas of the membership of 
the Assembly. 

2. The Nominations Committee in consultation with the 
officers of the World Council and the Executive Committee shall 
draft proposals concerning (a) the president or presidents of the 
World Council of Churches, and (6) a list of persons proposed 
for membership of the Central Committee. 

3. The president or presidents shall be ex officio members of 
the Central Committee and of the Executive Committee. 


4. The Nominations Committee shall present its proposals to 
the Assembly for its acceptance or revision. 

5. It shall be open to any six members of the Assembly acting 
together to put forward in writing other proposals. 

6. Election shall be by ballot unless the Assembly shall other- 
wise determine. 


1. Membership. 

(a) The Gentral Committee shall consist of the president or 
presidents of the World Council together with not more 
than ninety members elected by the Assembly (see Con- 
stitution, paragraph V (1ii)). 

(6) Any member church, not already represented, which de- 
sires to be represented directly on the Central Committee, 
shall have the right to send one representative to the meet- 
ings of the Central Committee, provided it does so at its 
own expense. Such a representative shall not be entitled 
to vote. 

(c) If a regularly elected member of the Central Committee 
is unable to come to the meeting, the church to which the 
absent member belongs shall have the right to send a sub- 
stitute, provided that the substitute is ordinarily resident 
in the country where his church has its headquarters. Such 
a substitute shall be entitled to vote. 

(d) Chairmen and vice-chairmen of departmental committees 
and commissions who are not members of the Central Com- 
mittee have the right to attend Central Committee 
sessions as consultants without vote. 

(e) Consultants for the Central Committee may be appointed 
by the Executive Committee after consultation with the 
churches of which they are members. ‘They shall be en- 
titled to speak but not to vote. 

(f) Members of the staff of the World Council appointed by 
the Central Committee as specified under Rule VIII, 1, 
shall have the right to attend the sessions of the Central 
Committee unless on any occasion the Central Committee 
shall otherwise determine. When they do so attend it 
shall be as consultants and without the right to vote. | 

(g) The Central Committee shall be convened during or im- 
mediately after the meeting of the Assembly. 

. : ‘ 

2. Officers. 

(a) ‘The Central Committee shall elect its own chairman and 
vice-chairman to serve for such periods as it shall deter- 
mine. : 

(b) For this purpose it shall appoint a Nominations Com- 
mittee of not more than four persons, who shall bring be- 
fore the Central Committee one or more names for each 
office. Any member of the Central Committee may make 
alternative proposals. 

(c) Election shall be by ballot unless the Committee shall 
otherwise determine. 

(d) The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches 
shall be ex officio secretary of the Central Committee and 
the chairman of the Finance Committee of the World 
Council of Churches shall be ex officio its treasurer. 

3. Meetings. 
(a) ‘The Central Committee shall meet ordinarily not ted than 
once every year. An extraordinary session of the Central 
Committee shall be called, whenever one-third or more of 
the members request a meeting to be called or when in 
the opinion of the Executive Committee that is desirable. 
(b) A quorum of the Central Committee shall be forty voting 
members. The General Secretariat shall take all possible 
steps to ensure that there be adequate representation 
from each of the main confessions and from the main 
geographical areas of the arming of the World 
Council of Churches. 
(c) The Central Committee shall have power to determine 
its own place of meeting and to fix the date and poe for 
the meetings of the Assembly. 

4. Functions. ‘The Central Committee shall have the follow- 

ing duties: 

(a) It shall, between meetings of the Assembly, carry out the 
general policy laid down by the Assembly and take such 
action as shall be necessary to carry out the decisions of the 
Assembly. It shall have authority to make decisions and 
take action in all matters where decision or action is re- 
quired before the Assembly can meet again, provided that 
it shall not make any decision or take any action incon- 



sistent with any previous decision or action of the 
Assembly. _ 

(b) It shall vote the Annual Budget of the Council. 

(c) It shall deal with matters referred to it by member 
churches. / 

(d) It shall consider applications for membership received be- 
tween meetings of the Assembly. 

(e) It shall have the responsibility of setting up as many 
Departments or other executive agencies of the World 
Council as may be necessary to carry out the policy laid 
down by the Assembly, to appoint Departmental Com- 
mittees and their Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen and heads 
of Departments and to lay down the general terms of the 
work for each Department. 

(f) It shall report to the Assembly on the actions it has taken 
during its period of office. 



1. Appointment. 

(a) An Executive Committee shall be elected by the Central 
Committee at its first meeting after its appointment by the 
Assembly, and shall hold office until the next meeting of 
the Central Committee. Its elected members shall be 
eligible for re-election. 

(b) ‘The Executive Committee shall consist of the president or 
presidents of the World Council ex officio and the chair- 
man and vice-chairman of the Central Committee ex 
officio and of twelve other members of the Central Com- 

_(c) The chairman of the Central Committee shall also be the 
chairman of the Executive Committee. 

(d) The officers shall have the power to invite others to attend 
a meeting of the Executive Committee for consultation, 
always having in mind the need of preserving a due 
balance of the confessions and of the geographical areas. 

(e) ‘The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches 

shall be the Secretary of the Executive Committee. 

2. Functions. The Executive Committee shall carry out the 
decisions of the Central Committee. It shall meet ordinarily 
twice a year. 



1. Each Departmental Committee shall propose to the Execu- 
tive Committee the names of persons to fill the offices of secretary 
or secretaries for its Department. If the Executive Committee — 
desires to alter the nominations, it shall first consult the Depart- 
mental Committee concerned. 

2. Each Departmental Committee shall draw up for presenta- 
tion to the Executive the annual Budget of its Department. 
Such a budget shall be previously communicated to the Finance 
Committee and on presentation to the Executive Committee the 
Departmental Committee shall record such observations as the 
Finance Committee may care to make. 3 

3. No motion to increase the budget of a Departmental Com- 
mittee may be carried in the Executive Committee without the 
consent of the Chairman of the Departmental Committee con- 
cerned and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. 

4. The items of the Budget of a Department Committee may 
be subsequently varied by the Departmental Committee at its 
discretion provided the authorised total be not exceeded, and 
the policy of the Departmental Committee be thereby advanced. 


1. The Central Committee shall appoint a Finance Com- 

mittee which shall have the following duties: 

(a) To present annually to the Central Committee an account 
of income and expenditure for the previous twelve months, 
and a balance sheet in respect of operations of all depart- 
ments of the World Council of Churches. 

(b) To present annually to the Central Committee in advance 
of the commencement of each year, a budget covering the 
operations of all the departments of the World Council of 
Churches. : 

(c) To consider and make recommendations to the Central 
Committee on all financial questions concerning the affairs 
of the World Council of Churches, such as: 

Approval of budgets or increases in budgets. 
Approval and granting of discharge for the accounts 
in respect of completed periods. 


Accounting procedures. 

Investment policy. 

Principles governing scales of salaries, aus expenses 
and other such expenses. 

Basis of calculation of contributions of member 

Methods of raising funds. 

Appointment of auditors, who shall be appointed 
annually by the Central Committee and shall be 
eligible for re-election. 

The foregoing list is illustrative but not exclusive; the Com- 
mittee shall have power to consider all matters concerning the 
World Council of Churches in so far as they bear upon its 
financial position. 

2. The Finance Committee shall appoint a Headquarters 
Finance Committee to which it may delegate, within the lines 
of policy laid down by the full Committee: 

(a) the supervision of current financial operations between 

meetings of the full committee; | 

(b) the consideration of urgent problems and the submission 

when urgency so requires of recommendations thereon to 
the Central Committee, the Executive Committee or the 
General Secretary; 

(c) the preparatory consideration of all problems for con- 

sideration by the full committee. ‘ 


1. The General Secretary, the Associate General Secretaries, 
the Assistant General Secretaries and the Heads of Departments 
shall be appointed by the Central Committee after consultation 
with the Executive Committee. 

2. The term of office of members of the staff of the World 
Council of Churches appointed by the Central Committee shall 
be from the date of appointment until three months after the 
end of the next meeting of the Central Committee, unless some 
other period is stated in the resolution making the appointment. 

3. If the position of General Secretary becomes vacant, the 
Executive Committee shall appoint an acting General Secretary. 

4. The General Secretariat (i.e. General Secretary, Associate 

| re) 


General Secretaries and Assistant General Secretaries) is re- 
sponsible for carrying out the decisions of the Assembly, the 
Central Committee and the Executive Committee. 

5. [he General Secretariat shall be responsible for the con- 
duct of the business of the Council, for relations with member 
churches and other ecumenical bodies, for the preparation and 
administration of the meetings of the Assembly, of the Central 
Committee and of the Executive Committee, for the general 
supervision and co-ordination of the activities and publications 
of the commissions and departments of the Council, for the in- 
terpretation of the work of the Council to the churches and the 
public and for carrying on of activities not otherwise assigned. 

6. ‘The General Secretariat shall have the right to attend the 
meetings of departmental committees and other meetings. called 
under the auspices of the Council. 


1. In the performance of its functions, the Council through 
its Assembly or through its Central Committee may publish 
statements upon any situation or issue with which the Council 
or its constituent churches may be confronted. 

2. While such statements may have great significance and 
influence as the expression of the judgment or concern of so 
widely representative a Christian body, yet their authority will 
consist only in the weight which they carry by their own truth 
and wisdom and the publishing of such statements shall not be 
held to imply that the World Council as such has, or can have, 
any constitutional authority over the constituent churches or 
right to speak for them. 

3. The Executive Committee or any Commission of the 
Council may recommend statements to the Assembly or to the 
Central Committee for its consideration and action. 

4. No committee or commission of the Council other than the 
Central Committee shall publish any statement until it has been’ 
approved by the Assembly, except that in circumstances of im- 
mediate urgency statements may be published by any com- 
mission of the Council on matters within its own field of concern” 
and action, if approved by the Chairman of the Central Com- 
mittee and. the General Secretary, and in these cases the com- 
mittee or commission shall make it clear that the World Council 


of Churches is not committed by any statement set forth in this 


5. In cases of exceptional emergency statements may be issued 
by the Chairman of the Central Committee on his own authority 
after consultation with the Vice-Chairman of the Central Com- 
mittee and the General Secretary provided that such statements 
are not contrary to the established policy of the Council. 

6. Nothing in these regulations shall contravene the special 

provisions of the Constitution regarding the Commission on 
Faith and Order. 


The officers and chief executive secretaries of the Imnter- 
national Missionary Council shall be invited to sit with the 
Assembly and the Central Committee as consultants. 

Note: See also Constitution No. VII. 


1. The duration of the Council is unlimited. 

2. The legal headquarters of the Council shall be at Geneva. 
Branch offices may be organised in different parts of the world 
by decision of the Central Committee. 

3. The World Council of Churches is legally represented by 
its Executive Committee or by such persons as may be em- 
powered by the Executive Committee to represent it. 

_ 4. The Council shall obtain the means necessary for the pur- 
suance of its work from the contributions of its member churches 
and from donations or bequests. 

5. The Council shall not pursue commercial aims but it shall 
have the right to act as an agency of inter-church aid and to pub- 
lish literature in connection with its aims. It is not entitled to 
distribute any surplus income by way of profit or bonus among 
its members. 

6. Members of the governing bodies of the Council or of the 
Assembly shall have no personal liability with regard to the 
obligations or commitments of the Council. The commitments 
entered upon by the Council are guaranteed solely by its own 



1. ‘The responsibilities of the Chairman shall be to announce 
the opening, suspension and adjournment of the meeting; he 
shall ensure the observance of the Rules of Debate; he shall 
grant the right to speak and declare the debates closed; he shall 
put questions to the vote and announce the result of the voting. 
His decision is final. If the Chairman’s decision as to the result 
of voting is challenged, a vote shall immediately be taken on the 
motion: “that the Chairman’s decision be reconsidered”’; and 
reconsideration shall be permitted, if a majority of the members 
present and voting, vote in favour of this motion. On all matters 
of order, the Chairman’s decision is final. He shall not himself 
make a motion. 

2. If any member desires to propose a motion not on the 
Agenda, he shall be permitted to have his motion read, a vote 
shall be immediately taken and his motion shall be admitted if 
a majority of the members present and voting vote for its in- 
clusion in the Agenda. 

3. All motions and amendments must be proposed and 
seconded. ‘They must be handed to the Chairman in writing, 
and read before a vote is taken. A motion for receiving and 
adopting the report of a committee or for carrying out any 
recommendation mentioned in it need not be seconded. The 
Chairman has a casting vote only. 

4. Any motion or amendiient may be withdrawn by leave of 
the Assembly. 

5. All speeches must be addressed to the chair. 

6. No member shall speak more than once on the same motion 
or amendment, except that the mover shall have the right to reply. 

7. When an amendment has been proposed it shall be put to 
the vote first and, if the amendment be adopted, the amended 
motion becomes a substantive motion. 

8. During the discussions in full session speeches shall be 
limited to seven minutes. ‘The bell shall be rung after five 
minutes as a warning to the speaker and again after a further 
two minutes when the speaker must sit down. Only that part 
which remains of ten minutes shall be allowed for translations. 

g. Those who desire to speak during the free discussions in 
full session must hand to the Secretary as early as possible cards 


with their names, the capacity in which they are attending the 
Assembly, their church connection and whether they desire to 
support or to oppose the motion. 

10. Any member may at any time move the closure of the 
debate, whether any other delegate has signified his wish to 
speak or not. If application is made for permission to speak 
against the closure, it may be granted to not more than two 
speakers. If the motion of closure is adopted by a majority, the 

Chairman shall declare the debate closed. 

11. Any member may submit a point of order or procedure to 
the Chairman, and may, if necessary, interrupt a speaker for the 

12. Voting, unless otherwise decided by vote of the Assembly, 
shall be by show of hands. The Chairman shall first ask those 
in favour of the motion, and then those opposed to vote. A 
majority of those voting shall determine the decision. ‘Those 
who abstain from voting may, if they wish, have the fact and the 
number of abstentions recorded. ‘The Chairman may, if he 
thinks fit, appoint members to act as tellers, and he shall do so 
in any case of doubt as to the result of the vote. 

13. The three official languages are English, French and 
German. A speech made in any one of these languages shall, 
if desired, be translated or summarised into the other two. It 
_ shall be the duty of the Secretary to make arrangements for such 
translation. A member may speak in a language other than 
English, French or German on condition that he arrange for 

the translation of his speech in one of the three official languages. 

14. The rules of debate for the Central Committee are the 
_ same as those for the Assembly except that rules 8 and g shall 
not apply. 



Amendments to these Rules may be moved at any meeting of 
the Assembly or, until the Second Assembly, at any meeting of 
the Central Committee by any member and may be adopted by 
a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, except that no 
alteration in Rules I, IV, IX and XIII shall come into effect 
until it has been confirmed by the Assembly. Notice of a pro- 
posal to make any such amendment shall be given in writing at 
least twenty-four hours before the meeting of the Assembly or 
Central Committee at which it is to be moved. 




to be in the hands of the delegates. Some words of com- 
ment may be necessary. There is also one important 
addition and one change to be announced. 

First with regard to the Presidency. ‘The Committee is well 
aware that their recommendations may not conform with the 
wishes, or the hopes, of all members of the Assembly. On one 
point, however, I foresee no divergence of opinion: I refer to 
the nomination of Dr. John Mott as Honorary President of the 
World Council of Churches. I am sure that we all regard this 
as a fitting tribute to his unique services in the cause of Christian 
unity. : 

When we come to the active presidency, the case is not so easy. 
The Committee has considered the problem very thoroughly and 
has come to the unanimous conclusion that we should have, at 
least for the next period, not one but several Presidents as has 
been the case in the Provisional Committee. We believe that. 
this co-operative leadership best represents the actual situation 
in the Council. It gives to the main groups of confessions and 
churches their due share in the leadership. If there were one 
President only—and that in any case a:‘man who would carry a 
great burden of duty in his own church—he would be loaded 
with an overwhelming responsibility. Even if we could desig- 
nate in our midst one man, as perhaps we could do, whom we 
all trust and admire for his ability and his unfailing judgment 
so as to wish to make him the one President, I fear that outside 
our own circle, in the churches at large, there might arise the 
feeling that some one church or confession would have too great 
a preponderance in the Council. And if such a man could be 

Te. Report was given out on Saturday last, and is or ought 


found, a man probably holding a position of eminence in his 
own church, he could not be expected to take part in every meet- 
ing of the Central Committee, still less to exercise the chairman- 
ship in that committee and in the Executive. Further, there 
might arise occasions when some public utterance, in a grave 
crisis of the world or the churches, would be expected from the 
Presidency. It would indeed be an awful responsibility for one 
man, or one church, to take on himself to speak on behalf of the 
whole Council. These are the main reasons why the Committee 
recommends that we should still have not: one but several 
Presidents of the Council. 

If that be granted, there are other considerations which have 
to be taken into account. Some might wish for a radical renewal 
of the leadership. But there is also, and particularly in the 
present situation, a great need of experience and of continuity. 
I may perhaps point out that if a vacancy should occur in the 
Presidency before the next Assembly, that vacancy will have to 
be filled by the Central Committee. 

One proposal has been made and indeed strongly urged on 
the Committee: that there should be a sixth President, repre- 
senting the Younger Churches. ‘This proposal has been con- 
sidered by the Committee in a most sympathetic spirit. When 
we had to deliver our Report for mimeographing (it was 
strongly urged that it should be in sufficiently early that it could 
be distributed on Saturday last), we had not yt laser able to 
arrive at a positive result. Since then two things ave happened. 
From various quarters very strong representatons have been 
made to members of the Committee, and further, it has been 
made clear to us, that while in the case of ordinary members of 
the Central Committee only delegates to this Asssmbly can be 
appointed, that is not the case with the Presidents. ‘The 
Assembly is free to appoint an alternate, a consultant, or even 
somebody who is not in the Who’s Who of our Assembly. After 
careful deliberation and consultation we hare now come to a 
decision. I have the honour to nominate, on dehalf of the Com- 
mittee, as a President of the Council, representing the Younger 
Churches, one of the most eminent Christian thinkers and 
scholars of China, Dr. T. C. Chao, Dean of the School of Re- 
ligion, Yenching University, Peiping, adding his name as the 
sixth on the list of Presidents. 

The second section of the Report deals with the Central Com- 


mittee. Some may not be satisfied in every respect with the list 
which is before them. But I do not think it humanly possible 
to produce a list that would be equally acceptable to all. It 
is obvious that one hundred and fifty churches cannot each have 
one representative in a committee of ninety, particularly as some 
of the larger churches must be assigned several seats. I would 
ask you to read carefully the preamble to the list which sets out 
the various and sometimes conflicting considerations which the 
Committee has had to.keep in mind. We have received from 
the sub-committees on Women and on the Laity a request that 
there should be adequate representation of laity, including 
women, in the Central Committee. I need hardly say that we 
have tried hard to act in accordance with this request—also be- 
fore we received it—but the limitations imposed on us through 
the composition of the delegations and the express wishes of the 
churches have not made it possible in such a degree as we should 
have wished. 

I want to add some short remarks. Eight places have been left 
vacant to be filled by representatives of the Orthodox Church, 
which indicates our hope, and our strong desire, that some 
Orthodox Churches which have for one reason or another not 
been able to be with us at this Assembly may wish to join the 
Council before the next Assembly. 

A change in the list has to be announced with regard to the 
Mugican members: Dr. Hodges has expressed his desire not to 
serve on the Committee and has been replaced by Mr. Kenneth 

It should aso be underlined that in case a member is unable 
to come to a meeting of the Committee, his church will have 
the right to send another man or woman in his place, and also 
that such vacancies as may occur will have to be filled by the 
Central Comnittee upon the nomination of the church con- 

(as adopted by the Assembly) 
A. Presidency 

1. We nominate as Honorary President: 
Dr. John R. Mott. 


2. The Committee has had before it many proposals as to the 
Presidency of the World Council of Churches. These have 
ranged from the suggestion that there be one President to 
another that the present number be increased. After long and 
careful consideration of all the unusual factors involved in this 
first World Assembly, the Committee unanimously recommends 
that there be six Presidents. It is not possible for this committee 
to bind its successors, but we would go on record now as urging 
strongly that in future nominations and elections no church or 
ecclesiastical office should be entitled as of right to representa- 
tion in the Presidency in preference to others. It seems advisable 
that in the future some principle of rotation be observed, with 
due regard taken to personal qualifications. 

We nominate the following six Presidents: 

Pastor Marc Boegner. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher. 
Dr. ‘I’. C. Chao. 

Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam. 

‘The Archbishop of Thyateira, Dr. S$. Germanos. 
‘The Archbishop of Upsala, Dr. Erling Eidem. 

_ B. Central Committee 

The Committee on Nominations in drawing up this list has 
had to take into consideration the numerical size of the member 
churches, as well as the need of adequate confessional repre- 
sentation and geographical distribution. Moreover, it has had 
to pay attention to personal qualifications and to the strongly 
felt desire for a fair proportion of lay men and women. It has 
been restricted in its choice of delegates only, and has had to be 
responsive to the wishes expressed by the representatives of the 
churches. ‘This had made it extremely difficult to secure such 
lay representation as the Committee desired. Deeply conscious 
of the gravity of our task, we nominate the following people, in 
the hope that the above-mentioned requirements have been met 
as nearly as possible: 

(Note: The following list indicates in each case first which 
constituent church of the Council the Central Committee- 
member represents, and secondly in which country he or she 
normally resides.) 


Dr. J. C. d’Affonseca, Methodist Church of Brazil, Brazil. 

Dr. H. Alivisatos, Church of Greece, Greece. 

The Metropolitan of Fthiotis, Ambrosios, Church of Greece, Greece. 

Dr. M. E. Aubrey, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, England. 

Rev. James Baird, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, New Zealand. 

Bishop J. C. Baker, Methodist Church in U.S.A., U.S.A. 

The Bishop of Chichester, Dr. G. K. A. Bell, Church of England, England. 

The Bishop of Oslo, Dr. Eivind Berggrav, Church of Norway, Norway. 

Dr. S. F. H. J. Berkelbach van der Sprenkel, Netherlands Reformed Church, 

Dr. P. O. Bersell, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America 

The Bishop of Vaxj6, Dr. Y. Brilioth, Church of Sweden, Sweden. 

The Rt. Hon. Ernest Brown, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 

Dr. G. W. Buckner, Jun., International Convention of Disciples of Christ, U.S.A. 

Professor P. Chazel, Reformed Church of France, France. 

Bishop W. Y. Chen, Methodist Church, China. 

Very Rev. Dr. J. H. Cockburn, Church of Scotland, Scotland. 

Rev. L. E. Cooke, Congregational Union of England and Wales, England. 

Commissioner A. G. Cunningham, Salvation Army, England. 

Dr. E. T. Dahlberg, Northern Baptist Convention, U.S.A. 

Bishop K. F. O. Dibelius, Evangelical Church in Germany, Germany. 

The Bishop of Washington, Dr. Angus Dun, Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S.A. 

Dr. R. N. Flew, Methodist Church, England. . 

Dr. G. Florovsky, Gicumenical Patriarchate, U.S.A. 

Dr. F. C. Fry, United Lutheran Church in America, U.S.A. 

The Bishop of Copenhagen, Dr. H. Fuglsang-Damgaard, Church of Denmark, 

Dr. G. B. Gerdener, Dutch Reformed Church of Transvaal, South Africa. 

Mr. F. W. Gilpin, Church of England, England. 

Dr. L. W. Goebel, Evangelical and Reformed Church, U.S.A. 

Rev. L. Dia y Granada, United Evangelical Church of the Philippines, Philippine 

Mr. Kenneth Grubb, Church of England, England. 

Mrs. Lillian Harrington, Presbyterian Church in the U.S., U.S.A. 

Canon R. A. Hiltz, Church of England in Canada, Canada. 

Bishop I. L. Holt, Methodist Church, U.S.A. 

Dr. Douglas Horton, Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A., U.S.A. 

Dr. J. Hromadka, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Czechoslovakia. 

Rev. G. V. Job, Church of South India, India. 

Metropolitan Juhanon, Mar Thoma, Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, 

Dr. A. Koechlin, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, Switzerland. 

Rev. M. Kozaki, Church of Christ, Japan. 

Rev. H. J. Lazarus, Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India, India. 

Rev. K. T. Li, Church of Christ in China, China. . 

The Bishop of Hanover, Dr. J. E. R. Lilje, Evangelical Church of Germany, 

Rey. E. Luka, Coptic Orthodox Church, Egypt. 

Mr. T. C. Luke, Church in West Africa (Anglican), Sierra Leone. 

Dr. John A. Mackay, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., U.S.A. 

Bishop G. May, Evangelical Church, Austria. 

Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. 


The Bishop of Bavaria, Dr. H. O. Meiser, Evangelical Church of Germany, 

Mr. J. E. Moreland, Methodist Church, U.S.A. 

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. H. W. K. Mowll, Church of England in Australia, 

Dr. A. I. Newlin, Religious Society of Friends (Five Year Meeting), U.S.A. 

Dr. M. Niemdller, Evangelical Church in Germany, Germany. 

Rev. W. Niesel, Evangelical Church in Germany, Germany. 

Dr. A. T. S. Nygren, Church of Sweden, Sweden. 

Bishop L. Ordass, Lutheran Church of Hungary, Hungary. 

Dr. Panayotides, Gicumenical Patriarchate, Turkey. 

The Metropolitan of Edhessa, Panteleimon, (cumenical Patriarchate, Greece. 

Dr. L. I. Pap, Reformed Church of Hungary, Hungary. 

Rey. P. T. Poincenot, Evangelical Lutheran Church of France, France. 

Dr. W. B. Pugh, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., U.S.A. 

Rev. Canon R. A. Reeves, Church of England, England. 

Rev. H. G. Renkewitz, Moravian Church, Germany. 

Dr. A. Rinkel, Archbishop of Utrecht, Old Catholic Church, Netherlands. 

Rev. A. Rotti, Protestant Church of Timor, Indonesia. 

Bishop F. Ruppeldt, Evangelical Church in Slovakia, Czechoslovakia. 

The Bishop of St. Michel, Dr. I. J. Salomies, Church of Finland, Finland. 

Dr. H. G. Secomb, Methodist Church of Australasia, Australia. 

Dr. G. Sisco, United Church of Canada, Canada. 

Rev. S. A. J. Skéld, Swedish Mission Covenant, Sweden. 

Dr. R. W. Sockman, Methodist Church, U.S.A. 

Bishop J. S. Stamm, Evangelical United Brethren Church, U.S.A. 

Mrs. Leslie Swain, Northern Baptist Convention, U.S.A. 

Bishop J. Szeruda, Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession, Poland. 

Mr. Charles P. Taft, Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S.A. 

Mr. T. M. Taylor, Church of Scotland, Scotland. 

Bishop Theophilos, Church of Ethiopia, Ethiopia. 

Dr. R. von Thadden, Evangelical Church in Germany, Germany. 

Metropolitan A. ‘Theodosios, Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar, India. 

The Assistant Bishop of Hong Kong, Dr. Y. Y. Tsu, Anglican Church in China, 

Rev. E. C. Urwin, Methodist Church, England. 

Bishop W. J. Walls, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, U.S.A. 

Dr. R. D. Whitehorn, Presbyterian Church of England, England. 

And eight unfilled places for Eastern Orthodox Churches. 



Conference, I want to express our joy and pleasure to be 

among you and to discuss matters relating to the nature 
and mission of the Church, as well as to the social problems con-. 
fronting our society. We are very happy to find ourselves in the 
midst of so many representatives of the churches, and to have 
the opportunity of expressing ourselves freely in support of our 
Orthodox views concerning the problems under discussion. 
According to the existing rules we have also received the reports 
and the Message of this Conference and we have to bring them 
before our churches in order that they consider them and take 
appropriate action. We welcome, nevertheless, this occasion to 
express the general feeling of the Orthodox delegation that 
owing to conditions now prevailing in our churches we have not 
had sufficient time for the preparation for this Conference, and 
therefore we must base ourselves especially upon the considera- 
tion of our churches which in due time will express themselves 
about the World Council of Churches and its aspirations. We 
regret that owing to the conditions existing in their countries 
many Orthodox churches were unable to be represented here 
and we express the hope that in the future this will be made 
possible. In saying good-bye to all of you and to everyone, we © 
wish from the bottom of our hearts God’s blessing upon you and 
your churches, and we pray God that He may further and 
strengthen our common efforts for unity, in the one Holy 
Catholic and Apostolic Church, according to the words of our 
Lord in His prayer to God “that they may be one as we are 


one . 

Os behalf of the Orthodox delegates taking part in this 



HE following message was read to the Assembly on ‘Tues- 
day, August 24th, by the Court Chaplain of the Queen. 
“Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands, has re- 
quested me to inform you that, owing to the circumstance 
that the date of this Assembly coincides with the preparation 
of Her Jubilee, it is impossible for Her Majesty to give at the 
present moment such attention to the Assembly as she would 
desire to have given, since she follows the work of this 
Assembly with very deep interest.” 


(read by Pastor Marc Boegner) 


We were deeply touched by the message which Your 
Majesty graciously addressed to the World Council of 
Churches assembled at Amsterdam, through Your Court 

_Chaplain, and we should like to express our profound 
gratitude. It means a great deal to us to know that Your 
Majesty takes a personal interest in the work that we are 
doing. : 

Even before receiving this assurance of Your Majesty’s 
interest, we had asked God to grant Your Majesty—especially 
during these days of deep significance for You and for Your 
people—the comfort of feeling the protection and guidance 
of God, Whose grace is sufficient in all things. 

While spending these Jubilee days in close touch with the 
people of Amsterdam, we have realised the extraordinary 
gratitude and affection felt for Your Majesty by the whole 
nation. We join this noble people of Holland in blessing 
God for the fifty years’ reign which He has vouchsafed to 


Your Majesty. As representatives of 150 Christian churches, 
we give thanks to God for the constant example of loyalty and 
faith given by Your Majesty, and for the inspiration which 
Your Majesty has given to the Netherlands for more than a 
generation. 7 

We all understand and respect Your Majesty’s decision to 
give up the crown. It leads us to pray for Your Majesty with 
even greater fervour, that God may continue to accord You 
the gift of His peace from day to day, that He may grant You © 
the joy of seeing the Netherlands healed of their wounds and 
conducting their national life more than ever in obedience 
to the sovereign law of God! 

We beg Your Majesty to accept our deep and respectful 

On behalf of the World Council of Churches, 




Pastor Marc Boegner. 
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher. 
The Archbishop of Upsala, Dr. Erling Eidem. 
The Archbishop of Thyateira, Dr. $. Germanos. 
Dr. John R. Mott. 
Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen. ‘ 
Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam. 

Pastor Marc Boegner, Chairman. 
Dr. H. Alivisatos. 
Dr. G. Baez-Camargo. 

_ The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher. 
The Bishop of Chichester, Dr. G. K. A. Bell. 
Dr. Alphons Koechlin.. 
‘Mr. Georges Lombard. 

Dr. Benjamin Mays. 

Dr. John R. Mott. 

Dr. Martin Niemdller. 

Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam. 

The Archbishop of Thyateira, Dr. S. Germanos. 
The Archbishop of Upsala, Dr. Erling Eidem. 
Dr. A. R. Wentz. 

Dr. Y. Y. Tsu, Assistant Bishop of Hong Kong. 

ex officio 

The General Secretary of the Provisional Committee, Dr. W. A 
Visser ’t Hooft. 

The Chairman of the Arrangements Committee, Dr. Samuel McCrea 

The Chairman of the Study Depa mens Commission, Dr. Henry P 
Van Dusen. 

The Chairman of the Worship Committee, Dr. S. F. H. J. Berkelbach 
van der Sprenkel. 

The Chairman of the Nominations Committee, the Bishop of Vaxjo, 
Dr. Y. Brilioth. 

The Chairman of the Press Committee, Mr. Charles P. Taft. 

The Chairman of the International Missionary Council, Dr. John A. 

The Chairman of the Youth Section, Rev. D. T. Niles. 

The Assembly Administrative Secretary, Rev. Robert S. Bilheimer. 

Dr. Y. Brilioth, Bishop of Vaxjé, Chairman. 
Dr. John Baillie. 
The Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Dr. H. K. 
Dr. H. Alivisatos. 


Dr. M. E. Aubrey. 
Rev. G. V. Job. 
Rey. Alan Walker. 

Dr. P. O. Bersell, Chairman. 
Rev. E. C. Urwin. 
Rev. Joseph Krenek. 
Father Cassian. 
The Bishop of Central Travancore, Rt. Rev. C. K. Jacob. 

The Bishop of Oslo, Dr. Eivind Berggrav, Chairman. 
Dr. John A. Mackay, Vice-Chairman. 
The Bishop of Chichester, Dr. G. K. A. Bell. 
Dr. A. T. S. Nygren. 
Dr: J. L. Hromadka. 
Father G. Florovsky. 
Dr. Martin Niemdller. 
The Metropolitan of Edhessa, Panteleimon. 
Rev. Pierre Maury. 
Miss Wu Yi Fang. 
Rev. D. T. Niles. 
Dr. Hendrik Kraemer. 
Dr. E. Schlink. 
Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr. 
Rey. E. T. Dahlberg. 
Dr. S. M. Berry. 
Bishop W. J. Walls. 
The Bishop of Madura, Rt. Rev. Lesslie Newbigin. ~ 
'Mrs. Kathleen Bliss. 
Mr. Kenneth Grubb. 
The Assistant Bishop of Canterbury, Rt. Rev. Stephen C. Neill. 

: The Bishop of Hanover, Chairman. 
Mr. van Schouwenburg. 
Mr. Albert Finet. 
Mr. Henry Martin. 
Mr. Kenneth Grubb. 
Mr. Alexandre de Weymarn. 
Mr. Robert Root. 

Section I. The Universal Church in God’s Design 
The Bishop of Hanover, Chairman. 
Dr. Donald M. Baillie, Vice-Chairman. 
Rev. Michio Kozaki, Vice-Chairman. 
Dr. Konidaris, Vice-Chairman. 
Rev. Oliver S. Tomkins, Secretary. 
Dr. Floyd Tomkins, Liaison Officer. 
Dr. Wolfgang Schweitzer, Liaison Officer. ~ 

Section II. The Church’s Witness to God’s Design 
Dr. John A. Mackay, Chairman. 


Dr. Martin Niemdller, Vice-Chairman. 

Bishop C. K. Jacob, Vice-Chairman. 

Metropolitan of Philippi, Chrysostomos, Vice-Chairman. 
Bishop Stephen C. Neill, Secretary. 

Dr. Elmer G. Homrighausen, Liaison Officer. 

Dr. H. van der Linde, Liaison Officer. 

Section III. The Church and the Disorder of mace 
Dr. C. L. Patijn, Chairman. 
Bishop Y. Y. Tsu, Vice-Chairman. 
Sir Walter Moberly, Vice-Chairman. 
Bishop A. J. Hamlett, Vice-Chairman. 
Dr. John C. Bennett, Secretary. 
Miss Winifred Galbraith, Liaison Officer. 
Mr. Paul Anderson, Liaison Officer. 

Section IV. The Church and the International Disorder 
Mr. Kenneth Grubb, Chairman. 
Bishop Otto Dibelius, Vice-Chairman. 
Mrs. Leslie E. Swain, Vice-Chairman. 
Hon. Gabriel L. Dennis, Vice-Chairman. 
Dr. O. Frederick Nolde, Secretary. 
Dr. Walter van Kirk, Liaison Officer. 
Mr. H. Johansson, Liaison Officer. 

: Chairman Sections Co-ordinating Group: Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen. 
Secretary Sections Co-ordinating Group, Rev. Nils Ehrenstrém. 

Committee I. Constitution, Rules and Regulations 
Dr. Alphons Koechlin, Chairman. 
Canon Leonard Hodgson, Secretary. 
Dr. G. Baez-Camargo, Liaison Officer. 

Committee II. Policy 
_ The Bishop of Chichester, Chairman. 
Dr. Stanley Trickett, Secretary. 
Dr. Roswell P. Barnes, Liaison Officer. 

Committee III. Programme and Administration 
| Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, Chairman. 
a Mr. Frank Northam, Secretary. 

Rev. W. J. Gallagher, Secretary. 

Rev. I. Wilson, Liaison Officer. 

Mr. O. Béguin, Liaison Officer. 

Committee IV. Concerns of the Churches 

(a) The Life and Work of Women in the Church 
Miss Sarah Chakko, Chairman. 
Mrs. Samuel McCrea Cavert, Secretary. 
Mrs. Birgit Rohde, Liaison Officer. 

(b) The Christian Approach to the Jews 
The Bishop of Washington, Chairman. 
Dr. Conrad Hoffman, Secretary. 
Rev. Gote Hedenquist, Liaison Officer. 


(c) The Significance of the Laity in the Church 
Dr. C. C. Stoughton, Chairman. 

Dr. Hendrik Kraemer, Secretary. 
Rev. Alan A. Brash, Liaison Officer. 

(d) Christian Reconstruction and Inter-Church Aid ' 
The Bishop of Trondheim, Dr. A. Fjellbu, Chairman. 
Rev. Elfan Rees, Secretary. 

Dr. E. Emmen, Liaison Officer. 

Chairman, Committees maheccenie Group: The Archbishop of 
Secretary, Committees Co- -ordinating Group: Dr. Henry Leiper. 

Section I 
The Bishop of Tranquebar, Dr. J. Sandegren, Chairman. 
Dr. Nicolas Zernov, Secretary. 
Section II 
Dr. William Tindal, Chairman. 
Rev. K. H. Ting, Secretary. 
Section III 
Rev. J. M. Richardson, Chairman. 
Count S. C. van Randwijck, Secretary. 
Section IV 
Dr. Charles S. Johnson, Chairman. 
Rev. E. Philip Eastman, Secretary. 

Chairman, Alternates’ Sections Co-ordinating Group: Dean Halfdan | 
Secretary, Alternates’ Sections Co-ordinating Group: Dr. R. H. Edwin 


Section I 
Rev. William Crittenden, Chairman. 
Miss Eva Szabo, Secretary. 
Section II 
Rev. Bryan de Kretser, Chairman. 
Mr. M. Molloy, Secretary. 
Section III 
Mr. Philip Potter, Chairman. 
Miss Barbara Deitz, Secretary. 
Section IV 
Mr. Penry Jones, Chairman. 
Mr. C. W. Li, Secretary. 

Committee III 
Dr. Hugh Martin, Chairman. 
Dr. Stewart Herman, Secretary. 
Committee IV 
(a) Miss Leila Anderson, Chairman. 
Lady Stansgate, Secretary. 
(b) Dr. Otto Fricke, Chairman. 
Rev. Charles Arbuthnot, Secretary. 


(c) Mrs. Kathleen Bliss, Chairman. 
Dr. D. Elton Trueblood, Secretary. 

(d) Rev. Theodore Greene, Chairman. 
Rev. J. B. Dakin, Secretary. 

Dr. W. A. Visser ’t Hooft, General Secretary. 
Rev. Robert S. Bilheimer, Administrative Secretary. 
Rev. Oliver S. Tomkins, Worship. 
Rev. Henry Smith Leiper, Committees Co-ordinating Group. 
Rev. Nils Ehrenstrém, Sections Co-ordinating Group. 
Rev. Herbert W. Newell, Credentials Committee. 
Rev. Frederick Reissig, Press. 
Mr. Frank Northam, Finance. 
Dr. R. H. Edwin Espy, Alternates’ Conference. 
Rev. W. Richey Hogg, Visitors’ Conference. 
Miss Simone Mathil, Office. 
Miss Dorothy Grose, Office. 

Rev. D. T. Niles, Chairman. 
Mille. M. Barot, Chairman. 
Miss Jean Fraser, Secretary. 
Rev. William Keyes, Secretary. 
Rev. Jan Mirejovsky. 

Executive Committee 
Mr. H. Mulderije, Chairman. 
Mr. W. van Vliet, Vice-Chairman. 
Dr. J. H. Ekering, Secretary. 
Mr. R. F. van Lier, Treasurer. 
Mrs. N. Smitt-Avis. 
Mr. W. J. Kolkert. 
Mr. F. H. v. d. Wetering. 

Finance Section 
Mr. J. D. J. Roos, Chairman. 
Mr. R. F. van Lier. 
Mr. J. C. Tupker. 
Drs. D. Nije. 
Mr. F. J. Brevet, Adviser. 

Section Meeting Rooms 
Mr. E. Maan, Chairman. 
Mr. J Hofman. 
Mr. W. J. Recourt. 
Dr. A. L. van Hulsenbeek. 
Mr. L. F. Pont. 
Mr. J. van Muyden. 

Section Press, Radio and Film 
Dr. J. A. Schroeder, Chairman. 
My. J. J. F. van den Bergh. 
Mr. N. G. J. van Schouwenburg. 



Miss Dra. M. G. Schenk. 
Rev. G. P. Klijn. 

Miss E. Schrijver. 

Mr. H. Lamme. 

Miss T. Keller. 

Printing Section 

Mr. E. G. Volkersz, Chairman. 
Mr. J. ten Have. 
Mr. C. Vorstelman. 

Mr. J. J. F. Aleva. 

Section Reception 

Mr. F. H. v. d. Wetering, Chairman. 
Mrs. M. E. ten Have-Blankenberg. 
Miss H. Schokking. 

Miss I. Struik Dalm. 

Mrs. J. Smit-van Greven 

Mr. L. de Geer. 

Mr. A. H. van Nierop. 

Dr. A. L. van Hulsenbeek. 

Mr. P. J. Mijksenaar, Adviser. 

Housing Section: 

Mr. H. G. van Welsenes, Chairman. 
Miss H. Sybenga. 

Mr. R. F. van Lier. 

Mrs. C. Golterman-van Dijk. 

Mr. A. A. Vriesendorp. 

Mr. B. Otter. 

Mr. G. van Haaften. 

Mr. R. J. Broeier, Adviser. 


Mr. W. C. Hassoldt, Chairman. 
Mrs. G. L. Mulderije-Verloop. 
Mrs. N. Smitt-Avis. 

Dr. S. R. van Asperen de Boer. 
Mr. Y. Scholten. 

Mr. P. J. Mijksenaar, Adviser. 


Mr. F. J. Heyligers, Chairman. 
Mr. H. G. Wittebol. 

Mr. H. M. van Exter, Jun. 
Mr. G. J. Visser. 

My. P. J. Mijksenaar, Adviser. 

Section Youth 

Rev. P. Fagel. 
Miss C. M. Bsse van Heemstra. 
Mr. J. ten Have. 


Miss C. M. A. van Asch van Wijck. 
Rev. N. van Gelder. 
Rev. P. Fagel. 



Dutch Clerical Staff 
Miss H. Kohlbrugge. 
Miss J. van Rossum. 
Miss M. Schiff. 

Miss R. Besuyen. 

Miss A. A. F. van Beusekom. 
Miss H. Eckenhausen. 
Miss H. van Kempen. 
Miss R. van Klaveren. 
Miss P. Masereeuw. 
Miss I. Mesrope. 
Miss L. Nieuwpoort. 
Miss L. Rotmans. 

Miss A. Semeyn. 

Miss M. C. W. Vink. 
Miss T. de Visser. 
Miss R. Wichbers. 


Methodist Church of Australasia. 

Church of England in Australia and Tasmania. 
Congregational Union of Australia. 

. Presbyterian Church of Australia. 
Federal Conference of Churches in Christ in Australia. 

Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian and Helvetic Confession in Austria. 

Belgian Christian Missionary Church. 
Union of Protestant Evangelical Churches of Belgium. 

Methodist Church of Brazil. 
Presbyterian Church of Brazil, 

Burma Baptist Convention. 

Canada Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends. ° 
Churches of Christ (Disciples). | 
Church of England in Canada. * 
Presbyterian Church in Canada. 
United Church of Canada. 

§Methodist Church in Ceylon. 

Anglican Church in China. 
China Baptist Council. 
Church of Christ in China. 
North China Congregational Church. 
§Methodist Church in China. 

1 The Credentials Committee stated that they had considered the function of 
their Committee. A complete list of the churches accepted by the Provisional 
Committee as members of the World Council of Churches had been presented to 
them. They did not consider it within their purview to make any comments 
upon that list. Now that the Council was in being, the Committee took it for 
granted that proper procedures would be instituted by the Assembly to review 
the list of member-churches in accordance with the constitution and with the 
principles which would be laid down by the Assembly. 

Therefore the action recommended by the Credentials Committee was without 
prejudice to the Assembly’s right to review the list of member-churches and 
left the Assembly free to take any action on this matter upon which it might 
decide later. 

The function of the Credentials Committee was therefore considered as of a 
more limited character, namely to scrutinise the credentials of the official delegates 
and their alternates, for the purpose of establishing the roll of persons entitled 
to vote in the Assembly. 



Evangelical Church in Slovakia, Augsburgian Confession. 
Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. 
Reformed Church in Slovakia. 

Church of Denmark. 

§Church in East Africa (Anglican). 

§Church of England. 
Synod of the Nile. 

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Esthonia. 

Church of Ethiopia. 

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. 

Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession in Alsace and Lorraine. 
Evangelical Lutheran Church of France. 
Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine. 
Reformed Church of France. 

Evangelical Church in Germany. 
Old Catholic Church in Germany. 
Moravian Church. 
Mennonite Church. 
ԤMethodist Church in Germany. 

Church of Greece. 
Greek Evangelical Church. 

Lutheran Church of Hungary. 
Reformed Church of Hungary. 

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland. 

Church of India, Burma and Ceylon. 
Church of South India. 
Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India. 
Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar. 
Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar. 
United Church of Northern India. 
§Methodist Church. 


Batak Church Sumatra. 
Protestant Church in Indonesia. 
Protestant Church of ‘Timor. 
Church of Moluccas. 
Church of Minahassa. 
Church of East Java. 

Evangelical Methodist Church of Italy. 
Waldensian Church. 

Anglican Church in Japan. 
Church of Christ in Japan. 

Presbyterian Church of Korea. 

Reformed Church of Lithuania. 

Methodist Church of Mexico. 

Arminian Church. 
Dutch Reformed Church. 
Evangelical Lutheran Church. 
Free Evangelical Congregations. 
General Mennonite Society. 
Old Catholic Church. | 
Restored Evangelical Lutheran Church. 
Union of Baptists. 


Associated Churches of Christ in New Zealand. 

Baptist Union of New Zealand. 

Church of the Province of New Zealand. 
Congregational Union of New Zealand. 
Methodist Church of .New Zealand. 
Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. 

Church of Norway. 

United Church of Christ in the Philippines. 



Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession. 


§Methodist Church of South and North Rhodesia. 


Church of Christ in Siam. 


Church of the Province of South Africa. 
Methodist Church of South Africa. 
Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. 
Netherlands Reformed Church of Transvaal. 
Presbyterian Church of South Africa. 

Evangelical Church of Spain. 

Church of Sweden. 
Swedish Covenant Mission. 
§Methodist Church in Scandinavia. 

Old Catholic Church. 
Swiss Protestant Church Federation. 


Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 

Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland. 

Church of England. 

Church of Ireland. 

Church of Scotland. 

Church in Wales. 

Congregational Union of England and Wales. 

Congregational Union of Scotland. 

Episcopal Church in Scotland. 

Methodist Church. 

Methodist Church in Ireland. | 

Presbyterian Church of England. 

Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 

Presbyterian Church of Wales. 

United Free Church of Scotland. 

African Methodist Episcopal Church. 
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 
American Lutheran Church. 
Church of the Brethren. 
Coloured Methodist Episcopal Church. 

Congregational Christian Churches of the United States of America. 

Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. 
Evangelical and Reformed Church. 

Evangelical United Brethren Church. 
International Convention of Disciples of Christ. 
Methodist Church. 

Moravian Church in America (Northern Province). 
National Baptist Convention. 


- & 
_ Northern Baptist Convention. 
Polish National Catholic Church of America. 
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 
Protestant Episcopal Church. . 
Reformed Church in America. 
Religious Society of Friends: 
Five Years’ Meeting of Friends. 
General Conference of the Society of Friends. 
Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends of Philadelphia and 
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate in America. 
Seventh Day Baptist General Conference. 
United Evangelical Lutheran Church. 
United Lutheran Church in America. 
United Presbyterian Church of North America. 

§Church in West Africa (Anglican). 
§Methodist Church in West Africa. 
§Provinces of the Methodist Church in West Africa. 

Anglican Church of the West Indies. 
§Methodist Church in the West Indies. 

* % * 

Oecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. 
Salvation Army. 
Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. 

§ These churches, which are not member-churches of the World Council of 
Churches, were invited on the basis of the provision of the Utrecht Constitution 
concerning minority churches. 


Coptic Orthodox Church. 
Patriarchate of Alexandria. 

Korean Methodist Church. 

Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 

Polish National Catholic Church. 


Protestant Evangelical Church Augsburgian Confession. 
Transylvanian Reformed Church. 
Hungarian Lutheran Church in Roumania. 

Congregational Union of South Africa. \ 

Evangelical Church of Lebanon and Syria. 
Patriarchate of Antioch. 

Baptist Union of Scotland. 
Baptist Union of Wales and Monmouthshire. 

Syrian Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese. 

Old Catholic Church of Yugoslavia. 
Reformed Christian Church of Yugoslavia. 

* * * 

Church of the East and of the Assyrians. 



Methodist Church of Australasia 
Secomb, Rev. Herbert Garfield, S*=I, C*=I. 
Walker, Rev. Alan, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Church of England in Australia and Tasmania 
Armidale, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. John Stoward Moyes, S=III, C=IV/ 
Sydney, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Howard West Kilvinton Mowll, S=II, 
Tasmania, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Franceys Cranswick, S=IJ, C=II. 
Congregational Union of Australia 
Garrett, Rev. John Allen, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Federal Conference of Churches of Christ in Australia 
Bader, Dr. Jesse M., S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Presbyterian Church of Australia 
McDougall, Rev. Thomas, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Watson, Rev. Alan Cameron, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Evangelische Kirche A.u.H.B. in Oesterreich 
(Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian and Helvetic Confession) 
Fgli, Prof. Johann Karl, S=IV, C=III. 
Fischer, Hofrat Dr. Otto, S=III, C=I. 
May, Bishop Gerhard, S=I, C=I. 

Eglise Chrétienne Missionnaire Belge 
(Belgian Christian Missionary Church) 
Favre, M. le pasteur Pierre, S=IV, C=I. 
Union des Eglises Evangeliques Protestantes de Belgique 
(Union of Protestant Evangelical Churches of Belgium) 
van Griethuysen, M. le pasteur W. A., S=I, C=III. 

Igreja Cristas Presbiteriana do Brasil 
(Methodist Church of Brazil) 
d’Affonseca, Prof. Josue Cardoso, S=IV, C=II. 
Igreja Cristas Presbiteriana do Brasil 
(Presbyterian Church of Brazil) 
Rizzo, Dr. Samuel, S=I, C=III. 

Baptist Convention 
Shein, Rev. Saw Tun, S=II, C=III. 

Churches of Christ (Disciples) 
McCully, Mr. Oliver W.,.S=I, C=IV/Women. 

* S=Section; C=Committee. + Consultant category also. 


Church of England in Canada 
Harrison, Mr. Justice William Henry, S=III, C=I. 
Hiltz, Rev. Canon Robert Arthur, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Judd, Rev. Canon William Wallace, S=III, C=II. 
Nova Scotia, Archbishop of, Most Rev. George Frederick Kingston, S=II 
Wodehouse, Mrs. Madeline Daby, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Presbyterian Church in Canada 
Bell, Rev. Clifford Ritchie, S=IV, C=III. 
Diltz, Prof. Bert Case, S=III, C=III. 
United Church of Canada 
Ford, Mr. Justice Clinton James, S=III, C=I. 
Jones, Rt. Rev. Thomas William, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Mason, Mr. Gershom William, S=IV, C=I 
Nicholson, Principal Clarence MacKinnon, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Sisco, Rev. Gordon Alfred, S=I, C=III. 
Young, Miss Dorothy M., S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends 
Walker, Miss Helen Barbara, S=II, C=IV/Women. 

Minority Church 
Methodist Church in Ceylon ; 
tNiles, Rev. Daniel Thambyrajah, S=II, C=III. 

China Baptist Council 
Ho, Rev. Martin, S=IV, C=III. 
Chung-Hua Chi-Tu Chiao-Hui 
(Church of Christ in China) 
Li, Mr. Kenneth T., S=III, C=II. 
Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui 
(Anglican Church in China) 
Tsu, Rt. Rev. Andrew Y. Y., S=III, C=IV/Women. 
North China Kung Li Hui 
(North China Congregational Church) 
Wang, Rev. Ping Heng, S=I, C=II. 
Minority Churches 
Methodist Church in China 
Cheng, Rev. Milton H., S=III, C=I. 
Chiang, Rev. H. T., S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Provinces in China of the Methodist Church 

Ceskobratrska Cirkev Evangelicka 
(Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren) 
Bednar, Prof. Frantisek, S=IV, C=I. 
Hromadka, Prof. Joseph L., S=IV, C=II. 
Krenek, Rt. Rev. Josef, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Evangelicka Cirkev A. V. na Slovensku 
(Evangelical Church in Slovakia, Augsburgian Confession) 
Beblavy, Dr. John, S=II, C=III. 
Ormis, Dr. Fedor, S=IV, C=III. 
Ruppeldt, Bishop Fedor, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 


Ref. Cirkev na Slovensku 

(Reformed Church in Slovakia) 
Tomasula, Rev. John, S=I, C=I. 
Turnsky, Rev. Stefan, S=H, C=IV/Jews. 


Den Evangelisklutherske Folkekirke I Danmark 

(Church of Denmark) 
Hoffmeyer, Bishop Skat, S=II, C=... 
Hvidberg, Prof. Flemming Friis, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Kristensen, Prof. Thorkild, S=IV, C=HI. 
Ngrregaard, Prof. Jens, S=I, C=I. 
Toftegaard, Direktor Jens, S=III, C=III. 

Minority Church . 
Church in East Africa (Anglican) 
Mulira, Mr. Eridadi Medadi K., S=II, C=II. 
Nyasaland, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Frank Oswald Thorne, S=I, C=II. 
Wynn-Jones, Rt. Rev. William, S=1IV, C=IV/Jews. 

Coptic Orthodox Church 
Minority Churches 
Church of England 

Egypt, Bishop in, Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Francis Allen, S=IV, C=IV/ — 

Synod of the Nile 
Boulus, Rev. Wahby, S=I, C=II. 

Eesti Ev. Lut. Usu Kiriku 
(Evangelical Lutheran Church in Esthonia) 
Hinno, Propst Aleksander, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Képp, Erzbischof Johan, $=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Church of Ethiopia 
Marsie-Hazen, Blatta, S=II, C=I. 
Theophilos, Bishop, S=I, C=I. 


Suomen Evankelis-Luterilainen Kirkko 

(Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland) 
Alanen, Prof. Yrj6, S=III, C=I. 
Nikolainen, Prof. Aimo Tauno, S=II, C=I. 
Rosenqvist, Prof. Georg Olof, S=III, C=II. 
Salomies, Bishop Imari Johannes, S=I, C=I. 
Vispaa, Miss Sylvi Ragna Margaretha, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 


Eglise de la Confession d’Augsbourg d’Alsace et de Lorraine 

(Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession in Alsace and Lorraine) © 
Brandt, M. le pasteur Christian, S=II, C=II. 
Hoepfiner, M. Robert, S=III. C=I. 

Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne de France 

(Evangelical Lutheran Church of France) 
Poincenot, M. Philippe Theodore, S=III, C=I. 


Eglise Réformée d’Alsace et de Lorraine 
(Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine) 
Bartholme, M. le pasteur Charles, S= III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Eglise Réformée de France 
(Reformed Church of France) 
Boegner, M. le pasteur Marc, S=IV, C=I. 
Chazel, Prof. Pierre, S=IV, C=III. 
Lauriol, M. le pasteur Elie-Etienne, S=III, C=IV/Women. 

Altkatholische Kirche in Deutschland 
(Old Catholic Church in Germany) 
Kiippers, Prof. Werner Franz Adalbert, S=I, C=II. 
Evangelische Briider-Unitat 
(Moravian Church) 
Renkewitz, Unitatsdirektor Heinrich Gottfried, S=II, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 
(Evangelical Church in Germany (represented by the Council of the Evangelical 
Church in Germany: Kanzlei der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland) 
Baetke, Prof. Walter Hugo Hermann, S=IV, C=II. 
Dibelius, Bischof Karl Friedrich Otto, S=IV, C=III. 
Ehlers, Oberkirchenrat Hermann, S=IV, C=III. 
Freytag, Dr. Walter, O. S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Lilje, Landesbischof Johannes Ernst Richard, S=I, C=III. 
Meiser, Landesbischof Hans Oswald, S=III, C=I. 
Menn, Pfarrer Lic. Wilhelm Gustav, S=IV, C=III. 
Metzger, Dr. Ludwig, S=III, C=I. 
Niemdéller, Dr. Martin, S=II, C=II. 
Niesel, Pfarrer Lic. Wilhelm, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Peters, Fraulein Ilse, S=1II, C=IV/Women. 
Schlink, Prof. Edmund, S=I, C=I. 
Smend, Prof. Rudolf, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
von Dietze, Prof. Constantin, S=III, C=II. 
von der Gablentz, Herr Otto Heinrich, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
von Thadden-Trieglaff, Dr. Reinold, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Wolf, Prof. Erik, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Wolf, Prof. Ernst Friedrich, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Wurm, Landesbischof Theophil, S=II, C=III. 
Zimmermann, Oberkirchenrat Walter Albert Karl, S=I, C=I. 
Vereinigung der Deutschen Mennonitengemeinden 
_ (Mennonite Church) 
Crous, Dr. Wilhelm Ernst, S=II, C=I. 
Minority Church 
Methodistenkirche in Deutschland 
(Methodist Church in Germany) 
Sommer, Bischof Johann Wilhelm Ernst, $=, C=III. 

Church of Greece 
tAlivisatos, Prof. Hamilcar, S=IV, C=I. 
Ambrosios, Metropolitan of Fthiotis, S=II, C=III. 
Bonis, Mr. Constantine, S=I, C=I. 
+Bratsiotis, Prof. Panayotis, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Hatzopoulus, Archimandrite, S=IV, C=Il. 


Ioannidis, Prof. Vas, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Karmiris, Mr. John, S=I, C=II. 
Konidaris, Dr. Gerassimum, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Moraitis, Prof. Demetrios, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Philippidis, Prof. Leonidas. 
Vellas, Prof. B., S=III, C=IV/Jews. 

Greek Evangelical Church 
Zodhiates, Rev. Argos Georg, S=I, C=I. 

Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit 
(General Mennonite Society) 
-—~Golterman, Dr. Willem Frederik, S=I, C=I. 
Evangelisch Lutherse Kerk 
(Evangelical Lutheran Church) 
Boendermaker, Prof. Pieter, S=IV, C=II. 
van Heest, Rev. Johannes Petrus, S=III, C=II. 
Bond van Vrije Evangelische Gemeenten in Nederland 
(Free Evangelical Congregations) 
van Vliet, Rev. Pieter, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Hersteld Evangelisch Luthers Kerkgenootschap 
(Restored Evangelical Lutheran Church) 
Blase, Prof. Johannes Ernst Bernard, S=I, C=I. 
Nederlands Hervormde Kerk 
(Dutch Reformed Church) 
Berkelbach van der Sprenkel, Prof. Simon F. H. J., S=I, C=II. 
Emmen, Dr. Egbert, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Gravemeyer, Dr. Koenraad H. E., S=I, C=I. 
Haitjema, Prof. Theodorus Lambertus, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Patijn, Dr. Constantijn Leopold, S=Il, C=III. 
Oud-Katholieke Kerk 
(Old Catholic Church) . 
Rinkel, Most Rev. Andreas, S=I, C=I. 
van de Ven, Dr. A. J., S=III, C=III. 
Remonstrantse Broederschap 
(Arminian Church) 
Heering, Dr. Herman Johan, S=III, C=I. 
Unie van Baptisten 
(Union of Baptists) ‘ 
Weenink, Rev. Jan Willem, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 


A Magyarorszagi Evangelikus Egyhaz 

(Lutheran Church of Hungary) 
Radvanszky, Baron Antno, S=IV, C=III. 
Vajta, Pastor Wilmos, S=I, C=IV/Women. 

A Magyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz 

(Reformed Church of Hungary) 
Nagy, Prof. Barnabas, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Pap, Prof. Laszlo Istvan, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Ravasz, Rt. Rev. Ladislas, S=IJ, C=II. 
Vasady, Prof. Bela, S=I, C=I. 

Evang. Lutheran Church of Iceland 
Jonsson, Rev. Jacob, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 



Church of India, Burma and Ceylon 
Hall, Rt. Rev. George Noel Lankester, S=IV, C=I. 

Church of South India 
Jacob, Rt. Rev. Chirakarottu Korula, S=II, C=II. 
Job, Mr. George Vadanayagam, S=III, C=II. 
Wesley, Rev. Jella John, S=IV, C=III. 

Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India 
Lazarus, Rev. Hilmer James, S=I, C=III. 
Prakasam, Rev. E., S=II, C=IV/ Jews. 

Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar 
Juhanon, Mar Thoma Metropolitan, S=III, C=II. 

Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar 
Theodosios, Metropolitan of Quilon, S=I, C=I. 

United Church of Northern India 
Masih, Rev. Kenneth Bijay Vincent Yohan, S=II, C=III. 

Minority Church 

Methodist Church 

Chakko, Miss Sarah, S=III, C=IV/Women. 


Hoeria Kristen Batak Protestant (Batakse Kerk Sumatra) 
(Batak Church) 

Sitompoel, Rev. B., S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Moluccas Church 

Mataheru, Rev. C., S=III, C=II. 
Protestant Church in East Java 

Sir, Rev. Mardjo, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Protestantse Kerk in Indonesié 
Protestant Church in Indonesia 

Rasker, Dr. Albert Jan, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Protestant Church in the Minahassa 

van Vessem, Rev. Jacobus, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Geredja Masehi Indjili di Timoer (Protestantse Timorkerk) 
(Protestant Church in Timor) 

Rotti, Rev. Alex, S=I, C=I. 

- Chiesa Evangelica Metodista d’Italia 
(Evangelical Methodist Church of Italy) 
_ tSbaffi, Pastore Emanuele, S=III, C=I. 
Chiesa Evangelica Valdese 
(Waldensian Church) 
Eynard, Pastore Dott. Elio, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Nippon Kirisuto Kyodan 
(Church of Christ in Japan) 
Kozaki, Rev. Michio, S=I, C=I. 
Nippon Sei Ko Kwai 
(Anglican Church in Japan) 
Yashiro, Rt. Rev. Michael Hinsuke, S=I, C=II. 

Presbyterian Church of Korea 
+Kim, Rev. Kwan Sik, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 


Lietuvos Ev. Reformatu Baznycia 
(Reformed Church of Lithuania) 
Dilys, Pastor Paul, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Iglesia Metodista de Mexico 
(Methodist Church of Mexico) 
Guerra, Bishop Eleazar, S=I, C= IIL. 


Associated Churches of Christ in New Zealand 
Bader, Dr. Jesse M., S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Baptist Union of New Zealand 
Brown, Rt. Hon. Ernest, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Church of the Province of New Zealand (Church of England) 
Aotearoa, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Frederick Augustus Bennett, S=IV, C=TIII. 
New Zealand, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Campbell West West-Watson, 

S=Il, C=I. 

Congregational Union of New Zealand 
Welch, Rev. Clifford L., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Methodist Church of New Zealand 
Dudley, Rev. Raymond, S=IV, C=II. 

Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 
Baird, Rev. James, S=I, C=IV/Women. 


Norske Kirke 

(Church of Norway) 
Berggrav, Rt. Rev. Eivind Josef, S=IV, C=II. 
Fjellbu, Rt. Rev. Arne, S=IV, C= IV: / Reconstemenen 
Hansson, Mr. Kristian, S=III, C=III. 
Johnson, Rev. Alex, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Kaarstad, Miss Oddrun, S=III, C=IV/Women. 

United Church of Christ in the Philippines 
Dia y Granada, Rev. Leonardo, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Evangelical Church of the paamtd Confession 
Michelis, Rev. Zygmunt, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Szeruda, Rt. Rev. Jan, S=IV, a IV / Reconstruction. 

Minority Church 
Methodist Church of South and North Rhodesia 
(Connected with the Methodist Missionary Society of Great Britain) 
Carter, Rev. Herbert, S=IV, C=III. 

Church of Christ in Siam 
Chairatana, Mr. Saranya, S=II, C=II. 

Church of the Province of South Africa (Church of England) 
Kimberley, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. J. Hunter, S=I, C=II. 
Methodist Church of South Africa 
Kirkby, Rev. Frederic Henry; ‘SeHI,) C= 


Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika 

Dreyer, Rev. Theunis Frederick Jacobus, S=IV, C=I. 
Netherlands Reformed Church of the Transvaal 

Gerdener, Prof. G. D. A., S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Presbyterian Church of South Africa 

Kerr, Principal Alexander, S=I, C= IV/ Reconstruction. 

Iglesia Evangelica Espanola 
Heras-Benito, Rev. Benjamin, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Svenska Kyrkan 
(Church of Sweden) 
Bjorkquist, Rt. Rev. Manfred, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Brilioth, Rt. Rev. Yngve Torgny, S=I, C=I. 
Bring, Prof. Ragnar, S=IIJ, C=III. 
Eidem, Most Rev. Erling, S=II, C=I 
Hildebrand, Dr. Karl-Gustaf, S=HI, C=WI. 
Johansson, Direktor John Sigfrid Harry, S=1V, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Nygren, Prof. Anders Theodor Samuel, S=I, C=II. 
Rohde, Mrs. Birgit Karin, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Svenska Missionsforbundet 
(Swedish Mission Covenant) 
Skéld, Dr. Samuel Alexander Johannes, S=II, C=I. 
Minority Church 
Methodist Church in Scandinavia 
(Connected with the Methodist Church of the U.S.A.) 
Arvidson, Bishop Theodor, S=I, C=III. 

Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz 
(Old Catholic Church) 
Kiiry, Prof. Urs, S=I, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Federation des Eglises Protestantes de la Suisse 
(Swiss Protestant Church Federation) 
Dominice, M. le pasteur Max, S=I, C=I. 
Ferrari, M. le pasteur Eugene, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Fueter, Pfarrer Karl, S=IJ, C=II. 
+Koechlin, Pfarrer Alphons, S=III, C=I. 
Kurz-Hohl, Frau Gertrud, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
ten Doornkaat, Pfarrer Hans, S=I, C=II. 


Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland 
Aubrey, Rev. Melbourn Evans, S=I, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Evans, Rev. Percy William, S=II, C=III. 
Le Quesne, Mr. Charles Thomas, S=I, C=I. 
Payne, Rev. Ernest Alexander, S=IV, C=I. 

Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland 
Robinson, Principal William, S=I, C=I1. 

Church of England 
Bristol, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Frederic Arthur Cockin, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Campbell, Rev. Canon John McLeod, S=I, C=II. 
Canterbury, Archbishop of, Most Rev. Geoffrey Francis Fisher, S=IV, C=I. 
+Chichester, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. George Kennedy Allen Bell, S=IV. C=II. 


Douglas, Rev. Charles Edward, S=I, C=I. 
Fisher, Mrs. Rosamond Chevallier, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Gilpin, Mr. Frederick William, S=II, C=III. 
Grubb, Mr. Kenneth George, S=IV. C=II. 
tHodges, Prof. Herbert Arthur, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
+Hodgson, Rev. Canon Leonard, S=I, C=I. 
Hogg, Hon. Quintin McGarel, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
London, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. John William Charles Wand, S=III, C=II. 
Moberly, Sir Walter, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
tOldham, Dr. Joseph Houldsworth, S=III, C=III. 
Reeves, Rev. Canon Richard Ambrose, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Robinson, Major Richard Atkinson, S=III, C=II. 
Roper, Miss Anne, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Say, Rev. Richard David, S=IV, C=III. 
Wilkins, Mr. Frank Bertram, S=IV, C=III. 
Worcester, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. William Wilson Cash, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Church of Ireland 
Armagh, Archbishop of, Most Rev. John A. F. Gregg, S=I, C=II. 
Dublin, Archbishop of,,Most Rev. Arthur William Barton, S=III, C=I. 
Church of Scotland 
Baillie, Prof. Donald MacPherson, S=I, C=I. 
Baillie, Prof. John, S=II, C=III. 
Bowser, Mr. David Charles, S=IV, C=II. 
Cockburn, Dr. James Hutchison, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Dougall, Rev. James Watson Cunningham, S=I, C=II. 
Henderson, Prof. George David, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Taylor, Prof. Thomas Murray, S=III, C=I. 
Watson, Prof. James Pitt, S= II, C=IV/Women. 
Church in Wales 
St. Asaph, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. William Thomas Havard, S=III, C=I. 
Swansea and Brecon, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Edward William Williamson, S=I, 
C=II. if 
Congregational Union of England and Wales 
Berry, Dr. Sidney Malcolm, S=III, C=II. 
_ Chirgwin, Dr. Arthur Mitchell, S=IV, C=III. 
Cooke, Rev. Leslie Edward, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Marsh, Rev. John, S=I, C=I. 
Congregational Union of Scotland 
Murphy, Rev. Thomas Carlyle, S=IV, C=II. 
Episcopal Church in Scotland 
Warner, Rt. Rev. Kenneth Charles Harman, S=III, C=II. 
Methodist Church 
Booth, Mr. Vernon, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Flew, Rev. Robert Newton, S=I, C=II. 
Perkins, Rev. Ernest Benson, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Rattenbury, Rev. Harold Burgoyne, S=IV, C=TIII. 
Rattenbury, Mrs. Emily Mary, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Urwin, Rev. Evelyn Clifford, S=III, C=III. 
Walton, Miss Alice, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Watkin-Jones, Rev. Howard, S=II, C=II. 
Methodist Church in Ireland 
McCrea, Rev. Alexander, S=III, C=I. 
Presbyterian Church of England 
Harcus, Rev. Andrew Drummond, S=III, C=III. 
Whitehorn, Rev. Roy Drummond, S=IV, C=II. 


Presbyterian Church in Ireland 

Esler, Rev. David, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Haire, Prof. James Loughridge Mitchell, S=I, C=I. 
Presbyterian Church of Wales 

Evans, Rev. John Richards, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 

Williams, Prof. William Richard, S=IV, C=III. 
United Free Church of Scotland 

Barr, Rev. Allan, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

African Methodist Episcopal Church 
Allen, Bishop Alexander Joseph, S=III, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Greene, Bishop S. L., S=I, C=I. 
Nichols, Bishop Decatur Ward, S=I, C=II. 
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 
Shaw, Bishop B. G., S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Walls, Bishop W. J., S=IV, C=III. 
American Lutheran Church 
Ewald, Mr. Martin C., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Yochum, Dr. Harold Leland, S=II, C=II. 
Church of the Brethren 
Peters, Dr. Raymond Russell, S=I, C=III. 
Zigler, Dr. Michael Robert, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Coloured Methodist Episcopal Church 
Hamlett, Bishop J. Arthur, S=III, C=II. 
Smith, Dr. Benjamin Julian, S=IV, C=III. 
Congregational Christian Churches of the United States of America 
Bridges, Dr. Ronald, S=III, C=III. 
Buschmeyer, Rev. Fred Sherman, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
+Horton, Dr. Douglas, S=I, C=III. 
Williams, Mrs. Mary Ann, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church of America 
Jensen, Rev. Alfred, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America 
Bersell, Dr. Petrus Olof, S=II, C=I. 
Nilson, Dr. Nils Albert, S=IV, C=IV/Jews. 
Evangelical and Reformed Church 
Goebel, Dr. Louis William, S=IV, C=I. 
Miller, Dr. David Aaron, S=I, C=II. 
Richards, Dr. George Warren, S=II, C=I. 
' Evangelical United Brethren Church 
Clippinger, Bishop Arthur R., S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Roberts, Dr. Walter N., S=I, C=II. 
Stamm, Bishop John Samuel, S=IV, C=III. 
International Convention of Disciples of Christ 
Buckner, Dr. George Walker, Jun., S=IV, C=III. 
Cook, Dr. Gaines M., S=I, C=I. 
McCormick, Dr. Harry Benton, S=II, C=IV. 
Pugh, Mrs. Gertrude Pinkerton, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Methodist Church 
Baker, Mr. Frank Eugene, S=III, C=I. 
Baker, Bishop James Chamberlain, S=II, C=II. 
Bragg, Mrs. Grace Lorena, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Holt, Bishop Ivan Lee, S=I, C=III. 
Kern, Bishop Paul B., S=IV, C=I. 


Martin, Bishop William Clyde, S=II, C=II. . 
Moreland, President J. Earl, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Mott, Dr. John R., S=II, C=II. 
Oxnam, Bishop G. Bromley, S=IV, C=III. 
Palmquist, Dr. Theodore Henry, S=IV, C=III. 
Quillian, Dr. Paul Whitfield, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Sockman, Dr. Ralph W., S=I, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Moravian Church in America (Northern: Province) 
Stocker, Dr. F. P., S=II, C=III. 
National Baptist Convention 
Jackson, Dr. J. A., S=1, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Jernagin, Dr. William Henry, S=II, c=I. j 
~~ Mays, Dr. Benjamin E., S=IV, C=1V/Women. 
Stalnaker, Dr. Calvin K., S=II, C=II. 
National Baptist Convention 
Albaugh, Dr. Dana M., S=I, C=I. 
Dahlberg, Dr. Edwin Theodore, S=I, C=MII. 
Nelson, Dr. Reuben E., S=II, C=II. 
Swain, Mrs. Anna Canada, S=IV, C=II. 
Polish National Catholic Church of America 
Jasinski, Rt. Rev. John Z., S=III, C=Iil. 
Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 
Cunningham, Rev. John R., S=IV, C=I. 
Harrington, Mrs. Lillian Estelle Porter, S=1I, C=IV/Laymen. 
McMillan, Dr. Homer, S=H, C=IV/Jews. 
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America 
Irvine, Mrs. Gertrude Williamson White, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Lloyd, Dr. Ralph Waldo, S=III, C=III. 
Mackay, Dr. John Alexander, S=II, C=II. 
Moser, Mr. Paul, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Pugh, Dr. William Barrow, S=I, C=I. 
Protestant Episcopal Church 
Dun, Rt. Rev. Angus, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Nes, Very Rev. William Hamilton, S=II, C=II. 
Sherrill, Rt. Rev. Henry Knox, S=I, C=III. 
Taft, Mr. Charles P., S=WI, C=III. 
Reformed Church in America 
De Vries, Mr. Luke, S=II, C=I. 
Haig, Dr. Thomas Pace, S=III, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Religious Society of Friends: 
Five Years Meeting of Friends 
Newlin, Dr. Algie I., S=IV, C=I. 
General Conference of the Society of Friends 
Forbush, Dr. Bliss, S=I, C=I. / 
Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends of Philadelphia and Vicinity 
Brinton, Dr. Howard Haines, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate in America 
Trutza, Father John, S=I, C=II. 
_ Seventh Day Baptist General Conference 
Seager, Dr. Lloyd Donald, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
United Evangelical Lutheran Church 
Nyholm, Prof. Paul C., S=I, C=II. 
United Lutheran Church in America 
Almond, Mrs. Josephine Katherine, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Fry, Dr. Franklin Clark, S=I, C=II. 


Stoughton, Dr. Clarence Charles, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Wentz, Dr. Abdel Ross, S=I, C=I. 
United Presbyterian Church of North America 
Miller, Dr. James Kenneth, S=III, C=II. 
Taylor, Dr. Theophilus Mills, S=1, C=II. 

Minority Churches 
Church in West Africa (Anglican) 
Akinyele, Rt. Rev. Alexander Babatunde, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Luke, Mr. Thomas Carew, S=III, C=III. 
Patterson, Rt. Rev. Cecil John, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Methodist Church in West Africa 
(Connected with Methodist Missionary Society of Great Britain) 
Dagadu, Rev. Peter Kwei, S=II, C= IV /Women. 
Provinces of the Methodist Church in West Africa 
(Connected with the Methodist Church of the U.S.A.) 
Dennis, Hon. Gabriel Lafayette, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Anglican Church of the West Indies 
Windward Islands, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. G. Tonks, S=III, G=I. 
Minority Church 
Methodist Church in the West Indies 
(Connected with the Methodist Missionary Society of Great Britain) 
Pilgrim, Rev. Errol Stephen Montrose, S=II, C=II. 


Oecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople 
Cassian, The Rt. Rev. Bishop, S=II, C=III. 
Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Philippi and Neapolis, $= I, C=IiII. 
Florovsky, Prof. Georges, S=I, C=III. 
Germanos, Most Rev. Archbishop of Thyateira, S=III, C=III. 
Irineos, Metropolitan of Samos and Ikaria, S=1I, C=I. 
Kokkinakis, Archimandrite, S=II, C=III. 
Panayotides, Professor S=IH, C=I. 

yPanteleimon, Metropolitan of Edhessa and Pella, S=I, C=III. 
Zander, Prof. Leo, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 7 

Salvation Army 
Allemand, Commissioner Marcel Edmond (Switzerland), S=IV, C=III. 
Beekhuis, Lt. Commissioner Arend C. (The Netherlands), S=I, C=II. 
Bowyer, Commissioner Henry C. (Great Britain), S=III, C=II. 
Cunningham, Commissioner Alfred G. (Great Britain), S=II, C= IV/Laymen. 
Pugmire, Commissioner Ernest I. (U.S.A), S=II, C=I. 

Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East 
Apkarian, Rev. Hovhannes G., S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 

Methodist Church of Australasia 
Barber, Rev. George Calvert, S=I, C=III. 
Sutton, Rev. Ralph Francis, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 


Church of England in Australia and Tasmania 
Gippsland, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. D. B. Blackwood, S=I, '-C=IV/ 
Goulburn, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Ernest Henry Burgmann, S=IU, C=IV/ 
Riverina, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Charles Herbert Murray, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Congregational Union of Australia . 
Cockett, Rev. Charles Bernard, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Presbyterian Church of Australia 
Thom, Rev. William Cumming, S=I, C=III. 
Wood, Rev. G. A., S=III, C=IV/Women. 

Evangelische Kirche A.u.H.B. in Oesterreich 
(Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian and Helvetic Confession) 
Fischer, Kirchenrat Dr. Franz, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Traar, Superintendent Georg, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Zerbst, Superintendent Fritz, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Eglise Chrétienne Missionnaire Belge 
(Belgian Christian Missionary Church) 
Charlier, M. Auguste, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. ; 
Union des Eglises Evangeliques Protestantes de Belgique 
(Union of Protestant Evangelical Churches of Belgium) 
Pichal, M. Je pasteur Edouard-Antoine-Dominique, S=IV, C=IV/ 

Church of England in Canada 
Barfoot, Rt. Rev. Walter Foster, S=I, C=III. 
Hettlinger, Rev. Richard Frederick, $=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Kingston, Mrs. Florence Belle, S=1I, C=IV/Women. 
Martin, Rt. Rev. Henry David, S=IV, C=III. 
Martin, Mrs. Margaret Kathleen, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Presbyterian Church in Canada 
Barclay, Very Rev. William, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Hay, Rev. David W., S=III, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
United Church of Canada 
Cowper-Smith, Rev. Garth Allan, S=II, C=IV/ Jews. 
Forster, Rev. Harvey George, S=III, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Howse, Rev. Ernest Marshall, S=IV, C=III. 
McFarlane, Rev. Hugh Henry, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Smith, Rev. Alfred Lloyd, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Warr, Rev. James Harwood Alfred, S=1I, C=III. 



Ceskobratrska Cirkev Evangelicka 

(Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren) 

Evangelicka Cirkev A. V. na Slovensku 

(Evangelical Church in Slovakia, Augsburgian Confession) 
Kostial, Rev. Rudolf, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Ruppeldt, Mrs. Olga, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Ref. Cirkev na Slovensku 

(Reformed Church in Slovakia) 


Den Evangelisklutherske Folkekirke i Danmark 
(Church of Denmark) 
Appel, Mrs. Elin, S= IV, C=IV/Women. 
Blom-Salmonsen, Headmaster H. Kr., S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Magle, Rev. Hans, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Soe, Prof. N. H., S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Coptic Orthodox Church 

Eesti Ev. Lut. Usu Kiriku 
(Evangelical Lutheran Church in Esthonia) 
Heinam, Mr. Manivald, S=I, C=IV/Reconstructon. 
Lauri, Bischof Johannes-Oskar, S=IV, C=III. 

Suomen Evankelis-Luterilainen Kirkko 
(Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland) 
Aurola, Rev. Verner J., S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Parvio, Rev. Martti Lauri, S=I, C=III. 


Eglise de la Confession d’Augsbourg d’Alsace et de Lorraine 

(Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession in Alsace and Lorraine) 
Brunner, M. le pasteur Emile Frederic, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Weber, M. Henri, S=IV, C=III. 

Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne de France 

(Evangelical Lutheran Church of France) 
Brunnarius, M. le pasteur Ernest, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Eglise Réformée d’Alsace et de Lorraine » 

(Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine) 
Sturm, M. le pasteur Marcel, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Eglise Réformée de France 

(Reformed Church of France) 
Albaric, Maurice, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Cadier, Prof. Jean-René, S=III, C=IV/Women. . 
Eberhard, M. le pasteur Henri-Paul, S=IV, C=III. 


Altkatholische Kirche in Deutschland 
Steinwachs, Weihbischof Otto, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Evangelische Briider-Unitat 
Lutjeharms, Pastor Wilhelm, S=I, C=ITI. 
Evangelical Church in Germany 
Albertz, Superintendent Heinrich Franz Martin, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Asmussen, Prasident Hans Christian, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Bauer, Fabrikant Dr. Walter, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Benn, Oberkirchenrat Ernst-Viktor, S=IV, C=IV/Jews. 
Boehm, Propst Hans, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Collmer, Dr. Paul, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Eichhorn, Dr. Wilhelm Kar] Friedrich, S=IV, C= GV Reconsthhiction: 
Fricke, Oberkirchenrat Otto Erich Christian, S=III, C=IV/Jews. 
Hartenstein, Pralat Karl, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 


Iwand, Prof. Hans Joachim, S=III, C=IV/Jews. 
Karrenberg, Fabrikant Dr. Friedrich, S=III, c=Iil. 
Knak, Dr. Siegfried Gerhard, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Merz, Rektor Pfarrer Georg, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
N6pitsch, Fraulein Antonie, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Ritter, Prof. Gerhard, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Sch6nfeld, Oberkirchenrat Hans, S=IIIJ, C=1V/Laymen. 
Sommerlath, Prof. Karl Friedrich Ernst, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Staehlin, Bischof Wilhelm, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Steltzer, Oberprasident Theodor Hans Friedrich, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Tillmanns, Dr. Robert, S=IV, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 

Vereinigung der Deutschen Mennonitengemeinden 

(Mennonite Church) 
Schowalter, Pastor Otto, S=III, C=III. 

Greek Evangelical Church 
Hadjiantoniou, Rev. G. A. S=II, C=IV/ Jews. 

Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit 
(General Mennonite Society) 

de Zeeuw, Rev. Reinier, S=III, C=III. 

Bond van Vrije Evangelische Gemeenten in Nederland 
(Free Evangelical Congregations) 

Mietes, Rev. R., S=II, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Evangelisch Lutherse Kerk 
(Evangelical Lutheran Church) 

Ménnich, Rev. Conrad Willem, S=I, C=III. 

Pel, Rev. Cornelis, S=II, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Hersteld Evangelisch Luthers Kerkgenootschap 
(Restored Evangelical Lutheran Church) , 

Vermeulen, Dr. A., S=III, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Nederlands Hervormde Kerk 
(Dutch Reformed Church) 

Berkhof, Dr. Hendrikus, S=I, C= IV/Laymen. 

Scholten, Mr. Gerbert John, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

van der Linde, Dr. Hendrik, S=II, C=III. 

van Veen, Dr. Jan Mari, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Oud-Katholieke Kerk 
(Old Catholic Church) 

Maan, Rev. P. J., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Jans, Prof. Pieter Joseph, S=II, C=ITI. 
Remonstrantse Broederschap 
(Arminian Church) 

Kleijn, Rev. Francois, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Unie van Baptisten 
(Union of Baptists) 
Hardenberg, Rev. A. A., S=I, C=IV/Women. 

A Magyarorszagi Evangelikus Egyhaz 
(Lutheran Church of Hungary) c 
Lesko, Pastor Bela, S=IIJ, C=III. 
Posfay, Pastor Gyorgy, S=II, C=III. 


A Magyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz 
(Reformed Church of Hungary) 
Bodoky, Rev. Richard, S=I, C=III. 
Pakozdy, Prof. L. M. S=IV, C=IlIl. 
To’th, Rev. Peter, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Victor, Rev. John, $=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Church of South India 
Chandran, Rev. Joshua Russell, S=I, C=1IV/Women. 
+Madura, Bishop in, Rt. Rev. James Edward Lesslie Newbigin, S=IL, C=IHI. 
Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India 
Tranquebar, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Johannes Hjalmar Teodor, S=I, C=IHI. 
William, Rev. Nathanael Mylari, S=III, C=III. 
Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar 
Thomas, Rev. Panampunnayil, S=I, C=IiII. 
Orthodox Syrian Church of Malabar 
Philipos, Rev. Korah, S=I, C=III. 
United Church of Northern India 
Paul, Miss S., S=II, C=IV/Women. 

Chiesa Evangelica Valdese 
(Waldensian Church) 
Subilia, Mr. Vittorio, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Lietuvos Ev. Reformatu Baznycia 
(Reformed Church of Lithuania) 
Dilys, Mrs. Halina, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Iglesia Metodista de Mexico 
(Methodist Church of Mexico) 
Hernandez, Mr. Elias, S=1I, C=IV/Laymen. 

Church of the Province of New Zealand (Church of England) 
Nelson, Bishop of, Rt. Rev. Percival William, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Warren, Mrs. Doreen Eda, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Congregational Union of New Zealand 
Begg, Miss Jean, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
. Methodist Church of New Zealand. 
Cochran, Mrs. Joan Embury, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 
Whitelaw, Rev. Alan Campbell, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Norske Kirke 
(Church of Norway) 
Dietrichson, Rev. Johannes @degaard, S=I, C=III. 
Hauge, Rev. Henrik, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Hegermann, Miss Dina Bolette; S=HI, C=IV/Women. 
Morland, Mr. Arnt J., S=TI, C=IV/Laymen. 

Church of Christ in Siam 
Sinhanetra, Mr. Chinda, S=III, C=IV/Women. 


Methodist Church of South Africa ; 
Eddy, Mr. Matthew Hosking, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Iglesia Evangelica Espanola 
(Spanish Evangelical Church) 
Fliedner, Rev. Juan, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 

Svenska Kyrkan 
(Church of Sweden) 
Bromander, Folkskolinspektor Stech, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Hartman, Rev. Carl Olov, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Karlstroém, Dr. Nils Gustaf Fredrik, S=III, C=III. 
Lagerstroém, Mr. Herbert, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Runestam, Rt. Rev. Arvid, S=III, C=III. 
Sahlin, Dr. Margit, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
. Werner, Rev. Arnold, S=IV, C=III. 
Svenska Missionsforbundet 
(Swedish Mission Covenant) 
Eeg-Olofsson, Dr. Ansgar Olof Cato, S=I, C=III. 


Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz 

(Old Catholic Church) 
Couzi, Pfarrer J. B., S=1II, C=III. 

Féderation des Eglises Protestantes de la Suisse 

(Swiss Protestant Church Federation) | 
Frick, Pfarrer Ernst, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Menoud, Prof. Philippe-Henri, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 
Reverdin, M. Olivier-Jacques-Ernest, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
de Saussure, M. le prof. Jean, S=I, C=III. 
Staehelin, Prof. Ernst, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Strasser, Pastor O. E., S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 


Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland 
Brown, Rt. Hon. Ernest, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Dunning, Dr. Thomas George, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Martin, Dr. Hugh, S=I, C=III. 

Baptist Union of Scotland 
Clark, Rev. Alexander, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland 
Gray, Mr. James, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Church of England 
Allen, Rev. Ronald Edward Taylor, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

~~~ Baines, Rev. Canon Henry Wolfe, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

{Bliss, Mrs. Kathleen Mary, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Bruce, Rev. Michael, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Comber, Miss Winifred Margaret, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
tDemant, Rev. Canon Vigo Auguste, S=III, C=III. 
Fletcher, Dr. Eric George Molyneux, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Hardcastle, Miss Monica Alice, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Hickinbotham, Rev. James Peter, S=I, C=III. 
MacDonald, Dr. A. J., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Mance, Mr. Henry Stenhouse, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 


Miller, Mrs. Winifred Louisa, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Neill, Rt. Rev. Stephen Charles, S=II, C=I. “ 
Plumer, Hon. Eleanor Mary, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
+Riches, Rev. Kenneth, S=I, C=I. 
de Vere, Rev. Allan Augustin, S=I, C=III. 
Waddams, Rev. Herbert Montague, S=IV, C=IV/Jews. 
Walton, Rev. W. H. Murray, S=II, C=I. 
Weston, Mrs. Ruth Woltera, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Church of Ireland 
Lewis-Crosby, Very Rev. Ernest Henry, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Oulton, Rev. Canon John Ernest Leonard, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Church of Scotland 
Baird, Rev. Matthew Urie, S=IV, C=IV/Jews. 
McKerrow, Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Sutherland, Mrs. Anne Maclean, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
Tindal, Rev. William Strang, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
Congregational Union of England and Wales 
Ashton, Rev. Philip, S=II, C=III. 
Huxtable, Rev. William John Fairchild, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Northcott, Rev. Cecil, S=IV, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Watts, Rev. Sidney Maurice, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Episcopal Church in Scotland — 
Cockburn, Rev. Canon Norman John, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Methodist Church 
Carey, Mr. Francis Johnston, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Clutterbuck, Rev. Basil, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Harrison, Mr. John Geoffrey, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Johnson, Rev. George Edward Hickman, S=IV, C=IIl. 
Lewis, Mrs. Mildred Clarissa, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Roberts, Rev. Harold, S=I, C=III. 
Rupp, Rev. Ernest Gordon, S=I, C=III. 
Urwin, Mrs. Maud, S=1II, C=IV/Women. 
Wade, Rev. Wilfred, S=II, C=III. 
Presbyterian Church of England 
MacArthur, Rev. Arthur Leitch, S=I, C=III. 
Richardson, Rev. John Macdonald, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Presbyterian Church in Ireland 
Gaudin, Mr. Alec de Gruchy, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Irwin, Rev. James Alexander Hamilton, S=U, C=IV/Jews. 
_ Presbyterian Church of Wales 
Roberts, Rev. Robert Morris, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
United Free Church of Scotland 
Forrester-Paton, Mr. John, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

African Methodist Episcopal Church 
Blakeley, Rev. G. Wayman, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Heath, Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Williams, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 
Gregg, Bishop John Andrew, S=III, C=IIl. 
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 
Hall, Rev. George, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Thomas, Dr. David Prince, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Church of the Brethren 
Ellis, Dr. Calvert N., S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Miller, Dr. Joseph Quinter, S=III, C=HI. 


Coloured Methodist Episcopal Church 
Hamlett, Mrs. Lena A. Hercey, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Murchison, Rev. Elisha P., S= UI, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 

Congregational Christian Churches of the United States of America 
Coe, Dr. Albert Buckner, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Greene, Dr. Theodore Ainsworth, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Johnson, Dr. Charles S.. S=I, C=IHI. . 
Park, Miss Rosemary, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America 
Le Vander, Prof. Theodor, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Ryden, Dr. Ernest Edwin, S=III, C=III. 

Evangelical and Reformed Church 
Goetsch, Mrs. Paula, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 
+Niebuhr, Prof. Reinhold, S=III, C=HI. 

Schneider, Dr. Carl Edward, S=I, C=1V/ Reconstruction. 

Evangelical United Brethren Church 
Heininger, Dr. Harold Rickel, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Kellerman, Dr. Henry Arthur (Canada), S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Pieper, Supt. Rev. Ernst, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

International Convention of Disciples of Christ 
Adams, Dr. Hampton, S=II, C=IV/ Jews. 

De Groot, Dr. Alfred Thomas, S=I, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Sadler, Dr. Mc Gruder Ellis, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Wyker, Mrs. Mossie Allman, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Methodist Church 
Atkinson, Mr. George H., S=IV, GC=IV/Laymen. 
Blackard, Dr. Embree Hoss, S=III, C=IV/Women. 
Crane, Dr. Henry Hitt, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Fallon, Dr. George Albert, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Grant, Dr. A. Raymond, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
MacKinnon, Miss Sallie Lou, S=IV, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Moore, Bishop Arthur James, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Parlin, Mr. Charles C., S=IV, C=III. 

Patterson, Mr. D. Stewart, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Raines, Dr. Richard C., S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 

Shaw, Bishop Alexander P., S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Vivion, Dr. Joseph King, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

National Baptist Convention 
Bracy, Dr. James M., S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Coleman, Rev. Roger William, S=I, C=IV/Women. 
Lewis, Dr. Walter Oliver, S=II, C=III. 

Northern Baptist Convention 
Colwell, Mrs. Lula P., S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Gaines, Dr. David Porter, S=III, C=IV/ Reconstruction. 
Parsons, Mr. Edwin Webber, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 
Straton, Rev. Hillyer Hawthorne, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 

Miller, Dr. Patrick Dwight, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Richards, President James McDowell, S=I, C=III. 
Robinson, Dr. William Childs, S=1I, C=IV/Jews. 

Presbyterian Church in the United States of America 

Anderson, Rev. Harrison Ray, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Baird, Dr. Jesse H., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Barnes, Dr. George Emerson, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Moser, Mrs. Ruth Inez, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 


Van Dusen, Dr. Henry P., S=I, C=III. 
Protestant Episcopal Church 
Anderson, Miss Leila Warren, S= III, C=IV/Women. 
Ferris, Dr. Theodore Parker, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Morehouse, Mr. Clifford Phelps, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Sturtevant, Rt. Rev. Harwood, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 
Reformed Church in America 
Atwood, Rev. Bertram de Heus, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Linder, Mr. Clarence Hugo, S=II, C=III. 
Religious Society of Friends 
Brown, Mr. Thomas Shipley, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 
Trueblood, Prof. David Elton, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate in America 
Hategan, Rev. Vasile, S=I, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
United Lutheran Church in America 
Empie, Dr. Paul C., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
Herman, Dr. Stewart Winfield, Jun., S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 
}+Nolde, Dr. O. Frederick, S=IV, C=III. 
Wiegand, Miss A. Barbara, S=II, C=IV/Women. 
United Presbyterian Church of North America 
Moore, Rev. Ansley C., S=I, C=III. 
Rose, Rev. J. Calvin, S=1V, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Anglican Church of the West Indies 
Hughes, Rt. Rev. William James, S=IJI, C=IV/Women. 

Oecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople 
Timiadis, Archimandrite Emilian, S=IIJ, C=II. 


_Aitken, Dr. R. D., Great Britain, Church of Scotland, S=III, C=II. 

Anderson, Mr. Paul B., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=TII, C=IV/Jews. 

Applegarth, Miss Margaret T., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention, S=II, 
C=IV/Women. . 

Arbuthnot, Rey. Charles, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the United States of 
America, S=III, C=IV/Jews. 

Aubrey, Dr. Edwin E., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention, S=III, C=IV/ 


Wise iene Rev. G., Mexico, Methodist Church, S=IV, C=I. 

Baly, Mr. Denis, Great Britain, S=IJ, C=IV/Laymen. 

Banning, Dr. William, Netherlands, Nederlands Hervormde Kerk, S=III, C=III. 

Barnes, Rev. Roswell P., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the United States 
of America, S=IV, C=II. 

Barot, Mlle. Madeleine, France, Eglise Réformée de France, S=II, C=III. 

Barth, Prof. Karl, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=I, C=IV/ 

Beguin, M. Olivier, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Chureh Federation, S=I, 

Bell, Dr. Edwin A., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention, S=IJI, C=IV/ 


Bennett, Prof. John C., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A., 

Bereczky, Rev. Albert, Hungary, Reformed Church of Hungary, S=IV, C=I. 

Bilheimer, Rev. Robert S., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church of the United States of 
America, S=II, C=III. 

Bock, Mr. Paul J., U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed Church, Press. 

Brash, Rev. Alan A., New Zealand, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 
S=III, C=IV/Jews. 

Brash, Mr. Thomas C., New Zealand, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, 

Brunner, Prof. Emil, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=III, 

Carter, Rev. Henry, Great Britain, Methodist Churches in South and North 
Rhodesia, S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Cavert, Dr. Samuel M., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., S=I, C=II. 

Cavert, Mrs. Twila L., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., S=ILII, 

Chao, Prof. Tsu-Chen, China, Anglican Church in China, $=II, C=IV/Laymen. 

Clavier, Prof. E. M. F., France, Reformed Church of France, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 

Cleal, Rev. C. H., Great Britain, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 
S=I1], C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Conord, Pasteur Paul E.-F.-L., France, Reformed Church of France, S=TIII, 

Courvoisier, Prof. Jaques, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, 
S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 

Coxhill, Mr. H. W., Great Britain, Eglise du Christ au Congo, S=IV, G=IV/.: 

Craig, Rev. Clarence T., U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 

Cullberg, Rt. Rev. John Olof, Sweden, Church of Sweden, S=IV, C=IV/ 

Dakin, Rev. J. B., Great Britain, Church of England, S=IV, C=IV/ 

Devadutt, Prof. V. E., India, Baptist Church, S=I, C=III. 

Devanandan, Prof. Paul David, India, Church of South India, S=II, C=IV/ 
Laymen. ; 

de Dietrich, Mlle. Suzanne Anne, France, Reformed Church of France, S=IlI, 

Diffendorfer, Rev. Ralph Eugene, U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=II, C=III. 

Dixon, Rev. Stanley H., Great Britain, Methodist Church, S=II, C=II. 

Dodd, Prof. C. H., Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and Wales, 
S=I, C=III. 

Dulles, Mr. John Foster, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., S=IV, 
C=IV/Laymen. ; 

Eastman, Rev. E. Philip, Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and 
Wales, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Ehrenstrém, Pastor Nils L., Sweden, Church of Sweden, S=III, C=III. 

Espy, Rev. R. H. Edwin, U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention, C=III. 

Foster, Rev. John, Great Britain, Methodist Church, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Fraser, Miss Jean, Great Britain, Presbyterian Church of England, Youth 

Galbraith, Miss Winifred, Great Britain, Church of England, S=II, C=IV/ 
Gallagher, Rev. W. J., Canada, Presbyterian Church in Canada, S=I, C=III. 

Gamez, Rev. R. T., Mexico, Associated Presbyterian Reformed Church, $=II, 


Garber, Bishop Paul N., U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=IV, G=aTVy 

Garcia, Dr. Gumersindo, Philippines, Methodist Church, S=I, C=IV/ 

Garrison, Rev. Winfred E., U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of 
Christ, S=I, C=II. 

Goodall, Rev. Norman, Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and 
Wales, S=III, C=III. 

Graeflin, Rev. Godfrey, Switzerland and U.S.A., Methodist Church, Interpreter. 

Guillon, Pasteur C. F., France, Reformed Church of France, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Harkness, Prof. Georgia, U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 

Harland, Rev. L. W., Great Britain, Church of England, S=III, C=III. 

Hedenquist, Pastor Géte A. V., Sweden, Church of Sweden, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Henriod, Pasteur Henri-Louis, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, 

Hentsch, M. Gustave A., Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=I, 
C=IV/ Reconstruction. 

Hoekendijk, Dr. J. C., Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church, S=IV, C=II. 

Hoffmann, Dr. Conrad, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., S= II, C=IV/ 

Hggsbro, Provst Halfdan R., Denmark, Church of Denmark, S=TIII, C=IV/ 

Holt, Dr. P. E., Denmark, Church of Denmark, S=III, C=I1V/Women. 

Homrighausen, Dr. E. G., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., S=II, 

Horton, Mrs. Mildred McA., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the 
U.S.A., S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Hoyois, Rev. E. P., Belgium, Belgian Christian Missionary Church, S=I, C=I. 

Hsia, Mr. Ching Lin, China, Church of Christ in China, S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Hugenholtz, Rev. Johannes B. T., Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church, S=IV, 

~ C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Ihmels, Dr. Carl H., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany, S=II, C=IV/ 

Johnson, Rev. Frederick E., U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=III, C=IV/Laymen. 

Josephson, Dr. C. E., U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed, S=I, C=I. 

Kagi, Prof. Werner, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=IV, 

Karefa-Smart, Dr. John M., West Africa, Evangelical United Brethren Church, 
S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 

Karefa-Smart, Mrs. Rena J., U.S.A., African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 
S=HII, C=IV/Women. : 

Keller, Rev. Adolf, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=IV, 

Kellerhals, Rev. Emmanuel, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, 
S=II, C=TI. 

Keys, Rev. William, U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention, S=TIII, OF AG 

Kloppenburg, Rev. Heinrich F. O., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany, 

Kraemer, Dr. Hendrik, Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church, S=II, C=IV/ 
Laymen. . 

Larned, Bishop J. I. Blair, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=IV, C=II. 

Latourette, Dr. Kenneth S., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention, S=II, C=II. 

Leiper, Dr. Henry Smith, U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the 
U.S.A., S=IV, C=III. 



Lombard, M. Georges, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=IV, 
C=IHI1. . 

Lytle, Rev. Herbert C., U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Mackie, Rev. Robert C., Great Britain, Church of Scotland, S=II, C=IIl. 

Macy, Rev. Paul G., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the ULSi AN, 
S=II, C=IV/Women. 

Manikam, Mr. Rajah B., India, Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches 
in India, S=IV, C= Ill. 

Marcano, Lcdo. Hipolito, Puerto Rico, Evangelical Church of Puerto Rico, S=II, 

Maury, Rev. Pierre, France, Reformed Church of France, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Mirejovsky, Rev. Jan, Czechoslovakia, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, 
Youth Department. 

Morrison, Mr. Stanley A., Great Britain, Church of England, S=IV, C=IV/ 

Newell, Rev. Herbert W., New Zealand, Church of England, S=II, C=IV/Jews. 

Nicol, Rev. James H., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church of the U.S.A., S=II, C=II. 

Northam, Mr. Frank, Great Britain, Methodist Church, S=IV, C=III. 

Oderbolz, Rev. René, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation. 

Oldham, Rt. Rev. G. Ashton, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=IV, 
C=IV/ Reconstruction. 

Osnes, Mr. E., Norway, Church of Norway, S=II, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Pauck, Prof. Wilhelm, U.S.A., S=II, C=III. 

Pepper, Rev. Canon R. Almon, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=II, 
C=IV/ Reconstruction. 

Pidgeon, Rev. George Campbell, Canada, United Church of Canada, S=I, 
oe IV/Laymen. 

Pitsker, Rev. J. R., U.S.A., Methodist Church, Youth Department. 

Pradervand, Rev. Marcel, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, 

Prenter, Dr. Regin, Denmark, Church of Denmark, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 

Pyen, Pastor Fritz H., Korea, Methodist Church, S=I, C=IV/Laymen. 

Ramsay, Rev. A. M., Great Britain, Church of England, S=I, C=IV/Women. 

Ranson, Rev. Charles, Ireland, Methodist Church in Ireland, S=I, C=II. 

Rees, Rev. Elfan, Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and Wales, 
S=III, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Rees, Rev. Ronald D., Great Britain, Methodist Church, S=IV, C=IV/ 

Reissig, Rev. Frederick E., U.S.A., United Lutheran Church, Press. 

Rendtorff, Rev. C. A., Denmark, Church of Denmark, S=I, C=I. 

Rennie, Mr. Wesley F., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A., 
S=IV, C=IV/Laymen. 

Roux, Rev. H. A., France, Reformed Church of France, S=I, C=IV/ 

ere Rida W. Stanley, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., S=IV, 

Ryser, Rev. F. A., Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, Translator. 

Sandbaek, Rev. Harald, Denmark, Church of Denmark. 

Sauter, M. F.-Marc, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation, S=III. 

Schloesing, Pasteur Emile, France, Reformed Church of France, S=II, C=IV/ 

Schmidt, Rev. Paul, Germany, Baptist Church, S=II, C=II. 

Schyns, Rev. Matthieu, Belgium, Union of Protestant Evangelical Church of 
Belgium, S=IV, C=I. 


Schweitzer, Dr. Wolfgang E. F., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany, S=I, 

Siegmund-Schultze, Rev. F. W., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany, 
S=IV, C=IV/Reconstruction. 

Skydsgaard, Dr. K. E., Denmark, Church of Denmark, S=I, C=II. 

Stansgate, Viscountess, Great Britain, Church of England, S=I, C=IV/Women. 

Stowe, Rev. E. McK., U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=II, C=II. 

Sundkler, Dr. B. G. M., Sweden, Church of Sweden, S=II, C=II. 

Szeruda, Frau Anna, Poland, Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession, 
S=II, C=IV/Women. 

Thorkelson, Mr. Willmar, U.S.A., Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, 
Publicity and Press Department. 

Tobias, Rev. Robert, U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of Christ. 

Tomkins, Rev. Floyd W., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=I, C=II. 

Tomkins, Rev. Oliver S., Great Britain, Church of England, S=I, C=II. 

Trickett, Dr. A. Stanley, U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=IV, C=IHI. 

Visser ’t Hooft, Dr. W. A., Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

van Asbeck, Baron F. M., Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church, S=IV, C=II. 

van Asch van Wyck, Miss Cornelia M., Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church 
S=II, C=IV/Women. 

van Beijma, Dr. U. H., Indonesia, S=IV, C=II. 

van Kirk, Rev. Walter, U.S.A., S=IV, C=III. 

Waddell, Dr. Richard L., Brazil, Presbyterian Church, S=III, C=III. 

Wenzel, Mr. Jorge F., Argentina, Disciples of Christ, S=IV, C=II. 

Westphal, Rev. Charles, France, Reformed Church of France, $=I, C=IV/ 

de Weymarn, M. Alexandre, Esthonia, Lutheran Church, Press Service. 

Wickham, Rev. Edward Ralph, Great Britain, Church of England, $=I, C=IV/ 

Wilson, Rev. W. Iain G., Great Britain, Church of Scotland, S=IV, C=III. 

Woodward, Miss Eileen May, Australia, Presbyterian Church of Australia, S=II, 

Wu, Mr. George K. T., China, Methodist Church, S=II, C=IV/Laymen. 

Wu, Dr. Yi Fang, China, Presbyterian Church, S=II, C=IV/Women. 

Wyon, Miss Olive, Great Britain, Presbyterian Church of England, $=I, C=IV/ 



Bartlett, Mr. P. W., Great Britain, Quaker-Friends World Committee, S=IV, 
C=I. | 

Decker, Dr. John W., U.S.A., International Missionary Council, S=IV, C=I. 

Horton, Prof. Walter M., U.S.A., International Congregational Council, $=II, 
C=IV/Jews. — 

Knapp, Rev. Forest L., U.S.A., World Council of Christian Education, S=II, 

Maury, M. Philippe, France, World’s Student Christian Federation, S=IV, C=II. 

Michelfelder, Dr. S. C., U.S.A., Lutheran World Federation, S=III, C=IV/ 

Ohrn, Dr. A. T., Norway, Baptist World Alliance, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Olson, Rev. Oscar F., U.S.A., Methodist Ecumenical Council, $=II, C=IV/ 
Jews. . 

Poling, Dr. Daniel A., U.S.A., World’s Christian Endeavour Union, S=IV, 
C=IV/ Reconstruction. 


Riemers, Dr. C., The Netherlands, Federation of Deaconesses, S=Il, C=IV/ 

Roberts, Miss Helen, Great Britain, World’s Young Women’s Christian Associa- 
tion, S=IV, C=IV/Women. 

Romig, Rev. Edgar F., U.S.A., Presbyterian World Alliance, S=II, C=I. 

Strong, Mr. Tracy, U.S.A., World’s Young Men’s Christian Association, S=I, 

Temple, Dr. John R., Great Britain, United Bible Societies, S=I, C=IV/Jews. 


Bradford, Miss Marjorie, Canada, International Refugee Organisation. 
Dovlo, Rev. C. K., West Africa, Ewe Church of West Africa. 

Glumac, Prof. D., Yugoslavia, Faculty of Theology, Belgrade. 

Graham, Rev. Billy, U.S.A., Youth for Christ International Incorporation. 
Hager, Mr. Harry J., U.S.A., Youth for Christ International Incorporation. 
Grunberg, Most Rev. T., Esthonia, Lutheran Church of Esthonia. 
Johnson, Dr. Torrey M., U.S.A., Youth for Christ International Incorporation. 
Kempff, Mr. D., South Africa, Gereformeerde Kerk. 
Limouze, Rev. A. H., U.S.A., World Stewardship Union. 

Liu, Mr. Tze An, China, Presbyterian Church of Formosa. 

Martin, Mr. P. W., Great Britain, U.N.E.S.C.O. 

Poerbowijogo, Rev. P., Indonesia, Central Java Church. 

Ratefy, Rev. D., France, Reformed Church in Madagascar. 

Richter, Rev. P. S., Africa, Church of the Gold Coast. 

Ruden, Rev. Erik, Sweden, Baptist Union of Sweden. 

Rutrle, Prof. Otto, Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Church. 

Simon, Rev. K. M., India, Jacobite Syrian Church. 

Simpson, Rev. W. W., Great Britain, Council of Christians and Jews. 
Sweetser, Dr. Arthur, U.S.A., United Nations Organisation. 

Terins, Rev. Janis, Latvia, Lutheran Church. 

Versteeg, Mr. K., The Netherlands, International Labour Office. 


Adams, Dr. Earl F., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention. 

Adams, Rev. Theodore F., U.S.A., Southern Baptist Convention. 

Albright, Dr. L. S., Canada, United Church of Canada. 

Allen, Mrs. A. J., U.S.A., African Methodist Episcopal Church. 

Allen, Mrs. G. F., Egypt, Church of England. 

Araya, Rev. Samuel, Chile, Methodist. 

Arnup, Very Rev. Jesse H., Canada, United Church of Canada. 

Arvidson, Mrs. Ida, Sweden, Methodist Church. ; 

Baeta, Miss Annie R., British West Africa, Ewe Presbyterian Church of the 
Gold Coast. 

Baines, Mrs. N. E., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Baird, Mrs. James, New Zealand, Presbyterian Church. 

Barfoot, Mrs. W. F., Canada, Church of England. 

Bath, Rev. Kenneth E., U.S.A., National Council of Community Churches. 

Bavinck, Dr. J. H., The Netherlands. 

Beckman, Rev. Teodor, Sweden, Church of Sweden. 

Bell, Mrs. Henrietta, Great Britain, Church of England. 

Benoit, Rev. Jean-Paul E., France, Reformed Church of France. 


Bennett, Rev. G. L. J., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Bergstrand, Rev. Wilton E., U.S.A., Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of 
North America. 

Bingle, Mr. E. J., Great Britain, Methodist Church. 

Blake, Dr. Eugene C., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Blamey, Rev. J. H., Great Britain, Methodist Church. 

Blattert, Mr. Samuel, U.S.A., Evangelical United Brethren Church. 

Boldeanu, Father Vasile, Roumania, Orthodox Roumanian Church in Paris. 

Bobrinskoy, Mr. Boris, Russian in exile, Orthodox. 

Boyd, Dr. W. Sproule, U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Briggs, Mrs. Horace W., U.S.A., Church of the New Jerusalem. 

Brilioth, Mrs. Y., Sweden, Church of Sweden. 

Brown, Mrs. Ernest, Great Britain, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 

Brown, Rev. G. Alfred, U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Brutsch, Rev Charles, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation. 

Bihler, Rev. Paul, Switzerland, Reformed Church. 

Burnett, Rev. Philip Stephen, Great Britain, Church of England. 

Carpenter, Dr. Homer W., U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of 

Carruthers, Rt. Rev. T. N., U.S.A. 

Chimbadzwa, Rev. Josiah M., West Africa, Methodist Church of West Africa. 

Chamberlain, Rev. Elsie, Great Britain, Congregational. 

Chandler, Rev. Edgar H. S., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the 

Charters, Miss C. P., Great Britain. 

Chen, Mr. Gerald, China. 

Christensen, Dr. Bernhard, U.S.A., Lutheran Free Church. 

Christie, Rev. H. C., Norway, Church of Norway. 

Christie, Miss Grace K., India, United Church of Northern India. 

Cleverdon, Dr. Leroy G., U.S.A., Southern Baptist Convention. 

Coerper, Schwester, Germany, Evangelical Church of Germany. 

Cole, Rev. Franklin P., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A. 

Collins, Rev. Lewis J., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Connally, Rev. Joseph, U.S.A., Methodist. 

Cooperrider, Rev. E. A., U.S.A., United Lutheran Church in America. 

Craandijk, Mr. H., The Netherlands, General Mennonites Society. 

Crittenden, Rev. William, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal. 

Crous, Mrs. Therese, Germany, Mennonite Church. 

Curwen, Miss Annie May, Great Britain, Church of England. 

Davies, Rev. Canon D. J., New Zealand, Church of the Province of New Zealand. 

Deaton, Dr. John L., U.S.A., United Lutheran Church in America. 

Delbruck, M. J. J. C., France, Evangelical Lutheran Church of France. 

Dietrich, Rev. Martin O., U.S.A., United Lutheran Church in America. 

Dirks, Rev. Henry J., U.S.A., American Lutheran Church. 

Ditzen, Dr. Lowell R., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Dodd, Mrs. C. H., Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and Wales. 

Dohms. Dr. H., Brazil, Evangelical Church. 

Dreyer, Rev. P. S., South Africa, Nederduits Hervormde Kerk of Africa. 

Ducker, Rev. V. T., Great Britain. 

Dudley, Mrs. Raymond, New Zealand, Methodist Church. 

Eastvold, Dr. S. C., U.S.A., Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

Eder, Rev. Dewey R., U.S.A., Evangelical United Brethren Church. 

Eichelberger, Dr. J. W., U.S.A., African Methodist Episcopal Zion. 

Emerson, Miss Mabel E., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of U.S.A. 

Engelbrecht, Rev. B. J., South Africa, Nederduits Hervormde Kerk. 


Evans, Mrs. Anne May, Great Britain, Presbyterian Church of Wales. 

Evans, Mrs. Dorothy Gertrude, Great Britain, Baptist Union of Great Britain 
and Ireland. 

Evans, Rev. Hugh Ivan, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Evans, Rev. Wilford H., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of U.S.A. 

Fagel, Mr. Pieter, The Netherlands, Reformed Church. 

Fairfield, Dr. Wynn C., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of U.S.A. 

Feisser, Mr. Louet, The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

Flew, Mrs. R. Newton, Great Britain, Methodist. 

Foote, Dr. Gaston, U.S.A., Methodist. 

Ford, Mrs. Kitty Ann, Canada, United Church of Canada. 

Freeman, Dr. Alfred H., U.S.A., Methodist. 

Gardner, Rev. William V., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Gerdener, Mrs. G. B. A., South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church. 

Gerstenmaier, Oberkirchenrat E., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

Gibson, Miss B. D., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Gibson, Miss Henrietta, U.S.A. 

Gill, Mr. R. H., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Godal, Dr. Tord, Norway, Church of Norway. 

Gotwald, Dr. Luther A., U.S.A., United Lutheran Church in America. 

Grasmo, Rev. Andreas, Norway, Church of Norway. 

Greene, Mrs. S. L., U.S.A. 

Gregg, Mrs. L. A., Great Britain, Church of Ireland. 

Gregg, Mrs. J. L., U.S.A., African Methodist Episcopal Church. i 

Gresham, Dr. Perry, U.S.A., International Convention, of Disciples of Christ. 

Grin, Prof. Edmond, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation. 

Guldseth, Mr. Bernard, U.S.A. 

Hackett, Rev. Allan, U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches. 

Harms, Dr. John, U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of Christ. 

Harrison, Miss Mary L., Canada, Church of England. 

Hazelton, Rev. Roger, U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A. 

Heath, Mrs. Kathryn C., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 

Heaton, Dr. George D., U.S.A., Southern Baptist Convention. 

Heide, Rev. Robert S., U.S.A., United Lutheran Church in America. 

Heinemann, Oberburgermeister G., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

Hendricks, Rev. Roy J., U.S.A., Methodist Church. ; 

Herbster, Dr. Benjamin M., U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed Church. ., 

Herntrich, Herr Volkmar M., Germany, Lutheran. 

Higa, Rev. Yshio, Okinawa, Methodist. 

Hjortland, Rev. E. S., U.S.A., Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

Hodges, Mrs. V. J., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Hoevers, Rev. D. G., The Netherlands, Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

Hogg, Mrs. M. E., Great Britain, Church of England. ’ 

Holand, Rev. Clifford B., U.S.A. 

Hollis, Mrs. R. T., U.S.A., Coloured Methodist Episcopal Church. 

Hornig, Bishop E. W. E., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

Hostetter, Mrs. Henriette G., U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed Church. 

Howse, Mrs. E. M., Canada, Church of England in Canada. 

Ickes, Rev. W. E., U.S.A. 

Jackson, Mrs. Abbie E. V., U.S.A., African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 

Jorgensen, Dr. Alfred T., Denmark, Church of Denmark. 

Johnson, Dr. C. Oscar, U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention. 

Jones, Mrs. H. W., Great Britain, Methodist Church. 

Kaloustian, Dr. Shnorhk, Palestine, Armenian Church. 

Kennedy, Rev. J. O., Great Britain. 




Kennedy, Dr. James W., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 

Kin, Rev. On, Burma, Methodist Church. 

Kirkby, Mrs. Laura Miriam, Union of South Africa, Methodist Church of South 

Kishi, Rev. Chitose, Japan, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Japan. 

Kissling, Dr. Albert J., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the United States. 

Knoff, Dr. Gerald E., U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Kreyssig, Prasident Lothar, Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

Kruyt, Rev. J., Indonesia, Toradja Church in Indonesia. 

Kurtz, Pfarrer Adolf, Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

Lacey, Miss Janet, Great Britain, Methodist Church. 

Lagerwey, Bishop E., The Netherlands, Old Catholic Church. 

Lakra, Rev. Joel, India, Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India. 

Langston, Dr. Ira, U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of Christ. 

Larson, Mr. Reuben, U.S.A. 

Lazareth, Mr. William Henry, U.S.A., United Lutheran Church. 

Leber, Dr. Charles T., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Lebrun, Mlle. Jeanne, France, Reformed Church of France. 

Leonardson, Mr. Otto, U.S.A., Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North 

Loh, Mr. Kai Zung, China, Methodist Church. 

Lowe, Dr. Arnold H., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Lyman, Mrs. Mary E., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A. 

Maas, Dr. Hermann, Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

MacFarlane, Mrs. Lilian E., Canada, United Church of Canada. 

McLuskey, Rev. J. Fraser, Great Britain, Church of Scotland. 

McNair, Captain Elisha B., U.S.A. 

McNeill, Miss Mary A., North Ireland, Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 

Marin, Pastor M.G., Spain, Spanish Evangelical Church. 

Marsie-Hazen, Blatta W. K., Ethiopia, Coptic Orthodox Church of Ethiopia. 

Martin, Mrs. Nellie E., U.S.A., Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North 

Martin, Mrs. Alice M., Great Britain, Society of Friends. 

Maurer, Pfarrer Karl, Switzerland, Swiss Protestant Church Federation. 

Mayeda, Dr. Goro, Japan, Free Church in Tokyo. 

Michelis, Frau Adela, Poland, Evangelical Church of the Augsburgian Confession. 

Miller, Spencer, Jun., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 

Miller, Mrs. Margaret, US.A., United Presbyterian Church of North America. 

Moore, Mrs. Margaret H., U.S.A., United Presbyterian Church of North America. 

Morong, Rev. Carrol O., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention. 

Mowll, Mrs. D. A., Australia, Church of England. 

Myers, Mrs. Doreen M., U.S.A., Church of the Brethren. 

Newell, Mrs. H. W., New Zealand, Church of the Province of New Zealand. 

Nooe, Rev. Roger T., U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of Christ. 

Ockenga, Dr. Harold John, US.A., Congregational Churches of the U.S.A. 

Olsen, Dr. Oscar Thomas, U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Oster, Rev. K. B., Sweden, Church of Sweden. 

Owen, Rev. George E., U.S.A., International Convention of Disciples of Christ. 

Paul, Rev. Robert S., Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and 

Paulus, Mr. Rao Saheb, India, Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches. 

Payne, Dr. Paul C., U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Penner, Rev. Albert J., U.S.A., Congregational Christian Churches of the U.S.A. 

Pernow, Rev. Birger, Sweden, Church of Sweden. 

Pierce, Mrs. Katharine C., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 



Powell, Rev. John H. W., U.S.A., Reformed Church in America. 

Pyfrom, Miss Eunice, Canada, United Church of Canada. 

Quimby, Dr. Karl K., U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Roberts, Mrs. R. M., Great Britain, Presbyterian Church of Wales. 

Robinson, Mr. David M., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Roessingh, Dr. M. J., The Netherlands, Arminian Church. 

Ross, Dr. Emory, U.S.A., Disciples of Christ. 

Rouse, Miss Ruth, Great Britain, Church of England. 

Runestam, Mrs. Lucie, Sweden, Church of Sweden. 

Sanders, Rev. Carl J., U.S.A., Methodist. 

Schenck, Rev. Harold W., U.S.A., Reformed Church in America. 

Schepper, Prof. J. M. J., The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

Schmidt, Dr. John, United Lutheran Church in America. 

Schroeder, Dr. Paul M., U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed Church. 

Schwarzhaupt, Dr. Elizabeth, Germany, Evangelical Church of Germany. 

Scranton, Dr. Walter L., U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Seasholes, Dr. Charles L., U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention. 

Sherman, Mrs. Margaret, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 

Sibley, Mrs. Georgiana F., U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 

Sigg, M. Ferdinand, Switzerland, Methodist. 

Sinclair, Miss Margaret, Great Britain, Church of England. 

Smith, Rev. D. Allon, Great Britain, Presbyterian Church of England. 

Smith, Mrs. A. Lloyd, Canada, United Church of Canada. 

Smith, Dr. Eugene L., U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Smith, Rev. J. O., U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Séderblom, Mrs. Anna, Sweden, Church of Sweden. 

Standley, Miss Doris H., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Stephenson, Mrs. P. W., New Zealand, Church of the Province of New Zealand. 

Stockwell, Rev. B. Foster, U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Stockwell, Mrs. Vera L., U.S.A., Methodist Church. 

Stratenwerth, Pastor Gerhard, Germany, Evangelical Church of Germany. 

Swilley, Dr. Monroe, U.S.A., Southern Baptist Convention. 

Symons, Mr. Albert Edmond, Australia, Methodist Church. 

Takase, Bishop Augustine T., Japan, Episcopal Church. 

Tahevali, Propst Alexander, Esthonia, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Esthonia. 

ten Have, Mr. J., The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

Thomson, Miss Janet N. B., Great Britain, Church of Scotland. 

Thorne, Mr. Samuel, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church. 

Tiga, Rev. J. J. P., India, Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India. 

Unruh, Mr. John David, U.S.A., Mennonite Central Committee. 

Ure, Miss Ruth, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 

Urwin, Mrs. Maud A., Great Britain, Methodist Church. 

Vasady, Mrs. Bela, Hungary, Reformed Church of Hungary. 

Vasiloschi, Archpriest S$. E., Germany, Roumanian Orthodox Church. 

Visser ’t Hooft, Mrs. Henrietta P. J., The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church 
and Reformed Church of France. 

Voksg, Mr. Per, Norway, Church of Norway. 

van Boetzelaer, Dr. C. W. T., The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

van der Oord, Rt. Rev. J., The Netherlands, Old Catholic Church. 

van Heemstra, Mrs. C. M., The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

van Randwijck, Count S. C., The Netherlands, Dutch Reformed Church. 

von Hentzig, Dr. G. W. O., Germany, Evangelical Church in Germany. 

Walker, Rev. Harold Earle, Canada, Society of Friends. 

Walker, Rev. Ralph Curry, U.S.A., Northern Baptist Convention. 

Weddell, Miss Sue, U.S.A., Reformed Church in America. 


Wentz, Dr. Abdel Ross, U.S.A., United Lutheran Church in America. 

Whitehorn, Mrs. Constance M., Great Britain, Presbyterian Church of England. 

Whitelaw, Mrs. Mary Dorothea, New Zealand, Presbyterian Church of New 

Wickstrom, Rev. Werner T., Poland, Methodist Church. 

Wilkinson, Rev. A. H., Great Britain, Church of England. 

Williams, Dr. Clayton E., U.S.A. 

Willis, Sir Frank, Great Britain, Congregational Union of England and Wales. 

Wolf, Rev. Wilmert E., U.S.A., Evangelical United Brethren. 

Woolever, Mrs. Eloise, U.S.A., Methodist. 

Wright, Rev. Andrew, Great Britain, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 

Zander, Mrs. Valentine, Russian in exile, G£cumenical Patriarchate of Con- 


Aftonomos, Byron, Cyprus, Orthodox Church, S=IV. 

Alexich, Beatrice, Switzerland, Reformed Church, S=II. 
Anagnostopoulos, Basil, Turkey, Orthodox Church, S=II. 
Anhegger, Friedl, Germany, Lutheran Church, S=IV. 
Arulanandom, Fred, Malaya, Anglican Church, S=IV. 

Ausejo, Luz, Philippine Islands, United Churches of Christ, S=I. 
Barnett, L. Palin, Great Britain, Methodist Church, S=III. 
Barreiro, Julio, Uruguay, Methodist Church, S=III. 

Begho, Mason, Nigeria, Congregational Church, S=IV. 

Berry, Donald, U.S.A., Congregational Church, S=I. 

Capo, Humberto, Spain, Methodist Church, S=II. 
Charlesworth, G., Australia, Methodist Church, S=II. 
Chesterman, Heather, Great Britain, Baptist Union, S=I. 
Chevallier, Max-Alain, France, Reformed Church of France, S=III. 
Chien, Sheila, China, Presbyterian Church, S=III. 

Cook, Calvin, South Africa, Presbyterian Church, S=III. 
Corvillon, Benito, Spain, Evangelical Churches of Christ, S=E 
Cox, Alva, U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=II. a 

Dehqani, Hassan, Iran, Episcopal Church, S=II. 

Deitz, Barbara, U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed Church, S=III. 
Devanesan, Chandran, India, Church of South India, S=IV. 
Dodds, Patricia, Great Britain, Church of England, S=IV. 
Downing, George, U.S.A., Society of Friends, S=I. 

_ Edwards, Margaret, Great Britain, Presbyterian Church, S=III. 
Ekollo, Thomas, Cameroon, Reformed Church, S=IV. 

Elliott, Gordon, Canada, Anglican Church, S=I. 

Farrar, James, U.S.A., Disciples of Christ, S=III. 

Foley, Kathleen, Australia, Methodist Church, S=IV. 
Frederikson, Roger, U.S.A., Baptist Church, S=II. 

Frimpong, Margaret, Gold Coast, Africa, Presbyterian Church, S=III. 
Geake, Merle, Canada, United Church of Canada, S=II. 
Gilkison, Norman, New Zealand, Presbyterian Church, S=IV. 
Girardet, Giorgio, Italy, Waldensian Church, S=II. 

Goransson, Géran, Sweden, Lutheran Church, S=III. 
Grgnningsaeter, Fred, Norway, Lutheran Church, S=IV. 
Gschwend, Francis, Switzerland, Reformed Church, S=I. 
Hammer, Wolfgang, Germany, Methodist Church, S=II. 

Hobson, Joan, Australia, Church of England, S=III. 


Hodos, Frederick, Hungary, Lutheran Church, S=IV. 

Honore, Paul, Denmark, Lutheran Church, S=I. 

Jones, Penry, Great Britain, Congregational Church, S=IV. 
Jones-Davies, David, Great Britain, Presbyterian Church, S=III. 
Jontschev, Kyrill, Bulgaria, Orthodox Church, S=III. 

Kelada, Isis, Egypt, Coptic Orthodox Church, S=II. 

Khodre, George, Lebanon, Orthodox Church, S=I. 

Klauder, Helen, U.S.A., Lutheran Church, S=II. 

Kleef, G. A. van, The Netherlands, Old Catholic Church, S=I. 
Kline, Kathryn, U.S.A., Evangelical and Reformed. Church, S=I. 
Koch, Werner, Austria, Evangelical Church, S=IV. 

Kononen, Paula, Finland, Orthodox Church, S=II. 

Krapp, Rolf, Germany, Lutheran Church, S=III. 

Kretser, Bryan de, Ceylon, Reformed Church, S=II. 

Kumaresan, Jacob, India, Tamil Evangelical Lutheran, S=II. 
Li, Chu Wen, China, Baptist Church, S=IV. 

Luze, Daisy de, Belgium, Reformed Church, S=II. 

Magee, Maxwell, Great Britain, Church of Scotland, S=IV. 
McCrea, Basil, Great Britain, Methodist Church, S=IV. 

Mikuloua, Qarva, Czechoslovakia, Reformed Church, S=III. 
Mills, Edward, U.S.A., Methodist Church, S=IV. 

Molloy, Neale, Australia, Church of England, S=II. 

Missener, Karl, Germany, Reformed Church, S=II. 

Myers, Carl, U.S.A., Brethren, S=IV. 

Nieuwenhuijze, J. van, The Netherlands, Reformed Church, S=I. 
Nissiotis,. Nik, Greece, Orthodox Church, S=I. } 
Ntsane, K. E., South Africa, Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, S=III. 
Ohm, Joseph, Korea, Presbyterian Church, S=TIII. 

Oosterlee, Wilhelmina, The Netherlands, Reformed Church, S=III. 
Parsons, William, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=II. 
Pitts, Gwen, U.S.A., Baptist, S=III. 

Porto, Olga, Cuba, Presbyterian Church, S=I. 

Potter, Philip, Jamaica, Methodist Church, S=TIII. 

Poulos, Jean, Greece, Orthodox Church, S=IV. 

Ramamonjy, Raymonde, Madagascar, Malagasy, S=III. 

Robinson, David, Great Britain, Church of England, S=I. 
Robinson, Walter, New Zealand, Church of England, S=I. 

Ryrie, Anne, Canada, Presbyterian Church, S=II. 

Sanchez, Gildo, Porto Rico, Methodist Church, S=IV. 

Schlatter, Dora, Germany, Lutheran Church, S=II. 

Schmemann, Alexandre, Russian in exile, Orthodox Church, S=I. 
Schultz, Gerhard, Germany, Uniert, S=I. 

Shedd, Helen, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church, S=II. 

Sigar, Thomas, Indonesia, Protestant Church in Indonesia, S=IV. 
Singh, Ram, India, United Church of Northern India, $=III. 
Siregar, J. E., Indonesia, Batak Church, S=II. 

Stainton, Elmer, Canada, Disciples, S=I. 

Szabo, Eva, Hungary, Reformed Church in Hungary, S=I. 
Theodhorou, Andreas, Cyprus, Orthodox Church, $=III. 
Thomas, Annamma, India, Mar Thoma Syrian Church, S=I. 
Thomson, Miss Janet, Great Britain, Church of Scotland, S=II. 
Timotheieff, Vera, Russian in exile, Orthodox Church, S=II. 
Urdze, Paulis, Baltic displaced person, Lutheran Church, S=III. 
Valencia, Hector, Colombia, Presbyterian Church, S=IV. 
Velasco, Alfonso, Mexico, Methodist Church, S=IV. 

Wery, Joost, The Netherlands, Remonstrants, S=I. 

Weston, Trevor, Great Britain, Church of England, S=I. 

Wickremesinghe, C., Ceylon, Church of Ceylon, S=TIII. 

Williamson, Lamar, U.S.A., Presbyterian Church, S=I. 

Wolfgang, Marvin, U.S.A., Evangelical United Brethren, S=IV 

Wyk, Johannes van, South Africa, Reformed Church, S=I. 

Zabriskie, Philip, U.S.A., Protestant Episcopal Church, S=TIII. 


147 churches were represented at Amsterdam from 44 countries. There were 
351 delegates, 238 alternates. Of the delegates 270 were clerics and 81 were 
lay men or women. 

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ALTERNATES, 16, 19, 129, 
165, 203, 226, 227, 247-55 

Amendments to the Constitu- 
tion, 201 (see also Com- 
mittee I and Constitution) 

Assemblies, 28, 109-16, 117, 125, 
129-30, 143, 198, 203, 212 

Authority of the World Council 
of Churches, 198 

BASIS, 115, 121, 197, 202 
Bible Societies, 132-3 

COMMISSION on the Work of 
Women in the Church, 138, 
142, 143 

Commission of the Churches on 
International Affairs, 15, 27, 
95, 102, 133, 138, 143, 1455 
194, 195 

Committees of the Assembly, 18, 
42, 106-7 

I. 108-21, 121-3, 225 

II. 124-33, 133-7, 225 

III. 738-43, 144-5, 225 

IV. (1) Women in the Church, 
19, 107, 146-8, 148-52, 216, 
225; (2) Significance of 
Laity, 19, 107, 153-6, 156-9, 
216, 226; (3) Approach to 
Jews, 19, 107, 160-4, 164-6, 
225; (4) Reconstruction, 19, 
107, 167-72, 226 

Committee, Arrangements, 17, 

Business, 28, 43, 203, 223 
Central, 108, 109, 111, 
hae, 115; 116, 1147-18, 
120, 121, 124, 125, 130, 
139, 140, 142, 164, 197, 



199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205- 
207} )200) 210, 291, 212; 213; 
215-16, 217-19 
Credentials, 42, 43, 224, 230 
Executive, 118, 140, 203, 204, 
206, 207, 210, 211 
Fourteen, 26, 27 
Message, 42, 43-4, 224 
Nominations, 42, 43, 117, 204- 
205, 206, 213-19, 223-4 
Press, 224 
Provisional, 26, 27, 28, 30, 44, 
109, 115, 135 
Communion (Holy Communion 
Services), 17, 41 
Confessional Organisations, 131, 
Constitution, 28, 29, 106, 108-16, 
134, 197-201 (see also Com- 
mittee I) 
Consultants, 24, 203, 211, 255-9 

DELEGATES, 16, 24, 128, 208, 
225, 230-47 

ECUMENICAL Institute, 14, 
27, 33, 143, 156 

Ecumenical Press Service, 14, 27, 
135, 138, 143, 148 

Ecumenical Review, 126-7, 135-6, 

Evangelism, 68-9, 70, 126, 135, 
138, 143, 190-1, 197 

FAITH and Order, 12, 13, 25, 
26, 109, 110, 114, 115, 125, 
138, 140, 143, 197, 198, 200 

Finance, 119, 122, 125, 129, 138- 
139, 141-5, 208-9 

1 Figures in italics indicate official text of report or resolution as adopted by 

the Assembly. 


Fraternal Delegates, 201, 204, 

GENERAL Secretariat, 138, 140, 
143, 202, 206, 209, 210 

HUMAN Rights, 96 


International Missionary Coun- 
cil, 125,26, 735.73» Os 11253 
130-1, 138, 145 

JEWS (see Committee IV (3)) 

LAYMEN, 129, 140, 199 (see also 
Committee IV (2)) 

Life and Work, 12, 13, 2h, 26, 
109, 114, 197, 200 

MEMBERSHIP, 108, 116, 124, 
197, 202-3 

Message of the Assembly, 9, 44 
(see also Committee, Mes- 

Missions (see International Mis- 
sionary Council) 

NATIONAL Councils, 131, 201 
Nature of the World Council of 
Churches, 56, 127-8, 136 

Netherlands Government and 
authorities, 32, 39, 44-5, 173- 
174, 221-2 

OBSERVERS, 203, 260 
Offices, 125 
Oslo, 15 

PLENARY Sessions, 18, 27-39, 
42-5, 57-03, 71-3, 82-7, 100-5, 
121-3, 133-7, 144-5, 148-52, 

Presidents, 113, 122, 214-5, 216- 
a ge +, 



Press, 45, 96 (see also Publicity 
and Ecumenical Press Ser- 

Prisoners of War, 138, 143, 168-9 
Provisional Committee (see 
Committee, Provisional) 

Public Meetings, 19,175 

Public Statements, 120, 128, 2I0- 

Publicity Department, 126, 135, 
138, 140, 143 

ment, 27, 138-9, 143, 144, 
145, 167, 171, 175 (see also’ 
Committee IV (4)) : 

Refugees and Refugee Division, | 
27, 95-6, 138, 169-70, 172, 

Registration (see Incorporation) 

Religious Liberty, 97-9 

Review (see Ecumenical Review) 

Roman Catholics, 30, 32, 43 

Rules, 116, 201, 202-13 

Russian Orthodox, 30, 32, 216 

SECTIONS, 18, 42, 47-50 
I. 33-5, 51-7, 57-63, 188, 224 
II. 33, 35-6, 64-70, 71-3, 190, 
III. 36-8, 74-82, 82-7, 192, 225 
IV. 38-9, 88-99, 100-5, 194, 225 
Services (see Worship) 
Staff, 139, 143, 209-10 
Study Department, 27, 45, 47-8, 
125-6, 133, 138, 140, 143, 197 

‘THEME, 32, 47, 184 

95, 96, 104, 133, 138, 170-1, 
L7e. e) 

Utrecht, 14, 26, 28 

VISITORS, 16, 20, 24, 260-1 

INDEX 271 

WOMEN (see Committee IV (1)) 

World Council of Christian 
Education, 132 — 

World’s Student Christian 
Federation, 132, 187 

Worship, 16-18, 21, 39, 45, 174 

YMCA, 132, 158, 187, 191 

Younger Churches, 31, 57-8, 62, 
63, 159, 215 y 

Youth Delegation, 16, 20, 24, 44, 
174, 183-96, 204, 226, 22%, 

Youth Department, 27, 138, 143, 
145, 187 

YWCA, 132, 187, 191 

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